CALLENDER, Mary. 183 Barnes
INDEX ABRAHAM, Dorothy, 183; Mrs, 184 Bold (Lanes.), 10 academies, see schools Bold, Richard, 7, 10 Accrington (Lanes.), 200; football club, 158. 161 Bolton (Lanes.). 63, 71, 152; Bolton Ackers, George, 9 Wanderers F. C., 151, 153, 166, 168 Acts of Parliament: Capital Punishment Booth. Revd Bartholomew, 210-11, 213 Amendment Act (1868), 95-6, 98-9, 105; Borwick (Lanes.). 197. 200 'Cat and Mouse' Act (1913), 190; Electric Bolder. William le, 2 Lighting Act, 139; Liverpool Improvement Bournemouth (Hants), 121 Act, 206; Lytham Improvement Act, 147; bowling greens. 82 Municipal Reform Act (1835). 203; Prison Bradbury. Thomas. 86 Act (1877), 101. 108; St Annes Improvement Bradleyjoshua, 229 Acts, 138. 140; Sheriffs Act (1887), 114 Braganza, Catherine of, 85 Agricultural Protectionist Association, 127 Brassey, Dr Robert, provost of King's College, Aigburth (Lanes.), 11. 18(i Cambridge, 6 Aitken, William, 229 Bridgeman, John, bishop of Chester, 24, 30, 36-43 Alexander, David, 167 Bridges, Robert, 228 Allerton (Lanes.), 9 Briggs, - -, footballer, 169 Alliance League, 158 Brogden (Lanes.), 200 Altrincham (Ches.), 60 Bromborough (Ches.), 222 Anne, quren, 85 Bromwich, see West Bromwich Ansdell (Lanes.), 141 Brooke, Thomas, dean of Chester, 93 Ardwick (Lanes.), see Manchester: Manchester Budworth, see Great Budworth CityF.C. Bunting, Mark. 34 Arsenal F.C., see Royal Arsenal Burghley. Lord, see Cecil, William Ashton, Margaret. 229 Burnley (Lanes.), 63; football club, 153, 159, 166 association football, 151-70; agents, 167 8; Burns/Hugh, 107-8, 110-12 professional players. 166-9; and see names of Burslem (Staffs.): Burslem Port Vale F. C., 159 individual clubs Burton-upon-Trent (Staffs.): Burton Swifts Aston Villa EC., 169 F.C., 160 Athletic News Football Annual, 153 Burtonhead (Lanes.), see Sutton Bury (Lanes.), 59, 63, 71; football club, 169 BAILEY (Lanes.), 77 Buxton, Mr, Liverpool suffrage activist, I 76 Banister, Henry (alias Rutter), 225; Roger, 225 Byrom, Adam, 13 Barley Bank, see Darwrn Barmouth (Merion.), 15 CALLENDER, Mary.
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