Trophime Bigot Oil Paintings

Trophime Bigot [French painter, 1579-1650]

A Doctor Examining Urine canvas painting, 50524-Bigot, Trophime-A Doctor Examining Urine.jpg Oil Painting ID: 50524 | Order the painting

Boy Singeing a Bat's Wings canvas painting, 50525-Bigot, Trophime-Boy Singeing a Bat's Wings.jpg Oil Painting ID: 50525 | Order the painting

St canvas painting, 50526-Bigot, Trophime-St Jerome.jpg Oil Painting ID: 50526 | Order the painting

Der Hl Sebastian wird von Irene geheilt canvas painting, 50527-Bigot, Trophime-Der Hl Sebastian wird von Irene geheilt.jpg Oil Painting ID: 50527 | Order the painting

Singer with a Candle canvas painting, 50528-Bigot, Trophime-Singer with a Candle.jpg Oil Painting ID: 50528 | Order the painting

Total 1 page, [1] Bigot, Trophime (Nationality : French painter, 1579-1650) Trophime Bigot (1579-1649/50), also known as Theophile Bigot, Teofili Trufemondi, Candlelight Master, Maitre a la Chandelle, was a French painter of the era, active in and his native Provence. Bigot was born in in 1579, where he began his artistic career. Between 1620 and 1634, Bigot was in Italy, including Rome. He is known to have been in Arles in 1634, where he painted the altarpiece Saint Laurent condamne au supplice (Saint Laurence Condemned to Torture) and Assomption de la Vierge (Assumption of the Virgin) for local churches.

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