BAYCREST COMMONS Portland, Maine | 2021 Affordable Housing Design Competition Federal Loan Bank of Boston


AVESTA OUR TEAM EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 04 Rebecca Hatfi eld, Senior Vice President of Real Estate, Avesta Housing Highlights Will Sternlicht, Team Manager 1 Portland: Growth at What Cost? Nathaniel Howe, Development Offi cer, Avesta Housing MPP/MBA HKS Judgement Criteria COMPETITION COORDINATORS Harvard Business School Smart Growth Tobi Goldberg, Senior Community Investment Manager, FHLBB Molly Kaviar OVERVIEW OUR COMMUNITY + CONTEXT 09 Situating Portland Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning Peggy Moriarty, Harvard HKS 2 Demographics + Market Dynamics Tufts Avesta Housing improves lives and West Bayside + 307 Cumberland Ave. Isabelle Dupraz, Harvard GSD Jake Alchek strengthens communities by promoting Zoning MENTORS Master of Business Administration and providing quality affordable DESIGN 16 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan Design Principles John Anton, John Anton Consulting for people in need. For nearly 50 years, 3 Site Design Choices Seth Wight Tim Talun, Associate Elkus Manfredi Avesta has proven its effi cacy in afford- Sustainable Design Master of City Planning Layout able housing development and proper- Day in the Life of a Resident COURSE INSTRUCTORS Massachusetts Institute of Technology ty management in Southern Maine and Edward Marchant, Harvard Kathryn Roy PROGRAMMING 26 New Hampshire. As the largest afford- Community Findings Ann Borst, Wentworth Master of Business Administration 4 Amenities + Services Harvard Business School able housing developer in Maine, Avesta Peter Roth, MIT Potential Partners Trevor Salvini has developed more than 130 properties. Programs Master of Their portfolio includes 100 properties, FINANCIALS 36 Wentworth Institute of Technology Highlights with over 3,000 apartments, and two as- 5 Residential Programs | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition Tarida Choeimalai sisted living facilities. They also offer free Sources + Uses Master of Architecture Development Budget Wentworth Institute of Technology homeownership and counseling services as part of their home buyer education and NEXT STEPS + TIMELINE 42 Thomas Caruso Community Engagement foreclosure prevention programs. 6 Development Timeline Master of Architecture Wentworth Institute of Technology Baycrest Commons is our attempt to transform Avesta’s CONCLUSION 45 Daniel Bryer current offi ce building into its highest and best use: afford-

BAYCREST COMMONS 7 Master of Architecture able housing for Portland’s underserved and displaced. Wentworth Institute of Technology BIBLIOGRAPHY 47

02 03 “You’ve solved a problem I’ve been trying to solve for the last 5 years. We’re really excited and want to build this” - Avesta’s Rebecca Hatfi eld upon reviewing our fi nal designs and renders 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORTLAND: GROWTH AT WHAT COST? HIGHLIGHTS PORTLAND: GROWTH AT WHAT COST? In the summer of 2019, an infl ux of near- ages. What’s more, as the nation’s whitest as a home base for educational opportu- JUDGEMENT CRITERIA ly 600 asylum seekers arrived in Portland, state, new migration contributes racial nities, neighborhood and community inte- SMART GROWTH Maine. These families, many with young and cultural diversity to Portland’s unique gration, and job opportunities. children, were forced to shelter in the city’s quality of place, an important component Exposition Center for two months before of the city’s future economic success. Introducing Baycrest Commons: social workers were able to place them in The Future of Affordability in Bayside 1-BR 2-BR 3-BR TOTAL permanent housing. Portland, like many As the number of ‘New Mainers,’ contin- HIGHLIGHTS 375 sf 550 sf 800 sf 950 sf 82,200 sf cities across the country, is in the midst of ues to grow, it is imperative to not only Baycrest Commons, located at 307 Cum- a housing affordability crisis. But, unlike understand their needs and priorities, but berland Ave in West Bayside, Portland, is most cities, the shortage is felt most pain- build solutions based on mutual respect a 100-unit, mixed income, infi ll housing UNITS AT 50% AMI 2 10 15 7 35 35% fully by the city’s newest and lowest-in- and rooted in inclusion and integration. development built fi rst and foremost to come residents. The number of new mi- A number of immigrant advocacy and help integrate New Mainers, Portland’s UNITS AT 60% AMI 4 11 10 0 25 35% grants to Portland has continued to climb, social services organizations already pro- workforce, and existing Bayside property and providing housing for these families vide support in areas ranging from le- owners. By creating long term affordabili- 30% MARKET RATE UNITS 5 22 13 0 40 remains a major challenge. gal services and workforce integration to ty in a gentrifying neighborhood, curating business development and ESL classes. community and a sense of community 100 TOTAL UNITS (141 UNITS/ACRE) 11 43 39 7 100 Despite the additional strain on the city’s However, according to the Maine Immi- wide ownership through multi use public already inadequate housing resources, grants’ Rights Coalition, accessing safe spaces and exterior green spaces, and | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition new migrants to Portland are a happy and affordable housing remains a per- truly conscious design, Baycrest will serve sight. As the nation’s oldest state, Maine is sistent issue. Our development, Baycrest as a model for inclusive, equitable, and confronting the challenges associated with Commons, serves to address the need for sustainable development. an aging workforce and population. The new housing by providing dignifi ed and recent uptick in immigration is, to many, sustainable apartments for new and long- SF SF a welcome salve to the state’s slow pop- term Mainers alike. With public and tenant

BAYCREST COMMONS 12 $289,650 5,500 7,150 ADA UNITSTDC/UNIT COMMUNITY GREEN SPACE ulation growth and projected labor short- only common areas, Baycrest also serves SPACE 04 05 JUDGEMENT CRITERIA

Design Community Responsiveness Financing Environmental Responsiveness Feasibility Innovation Our design transforms a squat building After discussions with more than a dozen To meet Avesta’s north star of maximizing Sustainability is a core focus at Baycrest, Avesta already has site control and tre- The creation of a parklett against the al- and a dark fenced-off alley into an example stakeholders, Baycrest Commons address- units, we employed a “Twinning” struc- with units designed to meet Passive mendous good will cultivated through ley provided a key solution to a struggle of what intentional, inclusive, affordable, es the goals of Avesta, the city of Portland, ture, separately fi nancing 2 building parts requirements, and enough to their impressive development and service with how to handle a dark and depressing housing can be. Baycrest’s glass street and our Bayside neighbors. In response to (“condos”) with 58 units in a condo under reduce building energy requirements by record. Local zoning allows for the project alley. Light and warmth is brought by the façade, light cladding, and scattered balco- feedback, we have maximized the num- 9% LIHTC (“9% Condo”) and 42 units in a more than 34%, and a rainwater cistern to be built By-Right, and the progressive greenery, and a higher than expected unit nies, and alley-side parklette, both activate ber of units and pursued a mixed income condo with uncapped 4% Maine State LI- system to decrease water and sewage City of Portland is actively encouraging count was achieved through our unique the street and provide a splash of color in a strategy. 12 ADA units fi t the needs of el- HTC (“4% Condo”). We also leveraged Tax costs. Garden boxes on the rooftop are new development in the Bayside neigh- Twinning fi nance structure. monotone urban landscape. A fl exible-use derly and diabled tenants; 39 2- Incentive Financing to secure a 75% tax fed by this rainwater. Bike storage and a borhood, especially with our mix of ADA public with attached wel- and 7 3-bedroom units provide afford- rebate for 30 years, lowering OpEx and in- bus stop on our front provide am- and affordable family units. The neigh- comes the neighborhood in, while a tenant ability to families. With 30% of our units creasing the amount of debt Baycrest can ple transportation opportunities without borhood association welcomes the mix of only common room and rooftop green market rate, and 70% affordable (at 50% responsibly maintain. This project would access to cars. market-rate and affordable units as well as spaces provide residents with intimate and 60% AMI levels), Baycrest Commons be the fi rst “Twinnings” development in the public common room and greenspace. places to gather and connect. Ground- will bring together Portland’s new immi- Maine and would pave the way for larger fl oor ADA units provide easy access, and grants, Portland’s underserved workforce, denser development by creating a feasible light exterior blends into adjacent garages and long term residents. fi nancial model in a state where resources and the high school, and our modern style are limited. matches other developments underway. | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition BAYCREST COMMONS

06 07 SMART GROWTH Mixed Use Development: Strengthening and Directing Development Towards Pairing our mixed income residences with a public community Existing Communities: space, and Avesta’s home ownership offi ce, aligns us with the Portland’s recent infl ux of immigrants has exacerbated a pre-ex- City’s desire to activate Cumberland street. isting housing shortage, and created tension between some life OUR COMMUNITY + CONTEXT long residents and the people that many see as the city’s future. 2 Fostering a Sense of Place: Baycrest’s income and unit mix and community spaces work to- Our parklette will add much needed greenery to a sea of concrete gether to help integrate these two communities and increase the SITUATING PORTLAND and brick, and combined with the fl exible community room will level of understanding and shared sense of ownership all Port- DEMOGRAPHICS + MARKET DYNAMICS help make Baycrest Commons a valued destination within the landers should feel for their home and city. WEST BAYSIDE + 307 CUMBERLAND STREET community. Community and Stakeholder Collaboration: Transportation Choices: Dozens of conversations with community and city stakeholders With a bus stop on Baycrest Commons front doorstep, a major went into the design and planning of Baycrest Commons, making bus transit hub across the street, and bike storage, residents can the fi nal proposal a concept that not only has support from cur- go anywhere they need, be it to work, groceries, the library, or the rent Bayside residents, but gives them a genuine sense of own- SITUATING PORTLAND nearby Bayside nature trail. ership. Since 1786, Maine’s largest city, Port- Financial services, regional healthcare, a regard, Portland’s compact urban form, Compact Building Design: Predictable, Fair, and Cost Effective Development: land, has always played an outsized role burgeoning biotech industry, and a thriv- walkable neighborhoods, and proximity to We leveraged our vertical limit of 85’ to maximize the number of Our fi nances support our initiatives towards Smart Growth, with in the state’s political, economic, and ing local food scene have all contributed natural resources contribute to both the units while ensuring all and living had adequate cost effective development and fi nancial subsidies that ensure cultural history. The site of Maine’s 1819 to the city’s continued economic and cul- health of its economy, as well as its desir- natural light. long-term affordability. Our commitment to meet the changing State Constitutional Convention, Portland tural growth in southern Maine. ability for those relocating. An immigrant needs of the neighborhood through fl exible common spaces en- A Range of Housing Opportunities and Choices: served as the state’s fi rst capitol from 1820 friendly set of public policies has helped sures the product that is Baycrest Commons maintains relevance to 1832, when it was moved to Augusta. While the trend of suburbanization during attract an entirely new category of resi- Our unit mix provides low income and market rate housing op- while preventing displacement in a changing neighborhood. Long a competitive shipping center, Port- the mid-20th century reduced Portland’s dent to Portland, so called “New Mainers.” portunities across 4 unit types, providing prospective tenants a

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition land’s maritime economy fueled the city’s population from its one time peak, under wide range of options of how to live at Baycrest Commons. Preserving and Creating Open Space: growth through the 19th century. Today, a progressive set of municipal leaders, the Naturally, this population growth and shift Our project transforms asphalt parking spaces into a vibrant mul- Walkability: Greater Portland accounts for roughly half city has fi nally begun growing again af- in demographic patterns brings both op- tifamily apartment building with multiple greenspaces Baycrest Commons is less than 5 blocks from Portland town , of the state’s economic output. Historic ter years of decline. This pace of urban- portunities and challenges, of which hous- and vibrant downtown Portland and 1 block from the new Pedes- industries including manufacturing, ship- ization is accelerating as Millennials and ing availability and affordability fi gure trian Activity District Portland is working to build. According to ping, fi shing, and tourism represent only Baby Boomers alike gravitate towards cit- prominently.

BAYCREST COMMONS an article in the Portland Press Herald, Bayside is Portland’s most a fraction of contemporary Portland’s di- ies for their job opportunities, social cohe- walkable neighborhood (Billings, 2015). verse economy. sion, amenity proximity and more. In this 08 09 DEMOGRAPHICS + MARKET DYNAMICS Housing Crisis Like many cities across the country, Port- dened, meaning they pay more than 30% land faces a housing crisis characterized by of their income on rent. In Maine’s largest insuffi cient supply and increasing demand, city, displacement and household instabil- exacerbated by COVID-19, creating a city ity have become common as demand con- wide decline in housing affordability. The tinues to outstrip supply. Portland’s only gap between median renters’ income and option is to build its way out, and recent housing costs has increased dramatically development and zoning reforms demon- over the last three years, making Portland strate the City’s understanding of it’s need one of the nation’s least affordable rental to change with the times. markets (Valigra, 2020). The city’s hous- ing crisis is particularly acute for renters, “Having an affordable place as 44% of renter-occupied housing units to live is foundational when Pious Ali, Portland, 2009 in the Portland are considered cost-bur- you are a New Mainer. “New Mainers” While Maine is generally regarded as one You have to stay somewhere of the least diverse states in the nation, to start building up your life over the past two decades it has experi- again.” enced a dramatic rise in new immigration, - Georges Budagu Makoko 3 particularly to the city of Portland. In the Relative Increases in Renter Income and Medium 2BR Rent past decade, Portland’s foreign-born pop- ulation nearly doubled, from roughly 7.6% of the city’s total population in 2000 to an estimated 13.2% in 2017 (Portland’s Plan, 2017). Much of that new migration has | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition been concentrated in the West Bayside neighborhood, which experienced a 17% increase in foreign-born population from 2010 to 2019 (U.S. Census Bureau, 2019). An infl ux of new asylum seekers is project- ed to bring more accelerated growth in BAYCREST COMMONS the years to come.


A Changing Bayside West Bayside Service Providers Preble Street Sreet Portland’s Bayside neighborhood began real estate developers has put pressure on households report wages below the pov- Despite the abundance of service centers With over 45 years of experience, Preble Street provides services to peo- as an industrial center for Portland’s ma- one of the last affordable neighborhoods erty line. Overall, West Bayside’s poverty making Bayside a natural home for the ple experiencing homelessness, hunger, and poverty. They offer a range rine and manufacturing companies. As the on Portland’s pricey peninsula. rate is also higher than the city average at unhoused, the neighborhood’s transition of programs including shelters, a food and soup kitchen, health city developed, warehouses were demol- 36.4% (Starting Strong, 2019). has accelerated since Portland relocated services, and anti-traffi cking services. ished and swaths of single-family residen- As residents fl ee elevated prices in oth- West Bayside is also home to a range of its public works campus out of West Bay- tial homes were built throughout the 20th er parts of Portland, Bayside’s relatively social services including homeless shel- side in 2017. The city intelligently had the Oxford Street Shelter century, taking advantage of the area’s affordable properties, ample parks, and ters, rehabilitation programs, health ser- land developed to include a mix of mar- The City of Portland operates the Oxford Street Shelter, which provides elevation to avoid angry winter seas. In convenient location make it a natural des- vices, Portland Highschool, the Boys and ket-rate and affordable residential units, safe, temporary housing for adults experiencing homelessness. the 1970’s Portland’s Armenian commu- tination. Unfortunately, this within-Port- Girls Club and the City’s Social Services commercial uses, restaurants and retail. The Salvation Army nity made Bayside home, and the neigh- land relocation is driving up affordability division. Currently, West Bayside’s shelters Signaling a signifi cant shift in the West The Salvation Army’s Adult Rehabilitation Center offers housing, food, borhood became known for its Armenian and beginning to close the neighborhood house half of the city’s homeless popula- Bayside’s transformation is the recent ap- counseling, community and employment for people struggling with bakeries and grocery stores (Taylor, 2017). off to it’s historic immigrant communities. tion. The area is marked by parking lots proval of a 171-unit apartment building, substance abuse. and scrap yards from its industrial past. the largest approval in the city since 2014. West Bayside Today Maine Behavioral Healthcare

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition East and West Bayside are the most racial- As renewed investment pours into the A neighborhood historically character- Maine Behavioral Healthcare’s Bayside location provides outpatient care ly diverse neighborhoods in the state of neighborhood, our development seeks to ized by its industry has undergone rapid for adults and children who face challenges with mental health, develop- Maine. With a population of approximate- ensure that the West Bayside residents of change, and today is known for its abun- mental disorders, and substance use issues. ly 2,300, 23.8% of the population in West today and tomorrow, will have a home in dance of social service providers rath- Bayside is foreign born. On average, fam- the West Bayside of tomorrow. Greater Portland Immigration Welcome Center er than it’s great transit options or best ilies in West Bayside are larger than the Portland’s Immigrant Welcome Center is a nonprofi t which seeks to in class walkability. Renewed investment BAYCREST COMMONS rest of the city and along with four other “strengthen the immigrant community through language acquisition, from the city and mounting interest from neighborhoods, 100% of female headed economic integration, and civic engagement.” 12 13 Surrounding Amenities (0.5mi radius) • 3 Grocery Stores • Portland Public Library • 5 Public Parks • Post Offi ce • 2 Community Gardens • Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome Center • The Boys and Girls Club of Portland • City Hall • Portland High School • Two Metro Bus Routes • Historic 307 Cumberland Avenue, 1900’s Contemporary 307 Cumberland Avenue, 2021 ZONING The Baycrest Commons Baycrest sits at 307 Cumberland Avenue, 307 Cumberland sits within the mixed-use, functionally eliminated required parking currently home to Avesta’s headquarters. B-3 Downtown Business zone. The gen- minimums on our site, given the afford- The two-story building was built in 1913 erous zoning gives us an opportunity to able nature of its development and tran- and only occupies a portion of the land maximize the lot area for the creation of sit proximity. The Bayside Height Over- Avesta owns; the rest is covered by an desperately needed affordable housing. lay Map dictates the maximum building asphalt parking lot. The Salvation Army’s Stated goals of this zone include encour- height of 85 feet, ground level set backs of 2-story building sits across a narrow alley. aging increased housing opportunities 5 feet, and an additional setback of 5 feet On the remaining sides are open parking downtown for a diverse resident popula- for fl oors over 65 feet. lots and parking garages; Directly across tion, and reinforcing downtown as a meet- | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition Elm Street, is a 6-level parking . A ing place for, “community residents and second 6-level garage sits across Cumber- visitors alike from all walks of life and all land Ave, adjacent to Portland Highschool. socio-economic groups” (Land Use Code, Directly behind the development, on Ox- 2020). The dimensional standards of the ford Street, are two more surface parking B-3 zone are generally permissive and al- lots. low for a high density of housing. Recent BAYCREST COMMONS amendments to the land use code have

14 15 A Healthy City Protecting the health of both Maine’s critical natural resources and its residents is a top priority. A commitment to passive housing principles and renewable solar energy reduce fossil fuel consumption and limit related carbon emissions, contributing to the city’s goal of supporting 3 DESIGN sustainable energy consumption and production. A Livable City DESIGN PRINCIPLES The creation and preservation of housing for all income levels and SITE DESIGN CHOICES household sizes is a paramount goal of both the city and this project. We SUSTAINABLE DESIGN understand that Portland’s vitality and unique sense of place rely fi rmly BUILDING LAYOUT upon the availability of diverse, secure housing resources for existing DAY IN THE LIFE OF A RESIDENT and future residents alike. An Active City Every residence in Portland is located within a half mile of either an open DESIGN PRINCIPLES space or trail, and we’re happy to report that Baycrest Commons is prox- imate to both, and actually creates new open space with our adjacent parklette. Our project builds upon these existing resources by prioritizing Our design principles are heavily infl u- on-site green space, community gardening, and enhanced accessibility enced by the Bayside community’s full for walking, biking, and transit. Linking existing resources and forging set of stakeholders, as well as the overar- new ones enhances the type of activity that is essential to an equitable ching vision and goals established in the and healthy city. city’s most recent comprehensive plan: ‘Portland’s Plan 2030’. Baycrest Commons A Vibrant City seeks to embody and promote these prin- Recent migrants to Portland are responsible for much of the racial and ciples through our dedication to making cultural diversity that drives the city’s vibrancy, and as such, our project | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition Portland a healthy, livable, active, and vi- creates a welcoming and inclusive place for them to call home. Port- brant city. land’s exceptional urban form is integral to its economic success, and recent investments from the city have sought to transform West Bay- side into a compact, walkable, neighborhood center. Portland’s creative, entrepreneurial residents have already begun to transform neighboring East Bayside, and we cannot wait to see how enterprising Mainers help BAYCREST COMMONS reinvigorate West Bayside.


Curb Appeal Fitting Into the Neighborhood To avoid a boxy, institutional, building, we The adjacent 6-story parking garages and designed an L-shape building with scat- Portlands High School diagonally opposite tered, softly colored referencing are all light shades. Two new structures the nearby Atlantic Ocean and Portland’s with market-rate housing are being built lovely summer sun. For a vibrant front on within a couple blocks with a similar color Cumberland Avenue, we designed a trans- palette. Our modern, light shade building lucent glass façade at pedestrian level with fi ts well into the area and will help direct entry into Avesta’s Home Ownership and the future of the West Bayside aesthetic. Property Management Offi ce. The balco- ny in front of the bus stop on Cumberland Family Friendly Avenue provides protection in rain and in a Challenged Area snow. The corner of Cumberland and Elm While Bayside is getting safer, many par- is a landscaped where people can ents do not yet allow children to play out- wait for friends or Lyfts to arrive. side without their supervision. A tenant-on- ly common area will serve as an indoor Community Engagement play place, and othe rooftop and its tenant The narrow, shaded alley between the garden provides a safe, “in building” space current Avesta building and the Salvation for children to exercise. A computer lab in Army had previously been fenced off to the will help with after-school discourage drug use in the area. Our de- , and our bike storage room will have sign transforms the dismal alley into a vi- allocated space for child sized bikes. brant, welcoming space. A 28 foot greens- pace brings light not only to the alley, but ADA Accommodations Maximizing Natural Light Encouraging Use of Public Transit

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition also to lower fl oors facing the alley. It’s With groceries, restaurants, library, post To provide adequate natural light in units, Residents who need a car for work can a green corridor leading to ADA units, a offi ce and other amenities within walking apartment depth was kept to 30 feet. As secure a city sticker for street parking. By secondary entry, and the publicly available distance, this is an ideal location for dis- each bedroom and needs nat- limiting building parking to 9 ADA spots, Baycrest common room, a fl exible space abled residents. Twelve apartments and ural light, we placed larger units in corners we encourage folks to walk or use the 8 which can be reserved for anniversary cel- 9 parking spots are ADA accessible, with and on the top level – a narrower fl oor ad- bus (which stops right on the corner of ebrations, community meetings, and ESL several ADA units located on the ground hering to the 5-foot zoning required set- Elm and Cumberland) for errands. This

BAYCREST COMMONS or job readiness . Wayside Food fl oor enabling access without the need for back. also allows us to maximize the number of Programs can host dinners there as well. any usage. units on site and keep costs down. 18 19 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN STRATEGIES Reducing Energy Consumption

Reduction Through Intention

Promoting Healthy Living + Public Transit:

Energy Effi ciency

Reducing Impervious Surfaces | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition BAYCREST COMMONS

20 21 22 BAYCREST COMMONS | Portland, Maine | 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition wide potlucks andethnicfoodfestivals. and forcommunity andlargeresident meetings.Akitchen isavailableforbuilding only, commonroom. The larger,public,roomisusedbyESLtraining providers and guests)areapublic commonroomwithkitchenette,andoneprivate, tennant Baycrest’s parkletteor internalcorridors(all6’toaccommodate ADA residents trance fromthealleyside parklette.Atthebackofbuilding,accessible through Tenants willenterthebuildingthrough main entryonElm,oramirroreden- and homeownershipeducationcentergreets pedestriansalongCumberlandAve. Welcome toBaycrestCommons!Avesta’s on sitepropertymanagementteam Ground available atthebaseofparklette. ground tor tobringtenantsfromgradethe and ADAcompliantwheelchaireleva- into thebuildingwithanentryfoyer from ElmStreetwelcomespeople The building’smainaccesspoint, BUILDING LAYOUT fl oor.Asecondaryentranceis

UP each apartmentgetsmaximumsunlight. the large2and3bedroomunitsoncornersensures to takeabreakwhilewaitingfortheelevators.Placing and asmallseatingareaallowstiredparentsorshoppers studio. Twoelevatorscarryresidentsbetweenthe Seven 1-bedroomand2-bedroomcompetewithtwo munity spaceifadditionalfundingbecomesavailable. can bedevelopedintoadditionalapartmentsorcom- the righthandsideofexistingroofstructurewhich Just over2,000sqfeetofadditionalspaceremainsalong and thewatercisterninbuilding’sbasement. collection systemthathelpsfeedtherooftopplanters are solarpanels,utilities,andthestartofrainwater boxes placedthroughoutthedecks.Above7th the residentruncommunitygardenscultivatedinplanter view inoneoftworooftoppatios,andcanparticipate portland. Tenantsfromother phenomenal, lookingoutoverthebayanddowntown room, andtwo1-bedrooms.Theviewfromthe On the7th fl oor wehavethree2-bedrooms,one3-bed- fl oors areabletoenjoythe fl oor is oor fl oors, fl oor Basement Typical Floor(2-6) Floor 7 or evenADUs becomeviableinthe future. tional parking, communitygarden space, left forfutureexpansion intheeventaddi- tween BaycrestandOxford St.hasbeen do schoolwork.Undeveloped spacebe- for jobopportunities, learn newskills,and freely availablefortenantstousesearch ers, donatedbyalocalnonpro mote workersandstudentsalike.Comput- Inthebasementwehaveadditional spot foracomputerlabavailablere- storage capacity,aswelladesignated fi t, willbe 23 A DAY IN THE LIFE OF A RESIDENT

Emmet Lisa and Stan The Nganos The Munyenyezis Effi ciency Unit 1-Bedroom 2-bedroom 3-bedroom

Emmet steers his wheelchair over to the li- Lisa and Stan both work at Maine Oyster Patience Ngano and her husband Felix Now that Beatrice Munyenyezi and her brary at least 3 times a week. He and Andy company where they met. Stan mans the both work as home health aides with Gran- husband Japhety’s 5-year old Aisha has (also in an ADA apartment), start making bar and Lisa is a waitress. They joined a ite Bay Care, alternating 24-hour shifts so started kindergarten, Beatrice has started dinner runs to Chipotle and Pizzaiolo as league at Bayside Bowl. Walking to work at least one is home to watch 1-year old working as a home health care aide. On soon as the snow melts. Emmet grows and grocery stores keeps them in good Sara and 3-year old Samuel. And on Sun- days Jake takes the car to his job at Tyson fl owers in one of the rooftop planters. Re- shape, but their new year resolution is to days, when they are both at home, it’s time Foods, Beatrice works at homes she can cently, Emmet started assisting with the log 5 miles on the Bayside Trail once a for grocery shopping. In good weather, walk to or reach on the 8 bus. Now that ESL classes in the public common room. weekend whenever the temp is above 45 they walk the ½ mile to Hannaford’s. The her English is improved, Beatrice is going degrees. Ngano’s arranged with the Wamariya’s to attend the Certifi ed Nursing Training

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition upstairs to alternate child-care during the offered by Maine Medical Center (and week. Patience takes the 12:30 – 2:30 Tues which pays $200 / week). 8-year old Amos and Thurs ESL class at the Salvation Army is in grade 2 and 10-year old Aron is in next door. Clementine takes the Mon and grade 4 at the Reiche Community School. Wed 1 – 3 pm class in the 1st fl oor pub- Now that they’ve taken Avesta’s classes lic room. Samuel is excited about the peas on budgeting and 1st time home owner-

BAYCREST COMMONS and kale growing in their rooftop garden ship, Jake and Beatrice are hoping to save box. enough in 3 years to buy their own home. 24 25 “Affordable housing is a Themes We Heard stepping stone in a New Focus on Mixed-Income Housing

Mainer’s life.” Portland is facing a housing shortage. We - Georges Budagu Makoko heard from our conversations the immedi- ate need for housing for a range of income 4 PROGRAMMING levels in the West Bayside neighborhood. West Bayside is already home to shelters and housing-fi rst developments for peo- COMMUNITY FINDINGS ple experiencing homelessness, but it AMENITIES + SERVICES lacks middle and upper-income rental op- POTENTIAL PARTNERS tions. A range of unit sizes and rents will PROGRAMS increase housing choice in the area. Family Housing The City of Portland is also in need of larg- er affordable units to accommodate fam- COMMUNITY FINDINGS ilies. West Bayside happens to be perfect for families due to its range of amenities including open space, parks, exceptional West Bayside is poised to change dramat- walkability, and proximity to downtown. ically in the coming years. Our team was able to speak with a range of local leaders Expanded Community Gathering Space including the neighborhood association, Community space is in high demand. We educators, social service providers, and heard from partner organizations that local government to hear about the ob- there is a need for space to host a range Who We Talked To stacles they face as well as their vision and of activities from casual language clubs for hopes for the neighborhood. These con- • City of Portland’s Housing and Community Development division people practicing English, to adult educa-

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition versations grounded us in the following BAYCREST COMMONS • Bayside Neighborhood Association tion and GED classes. seeks to contribute to the city’s efforts to make Portland more: themes, which we were able to incorpo- • Amjambo Africa Hope for a Changing Neighborhood rate into the vision and design of Baycrest • Equitable • Portland High School’s Social Work and Adult Education departments West Bayside is undergoing rapid change Commons. We also utilized the vision laid • Sustainable • Jack Soley, Developer, East Brown Cow Management and Firehouse Ventures and our conversations centered around out in Portland’s Comprehensive Plan, • Dynamic • Preble Street (Homeless housing and services) the need for that change to help blend which was released in 2017 and incorpo- • Secure • Maine Affordable Housing Coalition new and existing residents, with respect-

BAYCREST COMMONS rated a robust community engagement • Authentic • Avesta staff ful consideration of people experiencing process. • Connected • Wayside Food Programs homelessness. 26 27 AMENITIES + SERVICES: “When people start mixing and mingling in common spaces they will feel included. Both OUR ANSWER TO THE COMMUNITY New Mainers and long-term Mainers have so Baycrest Commons will offer benefi ts for residents and community members at large much to offer each other.” to enjoy the space and make it home. The goal is that these amenities will provide new - Georges Budagu Makoko and existing residents an anchor to build community as West Bayside undergoes neigh- borhood change. Providing public space for communal activities will promote a greater sense of social cohesion and understanding among our diverse residents. These spaces include two community rooms and a shared kitchen, bike storage, computer lab, proper- ty management and homeownership services, resident gardens, and outdoor patio and seating options.

Community Rooms Shared Kitchen Resident Gardens Gathering space is in high demand in West Food is an important aspect of any culture. Eight planters will be available for garden Bayside, which is why Baycrest Commons Sharing recipes and traditional dishes is a space. Interested residents will be entered will feature two community rooms, one way to promote cultural understanding into a lottery and the winners will be en- open to the public and the other reserved and social inclusion. The kitchen space at- couraged to plant vegetables, fruits, and

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition for residents. These fl exible spaces will al- tached to the public common room will fl owers. These plots will encourage food low tenants to gather together for private enhance gatherings and promote healthy sovereignty, the ability to choose healthy parties, such as birthdays or graduations. and sustainable eating by allowing pot- and culturally appropriate food. For those The spaces will also lend themselves to lucks or garden to table meals within the who are unable to utilize the on-site gar- community programming like English lan- building. Partner organizations may also space, there are two other community guage conversation groups, adult educa- host community dinners or cooking class- gardens nearby that residents will be able

BAYCREST COMMONS tion or GED classes, and community meet- es in the space. to enjoy. ings. 28 29 Property Management + Bike Storage Computer Lab Homeownership Services The Bayside Trail connects the neighbor- There is an increasing digital divide be- Avesta’s HomeOwnership Center offers hood to Greater Portland through a net- tween those who have access to the inter- counseling services for renters, fi rst-time work of over 70 miles of mixed-use trail net and computers in today’s society. From homebuyers, homeowners at risk of fore- and green space. Just three blocks from fi nding employment to accessing school

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition closure, and any community member who Baycrest Commons, residents will be able work, this disparity has even increased wants to improve their fi nancial health. to utilize this bike and walking trail for during the covid-19 health pandemic. Res- These services will be offered at Baycrest outdoor recreational opportunities. The idents at Baycrest Commons of all income Commons for residents and the wider building will have ample bike storage ar- levels will have access to a fully equipped community. eas for residents to keep their bikes and computer lab. This access will ensure that incentivize clean transportation and re- residents have the same opportunities as

BAYCREST COMMONS duce the collective carbon footprint. their neighbors across Portland.


Avesta’s continued presence in West Bay- Portland High School Greater Portland Immigrant Wayside Food Programs Maine Immigrant Rights Cultivating Community side will allow existing neighborhood rela- Founded in 1821, Portland High School Welcome Center Wayside Food Programs offers free meals, Coalition Located just half a mile away, Cultivating tionships to be deepened. Avesta’s on-site serves a diverse range of families from The Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome mobile food , and a healthy snacks The Maine Immigrant Rights Coalition Community empowers “New Americans by staff will be able to realize community as- across the city. Located across the street Center “serves as a hub of collaboration for kids program across the city. As an ex- convenes sixty-nine organizations which teaching them sustainable farming prac- sets and increase resident integration into from Baycrest Commons, the high school that strengthens the immigrant commu- isting partner of Avesta, Wayside Food are led by and serve immigrants across tices and connecting them to the commu- the neighborhood. Below are a few orga- may use the community rooms to engage nity through language acquisition, eco- Programs can offer regular meals for resi- the state. They include advocacy and le- nity” through their “food hub.” They offer nizations which may be incorporated into parents and students in meetings, events nomic integration and civic engagement.” dents and the wider community from Bay- gal support, faith based, women and school and teen programs, an urban ag- Baycrest Commons’ programming and or classes such as GED classes or adult ed- Just a 2 min walk from Baycrest Commons, crest Commons’ shared kitchen and com- youth, business/fi nancial/workforce de- riculture initiative, a fully operating farm, | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition community life. These potential partners ucation programs. a partnership with the center will allow munity room. velopment, education, housing, health, and a farmer training program. Their farm, might be invited to hold events, meetings, collaboration between the two . women’s, and general immigrant support Fresh Start, operates farm stands through- and classes within the community rooms, The Greater Portland Immigrant Welcome organizations. While the coalition doesn’t out the growing season which would be a kitchen, or outdoor spaces. Center offers coworking space, a business offer direct services, they may utilize Bay- great fi t for Baycrest Common’s farm days. hub to promote immigrant entrepreneur- crest Commons’ community room to host ship, a digital language literacy program, meetings and events. BAYCREST COMMONS and citizenship and voting support.

32 33 PROGRAMS Farm Days Art Competition Language Conversation Club Cultural Nights Our diverse programming will promote Baycrest Commons will host weekly or Residents of all ages are invited to ex- Many New Mainers are just learning or back and welcoming atmosphere. At the Local nonprofi ts, such as the Greater Port-

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition community building and inclusion for the monthly Farm Days, in which a local farm plore ways to creatively express them- seeking to improve their English language same time, many New Mainers come to land Immigrant Welcome Center, are in- Baycrest Commons’ diverse residents and will be invited to set up a mini-market in selves around the questions: What brings skills. While formal English as a Second the United States already multi-lingual vited to host regular cultural nights with the wider Bayside community. These pro- the front gardens. Farm Days will help new you joy? What does community mean to Language (ESL) classes are offered in Port- and can offer an exchange of language food, music, and dance to celebrate the grams seek to bring people of different and existing residents build community, you? Winning art pieces will be selected land, they are in high demand and are skills to residents seeking to learn a for- diverse cultures represented in Portland backgrounds together to learn and share while offering fresh and culturally relevant to enhance the front of Baycrest not always the right fi t for an individual’s eign language. and in the building. skills together while getting to know each food options for the neighborhood. Commons. This art competition seeks to needs. An informal English conversation

BAYCREST COMMONS other and becoming a more intentional bring the community together to contrib- club will allow participants to practice the community. ute to the building’s design through art. language with a native speaker in a laid- 34 35 RESIDENTIAL PROGRAM

35% of units target households earling 50% AMI, 35% target 60% AMI, and 30% will be allocated for Maine’s large, grow- 5 FINANCIALS ing workforce. THis mix allows us to bal- ance three priorities: Portland’s need for HIGHLIGHTS low income housing, workforce housing, RESIDENTIAL PROGRAMS and the neighborhood associations desire SOURCES + USES for mixed income developments. DEVELOPMENT BUDGET


8 (incl. basement) market rate units, and applying for both Residential: 82,200 sf 9% LIHTC and Maine’s State 4% LIHTC Community: 5,500 sf program through a “twinning” structure, a Greenspace: 7,150 sf 100 unit building has been created. This is 100 Units: nearly double the average urban develop- 35% at 50% AMI ment in Maine (MaineHousing, 2017). 35% at 60% AMI 30% at FMV The twinning structure, pioneered in | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition Maryland, entails creating multiple con- BENEFITS OF TWINNING When it comes to housing, Portland’s big- dos within a single property. Further, to gest challenge is simple: a lack of afford- maximize the chances of receiving the 1. Reduces fi nancing gap by diversifying debt able units. Local community conditions maximum QAP allocation, and in reaction sources and overcoming restrictions as well as Maine’s limited subsidy led to to community feedback about a need for 2. Reduced total expenses via proportionally maximizing new affordable unit construc- affordable family units, 46% of Baycrest allocating hard and soft costs

BAYCREST COMMONS tion through a mixed income project. By units are 2 or 3 bedroom units (with all 3. Maximizing density of the project combining 50% and 60% AMI units with three bedrooms being affordable units). 4. More favorable scoring for QAP 36 37 37.4% + 38.2% + 24.4% EquityHard Debt Soft Debt $7.9M in project equity will come from MaineHousing provides our only hard Our soft debt comes from MaineHousing, selling 9% LIHTC credits and $2.9M from loans, which are interest only, at a 6% and FHLBB’s AHP program, Portland HOME/ SOURCES + USES 4% credits. Rooftop solar panels will also 5.5% interest rate. The 9% Condo will re- HTF and a development fee loan. In the With Maine’s unique 4% LIHTC program, ing from MaineHousing, the state housing credit units to be at 50% AMI or below, grant Baycrest Commons approximately ceive approximately $5M of 6% IO Debt, 9% Condo, a $1.55M subsidized cash ad- this development takes advantage of a fi nance authority. The average rents in which promotes deeper targeting but lim- $41,000 in federal solar tax credit while the 4% receives approximately $6M vance will help buy down the cost of debt, novel approach to affordable housing fi - Maine are very low as compared to oth- its the debt that can be carried any a sin- in 5.5% IO Debt. Debt terms are based on while deferred loans and direct subsidy nancing known as “twinning,” where the er states, so the subsidy helps bridge the gle project. Avesta’s other recently funded projects as will help fi ll the rest of the funding gap. building is synthetically split into “two” gap. Maine’s 9% LIHTC program has strict of Q4 2020. condos, each eligible, under HUD guide- caps limiting the resources and it changed lines, for their own application to LIHTC just this past year requiring 60% of the and soft debt programs. DEVELOPMENT BUDGET Operating Expensses + Not only does Twinning allow for getting Development costs were structured off of using MH’s TDC per bedroom rather than Cash Flow Summary around Maine’s maximum LIHTC subsidy Avesta’s recently completed 409 Cumber- per unit calculation: TDC/unit in just the Operating assumptions are based on a for a single development, but it also allows land project down the street from the Bay- 9% Condo: $239,900, using ([2 X TDC/unit] blend of Avesta’s previous properties, ad- for splitting Operating Expenses across crest Commons site. They rely on an aver- + [TDC/bedroom]) divided by 3 (Maine- justed for Baycrest’s unique size and lo- each “condo” thereby allowing Baycrest age construction cost of $200/sqft which Housing, QAP 2021). The project truly cation within the Bayside neighborhood. Commons to overcome its funding gap. is based upon Avesta’s average quote benefi ts from it’s large scale, and delib- Year 1 OpEx comes out at ~$7,400 per for similar buildings. While 85’ is typical- erate allocation of expenses between the unit, with stabilization in year 5 producing Further, this combination allows us to bring ly above wood framing height, it is tech- higher equity but capped 9% LIHTC and annual net cash fl ows of roughly $79,000 AHP, city HOME, and Maine’s unique TIF

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition nically permissible under IBC allowing us the uncapped 4% LIHTC programs. of $495,000 in NOI. Real Estate Taxes are together all for the same project, a blend- to use the cheaper construction method being modeled at $2,000 per unit, 75% of ed fi nance approach that helps make this (Woodworks). The site is the current location of Avesta’s which is abated through Maine’s TIF stat- project legitimately feasible. corporate headquarters, so the proceeds ute. This program, unique to Maine, allows Total Development Cost (TDC) per unit from acquisition will be used to relocate for subsidized creation of affordable hous- Maine has a unique affordable housing is $289,650, but due to our condo struc- the headquarters and staff to a new offi ce ing by allowing the municipality to return landscape with a 4% LIHTC program that

BAYCREST COMMONS ture, we still fall below MaineHousing’s location. 75% of the project’s tax revenue to the de- is matched with a signifi cant subsidy offer- $255,000 per unit cap for 9% LIHTC when velopment (MaineHousing, 2020).

38 39 Ensuring Continued Affordability and Resiliency Committing early in the design process to With local transit all around Baycrest, and smart growth principles and sustainable a commitment to 50% and 60% AMI rents design (from Avesta’s standard operating in a gentrifying Portland, Baycrest will

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition procedure of using insulation with higher maintain its affordability for decades to than standard R-values to better than re- come, even if Bayside evolves into a high quired , fi xtures, and tighter build- demand community. Lastly, Avesta’s mis- ing envelopes), allows Baycrest to reduce sion as a nonprofi t requiring a guarantee its operating expense by being a highly of affordability ensures that they will never effi cient building. Solar panels specifi cally sell Baycrest even after the LIHTC afford-

BAYCREST COMMONS help reduce total electricity costs by over ability requirement lapses. 34%. 40 41 6 NEXT STEPS + TIMELINE



Due to the Covid-19 health pandemic, our be critical as Baycrest Commons comes to • City of Portland Facilitated discussions with like-minded Given that Avesta currently occupies the Surveys are a simple option for gauging team had limited engagement with pro- fruition. • West Bayside renters & homeowners individuals, or people with similar back- Baycrest Commons site, pop-up events will people’s feelings about the project and spective residents. Extensive interviews Equitable distribution of resources across (Bayside Neighborhood Association) grounds, are a great way to generate and be a great way to engage diffi cult to reach gathering new ideas. Surveys that are dis- with local leaders spanning the neighbor- neighborhoods is a priority for the City explore ideas. Focus groups with any of populations. Pop-ups, which could include tributed virtually and in written formats • New Mainers (Greater Portland Immi- hood association, educators, social service of Portland. Inequity shows up in many the proposed constituent groups could food, entertainment, or family-friendly are important for reaching diverse pop- grant Welcome Center, Maine Immi- providers, local government and more ways, including access to green and open help the team go deeper on any aspect activities, invite people into the space to ulations and funding should be allocated helped shed light on the perspectives of space opportunities. To celebrate the his- grant Rights Coalition) of the project. Many organizations are ex- imagine what might be possible there and for translation and inclusionary outreach. current and future tenants. Since Aves- toric nature of the Baycrest development • Youth & parents (Portland High perimenting with virtual focus groups due engage with key questions. Partnerships Partnership with other organizations and

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition ta is already serving a similar population, and its desire to bring together a socio- School, Boys & Girls Club, Bayside to the Covid-19 context and having great with other community organizations are institutions will be helpful in distribution their Resident Service Coordinator was economically and racially diverse neigh- Neighborhood Association) success. vital to making pop-ups a successful en- of the survey. able to provide helpful input on resident borhood, we plan to hold a community • Small business owners (Portland In- gagement method. needs and concerns. However, continued tree-planting ceremony in the parklette as dependent Business & Community Al- community engagement is necessary to Baycrest Commons’ construction fi nishes, liance) meet the needs of the neighborhood and so that all community members, tenants, • Portland’s workforce (Unions, South- BAYCREST COMMONS to ensure that diversity, equity, and inclu- and neighbors alike, can enjoy the green- sion are incorporated into the project will space and be welcomed into the project. ern Maine Workers’ Center) 42 43 DEVELOPMENT TIMELINE “You’ve solved a problem I’ve been trying to solve for the last 5 years. Based on Avesta’s plans and needs we 6 months until Avesta will apply for LIHTC We’re really excited and want to build this” have developed an effi cient and fast paced funding, the developer will have ample - Avesta’s Rebecca Hatfi eld timeline for Baycrest Commons. Given the time to fi nd a new offi ce space for itself upon reviewing our fi nal designs and renders many factors involved and the uncertain- and determine its moving process. The CONCLUSION ties we face during the Covid-19 pandem- project is expected to be completed by 7 ic, this timeline is simply a best estimate the end of 2025. As an expert developer of affordable with current information. With more than housing, Avesta has long known its cur- rent offi ce building is not the highest and best use of the 307 Cumberland Property. In order for the fi rm to consider moving offi ces, they needed a proposal that not only created a material number of units but also considered the unique size and location of the site, along with its context in the broader neighborhood.

Upon seeing the design for Baycrest, with its greenspace, ample common area, and room for Avesta to maintain a presence at their “home,” the Avesta team congratu- lated us on a dense, but humane, design. With the help of our fi nance advisors, and the Avesta team, we were able to over- come the funding gap, creating Baycrest

| Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition Commons, a 100 unit mixed- income, LI- HTC subsidized, infi ll project with public and private public space.

We cannot wait to see Baycrest grow out of 307 Cumberland, and see how New

BAYCREST COMMONS Mainers and longterm community mem- bers make these new spaces their own. 44 45 BIBLIOGRAPHY

City of Portland. (2017). Portland’s Plan 2030. Retrieved from:

MaineHousing (2020). Housing Facts and Affordability Index. Retrieved from:


Starting Strong. (2019). Early Childhood: Portland, Maine. Retrieved from:

dhoodProfi le-FINAL.pdf

Taylor, Tony. (2017). Mid-Century Bayside Remembered. West End News. Retrieved from:

U.S. Census Bureau. (2019). 2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table A06001; Retrieved from:


U.S. Census Bureau. (2019). 2019 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates, Table A18002; Retrieved: from:


Valigra, Lori (2020). Gap persists between renters’ incomes and housing costs in Maine, study shows. Bangor Daily News. Retrieved from: https://bangordail

Hutchins, Kaine. “Development Cost Trends in Affordable Housing.” Maine Housing, Maine State Housing Authority, Aug. 2017, | Portland, Maine 2021 FHLB Boston Affordable Housing Design Competition fault-source/housing-reports/2017-development-cost-trends-in-affordable-housing.pdf?sfvrsn=4014a115_4).

AHTIF Program Administrator. Affordable Housing Tax Increment Financing Program, Maine Housing, 2020,

/housing-development/developmentdetails/affordable-housing-tax-increment-fi nancing-program.

WoodWorks, Wood Products Council. “What Is the Tallest Wood Structure Allowed per Current Building Codes?”,

BAYCREST COMMONS -tallest-wood-structure-allowed-per-current-building-codes/#:%7E:text=Under%20the%202012%20and%202015%20IBC%2C%20opportunities%2

0exist%20for%20constructing,allowable%20use%20of%20combustible%20alert(document.%20lastModifi ed). Accessed 4 Apr. 2021. 46 47