Upcoming Events May 24, 2020 This information is provided by The Murray Hill Neighborhood Association. We are sharing it as a service to our members. If this notice does not interest you, please disregard it. You can also find these weekly newsletters online in PDF (printable) format at www.murrayhillnyc.org in the News section, look for Weekly Eblasts 2021. Please share this email with a friend, neighbor or colleague. You can sign up for these emails at www.murrayhillnyc.org, scroll down the Also Happening column. Editor Nancy Sheran can be contacted at
[email protected]. Please put Newsletter in the Subject. Traffic advisory - street closures East 32nd Street between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through May 30 for new water and sewer installation. East 36th Street between Lexington Avenue and Park Avenue: This street will be closed Saturday from 8am to 6pm and Sunday from 9am to 6pm through May 30 for major gas installation. How you can help Do you want a green and clean Murray Hill? Volunteers are needed for The Murray Hill Neighborhood Association's Green & Clean Committee. We need people with good organizing skills who can help organize our events and program activities. Contact us if you’d like to help with the Keep Murray Hill Clean Program, Tree Replacement Program, cleaning and mulching events and communications. Work with MHNA volunteers, social media and newsletter committees, and take charge of an aspect of the committee's work. You can have an impact on the beautification of our neighborhood! If interested in helping this important cause please email
[email protected].