Flavor Physics and CP Violation Zoltan Ligeti The 2013 European School (
[email protected]) of High-Energy Physics 5 – 18 June 2013 Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Parádfürdő, Hungary Standing Committee Scientific Programme Discussion Leaders T. Donskova, JINR Field Theory and the Electro-Weak Standard Model A. Arbuzov, JINR N. Ellis, CERN E. Boos, Moscow State Univ., Russia T. Biro, Wigner RCP, Hungary H. Haller, CERN Beyond the Standard Model M. Blanke, CERN M. Mulders, CERN C. Csaki, Cornell Univ., USA G. Cynolter, Roland Eotvos Univ., Hungary A. Olchevsky, JINR Higgs Physics A. De Simone, SISSA, Italy & CERN G. Perez, CERN & Weizmann Inst. J. Ellis, King’s College London, UK & CERN A. Gladyshev, JINR K. Ross, CERN Neutrino Physics B. Gavela, Univ. Autonoma & IFT UAM/CSIC, Madrid, Spain Local Committee Cosmology C. Hajdu, Wigner RCP, Hungary Enquiries and Correspondence D. Gorbunov, INR, Russia G. Hamar, Wigner RCP, Hungary Kate Ross Flavour Physics and CP Violation D. Horváth, Wigner RCP, Hungary CERN Schools of Physics Z. Ligeti, Berkeley, USA J. Karancsi, Univ. Debrecen, Hungary CH-1211 Geneva 23 Practical Statistics for Particle Physicists P. Lévai, Wigner RCP, Hungary Switzerland H. Prosper, Florida State Univ., USA F. Siklér, Wigner RCP, Hungary Tel +41 22 767 3632 Quark–Gluon Plasma and Heavy-Ion Collisions B. Ujvári,Univ. Debrecen, Hungary Fax +41 22 766 7690 K. Rajagopal, MIT, USA & CERN V. Veszprémi, Wigner RCP, Hungary Email
[email protected] QCD for Collider Experiments A. Zsigmond, Wigner RCP, Hungary Z. Trócsányi, Univ. Debrecen, Hungary Tatyana Donskova Highlights from LHC Physics Results International Department T. Virdee, Imperial College London, UK JINR RU-141980 Dubna, Russia Tel +7 49621 63448 Fax +7 49621 65891 Email
[email protected] Deadline for applications: 15 February 2013 International Advisors http://cern.ch/PhysicSchool/ESHEP R.