The College News, 1958-03-19, Vol. 44, No. 17 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1958)
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Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1958 The olC lege News, 1958-03-19, Vol. 44, No. 17 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1958-03-19, Vol. 44, No. 17 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1958). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. • • • , ) \ VOL XLIII, NO, 16 AIIDMOIIE and BRYN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, 19, 1951 PIlei CENTS MAlleN 20 BMC, Haverford Calendar ,Wedneaday, March 19: French Wine Intellectuals of the Thirties", Workings Of A Small College 8:80, Theatre Attempts Club:filma, Common Room. Goodhart Auditorium. Clae,- 20: 12:30. 8 :'30 Thursday. ,March League pre- begin at es 'Will '.'1'1\. Bents Raymond Pace Alexander: !Monday, Mareh Arts Forum, "Winter" Comedy 8: 0 24: Discussed By Dean Marshall "Is Integration the Answer!" 3 , 7:16, Common Room. The topic of nean Dorothy N. as our own plumber., electricians, Common Room. Tuesday. March 25: Carlo! De by Det.y Lenrlnf . speech for Current Friday, March and ·.,..,turday, Azevedo, C urator I the Natlon.1 IM-anhal1'. and other 'p.....- ' aI, ' , , Enoul'h, 21 �_ 0 .. The Dark Is Liehl Brit- E n , W at You Don' Know March 22: College Theatre presents Museum of Contemporary Art in n ts h lb t. A third choice for a ipOint o! Fr 's out Bryn ish Playwright Christopher y "The DaNt Light Enough" by Li.3bo will give the C1us of 1901 Ab lHawr", was ake view would be Is : n . f that of the faoulty. 8 30, cording to M ac.- moat recent comedy, will go on Chri8topber F.ry. Goodbart on "Portuguese Painting arshaU, and one However, Mrs. Manhall, without 8:80 Dean Friday um geared to Goodbart's boards at Auditori . of tbe 15th and 16th Centuries", .provoke audience entbU)- stating it, looked at Bryn Mawr 8:.80 and Saturday night.. The play is laem. Dean Marshall the education Sunday, March 23: Ohape1 Serv- 'P.m., GoadbMt Auditorium. allured and education in aen- a production of the Drama Club audie e n t mmon ice. Rev. Dr. Joseph Bishop, Cho- Tueeday, rlIareh 25: Curriculum nc ,i he Co Room. eral Irom an� admlnlstrator'a point and College Theatre, and Js direc Monday n ht, that they would not f t.. rus, 7:30, Music lRoom. Committee Tea for sophomorea. ig o view. ed by Robert Butman. be hearing .Monday. March Alliance pre- Archaeology, Anthropoiocy and any "hideo exp ". 24: us osb The hYlteria caused by the co- Da.rk is the fourth member of an 4:00 Wlhat !Was heard il18tead was a talk �::-aenta_ -::-Irving_-=- _Howe,_ "The Left_ Latin,_ _ pnn,. Common Room. called critical state of education Is illustrious quartet-Fry'a "comed' -=,...: __--,:- -:-'-- ---'=-=:-_--:_____ on the wO kings of a small coll l I ll ege unwarran�d. Mrt. Marshall went ies of season." The concept that Ceo} as seen from an outlook which Is ' U· on ,to say t.bat high .Moo! .tu· a play might take its mood from ogy D ep 1. Acqwres ramum, not the undellft'aduate'., denta shouldn't become panicked a time of year is not a new one: In ec Idl ng on ' d a po Ifnl 0 'vIew about being admitted to colleae. but fry hal confirmed the tech- ec GoId In V aux Mmera I ColI t-Ion from which to diacull Bryn Mawr, There is a collere for every atu- nique, brought It up to date and MT'. lCanhall suggested as dent even though it micht not friven it significance in, the vocab· po,- by Liz Rennolda Vaux, Jr., Mineral Collection sibUities either a small town or be his first. cboice. She also .tated ularly of the modern theatre, Dark which was recently given to the a large non-profit business operat;.1 thJt,t the surveya used to prove the annotated "A Winter Comedy"; "There', just no way of estimat- $2,000,000 ill Ing on a year. To tho.!!l ljifficulty of gaining admittance of a co .uch College by Vaux. The co1lec. A Phoenix Too FrfJquenl, produced ing the value Uection Mr. who ' might doubt the former c1a - are based on qualified facti of com- as tbia one," aaya Dr, Edward H, tion. made up of approximately •• her. la.t IaU is the .ummer flca" Ion, M n. Mars hi ' r 10,000 I a I convinced which the qualifications are not edy; Venus Ob8er' ved. the autumn; Watson, chairman of the specimens of more than h ])epart- 850 the listener with the accumulated stated, Bryn Mawr. not wanting and the celebrated T e Lad,.', Not ment of Geology. "It is probably chemical compounda or mineral information bIlat we have our own contribute to bbi. distortion, For Bu,run' , a.. ume. the ,,'me on. of the Iinest .private mineral W • types was just recently moved on- pos t 0m ce, h O Pl'Ita , so h p, restau· does nol release the number and tempo .prl....... collections in existence." S cd 01 ,Ull campua from the nearby VaUX rant. b oteI . road system. as well people submitting applications to &&06' to I In Elizabethan Poetic Line He was speaking of the George h Tb te t robl m o th 11 e. The e ' ea t! � t ; II The Dark LI,ht Enough is a I:::; to e�gr;�er: pu i a�o��i:: t�: �e�n� a::; Ie 14 verBe !play, whose poetic line is P z F P order that it may be and Wales Will Be 1. Many who a,pply only do so for ri e or oets seen ellentially Elizabethan. It il appreciated. to bhe fullest extent. P the sake of applying somewhere. underscoring the obvioul to note Dr. Watson went on to e:x;plain ane'list On TV even though they know their rae- f the importanCti o Fry and Eliot To Be Awarded . tbat the Vaux family has lone ords are not up to the standards (and perhaps Archibald MacLeish been aNociated with e college 23, for admittance, There are those t.h On Sunday, March from 2. with his juat;.publiahed poetic Bryn MaW!' is one of the twenty and the Bryn Mawr-Haverford 12:00 12:80 who have applied to other such to on Channel 5 there drama, J.D.) in somewhat resur- " rt community; and thus Mr. Vaux schools. which another college impo ant" colleges and univer- will be a New York Time. Youth of reding, aomewhat recreating, recently decided to give us tbia is their first choice. sities at ",hieb tbe Academy of Forum. The topic under discusaion poetry for the dr&matic medium. valuable collection. •• w,'11 be "Sbould We I-rea TurninD" -her talk to tbe college American Poet. awarda an anJlual ,- Our • Once asked why .poetry, Fry reo. It c I early represents years $100. 0I Foreign Economic: Aid!" The in particular. Dean MarshaU said plied, "Well, we have to be pri%e of These prizes, es· expeditions, IPUrchase!, gifts. and a 11 panel will consist of a gU"t that we aa a small uhool enjoyed born into world wildly un· ago, are honest devotion, Georg Va , 10 tablished several yean c Wl: speaker. Lincoln Gordon (P.rofes- our "own little -blellilngs." Number prosaic as this one is, what else & ' ff and hill brother William S. part of the Acad my s e ort to Sr. lOr of- Internation.1 one among these is the size of the Economic Re. cnt be done we mean to be Vaux re primarily responsible for laculty with the il discover and encourage new poetl. a. lations at Harvard Univertity in comparison realistic!" the collection which now occupies student body, The majority of the was organi ed in GraduaUil Busineu School), and In k 'eepmg. per b aps, WI th e The Academy z ,a I east te n or, wen 'I y arge cab- 'th several college studerfts. Bryn du ses, eighty - eight to be enet, seaaon. poetic language of with the object of fostering ineta (not to mention numerous the 1934. Mawr haa been asked to lend a have filteen or less ltudentl re Dark is not nearly lUtely florll lPl'oduction of American poet;. paeking boxel) in Park. as the panel anem'ber and Lucy Wales gi�tered. In relation to thil fact in others of the comedies and ts .r course, any collection thil"Of al ry, I major activity is to e- al in of has been selected, a question was asked, in the dis· lOme of the religious festival says Dr. WaUson, "you'll cUllion period which followed, ward ",poets of proven merit" with," plays. Barene81 of diction is not ,5,000 find lots of impreaeive 'largest' about the facilities of the college awardl or prizes a trait usually ascribed to Fry, Fellowlhip and ',most' tltil or But Notice truly that." available for its eventual upln- but in Darll; this restraint hal paid irom the income of a perman· amonl" the amazing speei- 750 sion to student.!. Mn. Marshall The following .people have achieved an appropriate sense of ent trust fund. Each year, in addi· mens i, the already di.played feels that the college can be ex- winter's bleakness and of a result- flake of biotite in been elected aan Presidents: tion, tbe Academy conducts a com.