Private Lives Ofhollywood
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CLica,o Sandal" Tribane Private Lives ofHollywood Tyrone Power and Sonja Henie Survive a "Prop" Romance By ED SUWVAN • Thia ia another of Ed Sulli· channing as anything I've ever van's revealing stories on the seen on the screen; didn't you Hollywood. private lives of Hollywood. Next think so?" I assured him that HE ••pUblicity" romances Sunday the ace reporter on the it was. of Hollywood have been film front will present Joe Bloke They live, these two ideally Tmany and varied. A studio and Sally Smirk. happy youngsters, in a home on has a bright young femme star Saltair road in Brentwood which and a personable young male him, and they traveled together formerly was occupied by Gract' star. At the suggestion of the to the mountains rimming the Moote. It is convenient to the publtcity department of the stu- city to gaze at the magnificent bridle paths, and both of them dio the young stars make it a harbor and city spread out below like to go horseback riding. Her point to be seen in all of the them. Cincinnati's Mr. Power, favorite sport is swimming, and Hollywood spots where press with the Rio moon in his corner, she plays a fair game of tennis photographers are most apt to persuaded the girl from Paris and is an expert at backgammon, ANNABELLA be found. The studio publicity that they ought to spend the department pays for the flowers, rest of their lives together on the dinners, the taxicabs, and the mountain tops of the world. all other expenses incurred in Four months 'later they were such a ••romance," and charges married quietly on the coast, it up against the acres of pub· and since then they've continued licity that are thus prodded from to cover a lot of ground in spec- the fan magazines and press of tacular fashion. They took a the world. bel ate d honeymoon trip to Tyrone power and Sonja Europe by boat, and returned on Henie were one of these planted a trans-Atlantic Clipper ship. romances, and they got enor- As if that were not colorful mous publicity from it. In fact, enough, no sooner had they land- they also got the plot of " Second ed than Annabella, fearful of Fiddle," in which Tyrone, play- war, fiew back to Paris to get ing the part of the studio pub- her young daughter by a pre- licity man, insisted on Sonja vious marriage, and then re- doing all of the -spurlous things crossed the Atlantic by air. In which the two of them did in six months Tyrone and his bride Tyrone Power with Norma She are •. real life. have done more traveling than in ••Marie Antoinette:' It is very rare indeed that a most married couples aceom- " publicity" romance finds a plish in a lifetime. seen frequently (between pic- happy ending. Tyrone, for In- "After six months of mar- tures) in the local night clubs. stance, wooed Sonja for the pub- riage, Tyrone," I asked him, When she first came to Holly- licity department, but privately ••what do you think of it?" He wood the movie queens put her married Annabella. Sonja Henie smiled broadly. "I wouldn't to disadvantage, but now she is is still single and now has trade it for anything in the one of the smartest dressers out reached that box office security world, Ed. It's wonderful. She's here. Lee Bowman is her favor- which permits her to choose her wonderful. You know, despite ite dancing partner, but you can own Hollywood escorts. When doubt that romance is involved. she marries you can make a Another dancing escort is Vic small bet that she won't wed Orsatti of the agency which any of the chaps who were handles her business. CUrrently picked for her by the publicity she has been going places with department. Chicagoan 'Alan Curtis. Of all the young stars of the They say that it is difficult to industry few have contributed talk business with her, but let so much to the night life of the this be pointed out: I know of no colony as Tyrone and Sonja. performer in the business who You see them at all of the clubs, has such a deep sense of grati- you see them at parties. They tude and appreciation as Miss dash to New York, they tour Henie. I was one of the first to Min Heme demonstrate I the dra- Europe, they go to South Amer- get on the Henie band wagon ica. Tyrone and Sonja are the matic effectivene.. of her Ikating art. when she arrived, and her gratl- kind of movie stars that their (Aasoclated Pre •• photo.) tude for that early championing fans can enjoy. Others may with- at which she beats him consist- SonIa and Tyrone during the daYI of her cause is remarkable. All draw to their estates and brood, ently. of their publicity courtahip. of her friends will attest to that between pictures, on the banks quality in her, a sense of appre- Blonde and slender, the Pari- by Darryl Zanuck when every of their swimming pools. Ty- ciation that is remarkably In- sian girl who stole Tyrone away other studio in town ridiculed rone and Sonja go places, see tense. from a covey of Hollywood beau- the gamble involved in signing things. And Miss Henie is one ties who would have loved to • e e of the best dancers out here. a girl without acting experience, marry him does not intend to has made five pictures, each of rest on her laurels. Every day e e e the last four more successful The public, w h I chis very she goes thru a rigorous course than the one that preceded it. In shrewd in choosing its stllrs, had From the standpoint of the of calisthenics to retain that between she has toured the coun- no hesitation in selecting her fitness of things, consider Ty. slenderness. In the movies and try with her own ice revue and from the time she made her first rone Power's marriage to Anna- away from the screen her hus- cracked all box office records. picture. The affection of that bella on April 23. It had sparkle band meets a lot of stunners. It is difficult to associate this public has never wavered. They and spirit to it. They met, these Annabella intends to be just as smiling, friendly girl with bust- recognize in the smiling, friendly two, for the first time quite by stunning as they. Her calisthen- (Aaaoclated Pre •• photo.> ness acumen, but there is no Norwegian miss not only a great accident. Tyrone had gone over Mill Henie. left. with another eom- ics are an insurance policy on' doubt that she is one of the champion but also a great per. to the "Baroness and Butler" happiness. petitor. after winDing her fifth Olym· shrewdest business women that son. In five pictures she has set to see Walter Lang. Quite e e e pic Ikating title in 1931. grossed $10,000,000 for her stu- casually he was introduced to ever hit this town, and her show- the furtherance of her astonish- manship is superb. dio, and she is now making Annabella. Neither he nor the While Tyrone and his French Sonja lives quietly with her her sixth, which will gross at French girl sensed that little bride are living out their first ingly successful career as a mother and brother in Jean Har- least $1,000,000 in the domestic Dan Cupid had pinked 'em. year of marriage in Brentwood, movie star. The former Olympic low's former home, but she is market. They met the next time on a SONJA HENlE Sonja Henie is concentrating on figure skating champion, signed phony desert in a phony sand- storm on the back lot of Twen- what others have said on the tieth Century· Fox while Allan SUbject, it seems to me that an Dwan was directing them in actor should marry an actress. Take the Stand, Miss Heme-and You, Too, Mr. Power "Suez." It being a physical im- There is a sympathy of interests possibility to haul his troupe of that is not to be discounted. actors to the Suez canal, Dwan When I come home from the QUESTIONS SONJA HENlE TYRONE POWER QUESTIONS SONJA HENlE TYRONE POWER had directed the technicians to studio I'm often down in the Who is your favorite actor? Don Ameche. Donald Duck. dumps. A certain scene has Where and when were you build him a desert behind the born? Oslo, Norway, April 8, 1913 Cincinnati, 0., May 5, 1914. Who is your favorite ac- studio. Sand was hauled up by gone poorly, or I've played a Are you married? To whom? No. Yes, to Annabella. the ac- tress? . Bette Davis. Katherine Cornell. the carload from the Pacific scene badly. Annabella, from What are your height and tress. What did you always want beaches, and it was on this phony her own experience, knows just weight? S feet 2 Inches; 110 pounds. 6 feet. 162 pounds. to do before you achieved Write, go on the stage. desert that Tyrone and Anna- how I feel. Or 11 I come home What stage experience have success in the movies? ... The stage. bella met and fell in love. The feeling that I'm on top of the you had?................ None. California Mlsslon play, ••La What Is your favorite type of man or woman? . One with a ready wit and I have no particular favorite wind machines, simulating a world she understands that, too.