Do Well Journal

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Do Well Journal DO WELL JOURNAL. ^Toluma 27. ITo. 42. LOWELL, MICH., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1892. One Dollar a Tear. Highest of all in Leavening Power.—Latest U. S. Gov't Report RUIN IN ITS WAKE I A DEADLY COMPACT. Two C'lilciiffonim Agreo to Cominlt fiulolde OWELL STATE BANK, The Awful Work of a Powder Explosion —Olin In Dendl the Other Dylnif CAPITAL STOCK PAID UP, iS'jn,000.00. CHICAGO, April 18.—Casper Cased and L OWRLL, - MICHIGAN. DAMAGE A^JD LOSS OF LIFE William Spania made an agreement Transact a General Banking Business. Saturday to commit suicide. Casel's lii the ICxpluftton of tlm Ainorlcnn I'orclt body is now lying on a slab INTEREST PAID ON TDI10 DEPOSITS. at the morgue and Spania is Workii-The Victims Torn to It is the aim and purnose of the management of this Bank to build up ita at death's door, as a rcdult Frugini'iitB. bURinesR by courteous and fair treatment, and to offer to its patrons every accom- of solf-intlicted wounds. The men had modation consistent with sound banking. both had family troubles. They met j&sszgm MOUNT ARLINGTON, N. J., April 1!) Saturday and began drinking heavily •We Solicit Your BusinesH.- The works nf the American Korcite and while under the influence of liquor 1 ^ j BOWNE. DANIEL STRIKER, M. C. GRISWOLD, Powder Company on the shores of Lake made the compact to end their President. Vice President. ABSOLUTELY PURE Hopateong, about a mile below here, lives. Gasel was found dead al Cashior, blew up at about o'clock Monday his boarding house at 270(5 Emerald av- afternoon and seven men were blown enue Sunday morning with a bullet A Story A limit thn Heading; Deal. TROUBLE BREWING. TIED IIP. to atoms. The names of five of the hole in his forehead and a revolver When Asa Packer died ho left ?15, ICuNtlci Tluvulf.i 'lit AI tuck »lie TroopH men killed are as follows; clasped in his hand. Five hours after 000,000 invested in iho Lehigh Valley PENSIONS! I'nlrm tiic l i Hi- 'Cunu il Ov«T to .1. I). Smith, supcrinU'ndent of the Casel's body had been discovered Spania railroad with the m-ommondation that THE DISABILITY BILL IS A LAW. works, married and leaves a widow and Soldiers Disabled Since the War are Entitled Sioux City (h.) Residents Forced Tin :ii. cut his throat in a South llaisted it be allowed to remain there for an in- (iu.i.KTTK. V.'.vo., April IS.—The sit- one child; Jacob Carlson, aged 36; mar- Depenilont willows and phrnntR now dependent street saloon. After his woundfl had definite period. As is known, Mr. wlione soni died froiajtlTi-otH of nnny service to Walk on Sunday. nation liotv is if :i'iytliin;r mon* excit- ried and leaves five children; William been dressed at the hospital he related Packer left but one child, a daughter. are inc|udi'd. If you^lii^if' h yooui r claim ipeedlly Pierce, aged 'J8, married and leaves a and miccensfully prtfccuted1 . naddre.- s ing thtm hoforc tin; invading army of the story of his compact with Casel. Some years ago sho married Charley widow and two children; James Vagh, JAMES TANNER Ciittli'imni was surrendered to the The men had intended to die together, Cmnmings, a popular Lehigh Valley aged 20, nnma»ried; A. Johnson, aged Lntc C'ominlxslonor of Pom-ioni, WanhlnKion, 1). In Revenge for tho Closing of Their Unitid M:ile- tr.inps. It is now but became separated while drunk. conductor, but who was poor and was 30. unmarried; another body has been Placed, Saloonkeepers Cause the c-erlain Mint a pian is arranged Casel came to this country from Ger- not favorably received by some of the recognized as that of a Swede whose by wlii'-ii so-called rustlers will many a month ago. relatives. Cnmmings, believing him- OITIT Enforcement of the Sunday Law. make an elfort to take the pris- name is unknown. self the representative of the Packer es- oners by force from the troops, Two men were injured. One of them, May Day Aliroail. tate, sought favor with the active man- HETAl.l.VTIOX.. if it is M'.'ii that they will not he turned Befijainio Cassimore, is so terribly LONDON, April 18.—It is expected that agement ami attempted to advance him- Sioux CITY, la.. April 18.—About 40 over for trial to the civil authorities. burned .and mangled that he will prob- workingmen's processions on May day aelf to the presidency of the road. miles of rapid transit were tied up This do i not necessarily mean that ably die. will be entirely forbidden in Gennany. These advances were repelled, how- ED. FOR MAN, PROPRIETOR. Sunday by the Sunday law enforce- they are lo be mobbed, but the people Flvo lliilldiiiRH Shtttturod. Preparations for socialistic demonstra- ever, and the young man felt deeply the ment movement. The Peavy electric are dete; mined to have them submit to The explosion occurred a few min- tions in Italy on that day are causing, Orders for Pasaengera or Ragpage left at Train's Bnub ho received from President Wil- Hote!, Davis House or the. Bus Barn will system, which operates 25 miles of the laws governing such cases, even if utes after :i o'clock, and five buildings alarm. In France It is expected that )ur- Ho told them that ho would got receive prompt attention road, was the first to be at- it costs much bloodshed. were shattered. What caused the ex- 8,000,000 socialists will march In pro- ' even with them, and now ho has done it tacked by officers armed with war- Everybody is armed, and though the plosion will never be known. The cessions. by turning over to- a rival corporation rants for their arrest, but soon after tho people des re to uphold lite law, yet works of the company consisted of a Struck by the Overland Train. | ^ pru8i(leutf directorHi em. RHEUMATISM cable line and the Booge system were they fear the prisoners will be assisted number of small buildings, scat- DIXON, 111., AP"1 ®' 'S8 e ployees and tho entire equipment of the -CURED— also assailed. The warrants charged out of the country by tho wealthy cat- tered at about a distance of Hanccn. aged 65, of Franklin Grove was Lchi h ValI Cummings has had his BY CSI.III 0!SB 110Tri.E violation of the Sunday statutes. They i tlcmen. The rustlers are greatly ex- !!()0 feet from each other. Most struck by the overland passenger tram ^ anJ n()t ^ that but ji0 i8 to YELLOW PINE COMPOUND. were served on the motonnen and the cited and bitter against the cattlemen. of the buildings were used in the on tho Chicago A Northwestern Sunday ^ th(. ri bt hiin(1 man of pro,i(lent Mc. Si Price, $2.00; by Express, £>,25. conductors. As fast as the mon were 1 The prisoners are to be wnoved to Fort mixing process, and only one man was i afternoon and Instantly kdled. , tie management of the great a," Scud for treatise. taken olf the cars by the officers other ] Douglas, near Salt Lake City. Col. Van employed in each. The other build- L 0(1 iu YKLLOW PINK EXTRACT'JO. 01 Federal street, AllcRliriiy, Pa. men took their places, while arrange- Horn has been warned that the troops ings. which stand farther away from Three People Killed by a Cyclone. ! r0!lt|- For sale by all druggists. ments were made for giving bonds. ' will be attacked en route, and is pre- the lake on the side of the mountain, GUTIIRIR, O. T. April 18.-A re- Mr. and Mrs. Cummings have been Chureh-OoerH Forced to Walk. • paring for and expects engagements. are used for the storage of dynamite, port from the western part of the lfor B0VeraI >'eaf enjojnng their enor- V , ,, , ^ .i . , imons revenue from the Packer in vest- r To Invalid and Wounded The Peavy system held out for two 1 1 f the rustlers make the attack it will nltro-glycerlne and detonators. The Creek nation states that a cyclone mentin tho hours, but finally at noon called its cars I certainly be a sanguinary battle. works have frequently been the scenes | p™d through"'!!^ action oVthe LeWfb Val'ey. They have SOLDIERSI in and tied up for tho day. The cle-| The rustlers who number over 1,000 | of explosionss, but never to such an ex- country a night or two agou.r,,, destrovin.liw.trovincgr a sumptuously furnished pnvate car vated railway which connects with a and are all well-armed, insist that 1 tent as on this occasion. ami have traveled over the whole coun- The undersigned at the request of many over a dozen houses and many barns, Invalid .Soldiers, has qualified and line to Morning Side was dealt with 1 Uessa. Ford and Elliott, the Imprisoned j Panic Amonu tho Workmen. try in tho most elegant stylo. Being a and killing three people and a large beon admitted to practice more easily, as it has only two trains. I cattlemen, be delivered to them. If they j The explosion occurred while all the practical railroad man, Cummings has, number of horses and cattle. m the The enforcers timed their work so as get the prisoners they certainly will be | men were at work and caused a panic, since his fortunate marriage, been anx- to lie up the lines while the people were hanged.
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