Shri Anil Madhav Dave Honorable Minister Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change 4th Floor, Aakash Block, Indira Paryavaran Bhawan New Delhi – 110003 India [email protected] Dear Minister Subject: appeal to legislate against use of animals in circuses We are writing on behalf of the Asia for Animals Coalition, representing international animal welfare and conservation organisations. We express our deep concerns with regards to the continued use of wild animals in circuses. The Asia for Animals coalition supports the End Circus Suffering campaign, orchestrated by AfA member organisation, Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations (FIAPO), whose aim is to end animals from being abused in circuses across India. Institutionalized cruelty to animals in circuses is often unnoticed by the public and in many cases accepted as normal within the industry. We are informed that animals are condemned to a life of suffering in the 53 circuses in India. Animal circuses are also reportedly at the epicentre of wildlife trafficking; illegal trade in animals and animal parts; illegal breeding; poaching; and human trafficking. There is widespread awareness of the illegal and unethical treatment of animals in circuses in the civil society, local governments which have facilitated the rescue of more than 160 animals, and the judiciary which has repeatedly ruled in favor of rehabilitation of circus animals. Many circuses have also voluntarily given up their animals to be rehabilitated after recognizing the futility of their continued exploitation. Teaching animals to perform inappropriate tricks portrays them to the public in a humiliating manner, instead of showing their natural grace and beauty. Circuses desensitise the society, particularly young children, to animal abuse in the name of entertainment. This messaging is at complete odds with the high values of compassion and India’s culture prescribes. End Circus Suffering aims to bring an end to cruelty to animals in circuses. FIAPO works with partner organisations all over the country towards this goal. The Asia for Animals coalition supports the campaign and endorses the complete ban on using animals for entertainment in circuses. However, this cruel practice continues due to the lack of effective legislation. Repeated violation of existing rules by circuses proves that nothing short of a ban will free the animals from this form of institutional abuse. We respectively urge you to prohibit the use of animals in circuses and uphold the high standards of compassion and equality that are prescribed in the Indian constitution.

Sent on behalf of the following organisations: 1. Animal Guardians 2. Animal People 3. Animals Asia Foundation 4. ACRES 5. Blue Cross of India 6. Change for Animals Foundation 7. Elephant Aid International 8. Federation of Indian Animal Protection Organisations 9. Humane Society International 10. International Animal Rescue 11. International Fund for Animal Welfare 12. Philippine Animal Welfare Society 13. Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals 14. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, 15. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, Sarawak, Malaysia 16. World Animal Protection

Please respond to David Neale, Animal Welfare Director, Animals Asia Foundation, Room 1501, Tung Hip Commercial Building, 244-252 Des Voeux Road Central, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong [email protected]

Supported by:

1. AAP Animal Advocacy and Protection, NETHERLANDS 2. All Life In A Viable Environment, JAPAN 3. Andhra Pradesh Goshalala Federation, INDIA 4. Anima, MACAU 5. Animal Aid Charitable Trust, INDIA 6. Animal Defenders International, LONDON 7. Animal Friends, CROATIA 8. Animal Friends Niigata, JAPAN 9. Animal Nepal, NEPAL 10. Animal Projects & Environmental Education , MALAYSIA 11. Animal Protection Network, SWEDEN 12. Animal Rights Action Network, IRELAND 13. Animal Rights Centre Japan, JAPAN 14. Animal Rights Hawaii, HAWAII 15. Animal Sanctuary Trust, INDONESIA 16. Animals , AUSTRALIA 17. ARK Animal Refuge Kansai Japan, JAPAN 18. Australia for Dolphins, AUSTRALIA 19. Australians for Animals, AUSTRALIA 20. Bali Animal Welfare Association, INDONESIA 21. Bali Sea Turtle Society (BSTS), INDONESIA 22. Beauty Without Cruelty, INDIA 23. Behavioural & Environmental Solutions, USA 24. Beijing Pet Adoption Day 北京领养日, 25. Beijing Sunflower Friends of Animal Team 北京市向日葵动物之友志愿者团队, CHINA 26. Bharatiya Prani Mitra Sangh, Hyderabad, INDIA 27. Big Cat Rescue, 28. Big Hearts Foundation, RUSSIA 29. Blue Cross Youth Seva Sangham - Andhra Pradesh, INDIA 30. Born Free Foundation, UK 31. British Hen Welfare Trust, UK 32. Captive Animal Protection Society, UK 33. CARA Wildlife Philippines, PHILIPPINES 34. Cat Welfare Society, SINGAPORE 35. Causes for Animals Ltd, SINGAPORE 36. Cee4life, AUSTRALIA 37. Centre for Orangutan Protection, INDONESIA 38. Changchun 3.10 Shanxiao Fund 长春 3.10 善小基金, CHINA 39. Changsha Small Animal Protection Association 长沙市小动物保护协会 , CHINA 40. Chengde Cat Forest 承德猫咪森林流浪猫救助团队, CHINA 41. Chengdu Home of Love Small Animal Rescue Center 成都市双流县爱之家动物救助中心, CHINA 42. China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, CHINA 43. China Farm Animal Protection Coalition 中国农场动物保护联盟, CHINA 44. China Journalists Salon for Animal Protection 中国动物保护记者沙龙, CHINA 45. China Youth Animal Protection Alliance 中国青年动物保护联盟, CHINA 46. China Zoo Watch, CHINA 47. Compassion Unlimited Plus Action, Bangalore, INDIA 48. Compassion Works International, USA 49. CPR Environmental Education Centre, INDIA 50. Dalian VSHINE Protection of Animals SPCA 大连市微善爱护动物协会, CHINA 51. Darjeeling Animal Shelter, INDIA 52. David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, UK 53. Djurens Ratt (Animals Right Sweden), SWEDEN 54. Djurskyddet Sverige (Animal Welfare Sweden), SWEDEN 55. Dobro Surtse, BULGARIA 56. DOGSTOP, HONG KONG 57. Dzivnieku Draugs, LATVIA 58. Egyptian Society of Animal Friends, EGYPT 59. Elephant Asia Rescue & Survival Foundation, HONG KONG 60. Elephants DC, USA 61. ElephantVoices, KENYA 62. Elsa Nature Conservancy, JAPAN 63. EMS Foundation, SOUTH AFRICA 64. Ente Nazionale Protezione Animali - Onlus, ITALY 65. Environment Films, UK 66. European Animal Protection Foundation / Europaeische Tierschutzstiftung, SWITZERLAND 67. FAADA, SPAIN 68. Fanciers Stray Cats 南宁流浪猫论坛, CHINA 69. Finnish Federation for Animal Welfare Organisations (SEY), FINLAND 70. For Elephants International, INTERNATIONAL 71. Foundation for the Protection of Animals, CZECH REPUBLIC 72. Four Paws (UK), UK 73. Four Paws International, INTERNATIONAL 74. Friends of the Earth Malaysia, MALAYSIA 75. Fuzhou Aixinyuan Stray Animal Rescue Center 福州爱心缘流浪动物救助中心, CHINA 76. Fuzhou Small Animal Protection Center 福州小动物保护中心, CHINA 77. Gansu Green Volunteer Home 甘肃绿色志愿者之家, CHINA 78. GREY2K USA Worldwide, USA 79. Greyhound Compassion, UK 80. Guangdong the Best Volunteer Center 首善广东志愿者中心, CHINA 81. Guangyuan Bo’ai Animal Protection Center 广元市博爱动物保护中心, CHINA 82. Cat -Xi Xi Forest 熙熙森林广州猫, CHINA 83. Hefei Kennel Association Care Center 合肥犬业协会小动物关怀中心, CHINA 84. Help Animals India, INDIA 85. Himalayan Animal Rescue Trust, UK 86. HK Dolphin Conservation Society, HK 87. Huhhot Angel Guardian 呼和浩特天使守护动物保护公益团队, 88. Iceland Animal Welfare Foundation, ICELAND 89. In Defence of Animals , USA 90. In Defence of Animals, India, INDIA 91. International Anti-Fur Coalition, ISRAEL 92. International Otter Survival Fund, UK 93. International Primate Protection League, INTERNATIONAL 94. Jakarta Animal Aid, INDONESIA 95. Jane Goodall Institute, HONG KONG 96. Japan Anti-Vivisection Association, JAPAN 97. JBF India Trust, INDIA 98. Jinan Cattery 济南猫窝, CHINA 99. Kalimpong Animal Shelter, INDIA 100. Karuna Society for Animals & Nature, INDIA 101. Kathmandu Animal Treatment Centre, NEPAL 102. Korea Animal Rights Advocate, REPUBLIC OF KOREA 103. Korean Alliance for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, KOREA 104. Korean Animal Welfare Association, REPUBLIC OF KOREA 105. Lanta Animal Welfare, HONG KONG 106. Lanzhou Street Animal Rescue Station 兰州流浪动物救助站, CHINA 107. Life Conservationist Association, TAIWAN 108. Lifelong Animal Protection, HONG KONG 109. Light of Life Veterinary Clinic, SINGAPORE 110. Love Wildlife Foundation, THAILAND 111. Lucky Cats 幸运土猫志愿者团体, CHINA 112. Marine Connection, UK 113. MelbournDolphin, AUSTRALIA 114., KOREA 115. Nanchang Small Animal Protection Association 南昌小动物保护协会, CHINA 116. Nanjing Ping An A Fu Stray Animal Rescue Association 南京平安阿福流浪动物救助会, CHINA 117. National Council of SPCAs, SOUTH AFRICA 118. Navale Consulting Group, INDIA 119. Nowzad Dogs, UK 120. NY Whale & Dolphin Action League, US 121. Orangutan Aid, HONG KONG 122. Palawan Animal Welfare Association, PHILIPINNES 123. People for Animal Care and Kindness, TAIWAN 124. People For Animals - Chennai, INDIA 125. People For Animals - Hooghly, INDIA 126. People For Animals - Hyderabad, INDIA 127. People For Animals - Maharashtra, INDIA 128. People For Animals - Pune Unit, INDIA 129. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, INDIA 130. Performing Animal Welfare Society, USA 131. Pet Orphans Home 汪汪喵呜孤儿院, CHINA 132. PETA Asia 亚洲善待动物组织, HONG KONG 133. Plant & Animal Welfare Society, INDIA 134. ProWildlife e.V., GERMANY 135. Qingdao Society for the Protection of Animals 青岛爱护动物协会, CHINA 136. RAKSHA - Voice of the Voiceless, INDIA 137. Rattle the Cage Productions, THAILAND 138. reEarth, BAHAMAS 139. Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project, 140. Royal Veterinary College, University of London, Hong Kong, HONG KONG 141. Sahayog Organisation, Andhra Pradesh Goshalala Federation, Hyderabad, INDIA 142. SAI (Save Animals Initiative) Sanctuary Trust, INDIA 143. Sanctuary for Health & Reconnection to Animals & Nature, INDIA 144. Shandong Yantai Caring Street Animals Rescue Shelter 山东省烟台市爱心流浪动物救助收 容中心, CHINA 145. Showing Animals Respect and Kindness, 146. Sichuan Qiming Companion Animal Protection Center 四川省启明小动物保护中心, CHINA 147. SJZ One Meter More Love stray cats rescue group 石家庄一米爱流浪猫救助团队, CHINA 148. Society for Animal Welfare and Management, NEPAL 149. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Penang, PENANG 150. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Selangor, MALAYSIA 151. Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals - Singapore, SINGAPORE 152. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Xiangzhou, Zhuhai) 珠海市香洲区爱护动 物协会, CHINA 153. Soi Dog Foundation, THAILAND 154. Stiftung fuer Baeren / Foundation for Bears, SWITZERLAND 155. Stray Relief and Animal Welfare, INDIA 156. Sun Bear Centre - Kalimantan, INDONESIA 157. Swiss Animal Protection SAP / Schweizer Tierschutz STS / Protection Suisse des Animaux PSA , SWITZERLAND 158. Taiwan SPCA 台灣防止虐待動物協會, TAIWAN 159. Thai Fund for Elephant Foundation, THAILAND 160. THANE Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, INDIA 161. The Cattitude Trust - Chennai, INDIA 162. The Corbett Foundation, INDIA 163. The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, KENYA 164. THE ELEPHANT RESEARCH AND CONSERVATION FUND, 165. The Home of Love (The Salvation Centre of Animals), CHINA 166. The Humane Education Trust, SOUTH AFRICA 167. The Jane Goodall Institiute | Global, GLOBAL 168. The Kerulos Centre, USA 169. The Welfare of Stray Dogs - Mumbai, INDIA 170. The Winsome Constance Kindness Trust, AUSTRALIA 171. Tianjin Common Home 中国天津共同家园, CHINA 172. Together for Animals in China 与牠同行动物福利促进协会, CHINA 173. United Against Elephant Polo, INDIA 174. Animal Aid and Rescue, VIETNAM 175. Voice for Dogs Abroad, AUSTRALIA 176. Voice for Zoo Animals, JAPAN 177. We Are One Family Charity Association of Chongqing Normal University 重庆师范大学“ 天下一家”公益协会, CHINA 178. Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society, UK 179. Wild & Free - Rehabilitation & Release, UK 180. Wildlife Alliance, CAMBODIA 181. Wildlife Friends Foundation of Thailand, THAILAND 182. Wildlife in Need (and Active Environments), PHILIPPINES 183. Wildlife Protection Society of India, INDIA 184. Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Centre, Bangalore, INDIA 185. Wolf Watch UK, UK 186. Working for Animals , AUSTRALIA 187. Wuhan Small Animal Protection Association 武汉市小动物保护协会, CHINA 188. Xi’an Grenadine Companion Animal Rescue Center 西安红石榴伴侣动物救助中心, CHINA 189. Xiamen Animal Protection Education Association 厦门爱护动物教育专业委员会, CHINA 190. Xiamen Pet Web 厦门宠物网, CHINA 191. Xinjiang Karamay City Street Animal Protection Centre 新疆克拉玛依市流浪动物保护中心, CHINA 192. YeuDongVat, VIETNAM 193. Zhangzhou Small Animal Scientifically Rescue Center 漳州市小动物科学养护救助中心, CHINA 194. Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force, ZIMBABWE 195. Zoocheck Canada, CANADA