Document number: CDC/01/Matter 1 Chichester Local Plan Examination statement Matter 1 - Legal and procedural requirements September 2014 Chichester Local Plan Examination statement Matter 1 - Legal and procedural requirements This statement has been produced as part of the examination of the Chichester Local Plan. It answers the Inspector’s questions relating to matter 1. Any queries about the report should be sent to the programme officer: Address: Mr. C. Banks 21 Glendale Close Horsham West Sussex RH12 4GR Telephone: 01403 253148 or 07817 322750 Email:
[email protected] Website: i 1. Has the Plan been prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme? 1.1. The Plan has been prepared in accordance with the Local Development Scheme (CD-94). The LDS has been revised regularly in order to provide the most up to date timetable for the stages of Plan preparation and public consultation. 1.2. The LDS provides a timetable for the production of forthcoming Development Plan Documents and other planning policy documents. 2. Has the plan been prepared in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement? 2.1. Yes, the Plan has been prepared in compliance with the Statement of Community Involvement (CD-08). The Statement of Consultation (CD-06) sets out the methods of consultation and engagement used at each stage of Plan preparation, and those consulted at each stage. 2.2. Earlier stages of consultation and engagement were undertaken in accordance with the first SCI, produced in November 2009. The revised SCI (CD-08) was adopted in January 2013; all subsequent consultation and engagement were undertaken in accordance with this document.