7th Grade History Pacing Guide

First Week Week 1: August 17-21 Procedures, Introductory Activities, Basics of Geography and History, US and World Maps Geography of Arkansas Regions of Arkansas (Location, culture, Week 2: August 24-28 natural resources, etc.), Population, Weather & Climate, Ivory-Billed Woodpecker, TEST Pre-historic Arkansas Paleo, Archaic, Woodland & Week 3: August 31-September 4 Mississippian (Time periods, culture, food, shelter, clothing, characteristics etc.) Week 4: September 8-11 Native Americans LABOR DAY: No School on Monday Caddo, Quapaw, Osage September 7th (Location, culture, characteristics)

European Explorers Hernando De Soto, Jacques Marquette, Week 5: September 14-18 Louis Joliet, Sieur de La Salle, & Henri de Tonti (Impact, accomplishments, interaction with Native Americans) Arkansas Post & Colonial Arkansas Henri de Tonti’s establishment of AR Post, Life at AR Post, Mississippi Bubble, Week 6: September 21-25 Mercantilism, Trade, Farming, French & Indian War, and American Revolution, TEST Louisiana Purchase & Exploration French Revolution & Rise of Napoleon, Secret Treaty, Louisiana Purchase, Week 7: September 28-October 2 Lewis & Clark, Freeman & Custis, Hunter & Dunbar, Pike, Schoolcraft, and Nuttall Arkansas Becomes a Territory Missouri Compromise, The First Capital, , Robert Crittenden, Week 8: October 5-9 Arkansas Gazette, Henry Conway, the Family, Territorial Problems (travel, crime, etc.) Statehood & Antebellum Arkansas Week 9: October 12-15 Debate over statehood, Arkansas becomes a state, Antebellum Years, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: No Knife Fight at Legislature, Indian School on Friday October 16th Removal, Trail of Tears

Civil War Climate for War, Industry in the North, Farming in the South, State’s Rights and Week 10: October 19-23 concerns about Lincoln,

Election of 1860, Fort Sumter, PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES: Confederate States and Arkansas Tuesday October 20th and Thursday Secession, Advantages & October 22nd Disadvantages, Major Battles, David O. Dodd

TEST, Week 11: October 26-30 “Haunted Arkansas” Halloween Activity

Reconstruction & A New Century Reconstruction (Sharecropping, Freedmen’s Bureau, Carpetbaggers, Scalawags, Violence, Week 12: November 2-6 Brooks-Baxter War, Political Changes, Compromise of 1877) Early 20th Century (Gilded Age, Railroads, Timber, Mining, Jim Crow Laws) World War I Week 13: November 9-13 Background of WWI, Arkansas’ role in WWI, Herman Davis Great Depression & The New Deal Roaring Twenties, Flood of 1927, Great Week 14: November 16-20 Depression’s impact on Arkansas (Blues Activity) New Deal programs’ impact on Arkansas (FERA, CCC, WPA, REA, Social Security, AAA, STFU)

Week 15: November 23-24 TEST THANKSGIVING BREAK: No School on Thanksgiving Day related activity November 25th-November 27th

World War II & Little Rock Nine Background of WWII, Arkansas’ role in WWII, Japanese Internment Camps, Week 17: November 30-December 4 Post War Changes, Central High School, Governor Faubus, Daisy Bates, The Lost Year Modern Arkansas Economy, Sam Walton, Clinton, Modern Week 18: December 7-11 Governors (, , ) Branches of Government, Constitution of Arkansas Week 19: December 14-17 SEMESTER TESTS