The Aurora, 1892 The Aurora 7-1892 The Aurora 21.5 Iowa State Agricultural College Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Iowa State Agricultural College, "The Aurora 21.5" (1892). The Aurora, 1892. 2. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The Aurora at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Aurora, 1892 by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact
[email protected]. THE .AUR.OR.A. H. S.HOOT L.B. READ. :::S:::OOT & BE~D., PQ □ t □ gFaphffF.3. ~i~ Be sure and call on us when wanting work and see what we can do for you. First-class Work Guaranteed. l Ground Floor Gallery. I RmEi, Iowa. Students! Give us your trade in Dry Goods, Clothing, ,vehavethelargestasscrtmcnt l QAL'.JF:EJTS. and make the lowest prices. f ..!:'-' Ha.ts and Caps, Fine Shoes and Furnishing Goods. Hats, Caps, Carpets and Clothing on second floor. , All goods delivered free to college. George G. Tilden. J. F. McLain, Dl,ALEl1 IN The finest line of Cutlery, Razors and Shears in the city. Students' Supplies in our line a Specialty. All goods delivered free. j Ames, Iowa. ~a:i:I □ :r 008 West ~alnut s_t J!lhrnhant and 16-gnfs ]{nT'nisLI..L 11.,.. 17:r , Des Momes, Ia. 1 Imported Goods a Specialty. A perfect Fit Guaranteed, THE .A.UR.OB.A.. BIGELOW & SMITH, EINGHA::b.a: & O., Dealers in :tt]u,Dmu1H~ UIIJI ~oHe,r~ {Hr~:~J~ish• r:>NY e:;.<:9<:9r:>o, G~rid~~r:~~~;i~~~s, f Goods delivered free.