Sowing the Seeds
SSSoSooowwwwiiiinnnngggg ttththhheeee SSSeSeeeeeddddssss MMAAAANNNNAAAA RRReReeeggggiiiioooonnnn 333 CCCoCooonnnnffffeeeerrrreeeennnncccceeee JJJuJuuunnnneeee 11151555,,,, 11161666,,,, &&& 11171777,,,, 22202000006666 CCCaCaaammmmpppp MMccccDDDDoooowwwweeeellllll NNNaNaaauuuuvvvvoooooo,,,, AAAlAlllaaaabbbbaaaammmmaaaa TTThThhhuuuurrrrssssddddaaaayyyy,,,, JJJuJuuunnnneeee 11151555ththth 7:00 am Breakfast 8:00 am --- 5:00 pm The Midwifery ManagementManagement of Neonatal Resuscitation Karen Strange, CPM The Midwifery Management of Neonatal Resuscitation is a class that incorporates the basic NRP hospital course with information specifically designed and taught for homebirth and birth center settings. The course covers neonatal transitional physiology, physiologic cod closure, species-specific behavior at birth, the cocktail of hormones peaking and how all of this fits into the biological imperatives for both mother and baby at birth. Controversies and upcoming guideline changes in NRP will be discussed. Participants will need to purchase the Textbook of Neonatal Resuscitation, 4 th edition. Chapters 1-4 must be read prior to the class. $145 3:00 pm --- 5:00 pm Registration 6:00 pm --- 7:00 pm Dinner 7:30 pm --- 9:00 pm Opening Ceremony & EntertaiEntertainmentnment FFFrFrrriiiiddddaaaayyyy,,,, JJJuJuuunnnneeee 11161666ththth 7:00 am --- 7:45 am Yoga 7:00 am --- 9:00 am Registration 8:00 am --- 8:45 am Breakfast 8:45 am --- 9:00 am Welcome & Announcements 9:00 am ––– 10:15 am Keynote Presentation Demand Cesareans: What the Mothers Don't Know
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