Report of the Board of Control: 1960-1962
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University of Central Florida STARS Florida Heritage 1960 Report of the Board of Control: 1960-1962. Florida. Board of Control Find similar works at: University of Central Florida Libraries This Monographic is brought to you for free and open access by STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Florida Heritage by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Florida. Board of Control, "Report of the Board of Control: 1960-1962." (1960). Florida Heritage. 75. /( p Cr, I [3 ; ?6 0 - ?& ;)._ n · ,vm F. L .)fWff JAN O11973 Report of BOARD OF CONTROL Documents STATE OF FLORIDA I r , - I 1960-1962- • Report of BOARD OF CONTROL STA TE OF FLORI DA 1960-1962 CONTEl\TS THE REPORT TO TIIE BOARD OF CONTROL BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TlIE REPORT OF THE PRESJDENT OF THE UNlVER SlTY OF FLORTDA TI1E REPORT OF TllE PRESI Dl~NT OF THE FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY TJ-TE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF TILE AGRICUL TURAL AND ll1ECJ-IAN JCAL UN l \'l•:RSITY TI1E REPORT OF TH E PRESIDl,NT OF THE UNIVER SITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA TI-IE REPORT OF TIIE AD1\IINISTltATOR OF THE F LORIDA AGRICULTU RAJJ AND !11ECHANTCAL UNIVERSlTY HOSPITAL THE REPORT OF THE PRESIDENT OF TIIE FLORIDA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND Tl-IE BLIND THE STATE BOARD OF CONTROL BAVA 111. HARRISON, Jn., Chairman --· _____St. Petersburg FRANK M. BucaANAN, Vice Chairman __________i\Iiam i Ct1 ,IIILES R. F'ORMAN, O.V.M. _ ·- Port Lauderdale GERT H. W. Sea MIOT Jacksonville J OHN C. PACE Pensacola WAY NF. C. MCCALL, D.o.s. - - . ··-----···--·--- Ocala Cn£STER E. WUITTLE ·---·------------ ◊rlando J. B. CULPEPPFR, E2'ecutive Director Tallahassee BRUCE GARWOOD, JR., Corporate Secrota1'1/ Tallahassee THE STATE B0 1\.RD OF EDUCATION FARRIS BRYAN T, Prcsicknt ______________Governor TOM ADAMS ---· Secretary of State J. EDWIN LARSON - Treasurer RtCHARD W. E RVIN Attorney General THOMAS D. BAILEY, Secretary __Sup erintendent of Public Instruction T.-tll.:~hnsscc, Florida Janunry 1, 19G3 THE HOJ<ORABLE FARRIS BRYANT GOVF;ltXOR OF F'LORlDA DEAR GOVERNOR 8RYA!'{T: As Chairman of the State Board of Control J have the privilci:c of presenting the Report of the Board of Control for the biennium begin ning July I, 1960, and ending ,June 30, 1962. This report is suhmitted to you in compliance with the provisions of Chapter 5384, La\1.:s of Florida. 1906. The accomplishments reflected in this report would not have been pos sible without the cooperation and guidance of you and the other members of the State Board of Education. \Vith this report we a lso extend our most sincere appreciation. Respectfully submitted, 8AYA M . HARRISON, JR,, Chainnon THE BOARD 01'' CONTUOJ~ 01" FLORIDA REPORT TO THE BOARD OF CONTROL BY THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR INTRODUCTION The Florida University System hn• experienced perhaps its two most ~\lcntful and productive years since. it.s creation. This report reflects for the System and the Board of Control the projects and programs which have been established to meet the demands of a rapidly growing state and the needs of her citizens to keep abreast educationally and culturally. The Board of Control is the legally constituted agency for policy and supervision of the State University System and is responsible for the development of a coordinated system of higher education to serve the State. Our State can achieve its potential greatness only with an outstanding university system. The Board of Cont rol during the last biennium has worked diligently to develop the State University System as a group or universities of national distinction in their respective roles. :\1en1bers of the Board of Control, June of 1960 Hon. J. J. Daniel, Chairman, Jacksonville Hon. J. K. Bays, Vice Chairman, Winter Haven Hon. James J. Love, Quincy Hon. Ralph L. ~J iller, Orlando Hon. S. Kendrick Guernsey, Jacksonville Hon. James D. Camp, Sr., Fort Lauderdale Hon. l'i"'rank ?.L Buchanan, 11,tiami i\1embers of the Board of Control, June of 1962 Hon. Bayn M. Harrison, Jr., Chairman, St. P etersburg Hon. Frank M. Buchanan, Vice Chairmnn, Miami Hon. S. Kendrick Guernsey, Jacksonville Hon. Charles R. Forman, Fort Lauderdale lion. G. H. ,v. Schmidt, Jacksonville Hon. John C. Pace, Pensacola Hon. \Vayne C. McCall, Ocala Board Directed Studies of System l\1anagement At the direction of the Doard of Control, the Board stnf£ with the cooperation of t he universities has engaged in studies which have and will assist in the eflicient management of the universities and the coord- 4 REPORT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR ination of the System. The results of the principal studies undertaken by t he Board will be reflected in the request of the Doard to t he 1963 Session of the Legislature. Included in the staff studies are: R-Ole a nd Scope Studies Space Inventory nnd Utili zation Studies Cost Studies on the Operation of the University System E nrollment Studies and Projected Needs Student Fee Studies Personnel Salary Studies Junior College Studies (Attendance Plans and Academic Perform ance of Transfer Students) Budget Anal)•sis Feasibility Stud)' for a :New Institution of Higher Learning to Be Located in Pensacola Year-Round Ope1·:Hion of the State Un iversities Each or these studies enable the Board of Control to more intelli gently exarnine the operation of the University Sys tem and to project its future growth and the needs and demands which it must meet. The request of the 196~ Session of th~ Legislature will not be based on guesswork but will be founded on cnreful studies and in,·cntorics. on the a nalysis o! institutional needs, a nd on the documented budgetary needs of each of the institutions. YEAR-ROUND OPERATION OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY SYSTEk\1 The State of F lorida has p roceeded systematically to make provision for it., rapidly growing collegiate enrollments. Following carefully formula ted plans the State has established a state-wide system' of locally controlled community junior colleges, and it hr.s expanded and f urther developed t he State University System in an effort to 1>rovidc suitable educational opportunities for the increasing numbers of students who are bot.It will ing and able t.o profit from education beyond the hig h school. Concurrently there developed an awareness t hat the State's abili ty to provide for all of the students who arc qualified nnd desire to attend college in F lorida is contingent in part upon the att,,in ment of f uller utilization of existing and new institutional facilities. Wh ile steps were being taken to increase t,hc ut.ilization of ins tructional s pace under the semester calenda r, the Board or Cont,·ol developed an acLive interest in utilizat ion of t he plant throughout the entire year. 'l'he Board of Control in November, 1959, directed that a careful study be made of t he advisabilit.y of operating the State Unive,·sity System on n year-round basis. 6 REPORT OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Following preliminary examination of the possibilities for year. round operation the Systcm-\Vidc Committee on Admissions proposed that serious consideri1tion be given to the possibility of financing such operations under a trimester plan. The !9Hl Session or the Florida Legislature indicated its serious in terest in year-round operation of the State universities by providing for each o! the universities a supplementary appropriation for the year 1962-63 that is contingent upon "the full implementation of a trimester or four~uarter plan", including the requirements that the universities "take what.ever ste1>s may be necessary to encourage a uniform level or enrollment th .-oug-hout. each of the inst.ruclional periods." Upon the recommendation of the Executive Director the Board of Control at its July 1961 meeting determined that all of the institu tions in the State University System will operate under the same type of year-round plan and that the se,•eral institutional calendars will be uniform with respect to the dates associated with the opening of • each o! the terms. At that same meeting the Board instructed its Executive Director, working with the Council of Presidents and the System-Wide Committee on Calendar, to provide it with recommenda- tions concerning the plan !or consideration by the Board. The Executive Director recommended and it was approved by the Board that the f ollowing policy concerning the calendar for the State University System be adopted by the Board of Control effective for the year 1962-63 : The institutions in the State University System shall operate under a trimester plan with three terms of from 16 to 16 weeks in length each year. Each of the institutions nnd the System as a whole shall make every reasonable effort to attain and to maintain a uniform distribu tion of instructional load throughout the three terms. The institutional calendars shall be so arranged that the first tri• mester o! each year closes immediately prior to Christmas and that the dates associated with the opening of each term will be essentially uni form throughout the System. There shall be a System-Wide Committee on Calendar to (a) advise the Board of Control through the Council of Presidents conc.erning the ways in which a uni!onn distribution of the instructional load can be achieved and (b) recommend annually to the Council of Presidents the dates associated with the opening of each term. Provision shall be made in the third trimester for a period of seven to eight weeks for the enrollment of teachers employed in the public schools and f or other students desiring to enter or to continue their studies during that period.