Separating sound from source: sonic transformation of the violin through electrodynamic pickups and acoustic actuation Laurel S. Pardue Kurijn Buys Michael Edinger Design and Media Technology Centre for Digital Music / Centre for Digital Music Queen Mary University of Lyngby, Denmark Aalborg University / QMUL London
[email protected] Copenhagen / London London, UK
[email protected] [email protected] Dan Overholt Andrew P. McPherson Institute for Architecture, Centre for Digital Music Design and Media Technology Queen Mary University of Aalborg University London Copenhagen, Denmark London, UK
[email protected] [email protected] ABSTRACT 1. INTRODUCTION When designing an augmented acoustic instrument, it is of- Two common motivations for designing augmented instru- ten of interest to retain an instrument's sound quality and ments are to extend the sonic capabilities of an existing nuanced response while leveraging the richness of digital instrument, or to repurpose the player's existing skill and synthesis. Digital audio has traditionally been generated technique on a traditional instrument. In contrast to tra- through speakers, separating sound generation from the in- ditional acoustic instruments, where sound production is strument itself, or by adding an actuator within the instru- inherently tied to physical construction and energy input ment's resonating body, imparting new sounds along with from the player, it is common with developing digital or the original. We offer a third option, isolating the play- augmented instruments to segment the design into separa- ing interface from the actuated resonating body, allowing ble modules: interface, processing, sound output. us to rewrite the relationship between performance action Most commonly, processing is done on a computer with and sound result while retaining the general form and feel sound then output to a speaker or public address system, of the acoustic instrument.