A NOMINATION FOR THE RECOGNITION OF MORUYA GRANITE QUARRY COMPLEX & GRANITE TOWN AS SIGNIFICANT ENGINEERING HERITAGE SITES. 1. A NOMINATION FOR THE RECOGNITION OF MORUYA GRANITE QUARRY COMPLEX & GRANITE TOWN AS SIGNIFICANT ENGINEERING HERITAGE SITES. Presented to the Engineering Heritage Committee of Engineers Australia This nomination was forwarded to Engineering Heritage Australia for consideration for the award of Engineering Heritage Marker on 6 September 2010 with a copy to the General Manager of Eurobodalla Shire Council. The proposal was given in principle agreement by the Strategic Planner of Eurobodalla Shire Council in correspondence from Council dated 1 September 2010. In principle agreement to holding a ceremony to mark the occasion was also given by Council. The nomination was approved by the Engineering Heritage Recognition Committee of Engineers Australia with an approval date of 26 October 2010. J. W. Gibson (Member, EHS) 2. HERITECH CONSULTING ABN 29 804 304 435 P0 Box 553 Balgowlah 2093 NSW Australia Phone (02) 9939 2095 Mobile 0412 036 055 Email
[email protected] 6 September 2010 The Administrator Engineering Heritage Aust. Engineers Australia Engineering House 11 National Circuit BARTON, ACT. 2600 Nomination for Moruya Granite Quarry Complex & Granite Town Dear Sir/Mdm, On behalf of the Engineering Heritage Committee (Sydney Division) I am pleased to forward a nomination for the Moruya Quarry Complex and Granite Town for consideration by EHA of the award of National Engineering Heritage Landmark. Completed nomination forms A, B, and C are attached, as is a letter from Eurobodalla Shire Council in support of the nomination. It should be noted that the Council recently held a ceremony to mark the return of the Abernethy Stone turning lathe to the shire, and they are supportive of the EHC move to recognise the Quarry Complex as a significant item of engineering heritage.