Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-08-1900 Hughes & Mccreight
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 1-8-1900 Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-08-1900 Hughes & McCreight Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Hughes & McCreight. "Albuquerque Daily Citizen, 01-08-1900." (1900). This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Book Binding Job Printing mi Blaak Book ITyi. i tub crnzBN feat THE CIT1ZXN Bindery. The Albuquerque Daily Citizen, VOLUME 14. ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, MONDAY AFTERNOON, JANUARY 8, 1900. NUMBER 60. Park. Col. In Hamilton commanded on Introduced by Lenta. Ohio, for Investi- DISCOURAGED. Wagon BUI and rendered valuable ser SKIRMISH gation by special committee of tbe action AT BRITISH MAU lillli of MAIL OXOBM tale A goats taw General Merrlam and th militia in s vice. Too troop, bal a vary trying W IVCW aMarWa-- faMara tbe ardner, Idaho, mining riots In 18W, mow time and behaved loellently. They aro and tbelr course In preventing the em- ova raoan ployment ot recom- AMD latedattha aervloa they rendered th Union miners, with OABBfTt, Killed mendation that It be amended so as to Thirteen Cases Developed and THE PHOENIX! English Victories in South qasen. The enemy wr repnlsed every Americans Lost Three and provide Investigation be mads by xniiTtox, where with htavy loss, greatly exceed, that Do Not Occur. Twenty Wounded. tbs military committee Instead of special Scleral Deaths Reported. Africa log that on my aid, which will be re oommlttee. ported a soon as lists aro completed." Uhloaao Hnli BwM BOIHfl MPCLfllD. Chicago, Jan. 8. Wheat January Whole Company Captured at Colei London, Jan. 8 General Whit re Death of Dr. McGlyaa, Noted Catholic WW; May. 07008. IaTettif.Uoi f Election of Senator ports nnder date of Sunday, I p. m, that torn January, ; May. Qtrk of Montana. JACKETS" bare by the Boer. Priest aad Reformer. 823,V We have a few Ladies and Missjg left close the Boers wer repa'ssd with heavy Oat January, 2i: May, .,. Jacket and must the entire lot before stock-takin- g. If you are going to purchase a be sure to avail yourself of thla losses. City Voaaell Jacket President McXialcy Crtates tk Military Grand Opportunity to secure a Handsome at Actual Wholesale Ga. White Bit Stvtrs Skirmish With cbabqid wrra cowardici. tea. Greeley, Chief of Wratntr Barest, ta The city council beld a special meet-rfc- g Jacket Cost. They Bom at Frcre. Londoo, Jan 8 Telgrami from Bens Jarta by Draakca Hsa. Saturday night In order to complete Pistrtct ot A'sik. are going very fast. A saving ef one-four- th or one-ha- lf oa a Stylish Jacket Is surely burg say that seven officers and thirty some unflulshed bnslnese, Mayor Marion worth considering. and a quorum of aldermen being pre-sn- t. men of tb Baffolkt were killed and bomiioo. cnw or rooidiiid n stctria. torn ront tirtrui at tuTimi. about fifty eaptared. General French' rtiRca Wlllllf at sai Tbo bonds of ths Whitney company a 3Ld.kJDX:SS announcement that th Kwex regiment plumbers was preseuteJ, approved and HATS. accepted. Choice of the entire stock at 75 cent. No prettier in the city for $5 none sold had been cent to replao the Soffolks Is 1.. Ban hts op- Manila, Jan. 7. Reoonnalsanoes ont ot street was Honolulu. Jan. via Francisco. for less We London. Jan. 8 General Bailer' bitter to the friend Tbe committee Instructed than $1.50. have decided to close them out so have made the ridiculous more latter' than Imus, Cavlte province, on Sunday, re- four-foo- Jan. 8 Seven additional oases ot the portunity (or dffnetlr display of strategy to have a l granite crossing l.tld low price of cents for choice. Don't wait and the list of casualties, as th only Infer sulted In three Americans being killed across Katlroad avenue from Ilia Bauk ot plague have develop since last advloee, 75 expect to get the prettiest one; but hM eom and It U to bo hoped, not too ence deductible from tbla fact la that the and twenty wounded. The enemy's lo Comtneroe corner to Kuppe'e corner, the mating thirteen cases In ail lo date. come early before they are picktd over. late. Unman tod battery of held ar- Is estimated at sixty killed auj eighty cost ot which was not to be In eicees ot I he board of health has decided to take Suffolk themselves by bolting radical steps to stamp out the scourge. tillery, (or which ho baa been waiting wounded. 1 1. I per foot; also a brick walk series and leaving a few of their more stauooh Colonel Birkheimer, with a battalion A portion ol tne lufrcted district was JETlannolotto la In deadly peril, are slilb street, at the intersection of Cop, er "Wrappers. while Ladysmlth Twenty-eight- h coudemnel and burned to the grouud comrades to Oil th Pretoria Jail. ot the voluuteer infantry, valine, according to specitled plans, at a Lidies' Flannelette Wrappers is another item. We promiie the biggest value for your (root. General Tag-gart- , yesterday. Three building and large now at the Jonbert's Lord Delaware, in a graphic descrip advanced toward Novelets. Major cost not toeiwej 1 per (not. a of warehouse were destroyed. Tne (uture money you ever had. Nice Wrappers, SO up; lltndsome Ones trimmed with army la making a desperate attempt to of of atagersfonteln says: with two battalions the ui In the matter of sidewalk ordired nents aad tion tbe battle dan Mari- policy of the health authorities will be to carry Lad ; emit h by Incessant bombard- regiment, moved toward Pero. built, and which had not been eouitruo-to- Braid for $1. Ladies' FUnnelette Dressing Sacks, Ladies' Flannelette Night Robes, Ladies' It Is useless to disguise that a large nas, and part of the fourth Infau.ry was by destroy all luleoed building. Tb Star ment and deliberate persistent attack In the owners ot abutting property. Flannelette Skirts, in a great variety and at prices that will surely please you. Those ac- percentage ot troops are loelng heart for engaged south ot I in 'is. a resolution wa presented and w and Advertiser calm thai th member front, aoeordlog to the latest newt from comprised of a succession ot Lieutenant J v. uilmor or the iited adopted to the Uiat bids for the of the health board appear lo be Incom quainted with the climate of New Mexico know that January and February are the coldest a campaign I ffcl petent luo.pabie of handling Lady.mltb. What the emergency re- States gunboat Yorklowo, who was cap- construction ot toe walks stwuld be a - and tbe winter months. A wise is sullicient. We all frontal attacks on an Invisible foe. present trouble, lucre is still doubt as word to the are offering our winter goods at a quires It a cautions and rapid yet far-- tured by the Insurgents last April, near vertlsed for. securely sntrenohed and unreachable. Baler, on of Luton, aud nine- - lo the nature of the disease. The major- greatly reduced price. operation the coast sighted plan of like that Our men fought admirably bnt were teen other American prisoners arrived I'l'HLIO INSrAlXAMOH. ity of Intelligent people do not consider by Wellington In Peninsula. the plague, but the (aot remain adopted the asked to perform miracles. Don't blame here. Gilmore Is weak and nervous, it that "TaTnc3.orwoaj: --DopcirtriQ.oriA.t- bowing ot long hardships. or Prtnlaa will the victim are stricken and die and There may be another referee l( the .ac- them don't blame the gallant gen- results the Th. Kal.hi. nt.rMla and He speak warmly of AguluaMo, aud Ihalr rn.nda. denly. In this department we have decided to sacrifice profit entirely and reduce the stock as tios of tbs prevloua battle are repeated, eral whs was the first vlctln of the ter- very bitterly airalnst General Ttno, de Wednesday night, January 10, Mineral Alaska Military Ulatrlot. much as possible d for But a decisive victory may be expected Mg--e the next thirty iys. If you need any good warm Underwear rible disaster which overcame the High claring that while In the former's juris No. 4, Knights of Pythias, will Washington. 8. If Buller does not at J.u. Tbe president Men, Women or Children be sure and see our stock before If good quality with confidence land brigade. They marched In quarter diction be wa treated splendidly, but tuve a public Installation of the officers has created a military department, con you buy. (ell Into 'lino's bauds be suf ne tempt to do work work during a column to General Wans-ebope'- after be lect. Ine grand chancellor will sisting of Alaska, and assigned Colonel and low price will interest you, you will buy your Underwear of us. tbelr doom. (ered everything. Colonel Hare and present, aud after the ceremonies there single day, and has patience and skill last words: 'For God's sake, men, George H. Randall, Kighth Lulled Bute Lieutenant Colouel Hosts rescued Gil- will be a urogram of vocal and Instru Infautry, to on for maneuvering far afield, turning the do me gladden 18, command. Randall la not blame for this,' will more' party on December near the mental muslo, recitations and addresses.