PRAYER TIMINGS Effective 08/22 MCA NOOR Fajr 5:40 5:50 Dhuhr 1:30 1:30 Asr 5:15 6:15 Maghrib Sunset Sunset Isha 9:20 9:20 Juma 1 1:30 1:30 Juma 2 2:00 2:00 Newsletter Juma 3 2:30 2:30 Published Weekly by the Muslim Community Association of San Francisco Bay Area Moharram 2, 1442 AH Friday, Aug 21, 2020 Zahir Mosque – Kedah, Malaysia AL-QURAN Do you not see that Allah has subjected to you whatever is on the earth and the ships which run through the sea For questions please email
[email protected]. by His command? And He restrains the sky from falling upon the earth, unless by His permission. Indeed Allah, to the people, is Kind and Merciful. Happy Islamic New Year !! Quran 22:65 HADITH Abu Huraira reported Allah’s Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: You would find people like those of mine, the good amongst you in the Days of Ignorance would be good amongst you in the days of Islam, provided they have an understanding of it and you will find good amongst people the persons who would be averse to position of authority until it is thrust upon them, and you will find the worst amongst persons one who has double face. He comes with one face to them and with the other face to the others. Sahih Muslim, Book 44, Hadith 283 1442 Hijri (2020-2021) MCA Elections Announcement NOMINATION DEADLINE: due at
[email protected] by 10pm, Tuesday, August 18th July 29, 2020 Assalamu-Alaikum Dear MCA Member, InshaAllah, the MCA Elections for 1442H will be held on Sep 11-13, 2020.