The Impact of One Florida Initiative on Florida's Public Law Schools
AdrielEducational A. Hilton, MarybethFoundations, Gasman, Summer-Fall & J. Luke 2013 Wood The Impact of One Florida Initiative on Florida’s Public Law Schools: A Critical Race Theory Analysis By Adriel A. Hilton, Marybeth Gasman, & J. Luke Wood Adriel A. Hilton is director of the Center for African American Research and Policy, Madison, For years, the legal profession in the United States Wisconsin, and was assistant vice has offered various initiatives intended to increase president for inclusion initiatives minority representation (e.g., internships, mentoring at Grand Valley State University, programs, etc.). However, these initiatives have had Allendale, MIchigan, at the time minimal success in diversifying the ranks of the legal this article was written. Marybeth community (Glater, 2001). Sadly, the dearth of minori- Gasman is a professor of higher ties, especially Blacks, in the legal profession as a whole, education in the Graduate School is compounded as the nation’s law schools continue to be of Education at the University woefully lacking in the enrollment of racial and ethnic of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, minorities (“Among the,” 2007). Pennsylvania. J. Luke Wood is While underrepresentation is pervasive throughout an assistant professor in the the legal profession, even greater levels of nonminority Department of Administration, overrepresentation occur in elite law firms (Barker, 2005; Rehabilitation, and Postsecondary Glater, 2001). Data from large U.S. law firms indicates Education in the College of a similar trend. Between 2008 and 2009, the 200 largest Education at San Diego State law firms in the country terminated 6 percent of their University, San Diego, California. attorneys. Minority lawyers were disproportionately af- 103 The Impact of One Florida Initiative fected by terminations, with 8% of minority lawyers losing their jobs.
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