
Local Plan

Publication Draft 2019 (For Official Use Only)


Please respond by 6pm Monday 30 September 2019.

The Council considers the Local Plan is ready for examination. It is formally “publishing” the Plan to invite comments on whether you agree it meets certain tests a Government appointed independent Inspector will use to examine the Plan (see Guidance Notes overleaf). That is why it is important you use this form. It may appear technical but the structure is how the Inspector will consider comments. Using the form also allows you to register interest in taking part in the examination. All comments received will be sent to the Inspector when the plan is “submitted” for examination.

Please email your completed form to us at

If you can’t use email, hard copies can be sent to: Planning Policy & Environment Team, Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Doncaster, DN1 3BU.

All of the Publication documents (including this form) are available at:

This form has two parts: Part A – Personal Details and Part B – Your Comments (referred to as representations) Part A

Please complete in full. Please see the Privacy Statement at end of form.

1. Personal Details 2. Agent’s Details (if applicable) Title Miss

First Name Chris

Last Name Calvert Organisation Metacre Limited Pegasus Group (where relevant) Address – line 1 Pavilion Court

Address – line 2 Green Lane

Address – line 3 Garforth, Leeds

Postcode LS25 2AF

E-mail Address

Telephone Number

Guidance Notes (Please read before completing form)

What can I make comments on?

You can comment (make representations) on any part of the Doncaster Local Plan Publication Version and its supporting documents. These include: Sustainability Appraisal, Habitat Regulations Assessment, Topic Papers and other supporting technical (evidence base) documents. The full list of documents is available at: However, this stage is really for you to say whether you think the plan is legally compliant and ‘sound’ (see below ).

Do I have to use the response form?

Yes please. This is because further changes to the plan are for a Planning Inspector to consider during an Examination in Public and providing responses in a consistent format is important. For this reason, all responses should use this response form.

You can attach additional evidence to support your case – but please ensure it is clearly referenced and succinct. The Inspector will decide if further additional evidence is required before or during the Public Examination.

For the inspector to consider your comments, you must provide your name and address with your response. Additional response forms are available online at

Can I submit representations on behalf of a group or neighbourhood?

Yes you can. Where there are groups who share a common view on how they wish to see the plan modified, it would be helpful for that group to send a single form that represents that view. In such cases the group should indicate how many people it is representing including a list of their names and addresses, and how the representation was agreed e.g. via a parish council/action group meeting, signing a petition, etc. It should still be submitted on this standard form with the information attached.

Question 3 (below) – What does ‘legally compliant’ mean?

Legally compliant means asking whether or not the plan has been prepared in line with statutory regulations, the duty to cooperate and legal procedural requirements such as the Sustainability Appraisal (SA). Details of how the plan has been prepared are set out in the published Consultation Statements and the Duty to Cooperate Statement, which can be found at:

Questions 4/5 (below) – What does ‘soundness’ mean?

Soundness means asking whether or not it is ‘fit for purpose’ and ‘showing good judgement’. The Inspector will explore and investigate the plan against the National Planning Policy Framework’s four ‘tests of soundness’1. These are:

• Positively prepared - the Plan should be prepared so it meets Doncaster's objectively assessed needs for housing and other development, including infrastructure and business development.

• Justified – the Plan should be based on evidence, and be an appropriate strategy for the Borough when considered against other reasonable alternatives.

• Effective – the Plan should be deliverable and based on effective joint-working on cross-local authority boundary matters as evidenced in a Statement of Common Ground.

• Consistent with national policy – the plan should enable sustainable development and be consistent with the Government's National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).

Question 8 (below) – Do I need to attend the Public Examination?

You can present your representation at a hearing session during the Public Examination but you should note that Inspectors do not give more weight to issues presented in person than written evidence. The Inspector will use his/her own discretion to decide who should participate at the Public Examination. All examination hearings will be open to the public.

1 Paragraph 35 of Framework:

Part B

Please complete this Part to make your comments. After this Publication stage, further submissions will only be at the request of the Inspector, based on the matters and issues she/he identifies for examination.

If after reading the Guidance Notes you don’t know how to answer these questions, please contact us at: or

Name / Organisation Name:

Metacre (c/o Pegasus Group)

1. To which document does your response relate? (Please tick all that apply)

Doncaster Local Plan Publication Draft ☒ Policies Map ☐ Sustainability Appraisal ☒ Habitats Regulations Assessment ☐ Topic Paper? If so, which one(s): ☐ Other Document(s)? If so, which one(s): ☐

2. To which part(s) of the document / map does your response relate?

Page No.: Paragraph: Vision, Policy Ref.: 2, 3 Site Ref.: 186 Policies Map:

3. Do you consider the Local Plan is Legally compliant (including with the Duty to Cooperate)? No ☐ Yes ☒

4. Do you consider the Local Plan is Sound? No ☒ Yes ☐ (If yes, go to Question 6)

5. If you consider the Local Plan is NOT SOUND, is this because it is NOT: (Please tick all that apply)

Positively prepared ☒ Justified ☒

Effective ☒ Consistent with National Policy ☒

6. Please give reasons for your answers to Questions 3, 4 and 5 where applicable. If you believe the Doncaster Local Plan is not legally compliant and/or not sound please provide all the information, evidence and supporting information necessary to justify your comments.

Please also use this box if you wish to comment on any of the documents you marked in Question 1 above.

You can attach additional information but please make sure it is securely attached and clearly referenced.

Please refer to representation 003A.ER/P17-1591

7. What change is necessary to make the Doncaster Local Plan legally compliant and/or sound? Please set out what change(s) you consider necessary to make the Doncaster Local Plan legally compliant or sound – based particularly on how you answered Question 6 relating to the tests of soundness. You need to say why the change(s) will make the plan legally compliant or sound. It will also be helpful if you put forward your suggested revised wording of any policy or piece of text. Please be as precise as possible.

(If you are suggesting that the Plan is both legally compliant and sound – please go to Question 9).

Please refer to representation 003A.ER/P17-1591

8. If your representation is seeking a change, do you consider it necessary to participate at the hearing sessions of the Public Examination? (tick one box only)

No, I do not wish to participate at the examination. I ☐ ☒ Yes, I wish to appear at would like my representation to be dealt with by the Examination. written representation.

If you have selected No, your representation(s) will still be considered by the independent Planning Inspector by way of written representations.

9. If you wish to participate at the hearing sessions, please outline why you feel this is necessary:

Please refer to representation 003A.ER/P17-1591

Please note: the Inspector will determine the most appropriate way to hear those who wanted to participate at the hearing session.

Your Date Signature 30/09/2019

Please send your completed form, by no later than 6pm on 30th September 2019, to: • Planning Policy & Environment Team, Doncaster Council, Civic Office, Doncaster DN1 3BU • or email:

Electronic copies of this form are available to download at

Privacy Notice The Council is committed to meeting its data protection obligations and handling your information securely. You should make sure you read and understand the Planning Services privacy notice (see link below), which sets out what you need to know about how Doncaster Council will use your information in the course of our work as a Local Planning Authority. Hard copies are available on request from:

The Council reserves the right not to publish or take into account any representations which are openly offensive or defamatory.


30th September 2019

Local Plan Team Civic Office Waterdale Doncaster South DN1 3BU

By email only:

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Publication Draft Doncaster Local Plan: Consultation Representation on behalf of Metacre Limited

Please find enclosed a representation prepared by Pegasus Group on behalf of Metacre Limited in relation to Land at Crabgate Lane, & Skellow. The representation considers the content within the Publication Draft of the Doncaster Local Plan.

The representation should be read in conjunction with the accompanying representation produced by Pegasus Group to the draft policies and proposed site informal consultation in September 2018, which is enclosed.

I would be grateful if you could confirm receipt of these submissions.

Yours faithfully,

CHRIS CALVERT Executive Director Email:

cc. Helen Ashworth, John Tootell (Metacre)

Pegasus Group Pavilion Court | Green Lane | Garforth | Leeds | LS25 2AF T | | Birmingham | Bracknell | Bristol | Cambridge | Cirencester | East Midlands | Leeds | Liverpool | London | Manchester

Pegasus Group is a trading name of Pegasus Planning Group Limited [07277000] registered in and Wales Registered Office: Pegasus House, Querns Business Centre, Whitworth Road, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 1RT Page | 1


1.0 Introduction

1.1 This representation is prepared by Pegasus Group on behalf of Metacre Limited in relation to Land at Crabgate Lane, Carcroft & Skellow. The representation considers the content within the Publication Draft of the Doncaster Local Plan.

1.2 In compiling this representation Pegasus Group have applied the four elements of soundness referred to in the National Planning Policy Framework, which are; positively prepared, justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

1.3 This representation should be read in conjunction with the accompanying representation produced by Pegasus Group to the draft policies and proposed site informal consultation in September 2018. That document promotes the site and illustrates why is should be allocated for residential development. The purpose of this submission is to focus on the matters within the Publication Draft only, mainly the overall requirement and distribution of housing.

2.0 Our Vision for the Future

2.1 The Local Plan sets a clear and ambitious vision for the future of the borough. The Local Plan is informed by the ‘Team Doncaster’ strategy ‘Doncaster Growing Together’. This strategy has an over-arching vision for Doncaster to be a “thriving place to learn, work, live and care”. The Local Plan (para. 3.4) clearly sets out that the vision is informed by the ambitions of the City Region, its Strategic Economic Plan as well the Northern Powerhouse. The vision is also supported by several clear outcomes, including;

• be a more important economic hub with a stronger, more balanced and productive economy;

• become a University City and ensured residents have the education and skills businesses need;

• meet our communities housing needs and aspirations focusing growth in the main urban area, main towns, service towns and larger villages providing a diverse range of homes, services and improved links in between;

• enhance the vitality of our existing town centres and the wider Borough making a more attractive, healthier, safer and more active place to live, visit and work; and

• ensure the sustainability of villages and rural economy through appropriate development.

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2.2 Our client is supportive of this vision and the identified outcomes.

2.3 The Local Plan and its policies must provide a positive framework for the future of the Borough; in a way that is aspirational but deliverable. The economic aspirations of the Borough are clear in their intent to expand existing and attract new business; become an important economic hub, a University City and a leading centre in logistics, aviation, rail and civil engineering.

2.4 The economic aspirations of the Borough must be matched by a clear commitment to deliver the area’s future housing needs as a minimum. Objective 9 of the Local Plan seeks to; “ensure housing provision meets the housing need and aspirations by increasing the provision of new homes for all to meet current and future needs and create mixed and balanced communities.”

2.5 Unfortunately, the proposed policies and strategy within the Local Plan do not meet this challenge. This clearly has implications for the soundness of the plan. Our client’s concerns are discussed in greater detail against the relevant policies below.

3.0 Policy 2: Spatial Strategy and Settlement Hierarchy

3.1 This policy is considered unsound as it is not justified or effective.

3.2 The policy seeks to distribute the majority of new development to the most sustainable locations, these being the Main Urban Area of Doncaster, the 7 Main Towns and the 10 Service Towns and Villages. This general principal is considered appropriate and is supported. It is, however, important that this is sustainable and deliverable.

3.3 Carcroft & Skellow is identified as in the ‘Service Towns and Villages’ category. The Local Plan identifies that this level of settlement will “…provide a good range of services meeting their own needs and the local area. To maintain and enhance their role as service towns and villages which provide housing, employment, retail, and key services and facilities for the local area, these settlements will be a focus for accommodating an appropriate level of growth to meet their local needs, as well as renewing and regenerating any run-down neighbourhoods.”

3.4 The identification of Carcroft & Skellow within the Service Town and Village tier is supported. It is a high performing settlement and provides many primary services. It is well served by a district centre containing local services and amenities, including a primary school and health care provision. It also has excellent public transport connections to higher level centres such as Doncaster, Askern and Woodlands through regular bus services. Carcroft & Skellow is, therefore, considered a sustainable settlement suitable for new growth.

3.6 In terms of new homes the policy seeks to deliver at least 50% within the ‘Main Urban Area’ of Doncaster and 40% within the 7 ‘Main Towns’ with just 10% allocated to the ‘Service Towns and Villages’. The derivation of this split is discussed within the ‘Sustainability Appraisal of the Doncaster Local Plan 2015-2035: Publication Version’ (SA) and ‘Settlement Background Paper’. The key criteria used is a ‘proportional’ split based upon population and the ‘economic element’ of the housing requirement uplift

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being split between the Main Urban Area and Main Towns (Settlement Background Paper para 3.1.6 and 3.1.7). None of the economic uplift element is distributed to lower tier settlements.

3.7 The distribution takes no account of other factors such as affordable housing need, deliverability or development opportunities. The Council’s viability evidence ‘Whole Plan Viability Testing – Update, May 2019’ (2019 Viability Report) identifies the challenges of delivering within many areas of the borough. The 2019 Viability Report identifies three ‘value zones’ across Doncaster, these being High, Medium and Low. The low value zones are generally concentrated in and around the Main Urban Area and Main Towns.

3.8 The 2019 Viability Report highlights that; “…viability pressure was at its highest for schemes in low value areas. These schemes were shown to be unviable if a 20% (or higher) affordable housing provision was applied. However, some schemes did return a viable outcome if the affordable housing provision was reduced to 15%, although typically this also required a reduction in the other S106 policy contributions.” (our emphasis, para. 7.5).

3.9 It is notable that Policy 8 of the Local Plan reduces affordable housing to 15% in the low value areas. However, based upon the output from the 2019 Viability Report it is likely that many schemes within these areas will remain unviable even with the reduced level of affordable housing. This threatens the deliverability of the plan and the ability to meet the affordable housing needs of the area.

3.10 The Council’s background paper ‘Housing Need Study / Affordable Housing Need’ identifies a need for 209 affordable dwellings per annum. This represents almost 23% of the districts overall housing need. The reduction to 15% within areas of low value, combined with the concentration of development within these areas will ensure that the affordable housing needs of the area are unlikely to be met.

3.11 To ensure that the plan is deliverable and that it provides the greatest opportunity to deliver much needed affordable housing it is recommended that an increased percentage of housing be allocated to lower tier settlements. Given their inherent sustainability the majority of this re-distribution should be within the Service Towns and Villages, such as Carcroft & Skellow.

4.0 Policy 3: Level and Distribution of Growth

4.1 The policy is not sound as it is not positively prepared, justified, consistent with national policy or effective.

Housing Requirement

4.2 Policy 3 of the Publication Draft of the Local Plan sets a target for at least 920 (net) new homes each year over the plan period 2015-2035 (18,400 homes in total) with sufficient land allocated to deliver the housing requirement.

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4.3 This proposed level of housing growth remains unchanged since the draft policies consultation in 2018. Therefore, Pegasus continue to question whether this approach to meeting the needs for new homes demonstrates that the Plan is positively prepared and justified. The reasons for this remain as the previous representation:

a) The Borough has a clear economic growth agenda – this is evidence in the draft Local Plan’s Vision and Objectives.

Doncaster forms a key part of Sheffield City Region and target metrics produced independently for SCR LEP1 identify the need for jobs growth of 1.0% p.a. if the City Region is to improve its performance relative to the UK. Given that Doncaster has seen employment increase either at or above the levels experienced by SCR since 1998, and in line with its positive growth aspirations, it does not seem unreasonable to expect the Borough to align with the City Region target and for jobs growth in the District to average 1.0% in the long-term.

Long-term economic aspirations should be properly planned for within this land use plan, to facilitate these aspirations becoming a reality. The impact of this would be to increase housing requirements from the current OAN of 920dpa to 1,073dpa – an additional 153 homes per annum, as suggested by the Council’s housing need evidence prepared by Peter Brett Associated for the Draft Local Plan.

b) Affordability ratios in Doncaster have changed little over the past decade (4.81 – Source: 2018 Affordability Ratio Data), suggesting that the housing ladder remains out of reach for a substantial part of the local population. Build rates will therefore need to be high in the long-term to address this issue. Housing completion data for the Borough from 2004/5 and 2017/18 shows that it is capable of delivering in excess of 1,000 units per annum.

c) The Office for National Statistics (ONS) published variant household projections in December 2018. These considered a range of variant projections to assist users in examining future growth scenarios. At this stage a variant which includes higher household formation rates for younger adults (those aged 25 to 44 years) has not been provided. The ONS is currently considering how to robustly evidence this variant. This variant will be critical as evidence suggests that such households were unable to form as freely as previous generations (due to high house prices, less access to finance etc.). An increase in housing numbers in Doncaster will help ensure that supply is able to meet demand – especially from younger adult who move into the area.

4.4 The PPG states the Government will be supportive of authorities who wish to plan for growth. In addition, the PPG identifies other factors which need to be considered when determining the housing requirement. These include growth strategies, planned infrastructure, previous levels of delivery and recent assessments of need such as Strategic Housing Market Assessments (SHMA) where this suggests a higher

1 Source: Target Metrics Sheffield City Region: Metro Dynamics, June 2017

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need (PPG ID 2a-010). These are all important considerations in the context of Doncaster.

4.5 Table 4.1, below, identifies net completions over the 14-year period from 2004/5 to 2017/18. During this period delivery rates have averaged 1,013 net additional dwellings. Since the start of the plan period (2015) average delivery rates have been higher at 1,140 net additional dwellings. Setting the housing requirement nearly 100 dwellings per annum (dpa) lower than average levels of delivery over the previous 14 years and 220dpa lower than the plan period average, would be contrary to the ethos of the NPPF and the Government’s continued desire to boost significantly the supply and delivery of housing.

Table 4.1: Housing delivery in Doncaster (2004 to 2018)2

Year Dwellings completed (Net)

2004/5 1,426

2005/6 1,380

2006/7 1,285

2007/8 1,414

2008/9 1,709

2009/10 506

2010/11 817

2011/12 457

2012/13 316

2013/14 654

2014/15 792

2015/16 1,162

2016/17 1,049

2017/18 1,208

Average 2004/5 to 2017/18 1,013

Average 2015/16 to 2017/18 1,140

Average 2009/10 to 2013/14 550 Source: MHCLG Live Table 122

2 The figures for the years 2011/12 to 2017/18 are provisional and subject to revisions pending the release of future census dwelling stock data. Figure highlighted red are imputed.

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4.6 To assist in the determination of the appropriate housing requirement, three alternatives have been considered through the SA. These are;

• Option 1: 920dpa and 481ha employment land;

• Option 2: 585dpa and 103ha employment land; and

• Option 3: 753dpa and 242ha employment land.

4.7 The SA identifies Option 1 as the preferred option as it will “ local need but also enable employment-led growth in accordance with the Sheffield City Regional Plan, whilst providing a degree of flexibility…” (SA, para. 5.3.5). From the options considered it is agreed that this is the most appropriate. However, the Council has failed to consider an option which promotes a higher housing requirement than 920dpa. Given previous rates of delivery, identified in table 4.1 above, it is considered a figure in excess of 1,000dpa should have been considered as a reasonable alternative.

4.8 Following setting the housing target for the Local Plan Period, draft Policy 3 progresses to state:

…For the purposes of calculating 5-year housing land supply, the requirement will be based on the Local Housing Need figure, as derived from the Standard Methodology, which will be reviewed and revised throughout the plan period in line with the latest household projections and affordability ratio. As such, the housing requirement is expressed as a range with the bottom of the range being the Local Housing Need figure and the top of the range being 920 dwellings per annum;

4.4 Pegasus have concerns regarding the Council’s proposed approach to calculating 5- year supply and the overall wording of Policy 3 in this regard.

4.5 Frist, Policy 3 sets a target for at least 920 (net) new homes each year over the plan period, but then when discussing the ‘range of housing need’ states that the top range of local housing need figure is 920dpa. Clearly, these two statements are contradictory to each other.

4.6 Second, we contend that the approach of Policy 3 in applying a lower housing need figure for the purposes of calculating 5-year housing supply is contrary to the approach of Policy 3 in setting a minimum requirement. We would question how, in the context of the need to significantly boost housing supply, seeking to meet a figure significantly below the minimum housing target and previous levels of delivery could be considered to be a pro-active or positive approach.

5.0 Land at Crabgate Lane, Carcroft and Skellow (Ref. 186)

5.1 Land at Crabgate Lane is identified in Table H2(N) as having an indicative capacity of 300 dwellings when conjoined with allocation 165. This representation is supported

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by a Site Promotion Document which explains when the land at Crabgate Lane is a suitable location for new homes. It also illustrates how development could be achieved on the site in a well-designed manner, responding to site conditions and local characteristics. We confirm that Site 186 is capable of being delivered on a solus basis for in the region of 135 units; it is not related in deliverability terms to the rest of the Site 165 to the north; and represents the most suitable parcel of land within the Site 165 having the immediate boundary with the northern edge of the settlement. Notwithstanding this position, we recognise that a comprehensive, well- designed development would be necessary across the whole allocated site area, and the opportunities to link Site 186 to land to the north are illustrated in our accompanying Site Promotion document. We reserve the right to comment further on any site-specific requirements that may follow in regard to the wider land area (Site 165).

5.2 The provision of new homes in this settlement will not only make an important contribution to meeting housing requirement for the Borough but will also have local and Borough-wide economic benefits in terms of construction impact and household expenditure once constructed.

5.3 We strongly support the inclusion of land at Crabgate as a housing allocation within the Publication Draft Local Plan. We concur with the Council’s assessment that this site represents the most suitable site at Carcroft & Skellow for housing growth to contribute to the level of growth directed at the settlement by the Plan’s strategic policies. Site 186 is available now, supported by a willing landowner and development on site could be delivered in a timely manner to contribute to the Borough’s supply.

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INTRODUCTION SITE LOCATION PLANNING POLICY 04 / Introduction 05 / Site and Context 06 / Planning Policy 07 / Economic Contribution 4 5 6

SITE ANALYSIS SETTLEMENT CHARACTER DESIGN CONCEPT 08 / The Site 16 / Settlement Character 18 / Masterplan 09 / Landscape Character 19 / Summary 14 / A Sustainable Place for Growth 15 / Opportunities and Constraints

Prepared by Pegasus Group | Prepared on behalf of Metacre Ltd | October 2018 | Project Code P17-1591 | Contact: Nicola Berry COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright. All rights reserved, licence number 100042093. PROMOTIONAL DOCUMENT | CRABGATE LANE


1.1 This document has been produced on behalf of the Metacre Ltd by Pegasus Group, to promote land at Crabgate Lane, Carcroft & Skellow. 1.2 Doncaster Council have recently published their Draft Local Plan containing proposed policy and site allocations for housing and employment uses. Within this document land at Crabgate Lane is identified as a proposed housing allocation under site ref. 186. 1.3 The purpose of this document is to support the allocation of land at Crabgate Lane for residential development and demonstrate how the site could be delivered to provide new housing in this sustainable location within Carcroft & Skellow.




2.1 The site is an approximately 7.38 hectare parcel of land located to the west of Crabgate Lane, on the north-western fringe of Skellow. The site consists of arable agricultural land bound to the east, south and west by hedgerow. The site lies within the administrative boundary of Doncaster Council. 2.2 The site is well connected to the local road network (A1). The eastern boundary adjoins Crabgate Lane and the western boundary adjoins the A1, albeit that there is no direct access to the A1. Residential development is located to the south of the site. 2.3 The site is located within Flood Zone 1 as identified by the Environment Agency Flood Map for Planning and is therefore considered to be at lowest risk of flooding. 2.4 There are no listed buildings within or adjacent to the site and the site is not lcoated within an identified Conservation Area.




3.1 The revised National Planning Policy Framework 3.4 Paragraph 67 outlines that strategic policy-making 3.8 Doncaster Council have released their Draft Local (NPPF) (July 2018) sets out the Government’s authorities should have a clear understanding of the Plan for consultation (September 2018). planning policies for England and how these are land available in their area through the preparation 3.9 Draft Policy 3 ‘Level and Distribution of Growth’ expected to be applied. The main purpose of the of a strategic housing land availability assessment. outlines that the Local Plan’s strategic aim is to planning system is to contribute to the achievement From this, policies should identify a sufficient supply facilitate the delivery of at least 920 (net) new homes of sustainable development. There are three and mix of sites, taking into account their availability, each year over the plan period 2015-2032 (15,640 dimensions to sustainable development; economic, suitability and likely economic viability. homes in total) with sufficient land allocated to social and environmental. 3.5 Small and medium sized sites can make an important deliver at least 15 years’ supply (13,800). contribution to meeting the housing requirement 3.10 The Council’s overall strategy indicates that new 3.2 Paragraph 16 states that Plans should: of an area, and are often built-out relatively quickly development (including homes, supporting services (paragraph 68). a) be prepared with the objective of contributing and associated jobs) will be focussed in and around to the achievement of sustainable 3.6 Paragraph 74 states that a five year supply of existing urban areas, primarily Doncaster’s ‘Main development; deliverable housing sites, with the appropriate buffer, Urban Area’, its 7 ‘Main Towns’ and 10 ‘Service Towns b) be prepared positively, in a way that is can be demonstrated where it has been established and Larger Villages. Carcroft & Skellow is classed as a aspirational but deliverable; in a recently adopted plan, or in a subsequent annual ‘Service Town and Larger Village’. Provision is made c) be shaped by early, proportionate and effective position statement. to accommodate a minimum of 250 additional new engagement between plan makers and dwellings at Carcroft & Skellow. 3.7 To promote sustainable development in rural areas, communities, local organisations, businesses, housing should be located where it will enhance or 3.11 Within the draft Plan, this site is identified as a infrastructure providers and operators and maintain the vitality of rural communities. Planning Proposed Site for housing allocation. statutory consultees. policies should identify opportunities for villages to 3.3 Paragraph 33 confirms that policies in local plans and grow and thrive, especially where this will support spatial development strategies should be reviewed local services. to assess whether they need updating at least once every five years, and should then be updated as necessary.

6 Prepared by Pegasus Group Where are new homes in Carcroft-Skellow being proposed through the emerging Doncaster Local How many planning permissions already exist that will contribute towards the Towns’

Plan? housing need?

Some sites have already been built/approved for housing in the Town as at the base date of the Local Plan (1st April 2015) and will contribute towards Carcroft-Skellow’s housing requirement of 250 new homes therefore. The largest of these sites (i.e. sites which could provide at least 5+ PROMOTIONAL DOCUMENT | CRABGATE LANE Where areWhere new homes are new in homesCarcroft inin-Skellow Carcroft being-Skellow proposed being proposed through the through emerging the emerging Doncaster Doncaster Local Local How many planningHow many permissions planning permissions alreadynew homes) exist already that are willidentified exist contribute thatthat as will green towards contribute outline the sites towards Town ons the’ the map Town ands’’ summarised below in Table 1; Plan? Plan? these sites are proposed to be allocated. National policy states that planning permissions are housing needhousing? need? assumed to be deliverable sites unless clear evidence to the contrary.

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NationalNational states policypolicy thatSome planningstatesstates sites thatthat havepermissions planningplanning already permissionspermissionsbeenare built/approved are for housing in the Town as at the base date of the granted as at 1 April 2017. st assumed to assumedbe deliverable to be sitesdeliverable unless sitesclear unlessevidence clear to theevidence contrary. toLocal the contrary. Plan (1 April 2015) and will contribute towards Carcroft-Skellow’s housing requirement of 3.12 HowA development much more of housing the scale needs envisaged250 newto be herehomes identified (see therefore section at Carcroft 6). The largest-Skellow of? these sites (i.e. sites which could provide at least 5+ There are alsoThe somerere areare smaller also some sites smaller whichwill havesites derive beenwhich a total built have estimated over been the built firstannualnew over 2 homes)years household the firstof are the 2 expenditure identifiedyearsplan periodof the as plangreen period outline sites on the map and summarised below in Table 1; st stst st stst (1 April 2015(1(1 - April31 March2015-- 312017) March whichGiveninto 2017) are thethe alsoeconomy whichsupply being are of of new aroundincludedalso housingbeing £3.4these in millionincluded thefrom sites overall completions (Source:are in proposedthenum overallbers on fortosmall num be sitesallocatedbers andfor . existingNational permissions policy states 5+ that planning permissions are Carcroft-SkellowCarcroft (but--Skellow not shown (but(but on notnot the shownshownunits Householdmap/summary ( 29 onon newthethe Spend map/summarymap/summaryhomes) table by Regionassignificantly they tabletableforassumed are 2014-16 tooasasfalls theytheysmall to short produced be areare todeliverable of tootooallocate). Carcroft smallsmallby sitestotoI-nSkellow allocate).allocate). unless’s housing clearIIn evidence growth torequirement, the contrary. summary, 29summary of the 25,, 029 new of thethe homes 250 newhavethereOffice homes already is afor haveneed been National alreadyto built find Statistics). or beenfurther have built planning sites or haveat permissionthe planning settlement alreadypermission to accommodate already 221 new homes if the granted as atgranted 1st April as 2017 at 1.stst April 2017town’s.. target is to be met. There are also some smaller sites which have been built over the first 2 years of the plan period (1st April 2015- 31st March 2017) which are also being included in the overall numbers for How much moreHow muchhousing more needs housing to beWhat needs identified sites to behave at identified Carcroft been put- atSkellow forwardCarcroft? to-Skellow provide? additional housing by landowners/developers How much more housing Note:needs these to calculations be identified are based at on Carcroft theCarcroft highest- potentialSkellow-Skellow capacity? (but for not this shown site. on the map/summary table as they are too small to allocate). In and which are being proposedsummary to be ,supported/rejected 29 of the 250 new homes through have the already local plan been? built or have planning permission already Given the supplyGiven ofthe new supply housing of new from housing completions from completionson small sites on andsmall existing sites and permissionsst existing permissions5+ 5+ Given the supply of new housing from completions ongranted small sites as at and 1 Aprilexisting 2017 permissions. 5+ units (29 newunits homes) (29 new significantly homes) significantlyfallsThere short are of fallsfalls Carcrofta furthershortshort- Skellowof of9 Carcroftsites’s housingat--Skellow Carcroft growth’s’s- Skellowhousing requirement, growththat have requirement, been considered through the site there is a needtherethere to isis find a need further to findsites further furtheratselection the sitessettlement methodology at the tosettlement accommodate process Howtoto and accommodateaccommodate much 221shown new more on homes the housing221 map. newif the A needshomes very briefto ifif be thethe summary identified of at each, Carcroft including-Skellow ? town’s targettown’stown’s is to be targettarget met . is is toto bebe metmet.. why the site is either being proposed (identified on the map via an orange outline) or rejected (shown with a red outline) as aGiven new housingthe supply site ofin newthe emerging housing lfromocal plancompletions is provided on insmall Table sites 2. and existing permissions 5+ What sites haveWhat beensites puthave forward been put to provideforward additionalto provide housing additionalunits by housinglandowners/developers (29 new by homes) landowners/developers significantly falls short of Carcroft-Skellow’s housing growth requirement, and which areand being which proposed are being to proposed beAre supported/rejected there to beany supported/rejected other sites through beingthere the proposedthr localisough a planneed tt hefor? to local housing find plan further at? the sites town at ?the settlement to accommodate 221 new homes if the town’s target is to be met. There are aThere further are 9 asites further at Carcroft9 sitesAt the-Skellowat timeCarcroft ofthat writing,--Skellow have a been thatfurtherthat haveconsideredhave 1 site beenbeen has consideredthroughconsidered been promoted the throughthroughsite to thethethe Council sitesite for consideration as a selection methodologyselection methodology process and process shownhousing onand sitethe shown, map.but won Aas verythe submitted map. briefWhat Asummary toovery siteslate brief to ofhave besummaryeach, included been including ofput ineach, forwardthe siteincluding selectionto provide methodology additional housingwork so by landowners/developers why the sitewhy is either the site being is eitherproposed beingfar. (identified proposed However, on (identified(identified ththeis mapsite ononhasvia the the anbeenand mapmaporange whichshown viavia outline) anan are on orangeorange being the or maprejected outline)proposedoutline) (grey or outline)torejected be supported/rejected and comments on thr it oughare the local plan? (shown with (shown(showna red outline) withwith aa asredred a outline) outline)new housing a new site housingin the emerging site in the local emerging plan is lprovidedocal plan inis Tableprovided 2. inin TableTable 22.. There are a further 9 sites at Carcroft-Skellow that have been considered through the site Are there anyAre other there sites any beingother sitesproposedWhere being for canproposed housing I find morefor at thehousing information townselection ?at the about towntown methodology ?the site selectionprocess and process? shown on the map. A very brief summary of each, including why the site is either being proposed (identified on the map via an orange outline) or rejected At the time ofAt writing,the time a offurther writing, 1 sitea further Thishas beendocument 1 site promoted has providesbeen to promoted the a Councilvery tobrief thefor summaryconsiderationCouncil for of considerationthe as evidencea as base a that has informed the At the time of writing, a further 1 site has been promoted(shown to the with Council a red outline) for consideration as a new housing as a site in the emerging local plan is provided in Table 2. housing site,housing but was site submitted,, butbut wwas too submitted latedecisions to be too included lateon whetherto bein theincluded sitessite selection inshould the site methodologybe selectionsupported methodology work or rejected. so work Further so information and detail How many new homes are being proposed? far. However,thereforefar.far. th However,However,is site can hasbe thth seenisbeenis sitesite through shown hashas been theon Sitetheshown mapSelection on (grey the Methodology outline)map Are(grey and there outline)& comments Results any otherand Report oncomments sites it publishedare being on proposed alongsideitit are for this housing consultation at the and town ? welcomed. availablewelcomed. to view via: The emerging Doncaster Local Plan, and its supporting evidence base, has identified Carcroft-Skellow as one of 10 Service At the time of writing, a further 1 site has been promoted to the Council for consideration as a Towns/Villages in the borough. The Homes & Settlements consultation (March 2016) proposed a housing allocationWhere to the can I IwantWhere find tomore can let theinformationI find Council more information kaboutnow now the sitewhat about selection I think the site about process? selection housingthese proposals.process? site, but w Howas submitted can I do toothis? late to be included in the site selection methodology work so town of 255 new homes over the plan period to 2032. The latest, and most up-to-date evidence base, now proposes a far. However, this site has been shown on the map (grey outline) and comments on it are This documentThisThis engagement providesdocument a providesverystage brief runs a summary veryuntil brief of summary the thevidence of the base evidence that. You has basecan informed providethat has theyour informed comments the and feedback to us via slightly lower target for Carcroft-Skellow of 250 new homes during this same timeframe. This document provides a very briefFriday summary 26 October of thewelcomed. 2018evidence base that has informed the Draft Proposals Map (2018). Site identified as Site 186. decisions oncompletingdecisions whether theonsites Localwhether should Plan sites beDraft supportedshould Policies be &orsupported Proposedrejected. orSitesFurther rejected. response information Further form availableinformationand detail to downloadand detail via the following web-link: How many newHow homes many new are beinghomes proposed? areWhat being are proposed? the main physical and policy constraints to growth at the town of Carcroft-thereforeSkellow? can thereforetherefore be seen cancan through bebe seenseen the Selection thethe SiteSite Methodology SelectionSelection MethodologyMethodology & Results The Report &&re sResultsResultspo npublishedse ReportformReport providesalongside publishedpublishedWhere allcanthis alongsidealongsidethe Iconsultation find relevant more thisthis informationinformation consultationconsultationand foraboutandand how the you site can selection return process?your Prepared by Pegasus Group 7 available to viewavailable via: view via: to us or how you should contact us if you have any queries in respect to this stage, or any aspect of the emerging The emergingThe Doncaster emerging Local Doncaster Plan, andLocal its Plan supportingFlood,, and Risk its evidence supporting – National base evidence policy, has identifiedstates base ,, areas has Carcroft identified at risk-Skellow of Carcroft flooding as -one-Skellow should of 10 as beService one avoided of 10 whereService possible. According to the Doncaster Local Plan. This document provides a very brief summary of the evidence base that has informed the Towns/VillageTowns ins the//Village borough.s inin thethe The borough.borough. Homes TheThe&Council’s Settlements HomesHomes Strategic && SettlementsSettlementsconsultation Flood Riskconsultationconsultation(March Assessment 2016) (March(March proposed (November 2016)2016) a proposedhousingproposed 2015) allocationlarge aa housinghousing parts to ofallocation allocationthe Carcroft I want to-toSkellow thethe to let,I I and thewantwant Councilsurrounding toto letlet the theknow Council Councilland, now what kknow I thinknow what about I thinkthese about proposals. these Howproposals. can I do How this? candecisions I do this? on whether sites should be supported or rejected. Further information and detail town of 255towntown new ofhomes 255 newover homesthe plan over period theis plan towithin 2032. period an Thearea to latest 2032.of high,How andThe flood many mostlatest risk new,up, (Floodand-to homes- datemost Risk evidence upare Zone--toto being--date 3 ).base Otherproposed?evidence, now sources proposesbase of,, nowflood a proposes risk, such a as surface water flooding, therefore can be seen through the Site Selection Methodology & Results Report published alongside this consultation and This engagementThis engagement stage runs untilstage Friday runs until26th FridayOctober 26 th2018th October. You can2018 provide.. You canyour provide comments your andcomments feedback and to feedbackus via to us via slightly lowerslightly target lowerlowerfor Carcroft ttarget- Skellowforfor Carcroft of 250--Skellowmust new also homes of 250 be newduringconsidered. homes this same during timeframe. this same timeframe. available to view via: The emerging Doncaster Local Plan, and its supporting evidencecompleting base ,the completinghas Local identified Plan thethe Carcroft DraftLocalLocal Policies PlanPlan-Skellow Draft & Proposedas Policies one of &10Sites Proposed Service response Sites form responseresponse available formform to availableavailabledownload toto via downloaddownload the following viavia thethe web followingfollowing-link: web--link:link: What are theWhat main are physical the main and physical policy constraintsand Greenpolicy constraintsBeltto growth – National at toto theTown growth growthpolicy towns/Village only atof thetheCarcroft allowss townintown the land- ofSkellowborough. Carcroft to be? takenThe--Skellow Homes out of? &the Settlements Green Belt in (March circumstances, 2016) proposed forThe a re housingspon seThe allocationform res poprovidesnse to formthe all providestheI want relevant to all let the theinformation relevantCouncil informationkfornow how now you whatfor can how I thinkreturn you about yourcan returnthese proposals.your How can I do this? example if the homestown target of for255 the new bor homesough or over a specific the plan town period could to not2032. othe Therwisecomments latest be ,sustainably and tocomments us most or how upachieved. -to toyou -usdate shouldor Thehowevidence contactyou should base us if, contactnowyou haveproposes us anyif you queries a have anyin respect queries to in this respect stage, to or this any stage, aspect or ofany the aspect emerging of the emerging National policyNational states policy areas states at risk areas of flooding at risk shouldof flooding be avoided should bewhere avoided possible. where According possible. to According the to the th Flood Risk Flood– Risk – National policytown statesis entirely areas surrounded at riskslightly of byflooding lower a tightly target should drawn for beCarcroft Green avoided- SkellowBelt where boundary of possible. 250 asnew identified homesAccording duringDoncasteron tothe the thismap sameLocal Doncastervia the timeframe.Plan. green Local shading Plan. . This engagement stage runs until Friday 26 October 2018. You can provide your comments and feedback to us via Council’s StrategicCouncil’s Flood Strategic Risk AssessmentFlood Risk Assessment (November 2015)(November large 2015)parts oflargelarge Carcroft partsparts- Skellow ofof Carcroft, and--Skellow surrounding,, andand surroundingsurroundingland, land,land, completing the Local Plan Draft Policies & Proposed Sites response form available to download via the following web-link: Please note, these are the current Green Belt boundaries as per the Unitary Development Plan and will need to be is within an isareais withinwithin of high anan area flood of risk high (Flood floodfloodreviewed Risk riskrisk (FloodZone(Floodas part 3 Risk). of Other the ZoneWhat Doncaster sources 3 are).). Other the of Local mainflood sources Plan risk,physical. of such flood andas risk, surface policy such constraintswater as surface flooding, waterto growth flooding, at the town of Carcroft-Skellow? The response form provides all the relevant information for how you can return your must also bemust considered. also be considered. comments to us or how you should contact us if you have any queries in respect to this stage, or any aspect of the emerging Flood Risk – National policy states areas at risk of flooding should be avoided where possible. According to the Doncaster Local Plan. Green Belt Green– National Belt policy– National only allowspolicy landonly allowsto be taken land toout be of taken the Green out of Belt the inGreen exceptional Belt in exceptionalcircumstances, circumstances, for for Green Belt – Council’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (November 2015) large parts of Carcroft-Skellow , and surrounding land, example if theexample homes if targetthe homes for the target borough for the or abor specificough or town a specific couldis within nottown othe ancould arearwise not of be othehigh sustainably rwiserwiseflood beberisk sustainablyachieved.sustainably (Flood Risk The achieved.achieved. Zone 3). OtherThe sources of flood risk, such as surface water flooding, town is entirelyttown surrounded is entirely surroundedby a tightly drawnby a tightly Green drawn Belt boundaryGreen Belt as boundary identified as on identified identifiedthe map onviaon thethethe mapmapgreen viavia shading thethe greengreen. shadingshading.. must also be considered. Please note,Please these arenote, the thesethese current areare Greenthethe currentcurrent Belt boundariesGreenGreen BeltBelt asboundariesboundaries per the Unitary asas perper Developmentthethe UnitaryUnitary DevelopmentDevelopment Plan and will PlanPlan need andand to willbewill needneed toto bebe reviewed as reviewedreviewedpart of the asas Doncaster partpart ofof thethe Local DoncasterDoncaster Plan. LocalLocal PlanPlan.. Green Belt – National policy only allows land to be taken out of the Green Belt in exceptional circumstances, for example if the homes target for the borough or a specific town could not otherwise be sustainably achieved. The town is entirely surrounded by a tightly drawn Green Belt boundary as identified on the map via the green shading. Please note, these are the current Green Belt boundaries as per the Unitary Development Plan and will need to be reviewed as part of the Doncaster Local Plan.




4.1 The site is one of two arable fields which are bounded by Green Lane and Crabgate Lane to the north and east respectively. These fields are comprised from arable farmland and historic mapping shows the site as having been further divided by hedgerows in the past, although no evidence of this remains above ground. The site forms the most southern of these fields, from which it is delineated by two mature oak trees located along a dry ditch. To the south, the site is located adjacent to existing residential areas. 4.2 This site is under a single landownership, and is immediately available.



4.3 The site falls within National Character Area the subsequent 1970s/80s development at park (now including golf course) at Owston. 30 – Southern Magnesian Limestone. Within Sherwood Drive and along Crabgate Lane to There is limited visual connection between the Landscape Character Assessment for the east. Several mature oak and ash trees the areas of existing settlement and the area the Doncaster District, the site falls within located along the site boundaries indicate of Special Landscape Value. The influence Character Area C3 – ‘Carcroft to Norton past field pattern. Two oak trees located on of urban and highway infrastructure in Limestone Plateau’, some key characteristics of the sites’ northern boundary appear isolated proximity to the site and the erosion of field this character area are listed as follows: within the arable farmland. It is likely that the pattern and landscape features within it, former hedgerow along which these were indicate that the preclusion of the site within • ‘Gently rolling landform dipping gently to the located has been depleted. The landscape the designation as appropriate. Development north, south and east; beyond the site to the north and east within the site could bring about positive • Many fragmented or lost field boundary incorporates well defined belts of woodland elements which could improve the local hedges but where they remain they often which truncate views. The exception to this context of the area of Special Landscape contain mature trees; exists where visibility from within the site Value. • Major well screened transport corridor, the A1, extends between tree belts, to slightly elevated 4.7 The whole study area, including the site, is cuts through the area from south to north. land to the north. located within the Doncaster Green Belt. As • The area feels less open and with fewer long 4.5 There are no national designations covering part of the Local Plan process, a review of the distance views than the other Limestone the site that recognise particular landscape, Green Belt is being undertaken. The existing Plateau areas due to the lower elevation and character, or visual importance. settlement and highway influence upon the enclosure by the scattered tree cover.’ site and the erosion of positive characteristics 4.6 Land to the north of Green Lane is located 4.4 Our appraisal accords with the broad which remain within the site, suggest that its within the area of Special Landscape Value characteristics above. The character of the removal could facilitate a strategy through (Owston/). The character of site and the adjacent field to the north is which landscape character could be restored this farmed area, is defined in particular by heavily influenced by the proximity of the and provide a new Green Belt edge. enclosure provided by tree plantations and A1 to the west, and existing circa 1920s and woodlands and the monastic landscape and 1940s housing along Crabgate Drive, and


VIEWS FROM THE EAST: • Principal visual receptors are those at residential properties with direct views across Crabgate Lane towards the site. Beyond these, views from 1 2 the east are restricted by intervening built form.

• The existing unmanaged hedgerow along the 3 eastern site boundary offers a moderate degree of screening of views into the site from the east. This hedgerow can be retained, enhanced and 6 managed as part of future development. 4 Revisions: - First Issue -

5 Viewpoints Crabgate, Skellow

Client: Northern Trust DRWG No: P17-1591_003 Sheet No:REV: - Drawn by : EK Approved by: FH Viewpoints Date: 23/10/2017 0 250m PLANNING | DESIGN | ENVIRONMENT | ECONOMICS Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright, All rights reserved. 2017 Emapsite Licence number 0100031673. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093. Promap Licence number 100020449. Scale: 1:7000 @ A4 Pegasus accepts no liability for any use of this document other than for its original purpose, or by the original client, or following Pegasus' express agreement to such use. 0 T 0113 287 8200100m

1 2



3 View from the east upon approach to the site travelling south west along Crabgate Lane. 4 10 Prepared by Pegasus Group Revisions: - First Issue -

5 Viewpoints Crabgate, Skellow

Client: Northern Trust DRWG No: P17-1591_003 Sheet No:REV: - Drawn by : EK Approved by: FH Date: 23/10/2017 0 250m PLANNING | DESIGN | ENVIRONMENT | ECONOMICS Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright, All rights reserved. 2017 Emapsite Licence number 0100031673. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093. Promap Licence number 100020449. Scale: 1:7000 @ A4 Pegasus accepts no liability for any use of this document other than for its original purpose, or by the original client, or following Pegasus' express agreement to such use. 0 T 0113 287 8200100m PROMOTIONAL DOCUMENT | CRABGATE LANE

VIEWS FROM THE NORTH: • Visibility of the site from the north is often constrained by intervening tree and woodland belts. Visual receptors in proximity to the site are those located at residences on Green Lane. From elevated land to the north, residential development within the site is likely to comprise a minor addition and at such a distance that the wider elements within views would remain unchanged.

1 View from the north towards the northern boundary of the site from Yorkshire Wolds Way.

2 View from the cottages located to the north of Green Lane.


VIEWS FROM THE SOUTH: • Principal visual receptors located in residential areas directly south of the site and to the north of Crabgate Lane. Early 20th century housing is orientated with views perpendicular to the site (Image 3). Some properties of later 20th Century development experience direct views into the site and which are afforded little in the way of screening (Image 4).

5 View north along Crabgate Drive.

4 View into the site from No.s 37-47 Crabgate Lane.


VIEWS FROM THE WEST: 4.8 From this landscape and visual • The A1, a dual carriage way at this location, assessment, it is concluded that the is approximately 3m higher than the site. extent to which development within the Vegetation which flanks the route offers site could impact upon visual amenity is visual segregation of the site from the wider limited to receptors immediately adjacent landscape to the west. to the site and local roads and dwellings located along Green Lane. • Views into and across the site for transient receptors on the A1 are filtered by existing vegetation.

6 View from the west: Rear of bungalows and houses on Spring Dale Road overlooking the site. Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093. Promap Licence number 100020449. EmapSite Licence number 0100031673 Standard OS licence rights conditions apply. Pegasus accepts no liability for any use of this document other than for its original purpose, or by the original client, or following PegasusÕ express agreement to such use. T 01285 641717 PLANNING |DESIGNENVIRONMENTECONOMICS

Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093. Promap Licence number 100020449. EmapSite Licence number 0100031673 Standard OS licence rights conditions apply. Pegasus accepts no liability for any use of this document other than for its original purpose, or by the original client, or following PegasusÕ express agreement to such use. T 01285 641717 PLANNING |DESIGNENVIRONMENTECONOMICS |

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REV: DRAWING Street. are accessible inthenearby town ofAdwick le Centre.including Doncaster City Train services to nearby villages andlarger areas urban operating from services thetown, linking –there are service numerous bus transport The by town good, isserved frequent public opportunities. leisure andsports and employment andeducation (primary) shopping, healthcare, eating anddrinking, andfacilitiesoffering itspopulation services Carcroft andSkellow hasanarray oflocal Bus Residential Development Pharmacy Primary Convenience Post Place Commercial Housing Conservation Open Green Site Area _


stops boundary Office CLIENT: of Space of Belt Special School worship Site Policy Policy Store Area Limits

CLIENT Landscape TITLE Area Area NAME Value


Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright. All rights reserved. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093. Promap Licence number 100020449. EmapSite Licence number 0100031673 Standard OS licence rights conditions apply. Pegasus accepts no liability for any use of this document other than for its original purpose, or by the original client, or following PegasusÕ express agreement to such use. T 01285 641717 PLANNING |DESIGN |ENVIRONMENT |ECONOMICS Bus Residential Development Pharmacy Primary Convenience Post Place Commercial Housing Conservation Open Green Site Area stops boundary Office of Space of Belt Special School worship Site Policy Policy Store Area Limits Landscape Area Area Sustainability Plan (basedonthe adoptedSustainability UDPProposals (1998) Map Value |

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I KEY Bus Residential Development Pharmacy Primary Convenience Post Place Commercial Housing Conservation Open Green Site Area stops boundary Office of Space of Belt Special School worship Site Policy Policy Store Area Limits Landscape Area Area Value PROMOTIONAL DOCUMENT | CRABGATE LANE


Site Boundary

KEY Parks and Gardens of Special or Local Historic Interest OPPORTUNITIES Site Boundary Conservation Area Parks and Gardens of Special or Local • The restoration of hedgerows and hedgerow Historic Interest Listed Buildings trees, including lost field pattern could reinstate Conservation Area these past landscape features and provide Listed Buildings Existing trees / woodland landscape structure within the site and improve the relationship between the site and the area of Existing trees / woodland Existing mature tree with protection area

Special Landscape Value. Existing mature tree with protection area Existing ditch

Existing ditch • An improved landscape edge along the Scheduled Monuments

Scheduled Monuments northern site boundary would better assimilate Public Right of Way, footpath

Public Right of Way, footpath the settlement edge within the wider landscape. Public Right of Way, bridleway Public Right of Way, bridleway • Distant views to the north exist from much of Green Corridor 2No. mature oak Green Corridor 2No. mature oak Area of Special Landscape Value (ENV 17) the site and provide a positive visual connection Area of Special Landscape Value (ENV 17)

Highway Noise with the wider landscape of the area of Special Highway Noise

Landscape Value. Field boundary requiring enhancement Field boundary requiring enhancement

Historic field pattern no longer evident Historic field pattern no longer evident

Key area of site from which distant views are afforded Key area of site from which distant views are afforded 3m bank up to A1 CONSTRAINTS 3m bank up to A1 Filtered or partial views into site Filtered or partial views into site Palisade fence. Young birch • Mature trees and existing hedgerowsand beech hedge located. Palisade fence. Young birch Direct views into site and beech hedge. Direct views into site along site boundaries should Cherrybe ,safeguarded blackthorn, elder. Interviening highway infrastructure Cherry, blackthorn, elder. Interviening highway infrastructure and integrated within the development1No. mature oak layout.. 1No. mature oak. Revisions: - Ash, hawthorn hedgerow 5-9m First Issue - • The close proximity of adjacenthigh. 1No .residences mature oak, 1No. Revisions: - mature ash. Ash, hawthorn hedgerow 5-9m First Issue - located to the southern site boundary and with high. 1No. mature oak, 1No. Opportunities and Constraints mature ash. views into and across the site. Opportunities and Constraints Crabgate, Skellow • The A1 dual carriageway has visual and audible Client: Northern Trust Crabgate, Skellow impacts upon the western part of the site to be DRWG No: P17-1591_001 Sheet No: - REV: overcome by design. Drawn by : EK Approved by: FH Client: Northern Trust Date: 23/10/2017 DRWG No: P17-1591_001 Sheet No: - REV: Drawn by : EK Approved by: FH Scale: 1:10000 @ A3 PLANNING | DESIGN | ENVIRONMENT | ECONOMICS Date: 23/10/2017 0 500m Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright, All rights reserved. 2017 Emapsite Licence number 0100031673. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093. Promap Licence number 100020449. Pegasus accepts no liability for any use of this document other than for its original purpose, or by the original client, or following Pegasus' express agreement to such use. T 0113 287 Opportunities and Constraints 0 250m 0 100m Scale: 1:10000 @ A3 PLANNING | DESIGN | ENVIRONMENT | ECONOMICS Prepared by Pegasus Group 15 0 500m Copyright Pegasus Planning Group Ltd. Crown copyright, All rights reserved. 2017 Emapsite Licence number 0100031673. Ordnance Survey Copyright Licence number 100042093. Promap Licence number 100020449. Pegasus accepts no liability for any use of this document other than for its original purpose, or by the original client, or following Pegasus' express agreement to such use. T 0113 287 0 250m



5.1 This section provides an overview of the settlement character and local vernacular in this part of Carcroft & Skellow. 5.2 Skellow was a rural settlement that has expanded with suburban developments from the twentieth century. Limestone was the traditional material, which is rendered on some buildings but the contemporary form is of a mix palette involving buff and red brick. Principal roof materials are slate and clay pantiles. 5.3 The settlement is well served by open public spaces, with a range of small and medium-sized parks scattered through both the modern housing estates to the west and the older estates which border Carcroft. Today, most of the western half of Skellow is occupied by a patchwork of late 20th century housing estates.

1 2 3


Spennithorne Road Sherwood Drive Crabgate Drive 6 1

5 4 5 6

2 3

Bellerby Road Crabgate Lane Finghill Road Skellow


5.4 Doncaster’s adopted Core Strategy states that Carcroft and Skellow has seen “significant qualitative improvements but urban extensions are modest. Economic regeneration in the area has seen an increase in business start-ups by local entrepreneurs.”

5.5 The typical housetype in Skellow is two-storey, semi-detached houses. The majority of the dwellings in the north east of the town are orientated to face the street, set back from the street edge with front garden areas.




6.1 The analysis of the site and understanding of the various opportunities and constraints have assisted in forming an illustrative masterplan for the site. 6.2 The plan opposite illustrates the primary and secondary road pattern, locations for public open space and development parcels for housing. Based on an average density of 30 dph, the site has the potential to accommodate at least 125 homes. 6.3 The masterplan also shows the inter-relationship with the land to the immediate north, which is also proposed for housing.

Illustrative Masterplan 18 Prepared by Pegasus Group PROMOTIONAL DOCUMENT | CRABGATE LANE


6.4 This document has demonstrated that the site is extremely well suited to a residential development of the type and scale proposed. 6.5 It has been shown that the site offers a deliverable, developable and appropriate response to its location and would make a meaningful contribution towards the delivery of the Borough’s future housing requirements. 6.6 We strongly support the inclusion of Site 186 within the draft Local Plan as a proposed housing site. We concur with the Council’s assessment that this site represents the most suitable site at Carcroft and Skellow for housing growth to contribute to the level of growth directed at the settlement by the Plan’s Strategic Policies. 6.7 The Local Planning Authority is invited to favourably consider this site for residential allocation.

Prepared by Pegasus Group 19

Pegasus Group Pavilion Court Green Lane Garforth Leeds LS25 2AF |

Prepared on behalf of Metacre Ltd October 2018 Project Code: P17-1591 Contact: Nicola Berry Checked by: NB

COPYRIGHT The contents of this document must not be copied or repro- duced in whole or in part without the written consent of Pegasus Group Ltd

Front cover: Aerial photo of Skellow

Crown copyright. All rights reserved, Licence number 100042093