Bloodmobile Visits South Methodist Church Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p,m, ‘ ^ 11 • I ______- . - ( * 5i

amgglM IyNgtPNss < « ■ For The W edi Ended The Weather Fair tonight. Low In 80a. To­ 1 October ts, 1M7 1 morrow partly aunny. Low hi Sumitig 40a. j 15,544 Mancheater— A CUy^of Village Charm


Thieves Get Freed Sers^eants Large H aul LBJ Listens Pew Arrive in In L o n d o n (AP) — Raiders PARIS (AP) —Three U.S. war American Peace Commit­ "I'm Just going along to look broke into the London headquar­ To Cleric Challenge ’ Anny aergeanta, freed by the tee, told a reporter on the flight after these boys and take care ters of a giant chain store coop­ Viet Oongt landed in Parle today from that he had been in of them,” he sedd. erative over the weekend and on the way to report to the De- Hanoi in the past "but that had He conferred with them dur­ ransacked 600 safety deposit _ fenae Department in Washing­ nothing to do with this.” ' ing the flight and quoted them boxes in an underground strong ton. All five members of the group as saying they wanted to make room, police said today. > naveU ng under the care of a traveled in the economy class no statements or be photo- First reports estimated the WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department officer from compartment of the Pan Ameri- graphed before they had a haul at g2.8 million but a store President Johnson spent a the U.S. Bmbaaay In Beirut, the can World Airways flight. The chance to report to their super executive said this was too high. whirlwind weekend defend­ three addlerB refuse to make freed priscmers declined to tors in Washington, Scotland Yard said it would ing his Vietnam policies, any comment. answer any questions. They re- one of the three, Johnson lay take some time to locate all de­ then listened in church as "They are under great pres­ ferred everj^lng to Beeton, stretched out on a row off seato,sei posit holders to discover the a Viiginia clergjman blunt­ sure," said the State Depart­ vdio sat across the aUle. covered from ^hls feet to w contents of the private boxes. ly suggested the chief ex­ ment official, A.B. Beeton. "You’ll have to talk to that ty ^ blanket Police said the gang cut ecutive should publicly ex- "They Just want a chance to genUeman,” said Pltser. Earlier in the day, an Arab through a two-foot thick stert phdn America’s role in the talk to their superiors in the De­ Beeton denied that he was door and a grille with blow acting as a guard. (See Page Ten) torches to reach the boxes. war. fense Department before any­ This challenge was put direct­ one else.” Detectives found Jewelry scsd- ly to Johnson by the Rev. Dr. Beehxm said one of the three, tered about the stnmg room, in­ Cotesworth Pinckney Lewis dur­ Edward R. Johnsmi, of Seaside, dicating the thieves- were going ing Sunday services at historic 9 ^ . , was "under medication. strictly for cash. Bruton Parish church In Wil­ He is sick and suffering from Folir Sailors Desert, Headquarters of the Longoon liamsburg, Va, diarrhea and malnutrition. Our Co-operative Society, Ltd., in ’Ihe President and Mrs. John­ first thought is to get him to a the Stratford section East son, daughter Lynda and her fi­ hospital.” Ask Asylum in Japan London is a depository for huge ance, Marine Capt. Charles S. '' Johnson and the other soldiers sums spent by Britons in the Robb, sat in a front row pew— —Sgt. James E. Jackson of Tal- various c<^ps operated as a barely 10 feet from the Episco­ TOKYO (AP) — Four U.S. the march on the Pentagon in cott, W. Va., and Daniel Lee giant chain store system. pal rector—as he put his ques­ No'vy men from the 7th Fleet Washington last month, had Pitzer of Spring Lake, N.C., ’The master safe and some de­ tions. aircrEdt carrier Intrepid have been informed of the defecUim. posit boxes were burned open flew to Rome from Beirut ear­ The Johnson administration’s lier today on the way to New deserted cmd asked for political A spokeeman for the commit­ and rifled, police said. tee, which opposes the war, said public informaUon policies York and Washington. asylum outside the United The raiders must have spent the four were John M. Barilla, came under attack a few hours With them on the flight was States because they oppose the much of Saturday and Sunday 20, airman; Richard D. Bailey, later from the Freedom of In­ Thomas Hayden, 28, of Newark, war in Vietnam, the Japan using "thermal lances” which 19, airman; Michael A. Lindner, formation CJommittee of Sigma N.J., who said he had helped fa­ Peace for Vietnam Committee bum through metal slowly but 19, airman apprentice, and Delta (h i, an 18,000-member cilitate their departure from said today. ^ silently. Craig W. Anderson, 20, airman professional journalism society. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, "so It said a representative of Officials of the cooperative apprentice. The panel said in a report that they could go home and see "Ihe American Peace Move­ were unable to assess the loss No home addresses were giv­ Gapt. Charles Neel, ri^rht, of Melbourne, Fla., and his co-pilot, Lt. Guy Gru- some of the administration's top their families and government ment” came to Japan a week immediately but a quick esti­ en. ters of Sarasota, Fla., cel^rate after being plucked from the water o ff the officials have been "deliberate­ ^officials.” ago to confer with the sailors. mate put it at a million pounds. ly misleading the public, the The peace committee spokes­ North Vietnamese coast by U.S. helicopters. The pilots were hit by North The three were released in the The Japanese committee added Under the cooperative sys­ press and the Congress through man said the four discarded Cambodian capital Saturday. that David Dellinger, an anti­ tem, customers can buy an Vietnamese antiaircraft fire while marking enemy targets. flat lies, through half-truths and their uniforms iqxm landing at Hayden, a member of the anti­ war leader who helped organize enormous variety of items, have through clever use> of statistics Yokosuka and have not reported their purchases listed in their that distort.” It called the Presi­ back to the Na'vy. stamps book and then receive dent’s news conferences "weU "They left their aircraft car­ discounts periodically. Many organized for a White House rier with a firm determination North Vietnam Regulars small communities as well as snow job.” to oppose the Vietnam war,” the the big cities have co-op stores. The loport, released in ad­ spokesman added. High Court Rules ’The strong room is deep in­ vance of Sigma Delta Chi’s na- The U.S. Na'vy confirmed that side a three-otory building on a UonEil convention opening the four were absent 'without . WASHINOTON (AP) — Pro­ revoked, the right to appeal busy street com er with a food Repulsed in Dak To Attack Wednesday in Minneajptdis, leave after the Intrepid sailed bationers facing jail terms have might well be lost. hall on the ground floor euid the Minn., charged the State and from Yokosuka Oct. 26. The car­ cooperative’s board room above the right to a lawyer’s help and He applied similar reasoning SAIGK)N (AP) — North Viet- saults against the five North So far 636 North \fletnameee Defense departments and the rier, whose plaines have been it. ’The side is broken by an if they can’t afford a lawyer the to the possibility of losing the namese army regulars charged Vietnamese regiments believed spidlers have bsea U lM 'Fver National Aeronautics and Space bombing North Vietnam, came archway to a high-walled park­ state must supply one, the Su­ right to withdraw a guilty plea at U.S. defoMtan nnSTDair Tt> to be In the area, the last io days. U.S. A d m ln lstra ^ are the worst a t- to Japan for a week’s recreation ing lot which closed down At preme Court ruled today. if a lawyer is not on hand and 1 in the centi^ highlands tonight The choppers rose to seek but stood at 92 kiUed and 600 wound- lenders in the pubUc Informa- for her crew. p.m. Saturday and was not re­ With a unanimous decision, concluded: "We do not question but withdrew after two hours of the enemy after U.S. troops en- ed, the U.S. Ciommand said. field. The Peace for Vietnam 0>m- opened until 6:30 a.m. today. the Court applied the Sixth the authority of the state of heavy fllghtlfig. The Amerioane camped in the area weathered In one clakh today a U.S. re- Although the President mlttee showed a flUh at a news ’The archway bears a red and Amendment right to counsel to WEishlngton to provide for a de­ fired 106mm howltsers at point- 10 hours of incoming Oommu- oonnaissance team killed two emerged from the church serv- conference in which the four white lettered warning of dog state probation revocation hear­ ferred sentencing procedure blank range to hold their pool- nlst rockets and mortar rounds, men in a five-man enemy ma- trace of a Amerioane said they were seek- patrols. ings. „ coupled with its probation provi­ tions. ’ "There’s every prospect of a chine gunsun squadsouad 3,0003.000 vards ®mUe, he wasn’t deterred from ing "ptrflUcal asylum in Japan News of the. raid spread In earlier years the court had sions. Indeed, it appears to be Unofficial accounts from the truly significant victory,” said from the Dak To airstrip. enjoying a pleasapt Augumn apidled the right to most stages an enlightened step forward. or any other couiAry not en­ quickly and some . depositors scene said nine U-S- soldiers LA. Qen. William B. Rosson, the day in the restored colonial cap- "All we decide here is that a gaged in the war.” came by the headquartem dur­ The number of American and of the criminal process, includ­ were killed and 26 others U.S. commander a t the 2nd Ital of Virginia. He went golfing, ing police station questioning lawyer must be afforded at this ’Die four are apparenUy still ing the morning to inquire after enemy casualties in today’s wounded, bringing the U.S. toil Corps area that encompasses then had dinner before flying and trials themselves. proceeding whether it be la- in Japan but their whereabouts the safety of their deposits. skirmishing were not available in 11 days a t fighting In the area the middle region of South Vlet- back to Washington by helicop­ The ruling was given by Jus­ but were said to be light. to 101 killed and 626 wounded, nam. ter. tice Thurgood Marshall, his (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) (See Page Ten) The Dak To base camp, how­ Red casualties in the fight were "The enemy gives every indi­ For the chief executive, the first written opinion since join­ ever, was bristling with activi­ not immediately loiown. Before cation of staying. We couldn’t sandy-haired Dr. Lewis doubt­ ing the court ty. Big four-engine CtiSO the fight their losses were more ask for anything more oppor­ less provided an unwanted cli­ In it Msirshall traced signifi­ than 900 men killed. tune.” (See Page Five) max to a 6,100-mile Veterans cant high court decisions involv­ Alahama Blast Day weekend tour that took Um There were reports the Com­ ing the right to counsel since from Ft. Banning, (3a., to die munist forces had breached the IMS. He explained why the carrier Enterprise off the CEdl- U.S. defenoe perimeter at one court was now going one step fom ia coast, then back to the point in the fighting and that further, using the Washington State News Roundup East. , 12 Engulfed in Molteji Metal paratroopers of the American state probation revocation ITSrd Airborne Brigade were In appearances at military procedure as its springboard. bases Friday and Saturday be­ BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) — "F or some unknown reewon the plant employes extinguished the rushed in to drive them out. Obviously, he said, a lawyer's An explosion at an industrial retaining ring or head came out flames wrapping their fellow AP correspondent John Len- fore going to Williamsburg, help is necessary to marshal 60 Youths, 3 Adults plant released tons of molten and we lost a g;ood bit of liquid workers. They tried to fight a gel reported .from the battle Johnson defended his Vietnam facts, introduce evidence aind, in metal on a dozen workers today metal.” raging fire with hand extin­ zone that the sharp new action policy and appealed for united general help the defendant to injuring moat of them, four crit­ guishers. came after a day of light skirm­ support in the war. present his case. Four critically injured men ically. Rosenfeld said 27,000 pounds ishes along the highjands battle- Seized in ‘Pot’ Raid Dr. Lewis, however, told the However, he said even more were treated a a hospital for of molten metal were propelled front. Elarller U.S. intelligence ^ j . President "there is a rather important is the fact that cer­ Ambulances were packed with bums all over their bodies. Ot|i- NAUGATUCK, Ckmn. (AP) — %-elh^ed under $1,000 bond. general consensus that some- from the machine, raining down reports said the North Viet­ tain legal rights may be lost if the 'Victims, some of them 'with ers were less severely burned. Some 60 teen-agers and three on employes in both the testing namese had moved in reinforce­ thing is wrong in Vietnam.” The they are not exercised at these their clothing burned from their The blast kicked out the door adults have been arrested in a Mrs. Ann Dlblasi, 46, of Water- ments to bolster their ranks. clergyman went on: hearings. bodies. of a centrifugal force pipemak- molten departments. marijuana raid at a party in one bury, who was charged with The North Vietnamese force is ’’We wonder if some logical For instance, he said, under ’The director ofV,. public ui...... wo.-rela- ^**81 machine in a special prod- hell,” said John Wha- of the town’s best residential breach of the peace. Mrs. Dlbla- believed to Include a rocket reg­ straightforward explanation ; Washington law an appeal can tloM ^ rth V A m e ricw T c^ ucts building where steel tubing «®y. ® I"®,?'*"® sections. si was at the party with her 20- iment armed with mm pro­ might be given without endan­ be made in a case involving a Pipe Co., B. B. Warren, said 1- made. w ^ n e ^ d the ®;^^orion.” nie 122 The raid took place Friday year-old daughter. jectiles. gering Whatever military or po­ plea of guilty followed by proba­ there were no known deaths but The plant is located in north „ . , night when police, after block­ litical advantage we hoW- tion only after sentence is im­ eight to a dozen persons were Birmingham. machine and the steel was Lengel reported the airborne ing off both ends of the street, Chase Ends in Death knocking people down every- .... While pledging our loyalty we injured. Fire Marshal A. Rosenfeld brigade came under frontal as­ entered the home of Mrs. Leona posed. where. WEST HAVEN (AP)—A po­ ask respectfully why?” Therefore, he sadd, if a lawyer "W e were pouring a steel tube ‘said confusion reigned Immedi- sault after nightfall about six DIugokecki, 48, where a birth­ lice chase that reached speeds ' The minister, described by is not present when probation is thls morning,” Warren said, ately after the '■•" ’.'■■s'rn while (See Page Ten) miles southwest of Dak To in day party was in progress. of almost 10() miles an hour parishioners as a conservative 0 what U.S. officials believe is an Mrs. DIugokecki was charged ended in death early today for Southern Democrat with roots ^ ort to score on "impact victo­ with possession of .marijuana a New Haven youth. deep in Alabama, said: ry*’ to embarrass South Viet­ and contributing to the delin­ Police said the car carrying “ We are appalled that appar- nam’s new civilian-based gov­ quency of minors. She was re­ flve persons swerved off the ently this is the only war in our Finast Shuts ernment. B u ttt^ . (jommunistp leased under |4,000 bond. Police Post Road into the air and history which has had three I also may be seeking to keep said they seized a quantity of plunged down a gulley, landing times as many civilians as mill- Town Stores open an Important ihClltration marijuana, although no one was in a restaurant parking lot. tary casualties. It is particular- route into the South from Laos actually caught smoking it. Killed was Jessee Arrington, ly regrettable that to most na- by knocking out tl.S. defenses at Arrested and charged with 19, of New Haven. Police said tions the sti-uggle’s purpose ap­ In D isp u te Dak To, which straddles the violation of the state narcotics the others were seriously hurt. pears as a form of neo-colonial­ route. act and furnishing drugs to ml- The chase started in MUfqrd, ism.” All three First National Stores Eailier in the day U.S. forces nors was Robert Blrdsall, 27, of launched fresh helicopter as- nearby Waterbury. Blrdsall was (See Page Five) (See Page Tenf" in Manchester were closed to­ day by the dOmpany, in a move im m pted by the walkout of ( about IfiOO union meat cutters Question on Agenda t in the company’s Boston area ' 'ff/' stMes. First National employes in Manchester charged that they had been locked out and insiat- Military Seen Against Bomb Pause ed that they were not on strike. The strike, they said, affected By FRED B. HOFFMAN Pentagon sources said there ministration plans to keep the enemy so that he always only the .Boston area stores. AP MlUtary Writer are no urgent Issues at this time forces in Southeast Asia for a knew in advance what we pro­ Four-fOot-high window signs WASHINGTON (AP)— —nothing in the way of new long time. posed...” in Manchester and , in the (Jen. William C. Westmore­ troop increase requests or logis­ Gavin, a persistent war policy —Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, chain's other area stores read, land and the Joint Chiefs tic or operational problems. The critic, said the government pic­ D-Minn., said in a Chicago "This store closed because of of Staff can be expected to conferences were billed as a tures its purpose in Vietnam as speech, "The ’68 elections will a labor dispute.” general review. resisting current aggression be a vote on Vietnam. It is clew Employes, milling around the stand fast against any The meetings come at a time while in fact its policy is the the quet^on will not be settled entrances to the three Manches­ new proposal for an ex­ when the Jitoison administra­ long-term containment of Red in the Senate or in Congress. Wo ter stores, said that they were tended pause in U.S. bomb­ tion appears to be stressing the China. must take it back to the Jury.” waiting for ' signs being pre­ ing of North Vietnam. theme of "steady progress” in — Gov. Ronald Rea­ McCarthy said he hoped other pared at union headquarters. Pentagon sources say. the Vietnam war. gan attacked Jaiuaaon^a war pkesman for the siq;>er- Westmoreland, U.S. com­ urday in talking to newsmen, al­ stopping U.S. bombing of the oppose Johnson for the! Demo­ niazfcet chain said all stores in mander in Vietnani, la due here though they did predict hdi^^ North "will only encourage the cratic nomination. Now Hampshire were closed, Wednesday to join Ellsworth fighting in certain critical enemy to do his worst.” —Sen. Jacob K. Javlta, R- and that most stores were Bunker, U.S. ambassador to areas. The Republican governor, N.Y., predicted Johnson may closed in Maaschusetts, Maine South Vietnam, in discussions In other war-related develop­ speaking Saturday night in Al­ ask Oongreaw next year (or a and CkHinecticut. Employes'of the Fii:gt National Store at Center, W. Centdr and Cooper Sts. with President Johnson and top ments: o bany, Ore., said U.S. war policy ime^electibn Vote of obofldenoe A First National iqiokesman peer through door of store closed by management. They and the employes at officials of the Defense and —Retired Lt. Gen. Jhmes M. in Vietnam from the start "w%s in his yietnam poliolee; said 14 stores were open in Oon- the company’s other two Manchester stores claim they were locked out and State departments. Johnson Gnidn said his recent trip to a case of being too late with too meets with Bunker today. Vietnam convinced him the ad­ little, while tipping ouv haitd to (See Page Four) (See Page Ten) that they are not on strike. (Herald photo by-Pinto) MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1967 PAGE T H R K l MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1967 PMBTWO Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 :80 the Second Oongregational j ^ e f w o F i p m. Vemon Coventry Church. other instnunents, and his vi­ Church Society Officers Assisting Mrs. Robert Kings­ New England's Laading brato is a distinct liability for Leaf Pickup Sheinwold on Bridge Michael Wajdo has bee.i re- bury, teacher, with hei* class a serious trumpet player. Squadron 14 dectsd president of St. Mi­ 20 Applicants Interviewed Zone Board Wednesday afternoon will be Two-Yaar Profassional Leaves wiU be picked up Mrs. Albert Jeon, and on Nov. Employed as an ensemblei, BRIDGE EXPERT AVOIDS chael’s Society c f SL Joseph tomorrow on the following Sooth dealer 17, Mrs. Horst Hokns will be the brasses of a symphony or­ PITFALL Church. School of Manchester Sts. In the event Both sides vulnerable [Of the Legion Sets Hearing assisting with Mrs. lOngsbury’s ‘^ E WAY chestra should make you think Other officers include Stanley For Food Stamp Program of a great pipe organ, noble in of stormy weaither, the By ALFRED SHEINWOLD NORTH morning class. pickup will be Wednesday. Krupa, vice; Joseph Mrs. Olenora ForbeS, director tification card, cash required The Zening Board of Appeals timbre, and effortless in sound Clark Merritt of San Marino, ♦ Q6 In charge of cleaning the I HEARD IT” Picks Slate Sternal, recording secretory; of welfare and a representative and then receives the stamps public hearing will be held at production. The ideal is not too Oliver Rd. Calif., a retired auditor, and 943 classroom Nov. 16 will be Mrs. ACCOUNTING a.nd HMward Bednors. treasur­ from the State Welfare Depart­ Mrs. Forbes said the stamps 7 p.m. Monday in the Board commonly encountered, even in Bolton Rd. Robert B. Kroet, a Pasadena 0 7632 S ’ * Jamea Tracy has been elect- Herbert Shroyer and Mrs. Rob­ er. resemble "Monopoly” money Room of the Town Hall on Rt. the top flight ag;greg;atlons. Haitland Rd. accountant; won the Internation­ 4 QJ106 ment, Interviewed 20 applicants ert Souza. HARTFORD INSTITUTE OP ACCOUNTING by John Gruber captain of the recently reor- Trustees are John Sltek and for the Food Stomp Program to­ and will be issued in books of 81. Since the brasses are wind Windemere St. al Rubber Bridge Championship WEST EA9T ^an lM d Squadron 14, Sons of Joseph Orlowakl; auditors, $2 stamps in quantities of either Mrs. Carla S. Davis will sp- instruments, they have the Grant Rd. and $12,820 in cash two weeks A K10872 A J94 day. Manchester Evening H6r- 66 Forest SL, Hartford— Tel. 247*111$ Frank Wrona and Henry Walk­ The program, Mrs. Forbes $10 or $20, or 60 cent stamps pear to request a variance to same troubles as the voice and Columbus St. ago at the Sands Hotel in Las 0? K102 AJ76 .the American Legion. ald Coventry correspondent, er, and flag bearers, Stanley in quantities of $2 or $8. oonstruot a twcMsar garage in ______the woodwinds. A singer tends Lockwood St. Vegas. Today's hand shows 0 J8 0 Q 109. said, la not a welfare project F. PauUne Little, tel. 742-6281. Sltek and Maryann Wrona. the rear ct her home on Shore Continuing^ our discussion of range, lacking only the top half ^ K® sharp as he makes a creS' Chambers St. Merritt at his conservative best 4 K52 4 743 f Other officera sire Lloyd Bkl- but is sponsored by the U.8. De­ The stamps are good for pur­ Meetlags Lawrence Dr. The of its last octave cendo on a sustained note. Coventry St. against one of the world's best SOUTH Sj^dy, past captain; Michael partment of Agriculture and chasing food for human con- Dr . and the Instruments brings us to the The Chamber of Commerce aimed at the low-income poe^le la without sufficient It can actually play trills or Brass instruments tend to go Fleming Rd. (Hilliard to known experts. A A 53 j|r;.Tomm. first lieutenant; Ml- sumption only. Eligible faml- property brasses, which In serious mu- wlU meet tomorrow at noon at or the “ near-needy." side line distance on one cor­ a chromatic scale in its upper Control of his difficulty is (3iambers) Opening lead —- Seven of (? Q 85 i^rdhael Boudreau, second lleu- lies will be reviewed every three aid are used generally for color- the ElUngtoh Ridge Country Mrs. Forbes said, since the ner of the proposed rtructure. register without any finger work, o®* things a per- 'ty>wer Rd. Spades. 0 AK54 ■jjjtenant; Joseph La Polnte, adju- to six months. Club to discuss the annual program went Into effect the Mothers* Club Meeting SAFE BUY USED GARS from MORIARTY BROS. Ing purposes, rather than for Valves for altering pitch are a former has to master, French Rd. West, the famous expert, led 4 A98 tw^toht; Mark LaPoint, finance Soooer Season Ends Christmas parade. first of this month, she has com­ Ute Mothers’ Club of Coven- “84 YEARS OF CUSTOMER SATTSFACTION!” melodic reasons. Included arc comparatively recent addition Brasses have the same prob- Brent Rd. the seven of speules. Merritt won Soofh Was* Nora East tJgOfflcer; Kenneth Oowparwalte, The Vernoh Center Junior Other Items on the agenda In­ pleted a preliminary screening French horns, trumpets, trom­ to the instrument and Just about lems of breath control as do Woodhlll Rd. the first trick with dummy's 1 NT All Pass gffchaplaln; Michael Sheridan. High School soccer team has ® business meeting at 1966 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1967 MERCURY PARK LANE queen and led the queen of clubs clude a report of the Halloween of the 20 applicants plus many Just completed Its season, win- * p.m. Tuesday In the Nathan 4-Door Hardtop. Red, white oxford roof, bones, and tubas, while sym­ any horn part up to and through singers and woodwind players, Schaller Rd. HS^ilstorian; John St. John, ser- ______4-Door. Blue with black oxford roof, full Mendelssohn's music can be they have to vary their from dummy for a finesse. others who were found unquali­ nlng nine games and losing two. Hale Community Center. Hort- radio, heater, automatic, power brakes, phonic bands utilize a few oth- Bates Rd. livgeant-at-arm s. and John Brow W k ^ w P s ^ ^ OOTtest,'’acom­ ”« Continental equipment, plus fac- $ 4 4 Q C played without them. They make pitch according to the key ^ West, one of the 12 players finesse Merritt shrewly led out fied. power stering, whitewalls, plus “ Factory ' ers such as saxhorns, flugel- „=,-Pen|t Rd. ., assistant sergeant-at-arms, portmittee, of the the appointment memberdilp of on Star of the team was Robert ®f»*" ^ R‘<*ard tory Installed air conditioning! it easier for the performer, but ’1^® work at hand. Trunu^ets at the tournament who had rep- three rounds of diamonds, AU of those eligible for the LaP„^te who allowed only ten Purcheise remaining on FOMOCO $ g 4 | U | | homs, and so on. / -'''Evergreen Rd. auditor and the adoption of a they are not required. I have ®*l®t in B-flat that can .be con- resented North Amertoa or the The defenders did their best The group meets the second program ore from low-income la. Warranty!” weWF Speaking of saxhorns reminds Butler Rd. budget goals in 11 games. Michael Poeh- heard the first Horn Concerto by ''®>'ted to trumpets U f A. thus In world cham- by shifting to hearts, but they d fourth Fridays of the fomUies but are not welfare Tnh.. rtnthonw nnnft un. State Police FUm 1964 FORD FAIRLANE me that they are a family in­ Hoffman Rd. srAh at 7 p.m. 1965 FORD GALAXIE Richard Strauss played on a true Pro^'ldli^ ^ o ^ t s or three pionship contests, casually play- could take only five tricks In a K The organtotional m ee^ of ca««. This U a rtster project "a f’a^J^aSerSlil^ made The , Friendly Circle of the 4-Door. Green, automatic, 2-Door Hardtop. Light blue, blue Interior, vented by Adolfe Sax, who also Duval St. the Tolland County Beef d u b hunting horn without any valves, 1" th^^atural scale of ed the deuce of clubs. Mind hurry. Merritt was sure to re- The adult committee In to the with murdering Harold I. Van greatest cause is driving on Discharged Thursday: Doro­ ^ u sT d though Grade 3 and those teach- teen-agers, a Plymouth man, a ^4. Saturday night. H v i i h s the wrong side of the road, thy Rivers, Ellington; Madeline The first motorized ambu­ Complete Home Furnishings Since 1899! Turkeys and belungen Ring Strauss and *"*■ * through 6, each Groton woman and a Danbury police charged Miss Bertha including illegal passing. Fre- hi> DeCarli, Tolland; Rita Rasulis, lance was used in New York Lee Harrison with the slaying, Uv they Involve drivei Especially For Mahler did not' hesitate to in- Surprisingly Different!! kii White S t; Albert Michaud, 18 City In 1900. which apparently took place bi who ‘Jurt -&is oDoe’ took a Those Who Don’t crease this number to six or ^“ ‘'tence. TOe second part wlU Bristol, a man who ap- > Breathtaking New Productions, Lavish Costumes, b> chance beoaura they were in eight on occasion. Balance can an exchange of groups parently broke into the auto during an argument, bi Time to Get Ready for the Holidays I hi a hurry to get somewhere. Getting only be acMeved then, with an *h® demonstrations rei>eated. galesroom of Dodge Village was Van Allen and a friend, po- Unforgettable Music, and the Incredible Magic Screen. Nothing, absolutely nothing, first be sure to get fresh enormous number of’ strings, teacMng aids wUl « - found Sunday morning dead lice said, went to the woman’s should ever Induce a driver $ 1775.90 1967 crop turkeys . . . and the orchestra will have to explain- carbon monoxide poison- apartment early Saturday eve- Slarrini: OtU and Maria Jallnak; Phil Ramarni and Cathp Slatlt; Tdmmy LIti: to break a law . . . whenever scalded by Ann-MKirat Frat Inpid Wtndl; llllp Chapdl; CMK M Urdlt; Olant; he does he invitee trouble.” THINK SMALL 1968 VoUrawagen Sedan ’that’s all we sell at comprise 110 to 120 players to ^ ^ . Ing. nlng and a fight arose between SMIa Vanaiit: MariIrn'Coapar and Camic JIars: Praddit Trtnhltri sound right. A question and aiBwer period Coleman, Van Allen’s friend and a male Both our column and our­ GLOBE DeMveted in Msneheeaer would you believe it? onehurst). hot water Hans laittr: Marquil Chimpi: Johnny laRracqut: Carolyn O'Rally; 0d«l Martin. selves are here to SERVE Equipped with leatherette In­ This can be effective, of ^ *2, of Bristol had broken Into friend of Miss Harrison, you. terior, windshield washer, 2- course, but a real genius doesn’t groups J^turn to the allpurpose y^^ dealers showroom, had The dlsfiute moved to newby Travel •SeniM W * will fMtura 1967 bills? qwed electric wipers, heater, need these forces. You only aftw the demon^atiOM. ggj. jjgyg from the of- Main Street, where Van Allen DiUon Saks and Service, 905 MAIN STREET defroeter, 4-way safety flashers, your choice of 7 units fall pack of fronn For the lo w est^ have to listen to the end of Mo- fice and died attaching a license was stabbed In ths chert. EASTERN STATES COLISEUM back-up Ughts, fremt and rear WEST SPRINGFIELD, MASS. OvMi Reody PREMI­ zart’s "Don Giovanni” to real- be hostesses at the social hour plate to the rear of a new car Miss Harrison was being Iwld Inc. 643-2165 seat belts. possible hot J ize how effective a mere couple the p rog ra ^ A ^ running. for arraignment Monday In Cir- UM BUTTERBALLS and Your Ford Dealer Antliorised agent In Bla in Manor Rouse Maple of tronvbones can be if properly conducted by Haven, an early cult Court. OPENS WED., NOV. 22 lestor for all AlrttaMS,. TED TRUDON Rt*. II, Tdlend Tpke. Brad* A Land of water cost... employed. ^ ^ ^ the I^sident, Mre. James Ear- p^gj^lng fire Saturday In a 'BoUraods and Steamship^ Tekettvile-Minelieiter ------ly, WUl precede the main pro- y,ree-story rooming house killed ONLY 10 NIGHTS and M ATINEES 319 Main St., Muicheater 1. harrnt tabit, 2 b.nch.t lOkos Turfcoys sfoiting call 8 648-2145 VOLKSWAGEN 449-211$ Monday. Thoy will bo tenant Frank Stratton, 40, and STANLEY WARNER NOV. 22-23-24-27-28-29-30. DEC. 1, 8 P.M. 2. 42-Inch buffet All meetings of the PTA are guest Luther Cook, 32, of New SAT., NOV. 25 & DEC. 2 ,1 :30 P.M., 5:30 P.M., 9 3. round toblo, 4 ipindlt chain open to the public. A special In- jj^yg^ 1 4. round foblo, 4 chain d b p la y ^ in fron n CHARGE YOUR SUN., NOV. 26 & Dec. 3, 1:30 P.M. & 5:30 P.M. fo ^ COSO In chock out vltaUon Is extended for tMs Ff^glng^ both men on STATE 5. 34-inch buffot and hutch meeting as the subject Is one y^^ y^jj.^ fig^r, asphyxiated by F.IIIE PAlRliy u rm in D ' is or TMZ4TIII 6. drop loaf foblo, 4 choin PRESCRIPTION PRICES i 7. horrotf foblo, bonch, 2 choin *119 oMo. Como in and m - which concerns not Just parents g^^^g untouched by the Starts 6:40 $3.00 . $3.50 ■ $4.00 - $4.50 $7 Per Month loct your bird . . . but all townpeople who provide fig^eg^ y,hich drove 16 other oc- “Out Man FMnV’ 7:00 the wherewltoal in tax dollars gupantg <,f the apartment house "In Like Flint" 8:46 ALL SEATS RESERVED Wo aro taking ordors MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED NOW! Come see our new, open stock dining room group. It's colled to run the school. outside. The Red" Cross gave TWICE THE FUNT Manor House, and It Is magnificent! The pieces hove o rich, for GOLDEN HAR­ The school Ubrary wiU be y ,g ^ shelter, Wtleem* H«r* FOR EVERYONE! SEND YOUR CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: golden finish, towny os maple syrup. Certain of the pieces ore VEST FRESH CON­ open for one hour before and Three Danielson youths were ovolloble In golly-decoroted block locquer finish at o slightly NECTICUT TURKEYS. after the PTA meeting for par- htug^ Saturday night and two higher price. Designs ore high-style colonial, d u t ifu lly exe­ AT ents who wlrii to visit the Book companions Injured when their cuted. There ore many more pieces in the collection. We've Fair. Proceeds from sale of g „ j,it a tree near Route 206 SPRINGFIELD MANAGEMENT CO. ig F irst shown but o few, come see them oil. PINE PHARMACY books at the Fair, to run Tues- ^ Brooklyn, Conn, II Eastern States Coliseum West Springfield, Mass. 01089 FOOD STAMP 664 Center St. 64»-«814 day through Thursday from 1 ^llen Torgenson, 16. and Rob- II Unite shown with block pieces, 6189 . . . available PROGRAM to 4:30 p.m., wUl go to the Llii^ grt Anderson, 16, were found II Enclosed find ...... for. II National In maple at fUD. mivle unite available with plastlc- da Harriman Ubrary Fund. jead at the scene. Kenneth Ter- II II top tables at $139. Any person desiring to re­ School Board Committee iaque, 17, died later at Day- tickets at $ ...... each for...... II ceive food coupons may re­ At their meeting held last hlmball Hospital, Bargain M*L Wed. Only 1st Choice ...... Date ...... Time. II Stores ceive eligibility Information week. Board of Education mem- The driver, Richard Barthollc, A t 1:80 AU Seats 60c from the local welfare or II \ bers were assigned committee at Brooklyn, and Richard Starts Wed. "Tony Rome” 2nd Choice ...... Date ...... Time. public assistance office. Pine- TAU CEDARS OF LEBANON II hurst Is authorised to accept appointments by the chairman, Sanders, 16, of Danielson were NAME ...... food coupons . . Mrs. William Kowalski. The injured. "Silenoers" II entire board wUl serve on the Mrs. Rose Sansone of Dan- ■cSFifirs• 7:00 ADDRESS ...... II IWIIIIswinilcWllllswinilc/ salary committee. bury was killed Saturday night CITY II Horn's Proof that you Educational needs will be when the station wagon her hus- ^^^urderers Row” 8:46 buy famous notional handled by Mrs. Kowalski and band Michael was driving br«mds for loss at Mrs. Walter Weir. Prtlcles will swerved across Route 7 In BINGO be the area of Mrs. Kowalski, Ridgefield Into a tree. Statement PINEHURST NEW LOCATION ~ ORANGE HALL Mrs. Weir, Mrs. James Daley, ig^at Shabat, 80, of Plymouth and new member, James Urso, was Injured fatally In a two- EVERY TUESDAY Malntenance of the school plant car collision Saturday on Route We've Beautified For Tues. and Wed. Shoppers will be cared for by Albert 72 in Bristol. Police charged Al- We Feature Patoh, J .Cuyler Hutchinson as len B. Borden, 32, of Bristol, Our Inside To Give chairman, and Ursa driver of they other car, with Our Customers SWIFT'S PREMIUM The grounds committee will negligent homicide, have Patch as chairman, assist- Police said Borden tried to You The Best Vac Packod ed by Hutchinson and Urso. turn left from behind a truck Transportation wlU have Mrs. and collided with Shabat’s on­ DUE TO A STRIKE OUR STORES HAVE BEEN CLOSED. Doris Chamberlain as chairman Atmosphere To BABON lb. 59c coming c'ar. tl TS y cool weather with Mrs. Kowalski and Hutch­ Miss Unda A. Delulio, 24, of m REGRET ANY INCONVENIENCE THAT MAY BE Save Up To 20c Lb. f inson as the other members. Groton Long Point, a physical Satisfy Yours In 5 Lb. Lota 58c Lb. FAIRWAY. Mrs. Edward Hopkins will education Instructor at Hillhouse means represent the board for Library High School, was fatally injured Treat yourself . . . and treat her . . . to elefifant dininfif. Our CAUSED TO YOU. F/RST Services, Mrs. Walter Weir will Friday night in Hamden when SWIFT'S PREMIUM handle the Linda Harriman Li- her car coIUded with another, superb menu will delight you, with the added touch of lovely brary f\md and Mrs. J&mes throwing her onto the road FIRST NATIONAL EMPLOYES HAVE BEEN ORGAN- Brown and Sorvo gloves — mittens — gowns Daley the Richard Clough S c h o l------atmosphere. We fed you deserve the very bestl arrtilp Fund. IZED fO R MORE THAN A QUARTER CENTURY. OUR COM­ The board announced an open­ pajamas — sleepers ing for tile pQsiUpn of board M-iPirniJinr a clerk who attends their meet­ PANY HAS PAID UNION SCALE UNDER UNION CONDI­ corduroy slacks — sweat ings, takes minutes and does a STEAKS AND CHOPS \l Vzlb. 55c certain amount of bookkeeping. To Sir, t pkgs. $1,06 Employment will be effective SERVED IN THE TIONS ALL THESE YEARS. IN THE CURRENT NEGOTIA­ SpecW In Lota shirts apd knee socks! Jan. 1. anc|i the hours, of work WITH LOVE Of 12 Pkga. 49c Pkg. wUI be from 9 to noon at the TIONS OUR COMPANY HAS MADE A WAGE OFFER WHICH school every school day. Peo­ gowns, pajamas, sliopors in sizos 1 ple Interested in the position, GREEN GIANT PEAS for boys, girls, lodks and mon should apply at ithe school of­ BEEFEATER TAVERN IS EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN EXISTING COM PEim VE fice. INTIMATELY TUCKED AWAY DOWNSTAIRS P • quality glovos for ovoryono Other positions in the school RATES WITHIN THE AREA COVERED BY OUR PRESENT 4, $110 with maple chairs open for applicants have Just $180 with decorated chairs slacks for boys, girls and ladies been announced by Prlncipcd, Open Wed, fo Saf, thru Jon. f Doris Chamberlain. The school CONTRACT. L # knee socks for girls and ladies very much needs three people FOR YOUR LJSTBNINO ENJOYMENT WE FEATURE F U fMld SAT. NIGHT Have You Tried Keith’s to handle lunch room supervi­ “One-Stop Shopping?” ^ r sweat shirts for evoryone sion. The Job Is a one hour stint IT IS OUR HOPE THAT THE DIFFERENCES IN THIS from noon to 1 p.m. each school THE FRANKIE-LYNN TRIO • We’ll Come To Your Home To Advise You! day and the pay is $2. Interest- DISPUTE W H l BE QUICKLY SETTLED AND THAT WE t*hh t it m i ill n • We Have Terms To Please Everyone! M ANCHESiFR WILL BE ABLE TO SERVE YOU AGAIN IN Tlffi NEAR e AU Purchases Inspected Ill ) M /U N S I. Before Delivery! * ALL Financing Is Done Opposite the Bonnet Junior GUgh School on D w er (South Bnd) Main Street By Keith’s! . . . For Friendly Service Phone 648-4169 . . . FIRST NATIONAL STORES, INC. ★ AMPLE PARKING FRONT OF STORE, OR IN LOT NEXT TO OUR STORE ★ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, NOYBRIBER 18, 1967 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 1967

ham reports that Dr. Mervyn in the b(Hnbta« dating back to craUc senator suggested pubUc- mayed by claims that North Little, school doctor, will begin (Military Heads May 1880, naglng in length ly that the general might soon turbojet axpertmental train. ORDER TODAY... Vietnamese leaden say they physical examinations on those from 87 dasra in late 1888 and be recalled. Nak To tor west ot Hanoi and. a mlasUaatte o \ • ckwed sally Saturday morning Genuine birthstones In 14K gold rings, $2,800. today. Hungrex wBl simply South Norwalk, night watchman a memorable Chrlshnas gift for Mom or to originally open In Septem­ and the hmar new year as well. gnawing hunger 'ratatoreanieatB whidi dMki’t ar­ 81 mUea nocihweet ot the eapl- and aaked to uss the restroom. Enrollment flgures aa of Nov. State Department sources in­ amaze yOul You'll be For Lubnoants at file Oarlea Oreenhouae on Gram. Here era threa of our aevan ber, the bead teachers were to At Conference sensations! Result? You rive uofll nearly five beam after tal. The proprietor said the per- 8, ahow that a total of 600 chil­ dicated there is no dlpl<»natic FLETCHER BU SS 00. OF MANOHBSTEB slimmer next week or your Raymond Street stytes, aach adaptabla to the number get $400 and $200 more, respec­ don’t feel hungry ...down ^ the attaek. Navy piloU IroUi earrlera Ip Tha Gulf Oil Ob., tat gasolne, aon was wearing a stocking o f children In the family. From dren are attending the Hebron Henry Manning and Donald push at this time tor any ex­ money back. No the ‘Toaktoi Chilf rej^oHM hitting mask and had a woman’s voice. Elementary School. Of this tively. The proposed salary for Woods, special education teach­ goes your calorie intake... The Ownmuideto held ttis vU- and Texaco Inc., tot- hibrlcat- Medical Center Plans $27.50 for a elngla gem the head teachers brought to tended bombing pause and no prescription needed. 12 cargo baigee II milea aouth When the person was let in, for one child. number 12 are enrolled in spec­ ers at Bennet Junior High break In the diplomatic Impasse *When You Think of Gla»$f 6494521 and down goes your IWe tor two bomb and withdrew ing, gn ase and gear oils, are NEW HAVEN (AP) — Pre­ the board for the period from of Halpiiong. MbaC o$her air fysgom ell said, a fight broke ALLOW IS DAYS FOR DSLIVBRY ial class and 088 are In regular School,_ attended a three-day over ways to get some kind of weight at dayMgbt after IttQlofing light apparent low bidders for sup­ liminary plans wake annoanoed January to June is the same. Think 'of Fletcher^* cenieltlee on the dafendeie, mtt- raids concentrated on aupply out. EASY PAYMKNTi INVITID elassrooms. Pour of the special conference on mental retarda­ peace negotiations started. areas and antiaircraft poaltiaaa plying the Town of ManclMster today for a new |7 million re­ Hoslom was arrested a short Downtown Manchester at 038 Main St. The board did not feel thfs tion last week at Teachers Col­ f fcWf Mflt Itory spokemnen aaid. One civil­ students are transported on the Pentagon offidais aaid there near Dong Hoi In the aouthern with its automotive needs tor search tower for surgery, ob- while later. He U scheduled to bus making the present seven was satisfactory. It authorized lege of Columbia University in ian also was klllad. haa been no Indication of any •O’ panhandle. the next year. steMes and gynecology at the aiqiedr Nov. 27 In court. buses transporting a total of the administration to offer Kal- . 54 McKEE STREET >o U.S. Intelllgenoe ettloeni say Tale-New Haven MeAeal Cen­ change of viewpoint by West­ la a ddayed tepoit, U.S. The town qpenda about $8,000 502 children dally. pik $250 for the balance of the The conference, held Wenes- moreland or the Joint Chiefs on the North VletnanieaB have tor gasoline and about. $1,000 tor ter. The estimated enrollment bas­ year and Miss Oolombaro $150. day through Friday, focused on the bombing pause issue. rushed more troous to the Dak **Ndqoartera 1 togq A ir The Tala announcement said TUI ENCLOSURES & SHOWER DOORS Force Phantom Jeta ereire lost the various oils in a 12-monai ed on enumeration figures was If this proposal is not accept­ evaluating vocational potential When Westmoreland was here Tto area, apparefdly doubUt« span. plans tentatlvWy call for the 577 children for September. The able, the matter Is to be re­ of the retarded student. from $25.00 to $45.00 their strength there, but the over the North Friday and their in April, he made It deed* he op­ fk7 M o^o*M r/u t Kodmelmg A U tour crewmen were missing. OuU Oil’s prtce to .0628 per start ot canstruotlon on the actual enrollment was 686. ferred to the personnel policies The costs of housing, meals posed cease-fires because the Beds made only three mortar eight-story laboratory of Sur­ /Soor WefeoMd fo r FmkUo V to t This brought total announced gallon below the pdated Hart­ Since the opening of school 14 committee. and transportation for partlci-' Communist enemy has used attadcs on U.S. podtioM in the gery. Obatetries and Gynecology Itow le the tline to bring in your Mreenz to be repaired. looses over the North to 787 UJB. ford tairic price. The posted children have entered school. The board received a request pants was paid through a such truces to reinforce and re­ Storm window gtooa repinoed. COUNTRY DRUG area today. price today to .i960, Ibitaging in the latter half ot 1688 and Deficit Seen from a parent to admit her son federal grant. Initial reports said two Infan­ combat planea. supply fighting units. 277 West Middle Tpko. Other m ilitary action was the net cost per gallon down to for completion In about two Superintendent Aram Damar- to kindergarten although his Hanobeetor, Oomi. trymen were wounded. years. Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chair­ light Sunday. U.S. hoadquarters .1222. Jian haa reported a possible $18- fifth birthday does not occur Big Betting man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, AUTO BLASS INSTALLED □Ssnd me ngoftr 21-diy supply of Hminx MiUi PJA for American officera reported GhdTs price was beiow fiioae 00 deficit In the operating bud­ until Jan. 15. Under present reg­ that two enemy reglmentB store reported a claah 28 miles north­ More than $4 bllUon is bet testified last Augiut before a 88fy |3. west Saigon in which seven bid by Texaco, Gstty Oil, Hum­ Rsdl Record Set get of the school. This figure, ulations, a child must be six shifted to Dak To from the PIsi- ot annually on horse races In the congressional panel that "ttie . DLASS FURNITURE TOPS :a S J s Oommunlsts and tour Ameri­ ble Oil euid Kay Petroleum. PROVlDEPiaE, R.I. (AP)—A with the cost of additional trans­ years old by Dec. 81 to enter □ S«nd ms ecenomydin 42-diy supply for enly |5. ku area, about 78 miles farther Let Our Photographer Capture Your Child’s United States through pari­ ultimate success of our effort Is cana were killed and three U.S. Texaco’s prices ware below New rail record of one hour portation, could make a possible first grade that year. If the boy mutuel devices. Estimates of going to depend on a steady MIRRORS (Flnflaea aid Diwr) south, 'to give the Nwth tfiet- those bid by Getty Oil. Humble and 18 minutes between Provt- deficit of $4,000 by the end of were allowed In kindergarten infantrymen wounded. A 25th Natural Expression in a Holiday Portrait how much more than this is pressure day after day, weather ir-Ss nomees a fighting force of about Infantry Division base camp 74 Oil and Kay Petroleum. QUIf dence and New Haven, Conn., the year. The board voted to this year he would be entering 8,000 men around Dak TO. bet through bookmakers varies permitting; night after night PIOTURE FRAMINR (all types) miles northeast of the capital Oil .bid only on file gasoline. has been set by a high qieed send representatives to the next the first grade with his sixth •s* from two to four times this until we really sttrlte these Some 5,000 or 8,000 Amertoan was hit by 110 enemy mortar Slnance Committee 'meeting on birthday falling beyond Dec. 81. amount, according to the En­ people to where they cannot 7eae.„, Wste, addlers toce the Oommuntsta on rounds and 28 U.S. soldiera ware Nov. 27 to acquaint them with During discussion, the board WINDOW aid PUTE DLASS cyclopaedia Britannlca. support their war in the South.” SSL »£□ Payment Unclosed ”-t- 85c J ^wbat became known as the sec- wounded'. this Informatkm. decided to table the request un­ There have been seven pauseal ood front—the first Is bdow ths The South Vietnameoe govem- Plans for moving into the new til the policy can be reviewed demiUtarised sons—after fierce, ment Is drafting President school were discussed. The and the advisability of changing Now! A Professional large-scale fighting enqitod Nguyen Van Thleu’a promlaed board also discussed the naming the policy weighed to allow ex- there Nov. L lettar to I*resident Ho Chi Mlnh, of the new school. Chairman ceptionsd children to enter The U.S. Command, revlatag bf North Vietnam, offering a 11x14 Portraits Mrs. Marlon Foote has appoint­ school early. Its casualty figures, said 92 bombing pause if Hanoi ahowa ed M n . Jane Jones, Mrs. Mil­ The board also voted to add American and 885 North tfist- willingness to talk peace, an In- dred Fillm ore and Edward two recovery couches and a in Beautiful namese troops have been killed torm ^ source in Saigon said to­ Hlnchllff to the special commit­ scale to the list of equipment In file heavy fighting. Headquar- for the new school. The building Manchester Area Customers:* Coming November 20 day. He said the letter w ill he tee. They w ill review possible teto said 600 U.S. troops wsre sent very aoon but Its contents Goldentone committee will be advised. names and bring in a recom­ FlEX’O 'C i!^ wounded, but about half of them w ill not be made public when it mendation at the next meeting. School Nurse Dorothy Klrk- 'e cumALCUAit w«.' f \ U.S. defense perimeter. ■worth Bunker, already is In todial duties at Hebron Ele Umts of the ITSrd Alitiom e 648-86to Th* W . G. Gkniwy Co. Waahlngton. mentary Scluxri to ctistodlal du­ Bockville Exch. Eat. 1498 Brlg^e reported killing 12 Rear Adm. Ralph W. ODUslns, ties at the new school. 886 N. Main S t, Manobeetor Norfii ^fietnanl«se troops Sun­ directing the Navy air raids on per child plui SOf The board has authorized the l i i l l H day in scattered contacto North yietniun again after two iniurtnce and htndllng administration to hire a full­ throughout the day In the same years iqiray from Vtetndm, aaid time second shift custodian for general area where the para- Navy pilots are improving con­ (Goldentone . . . sepia and white, a process designed to enhance , the Hebron Elemehtary School. Sotfirdoy, troopera tought the hard battle stantly but the North V iet­ your child’s warm and natural features. Hurry in, no appoint-. Ap]^lcatl(ms and Information * , >' Saturday. namese gunners and pUota "are are available from Principal tnent necessary, bring all the children ages 6 weeks through 14 holiday cash? 'T • • V ' The paratroopers made spo­ leatniih hew trlcka all the time, N ov. 18 Ray Gardiner. radic eontaet several times Sim- too.” years old. Group portraits taken at 99# per child. Limit one A recommendation has been day with enemy troops en­ Deaplte North Vietnam’s ’’re­ Starts Today! portrait per child. i sent to the town to have a traf­ trenched in bunker comidexes markable tenacity,” Cousins t , fic hazard survey taken In the and called in artillery and air said, ” we don’t have to be dis- Naturally there is no oblization to buy additional portraits. Howerer additional airea of the new school. At the Mt, ■trlkea on the Ocmimunlat posl- Unusual savings on ... p ortn iu in many sizes and styles are available at our reasonably low prices to fit time the school site was pro­ i f ' ttona. One paratrorawr was ydhr family needs. posed, It was estimated that no killed and 86 wounded. PHOTOGRAPHER AVAILABLE DAILY—10 A.M. to 8 P.M. lights or other controls were - > X.-' More enemy attacks were ex­ X h o x Copy Service DRESSES SATURDAY—10 AJtf. to 4:30 PJH. necessary. The town Is being tHINC SINCE t h e W Hee, fs pected. COATS 1445 New Britaki Ave^ West Hertfmd Shopphig Fart "The North Vietnamese ap­ Btneprint and SivplY* pear to be employing their dd 2S8-75S1 West Middle Tph»^-«48-USl WG' set ttarttM^l^^ManolHator Sears Open Mob. thru Sat. Open Mon. thru Sat. tactics of moving a battolion- SPORTSWEAR saaiL eoiBvcx and ca 9:80 A M . to 9 P.M. 9:80 AJd. to 9 PA L - alse force to face a company or , -sc Bockvflte Bxekasge Hah 14S8 DOWNTOVmMAN^^ ...... smaller force in an attempt to overrun them,” said Capt. Kenny IQtchell of Anniston, Ala.» a 4th Division operations officer. "I feel that the North Viet­ namese think they can at least .. hold their own agaliut our forces, or they would have moved out of the area by now.” Come to where Air Force B62 bombers kept after the North Vietnamese Sun­ day, saturating suspected Red th e m o n e y hV dMensive positions, infiltration routes and storage areas 16 Be Ready for your Come to the people to the men whpre the miles southwest of Dak To with whose business If mak­ money is. Nearly 2 mil­ is ! about 160,000 pounds of bombs. ing loans. 8000 loans a lion people a year do— The cdgbt-englne Stratofor- day. Holiday shopping loans. at over 1750 affiliated Bene­ tresses raided suspected enemy Bill-paying loans. All kinds ficial offices throughout the positions near the demilitarized of loans. Come to Beneficial. U.S. and around the world. zone Sunday night and today, That's where the money is. Phone now. This Is where the hitting areas two and nine miles Just call or drop in. And talk money is. north of the U.S. Marine outpoet . . . your Choice of one of these Gifts YOU REPAY S16.7B A MONTH FOR S300 OR at Con Thlen. S51.1S FOR SIOOO ON BENEFICIAL'S 24 MONTH PLAN. Elsewhere in five ground war, when you Open a a base camp of the U.S. 25th In­ fantry Division 74 miles north­ east of Saigon was hit by 110 V -t-4 rounds of Communist mortar 1968 CHRISTMAS CLUB 'BENeA sIAL FINANCE SYSTEM • 1750 OFRCES COASTTC 7CAST ' w ' w'P fire Sunday night, wounding 88 Loans $20 to $1000 — Loans life-insured at low cost Americans. SHOPPING r . * Beneficial finance Co. of Manchester Forty miles away, a platoon of South Vietnamese militiamen Rp<' '.t'.r.i'M'. (.rf'i* n,!', 836 MAIN ST.. MANCHESTER . -V* f . \v\\ N f' ,■ r il Next to Singer Sewing Center • Phone:643-4156 and civilian engineers were Am ­ OPEN EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT— PHONE FOR HOUR! bushed while en route to a con­ crete bridge the Viet Cong had [Imi • 1967i BENEFICIAL FINANCE CO. mined. Two other companies of militiamen backed by two ar­ in 1968... mored cars also were ambushed ' ' ■» ^ Ll li s when they moved up to rein­ j V '/ (.H(visi’/As force the others. I'lXit r Headquarters said govern­ ♦J 'J’■ 'lei'iMliiii' Rpi) Lfatlifif like NOW AVAILABLE! 4 . , • . Clitisti' C.ird ment camialfiea were heavy, , f (.! ft AriDRlSS HOOK and three Viet Cbng also were AUTOMOBILE reported killed. 17.8. headquaitera took the ae- Join fhe Parade of Savers ctulty wrape off a 25-day-old INSURANCE multibattalion Marina soardi and daatroy operation around > I f H ft. f IH 0 \0Ml K ()uang TM (Tlty 22 miles aoufii of ' the demilitarlaed zone. The op­ OPEN A S.B .M . For Good ^oung Drivers eration is aimed at taking pres­ The new Touch-Ton^* telephone le the fastest way to anywhere. A simple^ easy-to-use sure off the northernmost prov­ Under 25 keyboard has replaced the dial wheel. You Just tap out a number...lightly, quickly, incial ci^tal area. A qaAesman said. tfaers has CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW! (WM1» Sfvplim Last!) I f you have W id ^ u b le srettinsr automobile insur­ accurately. As you tap, oach key sounds a musical tone that triggers equipment to been oniy light, acattered action in the operatioo, named Oeoeo- ance becausei of your age and you are-a good driver, complete your caH. We think the Touch-Tone telephone Is the greatest invention since la. The Marines rsportod Wiling yoii may qualify for automobile insurance at regular 2T Communist troops, detaining Save ft«m S»e to «1B Weekly! the wheel. Certainly tha fastest. Also available In the graceful Trimllne® model In either,, 47 suspects and ciqiturlng 10 young driver rates. Crane in today and find out and weapons imd 18 tons of rice. MX- perhaps save'money on insurance rates at the same wall or table style. f ilne iravMfiN** have been 10 time. deafi and 70 wounded. Uouit FimiiEti South Koreans Tiger Divtaioo SAWNfiS BANN The Southern New Englend Telephone Compeny reposted its men have killed 78 North Vietnarasae regulars and \ captured 28 pcieoners in a week of figbH«2g nesur the coast absut 800 mllss northeast of Saigon. .OF M a n c ik s te r Koeean casualties wars ds- MAMerria lAnHUNCM ufinMUNca vnauklaMt acsawiiMa.CKisMa MmCmmtI soribed as Ug^t in th# osntto- ioem wwii oe omcr - .. . . ‘Toudi-Teiie phenes wW be avaiaNe to Manchester customers whoiiG numbers start wHh 6 4 3 , 6 4 0 , 6 4 T and uiag opstafion.' INSUR/^NCE AGENCY. Inc A lyekesman said the fifk ^ \ . 6 4 9 . (If your number started with 6 4 3 , 6 4 7 or 6 4 9 you will need if number change.) Ask your talapliona man haa oeourred en the Co Bol platli 2ST E. CENTER ST^MANCRESTER ahoutTauch-Tanacallfaia^artapoiitatunaatour M anchaatarofficaat82 East Capitar Street. about 15 mUea north o f Qid Nhon, a rich rice area. He eWd TEL. 648.1126 North Vietnamese t n x ^ had MAIN OFNCI and FARKADE OFFICE OFEN SATURDAY MORNINGS! ^ begun infiltrating back Into the area, and a prlsooer said they

JLM. f - ♦' ■V .i.t . V \-


tfUmrIfpfitpr labor, as a moFemant, has ^lokan with South Windsor Open House Set only one voice on Vietnam, and that STAR / % this has been a voice of strong ol5olal -By CLAY R. POLLAN- By Hale PTA lEttrmtt^ Ifrrttid support for the President. Red Cfaiiia Film Set Tonight MAR. 22 A word to bargain hounds Your Dally AdMIy Guldm SEPT. 23 Nathan Hale School wlU hold PTIBUSHBID BY IK E And, in an extrfkordinary exercise of .APft 2Q According to iho Slorr. PBim iNO OO.. DtC. OCI*. 23^ a PTA-aponaored open house to­ U BfeMa Straet perronal power, the one man who has To develop message for Tuesday, iftirt¥Mlr By League ot Women Voters 4- 5-10-24I morrow at 7 >80 p.m. THOKA8 r . so tar made sure that organised labor /31-42-74 reod words corresponding to numbers <660-75 F(dk>wlng a short buslnese ses- ^ WAXVTBn R. has spoken, this way has been George South RTodror L «a cu » of simUlpox vaccinations, two tu- of your Zodioc birth sign. Sion, in the auditorium, par­ PuUWiVB A«l.*2i ______l>)iii«lad OotolKr 1. M l Rtonm Votan wHl ^ o tm o g the berculoela Tine testa and live I Your 31 For 61 All ents w ill have an opportunity Meany, personally a hawk among 32 Scriout 62 Tiwm NBO film , "Rqilto P a ^ on Red Sabin Polio sbota. I m a y Ji 2V«ry to vlstt dasaroome, view their PuWIrtiwi Every BvanliiB Bxcefit Biaida.y« hawks. 3- 6-17-Mj 3 You 33 O iw * 63 And AV cs/A.: HoUdayii. Entered mi th e Post Office mi China,’’ narrated by DavM Leclen Meetti« 4 A 34*Aftroct 64 Help 26-27-3345/^ children’s work and trik wRU Manobeiter. OonlL, •* SBOobd CUuui l l » i l Now, as the Chicago meeting lllus- BrliAley, a t tcnfgfat’e m eetii«. The Abe E. MlUer Poet, Amer- SFcmol* 35YO U 65 Romonce 43-5042 the teachers. M atter. . 6 SixMjId 36 Thought 66 Attention AUTO/AATIC REDUCTIONS traites, some other labor leaders are de­ 67 Switched SAAITTARIUS Also, in conjunction with the The foreign economic policy- lean Legion AuxIUiury, will meet I MAY 22 7 Tricky 3 7 N M d s 8DB8CKIFTION RATES termined to show that although Mr. United Natfon study commit- tomorrow at 8 p.m. at the home 8 Tol^t . 38 To 66 Know NOV. annual book fair, vlaltora may Faj«Me In Attvance ( JUNE 22 69 Your 9 Should 39 M ust DEC browse in the library and make One Y e a r ...... m o o Meany may control the official resolu­ to* c< the League wiB present a of Mrs. Betty Davis, 288 Hilton 101s 40 "P u H " 70 OH Six U.OO 1-45-51-53 7 t Intentions 23-39^-!)-564T Ttiree Monthe ...... 6.60 tions of the labor movement’s executive prcgiAm on U. S. — Red China Dr. All members are urgM to I I P«opl« 4 \ ChiK k piuchasee throughout the eve­ '61-67-70 12Pcopl« 42 Your 72 To I66-7WSi-9 0 ^ One Month ...... h B council, and even succeed In boselng its relatkMis. Following the ahowing: attend. 73 You ning. Retreahments w ill be cANcn 13Y6ur 43 Core CA PtKO m BARGAIN SHOP 44 Don't 74 Advice served throughout in the cafe­ ■ anRai.BER w convention, such actions still do not of the film a ittscuaaioo w ill be The amclllary will hold in- , JUNE 23 14 With DEC. 23 IB B AGBOCaATED PRESS held on U.8. policy toward Red atallation of officers on Nov. 18. 15 Will 45 Thot 75 Today teria. The Aawiotated Freae h exduatvnly entitled speak for all labor. There Is the begin­ L JULY 23 l6D oy 46 F lettering 76 To JAN. 20 935 /AAIN STREET-MANCHESTER China ihiring Worid War n and At Ft nanniig 77 Enlist The P T A meeting schedule to the uae o f repubUcaaon o f a ll neiwa dis- ning of open challenge to the Meany 17 B*rwfit 47 Permit palduB oredtted to ft or not otherwlae cretUt- rtnee 1MB and the U.8. com- U . Robert C. BurriH, Jr., son 5\ 2- 7-M-20 l 8 Giv* 48 M o y 78 Hinder n-14-29-40(Q tor the remainder of the yesu' ed In this paper and alao the local newa pUh- leadership, on the war Issue. a/25-6345 19 From 4 9 P o y 79 Their <8-64-73 llahed here. mitmeid to Taiwan. of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Bur- 80 consistent has been set as follows: IfO 20 For 50 For ★ ★ All rifdife of republtDatlan of apeolaJ dla- One thing Lyndon Johnson makes 5) Equipment .81 Cooperotion Dec. 12: Pot Luck Supper. patohaa hereto are aiao reaerved. ^ s o Included in the discus- I’m, 82 F elt Rd. Wapping, is I JULY 24 21 Money JAN. 21 22 A 52 Checking ' 82 Your Maxwell Morrison, principal, certain to know. He knows who Is Sion wlB be U.S. dlplomeilc and aervlng with the 197th Infantry 83 Your feb! ) » Today you'll find exceptional bargains at Watkins The Herald Prtmlnr Company Inc., ae- _ AUG. 23 23 You 53 InterJefing wlU discuss the special services against him, and he knows who is Cor cultural contacts with Red Chi- Brigade, USA, at F o ri Banning, 24 Grotcful 84 Your Bumea no ftoandal responalhlUty tor typo- |'V4'47-53-5I 85 Ot 13-21-30-37^ Bargain Shop. But today is no exception. You'll find graphloal errosa appeartoK to advertlaemento na and United Nattoiw rex»^ ^ -i aa a platoon leader, 25 Love and projects offered tor Nathan and other roadhilt matter In The MonofaeMer him. Those against him, he sometimes 1>72-7W S» 26 Show 56 More 86 Thrift 52-59-8086^ Hale’s children. them here every day. For pieces and groups are con- EhrenttB Herald. smtatlan. Lt. BurrlU la a 1966 graduate 27 Deor^ 57 People 87 Scene mcis tries to discredit and punish. Those who 88 Proposals Feb. 18: P euwI on sex educa­ The study committee, under Windsor High SiSiool 2 B O i^ a 58 People FEB. 20jYra staijtly arriving from our regular display floors . . . F\)tl acrvice client of N. E. A Sendee. Inc. are for him, he does his best to 29PoliticoI 59 Proctice 89 Progress tion and family Hfe curriculum P UbtlaheTa Repreaentattvea — The Jultua the direction of Mrs. Frai* . entered the servloe In 30 Situation 60 Attention 90 Diet MAR. 21 pieces that have been discontinued, th? last from former IfatheWB Special Aaency — New York, Cbi- strengthen and reward. Few individualB 11/14 ptannlng. Lane, chairman, indudea Mrs. **• 54-578889^ coffo, Detroit aad Bialoo. have done more tor the President on ) Adverse Neutral March 12: Talent show suid purchases, ' pieces that have become shopmarked. Maxlmllllan Beck, Mrs. Chrlj»- ate training at Fort Gordon, Ga., € 71-77-7981' MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OF CtRCUEA- Vietnam than Meany. With Meany’s and advanced infantry train­ glee cltib. TIDNB. ______tiaan Noordendorp, Mrs. Rldi- April 9: Talk on physical ed­ Each piece or group is sharply reduced the minute it enemies about to meet in Chicago, the ing at Fort Polk, La. ard Larivlcre, Mrs. Walter ucation In MEUichester schools. Diaplay odvcrtlolnf; oloolw hotira: trip to New York was a meaningful and He was assigned to Officers arrives in The Bargain Shop . . . then reduced each week BW Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. Braaolovich, Ansrimo'Tonl _ EUid Mrs. Glorta A. Flohive of Casualty Actuarial Society. He Election of officers. FPr Tueaday — 1 p.m. Batureay. timely gesture. As for yihat Meany Candidate Schod at Fort Ben- it remains. But few things remain long. Bargain hunters FPr Wedneaday — 1 p.m. Monday. and Miss Cynthia Orinndl. nlng in February ‘ thto w w Waterbury wUl teach Grade 6 resldee with his wife and four May 14: Program open for Fbr 'nunaday — 1 p.m. Tueaday. thinks of the Chicago meeting, one can The meeting will start at 8 children at 78 Northvlew Dr., current Issues. InErtaHatlon of snap them up quickly. So, the smart thing to do is visit FVr Friday — 1 p.m. Wedneaday. and received his oommiseton os ^ n Fhr Saturday — l p.m. 'nunadov. quote from the language about dissent p.m. at the East Hertford F e d - _____, , , ,_____ . . . . Also, IDsa Euphemla E. Gard­ South Windsor. officers. The Bargain Shop regularly so you won't miss values niaasified deadUne — 6 p.m. dav betore eral Savings B k^ on Oakland ner of Hlgganum wiH teach he had his executive cotmcll adopt last Grange Meeting Bingo Nov. 18 publlcatton, 6 p.m. TViday tor Hah inlay Rd., W^iplng- The puUlc Iq In­ Grade 6 and Mias Carol Bloom St. Mbrg;aret MEury’s Church like these: and Monday pubUoatton. ____ year. "While a minority has the right The Wapping Grange will hold F irs t B o o k vited. It tnmaportation ia need­ will teach. Grade S at the A v ­ will hold their aumud Bingo to dissent from the m ajority,” It said, a regular meeting tomorrow The first book printed in the $134.50 34” Modem Walnut $95.00 Full or Queen Size Pecan Monday, Novamber 13 ed, Mrs. Edward CorcoEun, Bri­ ery St. Elementary School. Nov. 18 at the church tudl. The "disruption by even a well-meaning night at 8 at the WM>ptog Com­ American colonies of which Chest, 5 driiwers, black Open-Panel Headboard 82.60 an Rd., prealdent cf the local Assigned to the Plcastuit Val- gEunes will start at 8 p.m. munity House. copies Eire still known to us trim ...... 72.30 minority can only pollute and polaon the unit, m ay be contacted. Re- ley Elementary School are Miss Twenty regular g;ames will be $147.00 High, Attached-Pillow- The. program will Inriude a was the Bay Psalm Book. bloodstream of our democracy." We froahmenta will be rnrved. Eileen J. HawUns, seoofid played for turkey prises and The Smarter Politician Won "Competitive Night". Mrs. El­ $84.50 Full Size Modem Open Back Modem Lounge Chair, Imagine Mr. Meany applies that to the four spcciEd gam es with turkeys Blelodraiiia Set sie Hall is chEdrman in charge grade. Miss Wendy Fry, fifth Panel Walnut B ed ...... 49.75 foam cushion, olive A frighteningly shrewd analysis of and baskets will also be in­ democracy of his own union leadership The South Windsor Country of refreshments. gfrade, EUid MQss Arlene Kahn, cover ...... 106.25 3 what happened up In Boston has come as well. Players wUi present a three-act Nurses to Meet third grade. cluded. Oonsolatton prises will $134.50 50” Modem Walnut up with two conclusions. mclodnunf^ "P u re As the In Travelers Post Edso be awarded for ties. ' $33.50 28 X 34” Maple Photos>wi>ba Baslaess Seliaols to win a new GAS range. those weeks. weatoer is just around the comer. She deeply. Johnson’s policies In Vietnam. •naL. 6M-MS8 bam’t been wroiy yet. TOLLAND TURNPIKE—TALOOTt’VILLE The actual poaalbllUles are that la^ . Ttto Rioet reasonaMe explana­ We tod slice an onion toe other night. tion la that pocketbook worries 7*1 A 88 Lewla bor is divided on the w ar in Vietnam, ISI THE HARTFORD GAS COMPANY And it went right good on a big ham- surpassed racial hysteria. Mrs. (Aoroaa from lyavefora Ina.) •Suggested RetaU Price East Coast P.O.E., Local ‘faxes and Other Dealer Detiv«»y Oxarges, If like other groups of Americana. ^^\\m m osmrR iir mttictifi ojuinoHs* buiger. — FARMBR8-UNION HERALD Hloks erred in calling for a amrwm a, Any, Additional- ’Whltewidte Optiomd at Blxtra Coet CALORIC CORPORATION, TOPTON, PA. But the formal fact is that oiganiaed (ST.: PAUL, MINN.) tl0,000-a-year salary for police­ 8M* H M hMMi C A L O R IC * A •UaSIDUKY OF XAYTHtON OOMFANY

m - 4 . . . I V « ■ '« m r *

PAGE EIGHT IIANCRESTBR EVENiNG HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1967 MANCHiWTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN^ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 1967 PAGE ■iW during man than six months cis Sullivan, 48 Haynes 8 t; Coventry; Robert Nabora, 215 BoUon Ifi, Formosa in 196B, under the Hospital Notes Mra. Antoinette TurUngton, Mghland St; Mrs. Martha Oui»- Staff Announced spona or ship of the Interna­ Cheney Lane, Coventry; John ter, Craotlteld ponvoleaoont The Allure Beauty Public Records tional Farm Youth Exchange- VlaHlag hMO* arc 3 to 8 p.m. Turner, 110 Hackmatack St.; Home; Mrs. Mortta Word, 36 190 W «st Middte Tyrwpfts Worraatoa Deeds For Production Churches Holiday Bazaar Devotions will be led by Mrs. Im oil arcM wcoepltaig mator- Mra. Vivian Violetta, 6 Pleasant Nye St; Jomw Powrit Boot Joosfihlne A. DeQuattm u TV-Radio Tonight Harold WlUianison. Hostesses alty wltoia IMy an ttN to 4 B t; Sharon Wolngartner, Staf­ Hartford; Theresa Bonorts, West “SUGGESTS” Mary M. KrUtotf, |kt>perty ai Manchester Community Play­ are Mrs. James Ferry, Mirs. R. p.m. aad 7 to 8 p.m. aad pri­ ford Springs. St, Hebron; Ruth JTasrina, 156 487-489 Center S t ers hoe announced Ito produc­ Set Friday and Saturday Kneriand Jones, Mrs. Myron vate noma when fhey an BIRTHS SATURDAY: A B irdi S t; Mra. Oonaboth Mkr- The Baby Has & Caroline KrUUak. to ^ ^ e n t tion staff for "Barefoot In Ihe Lee and Mrs. John Rogers. All 16 a.m. to S p.m. VMton an daughter to Mr. and ACrs. Ter­ chel and doiMhter, Olartonbuiy: L. Diana and Laura A. BoHore, Television Park,” which w ill be preoenbed Hr*. WilUam Vofel, renerml the candle and ceramic table, Ey BML LENNON women of the riiurch are in­ n quested aot to amoke la pa- rence Record, RFD 3, Vernon; Mrs. Carol Stone and daughter, property at B1-58-5BA-5BB-57A-ST- Friday and Saturday at 8:M clULlitnui of the HoUd*y Ba- where artlclea made by the tteato’ noma. No man 0iau twa 55 Talcott Ava., RockvUle; Mra. 5:00 3) iMovla (aS«M 0) News: Weather nar, and Mrs. Brian RoMdeau residents of Mansfield State vited. a son to Mr. and Mis. William B. Eldrldge St 8 - l » « ) Mike Douflaa (13) Truth, Oonaeiiueaoes (C) p.m. at Whlton Memorial Au­ Our arUclea on juvenile delinquency Peter Reed Fond vlalton at sue' tima par pa- Balbonl, 342 Hkckmatack Bt Judy Anderson and oon, Thomp- Thodhis J. and Jeon Klejna 1(10) Perry Mason 7:90 (18) AUred Httchcock ditorium, 88 N. Main St. why the word Juvenile is so synonymous with deUntiiMiiicy. and Mra. Oeorg^e Manefgla, co- Training School will be on sale. ttent. son'vlHe. ((U) H ig lM y FBlrol (104043-30) The JConkeea (C) chairmen, have announced the Mrs. Arthur Shorts Is in DoraUlons are still being ac­ BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son Been Named to James C. and Gloria V. Guel- (20) IreBsht and Panel IMseus- ( 8-40) Oowb^ In Africa (C) They are Donald Riberty, di­ The pttot woe weU token. DeUnipiency la rampant in oH age DISCHARGED YESTERDAY; sion (M ) English; Fact and Fancy rector; Roger Negro, producer; completion of (dans for the charge of the punch bowl. cepted for the Peter Reed Me­ AOMTITED SATURDAY: to Mr. and Mra. Lasrronce Cul­ Holiday Magic ler, property at 66 Fbley St. (13) Qunsmoke (C) grouM but otatlsUca do rtiow an alarming “ ***5 Everett MoCluggage, 66 Anool- (24) M M erofera Neishbolv Juvenilee. More fmportantly, the dlstreering staU rtto do not event, to be given by St. Mau­ Mrs. Harold Laws has been morial Book Fund for the Bol­ John Alubioki, 880 Burnham len, 46 Wells S t; a son to Mr. Edward R. and MUlioetit D. tnod 8:00 (SO The FYench Chef Gloria DeUaFora, otage man­ (H Rd.; Mra. Sandra WIBlamo, McLaaghlia, Scott Patririq oon of Robert Carl and (SO) Oombal (104042-80) Bhtostad and ager; Nancy Rueaell, buatneea Ohow the cause and certainly do not riiow t » cure. Y ^ ^ m rice Council of Catholic Wom­ chairman of the telephone com­ ton riementary sriuMt library. St.; Frederick Baxter, KeUy and Mra. Gerald Hayden, 10 Cot­ Sluzlnrid to Rlrtiord M. and Johnson Ice FhlUes of 1M7 (C) GUead Rd., Andover; Thomas for Your Hair Oioiino Skliuier McLaughlin, 228 B. Main St., Rockville. He (40) ninMones we reason it out, there is nothing myaterioue about ciUiar en this weekend. The fair will mittee; Mrs. Robideau, posters, Elnough funds have been collect­ Rd., Vernon; Frank Boato, RFD tage St., RockvUle; a daughter Beverly H; McRory, property 6:30 (40)i4------Peter JeraOnss. - - News 8:30 ( 640) Rat Patrol (C) (R) manager; Barbara Coleman, Hortl, East Hartford; Norman waa bom Oct. M at RockvUle General Hoepital. Hie maternal . (IS) 0-v>r»8 Wo-td (13) Lucy Show

PAGE TEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1967 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1967 Pages IJ ta 20 Nvwbury, Vt,, and haa livad toi ilanrtirBtfr lEuftitiig Varnon alnca INO, eomliif b an Party Gets Out of Hand^ Steels Lead O bituary j fram ICandiaatar. Ha waa a ma- Thieves Get LBJ Listens in Pew ditailat at Pratt and Whitney Dlalalon of Ualtad Aircraft, House Damaged^ Rohhed Stock Market Servicemen Honored Baat Hartford, for many yaara Large Haul To Cleric Challenge Anac%D WnUam Agaattoiani, and ratlrad In Baptambar 1MB. Polico today were Invaattfat- Indications ware that as many as M or 80 youths, main* In RaUying (Continned from Pa(e One) of IM Bdrtd(a Bt dlad flat' Ha waa a mambar of tba Nar In L o n d o n inc a complaint from a Farsu* . kept up a clearly audlUe dmut urday inowiim at Kanohaatar tional Campara and Rtkara Aa- aon Rd. raoidant that an Im- ly from Hanchaater and many Ha ahn said, in apporeoattlB to peacel” ' Avoid Complacency, Mamoilal Hoapttal after a abort aodatioa. of tham uninvited, showed NEW YORK (AP)—fltrenflth (Cktadanad from Pace One) promptu taan aca "party” at tiimed the went into hi*hllfhted a continuad who waa|,o,)teppad-iy__ _ i»t*r ynm by mnaaa flurrlvora Include hla wife, a stock market rally early this H* ol*> apparent ^ ji^ fgit (ho Amerl- Hr. AgoottnelU waa bom Fab. Mra. IDldrad Malendy Brock; a Tha raidara bumad thalr way his home Friday nicht turned fracas. aftemoon. reference to those who a ^ poeWon in ^^ataaia IS, IBM, in HafUano flabino, aon, Cari P. Brook of Varoon; a into a baaamwit safaty dapoalt into a brawl resulting in the A preliminary investl(ation Grtins .outnumbered loasas by atapped-up war, that Americana Mayor Tells Veterans Itidy, a aon of Natala and Vtai' Manchester paused briefly Censa Moriconl Afoatindll, and S&Via0Uim%Vatf la MBMWBy mum* ^aum vass «aBsasa*aa,>a Basasi%,%« v^^wsm a«MS a a/iegssessm#as WSaVU^SS WW—______mI- aA a. _ _ suggesting our brave flgSitlng ^ than I Ihred in Manchester 47 .years. bert Anderson of Ludlow, Hass., appr^Khnately 1,000 deposit box- amount of damage, which may the houee, rifling drawers and Saturday morning to IVHior its because of us,” said Major He retired in 10B8 from Pratt and nine grandchildren. es. total a loss of $2,000. stealing some $80 in caah, a * ^or*a(f* *”'*^-**^ -"***^**^--^-— do now.” servicemen and women of part AgosttoelU to closing. "Our deceased veterans have and Whitney, Division of United Funeral servicea wUl be held Detectives found the floor of Police said Nels C. Johnson quantity of liquor, a pearl and “ ' ,■ Dr. Lewis began his aemon and present wars, and to by notiidr ttW PnaUtont w w sit­ made the supreme sacrifice. Aircraft Oorp., East Hartford, tonight at 8:80 at the White Olb- the looted vault littered with «>* 270 Ferguson Rd. yesterday diamond ring, a diamond nate the coidllct sucoesefuUy.” acknowledge its debt for their and had worked at the Weaving aon Funeral Home, 88 Elm Bt., itema ot Jewelry rejected. » complaint of the theft engagement ring .^and other 'toaders to antiwar Rock, Ark., where he I dean sirs. Assunta Felesse Agos------men shifting equipment on that absence. he will press the investigation, lives to World War I. Leglim Home on Leonard St. tinelli; a son, Ouerino J. Agos- Taddnsi Kryssdoflak street comer late SAturdfty B«hi«inv The JonnBons Johnsons nave have live five cnii* chll- neH** aeciinea declined “to co say a^* wneuier M ^ th er " ^ fl«>wth stocks showed demonstrators across the street of Trinity Cathedral. The {Ugh point of toe service and marching to toe hospital tinelU of Rocky HUl; a daugh- COVENTRY — Tadduss night. They surmised, or else among them e teen-aged any arrests were imminent bTit was toe placing of a” poppy groumls to a body. ’The Associated Press average crass by a biXMize plaque be­ Only a sprinkling of citizens, r r ter, Mre. Louis Sardella of Glas- Kryszdofiak, 44, died of a heart were working on'a Up,' that tide daughter. There was no added, “We will make the re- of 80 stocks at noon rose 1.8 to tonbury; two brothers, Albert attack at his home on Village was the hour the gang'moved in Immediate Indication as to who suits public when any arrests fore the flagpole, on which Is hospital personnel and patients 812.0 with industrials tq> 8.1, engraved toe names of 48 Man­ observed toe ceremonlea, which AgoetinelU and Anthony Agos- HUl Sunday. with oxygen bottles and tanks, may have organised the party, are obtained.” raUs up .7 and utilities up .8. Four Sailors Desert, tinelli, both of Manchester; two He was bom In Poland, was Britain’s biggest robbery was chester men who gave their were held to bright, balmy Among the Steels, Jones A weather. sisters, Mrs. Julius Dubaldo of a former resident of New Jer- the great train robbery of Aug. Laughlln held a gain of about lives in toat war. ' Tbwn Fire Chief W. CUfford Mason accepts toe keys to toe new Manchester Grerti Firehouse Manchester and Mrs. James sey, and had made his home a, IMS when $7,882,800 was tak- ’The placiirt of the cross was After (filing remarks by from Mayor Nathan AgosttoelU. Looking on Is Town Manager Robert Weiss, who was mas­ Hreak Try Brings Arrest 1^ whUe Bethlehem and U.6. Ask Asylum in Japan Tliomas Moran, chairman of toe Varasconl of New Britain, and in Lebanon since 1962. He was ^n. A little over $1 mUlion was Steel were up about a point by Mrs. Wilber Little, past ter of ceremonies at Saturday’s dedication. (Herald photo by Bucelvlclus.) six grandchildren. employed by the American recovered. (Oontlnoed from Page One) president of the American Le­ Veterans’ OnmeU, and an tovo- each. Republic Steel was up catirni by Frank Drake j repre­ ’The funeral wUl be held to­ ’ITiread Co. He was a member ______On Pair in Other Cases nearly a point. were not revealed by tiia com- gion Auxiliary, representing all Center St., just west of toe morrow at 8:10 a.m. from the of the Polish-American Citiaena Manchester veteran’s organisa­ senting toe Army anA nK Firehouse Dedication Four intruders last night car in which they were driving, WHh the labor sltuaUon in the Cash Taken nrlttee. Club, toe flag was lowered to Municipal Building, was dedi­ John F. ’Tierney Funeral Home, Club In WUllmanUc. auto industry sUU dubtous, Hie U A Embasay, the Joga- tions. She was escorted by Rob­ cated on May 16, 1964. It houses 219 W. Center St.,, with a solemn Survivors Include his wife, tried to break in at 40 Hoffman he said. ert Doggart, commander of half staff while toe color guard Finast Shuts Rd. while the owner of the house Witnesses told him the car stocks of the major companies neee police a n t the Japoneae presented arms. Co. 2, which formeriy occupied high Mass of requiem at St. Mrs. Wanda Jung Kryssdoflak, were mixed. Ford and General In B reaks foreign mintotry said they had World War I Barracks. a building at the Center, behind James’ Church at 9. Burial will and a son, Richard R. Kryss­ was at home with her children. jhad been seen in the area be­ Before the placing ot toe pop­ Mrs. Lavenia Brooks called the fore. Motors clung to the upside. no Information on the four. Mayor Nathan AgosttoelU, py cross, Clyde Beckwith, re- Tribute Paid Firemen Lincoln School. ’That building be In St. James’ Cemetery.^ doflak, at home; his mother, Town Stores Chrysler and American Motors PtUice over the weekend in­ ’The film abowefl the four In was razed. . Friends may caU at the fu­ Mrs. Sophie Kr^zdofiak, of police after getting over her in­ As a result of the investiga­ speaking to hla capacity as a presenting toe Disabled Ameri- 3 3 were off slightly. vestigated theft of cash and The McKee St. Firehouse, neral home tonlgiit from 7 to 9. Poland, a brother, Stanley itial fright, and when police tion, Page and Barton are also civilian clothea. major and executive officer of can Veterans, read toe names In D is p u te came the intruders were gone. accused of breaking into a home United Air Lines was up various Items from different lo- The committee also dlstribut- toe 169th Military PoUce Bat of Manchester’s Vietnam dead: about a block south of W. Cen­ Kryszdofiak of Arlington, N.J., — al’out 2 points after the company For Service to Town ter St., was dedicated A)>rtl 24, Harry O. Havens and three brothers and a sister, Investigation of the incident of 270 Woodland St., and anoth- catitHia, Including the theft of ® statement purportedly talion of the Connecticut Na­ David Quey, John Curtin, Rob­ (Continued from Page One) OTw 'the be known It plans to seek Manchester’s third new firehouse in the past Si/g 1966. It houses Co. I, which Harry G. Havens, 88, of 288 aU of Poland. led to the arrest of two 17-year- er at 14S Vernon St. , . a m ... tional Guard, dellvei^ the ert J. White, Robert A. Rhuda, old Manchester youths this weekend. an Increase In basic Jet fares main address, calling on those and Keith A. MUler. years was dedicated Saturday with a prediction by formerly occupied toe buildtog ■' Wlnthrop Ave., New Haven, for­ Funeral services will be at nectlcut; all In Rhode Iriand; and a curtaUment of special BarUwrtemew Church. Vietnam wlU eyentual- The prayer and benediction Mayor Nathan Agontinelli that it provides the town at Hartford Rd. and Pine St merly of Hartford and Man­ Potter’s Fimeral Home, 468 morning. They are Michael E. The two are charged with present "to reflect on our coun­ _ ..T ...... > it 1 1 i»_. ___f .. 4 V«ai1 n4-l17 of A mslra OfWl 28 of 60 stores in Maine; 8 In Barton of 12 Doane St. and John breaking and entering with promoUonal fares. Herdic’s Hobby Center at Ml ly lead to a direct confrontation were delivered by Leon Brad­ with sufficient facilites, “not merely for mmediate That building still stands and chester, died Saturday at St. Jackson St., WUllmanUc, to- Du Pont was up about 1% fol­ try’s heritage, vriiich is based may be rented out for storage Attleboro, Mass., and one In Frederick Page of 23 Strickland criminal intent on two counts, E. Hfiddle ’Tpke. was entered with China, r e s u l t In a woiM on courage, sacrifice and love ley, chaplain of Dllworth, Cor­ needs, but also for its future needs.” Raphael’s Hospital, New Haven, morrow at 1 p.m. Burial will be lowing a published report that sometime Friday night or war. purposes. He was formerly employed at New Lebanon Cemetery, Somerset, Maas. St. s attempted breaking and enter- of country." nell, Quey Post, American Le- ’The dedication of toe $220,000 ------PoUce say that___ the______case__ Is ing, ______and one count____ each_ of___ lar- the company expects a substan- Saturday morning and money “We oppose the war aa true the Travelers Insurance Co. Friends may call at the fu­ AU stores in Vermont were Today, that heritage Is being Shm- > Manchester Green Firehouse very safe Indeed with Its fire ALLIGATOR HUNT SLOWED neral home tonight from 7 to 9. still under investigation and ceny under $16 and larceny over drop In earning this year and some racing cars and Americana, not aftlUateti wOb threatened, Major Agostinelli open house was held at ^ras witnessed by about 100 per- department—its buildtog;8. Its He retired in 1949. reported operating. that two more arrests may be $16. a rise In sales In 1988. equipment were taken. The any pollUoal party, WAYCnOSS, Ga. (AP) — Survivors Include his wife, The strike affected some 7,000 warned, by extremists’’ who L®Slon Home after toe serv- gons. equipment and Its men.’’ Georgia’s leg;l8latlve subcom­ Mrs. Eleanor C. Hewitt made. In the 146 Vernon St. break, continued to total value of the loes Is $196. -w e face military diadpU- Harriet BushneU Havens; and employes in the chain’s 388 Mrs. Brooks told police she a camera, a table radio and strength. Standaro Oil of inm- police say the youth who en- nary action as a residt o t our criticize and even condemn such *ce, The highlight of toe event Thwn Manager Robert Weiss mittee studying alligators has one son, Harry L. Havens of Mrs. Eleanor C. Hewitt, 67, stores In New England. Institutions as the Presidency took place when all of toe town’s cOso paid tribute to the men of submitted a recommendation to Newington. wife of WlUiam H. Hewitt of WUliam J. KeUy, chairman of had been sleeping when she some Kennedy half dollars were " * ^T*d was small since a small beliefs, therefore we seek poUti- and the law enforcement agen­ the department, calling them heard the doorbell ring shortly taken. The total value is $112.M. ard of California more than a window was used for entry. Fo- cal asylum in Japaa, or way 0th- off-duty firemen, smartly garbed halt the hunting season for the Funeral services were held 1080 Forbes St., East Hartford, the negotiating committee of point. cies.” Money Lectures In their dress uniforms, partici­ "o< toe best caMber” . big reptiles for at least six thU morning at Bt. Andrew died early Saturday morning at the Amalgamated Meat Cutters ® ‘J’® “ ’"®’ ^®*‘® P®”®® ®®y ® " ^ was made by lice indicate more than one per­ er country not engaged In the son was involved. war.” Referring to toe recent spate pated in toe flag-raising cere­ ‘"It Is not a building years. Chapel In New Haven. her home. and Butcher Workmen’s Uidon, was a knock on the rear door, cutting through a screen door of organized marches and pro­ End Tomorrow mony. that makes a good fire depart­ The committee won’t have She was bom July 18, 1900, in said the walkout was called ait- ®1|® went to a n ^ e r the and unlocking it, then a window Sandra Sokol of Ellington re­ tests over toe Vietnam Waur, the ment, It is the men,” he said. any alligators left to study. Rep. Milton, Mass., daughter of toe er the company failed to make ®*\® heard toe glass break „n toe kitchen door was broken ported that someone took her ’The Invocation was given by Howard C. Flavell A bout Town speaker noted, “It would bo an No.2 Lxical Money Lectures the Rev. James W. Bottoms of The Manchester Green Fire­ Edwin G. MulUnax, committee Howard C. Flavell, 63, ot 88 late Joseph and Nancy Sylvia a new contract offer. *® P*®®® *®‘ wallet as she was working at unfair over-simplification to The Manchester Adult Eve- house, at Lawton and Weaver chairman, said Saturday, be­ Smith. She lived in Bolton and Negotlatlono ended Saturday ______ransack^,_ ____ said ^ police_____ Manchester Junior Women’s the Savings Bank of Manches­ Police Arrests St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, Packard St., husband ot Virgin­ to her children, screaming, '"xh^'home P®t«r Aceto at Club of Manchester will present state that these disorders In our nlng School will sponsor the and toe benediction by toe Rt. Rds. ,is toe new home of Co. cause of the poacher problen). ia Maple Flavell, died suddenly Manchester for many yeans be­ night for Boston Local 692, Kel' ter lost week. She told police sixth and final lecture In Its „ ^ 3, formerly at Spruce and “Poachers are coming in "Stay out!’’ at toe intruders. jto Woodland St. was entered a fashion show tomorrow night ______^____ nation are Communist oriented. Sunday at his home. fore coming to East Hartford ly said, and toe unton contract toe wallet was in her pocket- Four persons were arrasted Rather, the disorders are socie­ on M .n.y M » - n’' I^orence Sts. ’That building will from everywhere because the where she lived for toe past David Brooks, 11, told Patrol- over toe weekend, but at Concordia Lutheran Oiurch book and police say some boys of St. James’ Church. Mr. Flavell was bom Nov. 2, expired at midnight, Sunday. man Brian Rooney he was not be as a result of two aeparato ty-rooted. agement tomorrow from 7-9 be retained for storage, main­ alligator hide brings such a big 1904, In Manchester. He was toe eight years. Other locals involved are 2 of toe intruders only got Into the on Pitkin St. ’Tickets will may have taken it from toe re­ tights over toe weekend, and “President Johnson,” he con­ p.m. in Room A-7 at Manchester Music was furnished by Albert tenance and training purposes. price,” he said. Survivors besides her hus­ sleeping at toe time and that he cellar and attempts to enter toe available at toe door, ceptionists desk. ’The value of Carlson, well-known Manchester son of the late ’Thomas and Mar­ Natick; 83 of Springfield; 871 of heard a car pull up and stop another was charged when be tinued, “has stated that Vietnam High School. The new building was planned band Include a son, Richard W. Hartford, Conn.; 814 of Man­ other parts of the house failed, toe loss Is about $16. garet Crawford Flavell. He was Just etist of toe house, and saw MISAC (Manchester Interfaito fled from poUce after trying to is where our beliefs and future John Paganl, Internal revenue organist. by architect Arnold Lawrence Hewitt of Enfield; a daughter, chester, N.H.; and 386 of Au- police said. A bicycle belonging to Steph­ get Into a house at 82 W, Center agent, will speak on "Federal Agostinelli, in a short address, a lifelong resident of Manches- , Mrs. Kenneth H. Parker of East four white men approach toe Social Action Council) meets at en Corbin of 86 Blssell St. was are being tested. For, If our so­ and was constructed by the H. RANGE b t^ , Maine. Oiome and heard toe bell. Page and Barton were await- Cafeteria of St. St. ciety crumbles due to an ex­ Income Taxes." praised toe town’s fire-fighting C. TourteUotte Co. Both are of taken sometime Saturday after­ Three of toe men were facilities and its manpower. Company negotiators Satur- ji^oney, In questioning per­ Ing appear^ce to Manchester noon from to front of toe Fadr- tremely small, radical minded A question period will follow. Manchester. day gave toe union what they sons In toe area, got a complete session of Circuit Court 12 at charged after a tight at Mac­ (Herald ptioto by Coe) group, then our society Is to The lecture Is open to toe pub- "Our facilities are among toe The <3eirtral Firehouse, on 2 * ^ ®®rvices wUl be held said was “a full and complete description of toe men and toe pressUme this afternoon. way Store on Main St. Value of Donald’s off W. Ooiter S t Sat- blame, not toe radicals.” He without charge. best In toe state, and our men FUEL OIL ^ t Hartford, where he had tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. at toe ’The Kotfee Krafters of toe the bike Is estimated at $30. urday night. They are Thomas A cross of poppies placed by the World War I memorial plaque on the lawn proposal for settlement.” at Manchester Memorial Hospital during Saturday morning’s service sym­ ’The speaker went on to note ------are dedicated beyond toe call been employed for 82 years. He, Holmes Funeral Home, 400 Union members Sunday re­ YWCA will meet Wednesday at Saturday morning, police to- j goyle, 20. of Coventry; Stan- of duty," he said. , , GASOLINE was a member of South Method- M^in St. The Rev. Roger 9:30 a.m. at toe (Community Y, vestlgated toe theft of about bolizes Manchester’s debt to its deceased heroes of all wars. Color guard in that “the critics can only point O vfsrseas P A R 1st Church, Manchester Lodge jected a company wage offer, ley Talaga, 20, of 28 Pine HUl out toe Inconslstendes in our Andrew Ansaldl, Who was OVER i MRUON Nicholson of South Congrega­ Kelly said. 79 N. Mato St. Mrs. Anthony $126 to change and bills from St., and Edwaiti Wrobel Jr., 16, foreground stands at “order arms” as a prayer is offered. ______of Masons, and a life member tional Church ot East Hartford Solatia and Mrs. David Murphy St. Bartoolemew Church off society that we have created by The Daughters of < ttie Ameri- president of the Board of STre PRESCRIfTIDNS of Co. 4 of the Town Fire Dept. John J. Sullivan, one of two High Court Rules of 10 Depot St. our double standards” and to can Hevotutton has chapters in Commissioners of tho old South will officiate. Burial will be In federal medlatora working on will direct work on Christmas Ludlow Rd. Boyle, Wrobel and Talaga Safely Compounded BANTLY OIL Q Survivors, besides his wife, in­ (Continued from Page One) Police say toe theft took place charge that too many adults— Alaska, Canal Zone, (Cuba, Eng- Manchester Fire District when East Cemetery, Manchester. the dispute, sedd he had asked projects. Those working on can­ were involved to a fight wltii Hearing Set including veterans of past wars land, Vrwacti, Hawaii, Mexico, it was consolidated with toe ' n M A 'N ST R M t clude 8 sons, Richard D. Flavell Friends may call at toe fun­ both sides to continue negotia­ Stock Exchange does its busl- dle holders are reminded to sometime Friday night or Sat­ three other youths at the drive- ARTHUR DRUa ot Marion, Ohio, and GUbert M. eral home today from 8 to 6 beled a revocation of probation urday morning. —are guilty of complacency In tile Philippines and Puerto Rl- town in March 1967, said "The tions. or a deferred sentence." ness. bring supplies to antique toe in restaurant. The other three fSfsirJ Flavell and Donald Flavell, both and 7 to 9 p.m. The money was In a candy viewing current problems: co. people of Manchester can feel RrcU .illc h ; s W M KeUy said the union offered In Washington state proba­ Standing alone, and apart holders. Mrs. George W. C. Hunt left before police arrived, then On Proposals ot Manchester: a daughter, Mrs. to continue talks If the Boston from his colleagues, toe chief and Mrs. George Smith are host­ can in toe sacristy, police say, became Involved to an iiKident “For some reason we veterans Michael FastlggL ot Bast Hart­ tioners had been permitted to and the can was locked to a live in a self-satisfied reasoning Frederick K. Balkoom Local walked off the Job. bring along their own lawyers justice said toe high court esses. in East Hartford and East For Charter ford; a brother, Chester Flavell Frederick K. Balkcom, 70, of First Natltmal Stores has but toe state was not obliged to ®houW have examined imtltnist cabinet. Police say someone Hartford pcUice appr^ended process that ‘I have done my of Monehester; a sister. Mm. Riverside, R. I., father of Mm. “given toe imion a settlement provide lawyers for Indigent questions that were r tis ^ to an Past Matrons of Temple Chap­ may have a master key to the them. share; let the younger genera­ Jf othor thing*, quolify for Fodorol at any time, a comptete record of your inspected In the Municipal 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. the Capitol Region Planning Uberties Union. ^® ^ Hall. Mrs. Samuel Fawcett of J®‘“«®n was quote# as throe yout^. Itncomo Tok Dodu-CORNER OF ST. JAMES bills? She was a member of the Manchester’s three- member ity Y, 70 N. Mato St. from Rome to Paris, Hayden Burton C. BaskervlUe, 88, of sale of property. lne. CamM. **^*** •**»«**"» responslbUlty and the soldiers to New York and fly to toe front door Under toe prxqiosal, toe chair­ AUTOMATIC Even Comoro's new Astro quality features, toot that reminds you to Mein St, tomorrow from 8 to 5 will be offere# to Morlarty. man of toe board would get $750 That's why Chevrolet went be made to the Masonio Home Cavagnaro operates Cavey’s scheduled for all out to make the '68 Ventilation works for your take your keys with In Wallingford or to the Spring- and 7 to 0 p.m. vehicle after toe car he was another plane. court appearance on Nov. 27. per year, toe secretary would COMFORT • Unitized oli-weided Restaurant at the Center. He Is Justice Etorl Warren registered driving was involved to an ac- ” ----- % Comoro smoother, steadier peace and quiet. Ad|ustoble you. field Bfarlnera Crippled CM1------a vigorous protest today as toe get $600, and toe other seven CALL A Body by Fisher. a fomur chairman ot the Demo­ cldent with two vehicles yester- Ruth Circle of Emanuel Luto- and more silent than ever. vent-ports builf in the _ J % Proved safaty features dren’a Hoepltal. Supreme Court refused to look members would get $600 each. ^ 6 8 - 1 2 C » ^ cratic Town Committee and is a day at B. Center St., and Ham- ®ran Church Women will meet The chairman and secretary Comoro's famous rood- Instrument panel let outside • Power team choices up % ,he GM-developed F unerals former state representative. Into toe way toe New . York Ito St., police say. tonight at 8 at toe home of Mrs. ObiIm F. Broek now'receive $300 cosh. The oth­ hugging performance has ,, air circulate without wind or to a 396-cubic-inch V8. energy-absorbing ’The accident is still under John KJellson of 86 Flagg Dr. VERNON^— Carioa F. Brock, F a? THE PARI0«e"o N ™ n ers receive $200 each. iillllB M been improved with o refined noise. You don't even hove • Seif-adjusting Safety- steering column and 87, ot Kelly Rd., died late Sat­ M n. Tbomae Armstrong Investigation. to open o window! It all odds Sheehan Is scheduled for Rondld 'Jodoto of 40 Green Rd. suspension system. Master brakes with many new ones that urday at Rockville Oener Funeral services for Mrs. Alabama Blast up to the silent ride of quality. court appearance on Nov. 27. has been pledged to Tau Beta % Comoro's big-cor ride hds duai cylinders. include armrest- pltal. .ry Blevens Armstrong of 14 See for yourself. Put a hushed Ashworth St., wife of ’Thomas Glen W. Smith, 8, ot 47 Spruce Pt National Honor Society at 22.50 been improved, too. Soft shielded door handles. Mir. Brook was bom to> South Aoli I BREAKFAST SPECIAL I rubber cushions shuff out '68 Comoro through its paces Armstrong, were held tilts 12 Engulfed in Molten Metal St. was taken to Manchester Worcester (Mass.) Polytechnic morning at St. Mary’s Eplaco- Memorial Hospital after toe car Institute. 7J30 AJtf. to 11:00 Aikl. at your Chevrolet dealer's. to which he was a passenger ___ pal Church. Tlte Rev. Stephen (Continued from Page One) CE PertoimI Notices | M.' Price officiated. Sydney Frank H. Oouj^and Jr., told Ro- hit toe rear of a car driven by Memhera ot toe Ladles Aux- Desk top midget radio! Be smarti Be sure! Buy now at your Qievrolet dealer’s. MacAlptoe was organist Burial ”I was frosen to my tracks for senfeld a car had Just ftolahed Myron A. (Jonner, 66, of lUary of toe Italian American Eqg a while, and then almoat at once charging toe centrifugal ma- Brooksville, Maine at Broad and Society will meet timight at 7:80 riili In Mamoriam was to East Cemetery. Ideal radio for the desk at home or at school. Ail Chevroleti are priced for greater valuel The lowest priced 1968 Chevrolets are (models not shown): Corvair 500 Sport Coupe metnory ct James H. Bearers were Herbert Met- Wveryone who was able^ sLarted chine with Iron and waa moving and Little Sta., Saturday at at toe Jiton F. Tierney Funeral Mir $2,220.00; Chevy II Nova Coupe $2,199.00; Comoro Sport Coupe $2,565.00; Chevelle 300 Coupe $2,318.00,-'Chevrolet Iiassed Mray N(W. 12, ^ away when toe explosion *oc- U :20 p.m. TTie driver of the car Home, 219 W. Center SL, to pay Looks like a tiny TV with a lighted screen FOB A UFETnCBI ,calf, Alex Johnson, Robert Ble­ Teori oad Jelly Vou'U never have to buy film «4. -. , Biscayne 2-Door Sedan $2,558.00; Corvette Convertible $4,320.00; Monufacturer'i tuggeitsd retail pricei including Federal Excite Tax, curred. was Margaret R. Smith, also toelr respects to Amerigo Agoe- for viewing s|idMl The 6 transistor Super- because each Ume Laoretts develoiiB an d i ^rau^ere AU to ell ere do, vens and Thomas Blevens. men. printo your roll of Black A Whtteor (uggeiled dealer delivery and handling charget. Traniporlalion chorgei, accettoriet, aplional equipment, ilale and local laxei additional. _ meaiarips wlU gtdte us end Watklns-West Funeral Home, He said a disc door, 2H feet to of 47 Spruce St. tinelli whose wife Is a member heter^yne circuit with 2V4-inch speaker A.oua-cok>r film we give you ABflO- SM us Uirouah. 142 E. Center Bt., iVas to charge "I helped beat out toe flames diameter, had Just been fitted to The boy was treated for a of toe society, rives surprisingly clear t known what a hospital official said. . Tlie Women’s Hotoe League i a ie d and lop quality and Ko­ ATJTHOBIZED OHEVBOLET DEALER THE GRQPY CHEVROLET CO. CAPITOL MOTORS, Inc.\ dragged him outside Into a pud- t le s are included. Other models include a dak, too. Quick processing . . . IN MANCHESTER, CONN. ■ SoeukrtAW and caused toe explosion. Both cars were driven from of the Salvation Arniy will have large wrist watch with leather band (can be • 24 hour service for - 21 ISHAM ROAD—286-5601 1214 MAIN STBBIfr—827-814 OraSaobMnB dla of water." Re explained that when the the scene. a worship service tomorrow at AT 4 S 0 black and white (Juat CARTER CHEVROLET COi, Inc. WEST HARTFORD. CONN. HARTFORD. CONN. Tibet*B Rainfall hung on waH), golf cart, outboa^ moltor, a lltUe bit longer for Whatley said that while some door blew out, toe mechanical Saturday at 6:46 p.m., a car 2 p.m. to toe Jr. Hall at toe color). 1228 MAIN STREET—648-5288 la Maaioriain Although rainfall in Die employes fought toe fire, which pressure inside toe tube spewed driven by Steven G. Marino, 18, Citadel. Hostesses beer barrel, auto tire, French telephone \nth to kertag mampir-of Lmratoe TIM e i o DWORIN CHEVROLET. Inc. ARDERY CHEVROLET, Inc. a m House, utio pMMed away Nov. Himalayas often rasehss 200 had spread throughout hi^ toe tons of toe molten metal over of 86 Bush Hill Rd. and one driv- Brig. Harold Bevan cigarette lighter, Princess phone, and sw ing 198 WILGOX-RAU CHEVROLET, Inc. 18, m il • ■ Inches annually during the building, others loaded 'toe vic­ nearby woykera. en by John H. Wtoot, 49, of New- m i.iiiiia that sews. Your choiije $22.50. Novel RTT a 1141 STANLEY STBEBT-«28-0S4S 476 CONN. BOULEVABI^2to-8441 128 POQUONOCK AVE. 088 S8M Robert McKeown. f f f f f e NEW BRITAIN, CONN. EAST HARTFORD, CONN. tolNDSOAOONN. SJuuvs a aUtol beaiiscli*, monsoon season, the rest of tims on hand atretchera. Workers were unable to con- togton, collided at Center and PAMUOI enough to make a big hiti ' iiuar a saaK Sear, Tibet Is one of toe driest areas “Some were burned so bad trol the tire with hand extto- Cooper Sts. Tlie Marino car The Mallmam’s will meet to­ M aSwar* a beoiAM m am oiy. IUGGETTDRUG iflii T P K E . W B8T| O m iL ’S CHEVROLET and BUICH, Inc. ROBERT E. PARSONS K t ataara.a iiew” ^ to tile world. With a precipita­ you couldn’t teoognUe who they gulshers, but firemen with hoses was towed away with front end morrow at 8 p.m. at the home AVON, CONN. FARMINOTON. CONN. O to a e wv Invad ao dm tion of loos than aight inohoa were," he added. quickly brought toe blaze under damage; toe Wtoot car was of Mre. Walter Backus, 16 RoUn DRUG STUHt per year. A vice president of ACIPCO, control , ' driveable. ^ i Rd.


Winiamsburg, Va., In a sermon broadening debate on the Presi­ MANCHESTER BVENINO HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1967 , per cent had attended college their former professions. dent’s Vietnam policies. PAGE TWELVE ’ and 78 per cent had degrees. tSapItal Quote about Vietnam directed toward LIGQE1T DRUi H olland Events in the pew occupied by President ESSA e, the nation’s newest It Indicates an appointee was “We wonder If some logloaL weather satellite, went Into op­ PARKAM likely a lawyer, a member of straightforward explanation Johnson. Capital Footnotes eration Sunday, beaming back OPEN Capital the same political party as the might be given .... While televised pictures of the earth’s DEL MITE Area Educators to Discuss pledging our loyalty we ask res­ The Minnesota Democratlc- OAY M *t’ president, aitd came to govern­ doud cover showing a North At­ P.M4 OCEAN STRAY pectfully why?” —The Rev. Dr. Farmer-Lisbor party’s central ment from a large manufactur­ lantic area of 4V4 million square SWEET Earthquake Damage Cotesworth Pinckney LewU, committee has praised Sen. Eu­ GRANYERRY n : .r R V E lin School Progress Thursday WASHmOTON (At*)(AP) — nW»e ing or law firm. Most stayed m iles. about two years and returned to rector of Bruton Parish Church, gene McCarthy, D-Mlnn., for PEAS shock of Alaska’s 19S4 Good Fri­ A filmed protection of educa­ 1886, with I t charter m em bers. SAUCE PEACHES t. day earthquake .caused moun­ The membership rolls swelled tion In the mid ISTO’s and a tains to sink, ths «bottom of the (Jellied or Whole) to 80 within 80 months. Del M crnte, fa ­ panel dlacusaton by noted area sea to rise aa much as BO feet For many years most Orange Yellow and raised the level ot the Mts- m ous qualHv— educators dlMuaring innova- members were farmers and Mini-priced to Freestone, tender and sw eet. tiona in education will be pre­ slsslppi River, thousands of Orange services played a large miles away, the Commerce De­ sliced or role In the community. Grang­ save you cash! Mini-priced to sented at the Tolland Education partment has reported. T •* ers continue their Interest In ag- \^, -r M : ^ '■ > ‘ halves, Asaodatioa’a "ICake a Mighty The Department’s Coast and Stock up for save you money! ricidture even though many In heavy syrup. Geodetic Survey, la still study­ Reach” program Thuraday night have ceased to be active farm­ the holidays! ing effects of what It saya was at 8 In the Meadowbrook School. ers, as the town changed from the strongest earthquake ever The program which la open to rural to a bedroom town. the public, wni show the Ketter­ recorded on the. North American The Orange presently has 96 ing FoundaUon film, “Make a continent. memben, and welcomes Grang­ Mighty Reach” , which haa won The 'quake caused 181 deaths ers who move from other locali­ stock D f f f r the enthuelaam of educators who and move ttuui $7B0 million In JLBERTA « L ■ ties. The local branch haa three our lurve viewed it. The film mim- damage .in Alaska and along the Y Golden Sheaf (00-year mem­ > ri f marises mccessful InnovaUona U.S. Pacific coast. bers), Rupert West, Miss Hakel M education in communities Wl OlVI 20 West and Mrs. Frank Williams. Qiroughout the nation. Money Failures Seen TIIHt S HUE STAMPS Orange Master and Mrs. Har­ WASHINGTON(AP) — FaU- B B tfS tO B * The panel diaciuwion to follow ry LaBonte and Mrs. Helen Wil­ ure of the United States to pro­ be moderated by Kenneth cox attended the National tect Itself against devaluation t 1(.-: , T ( in TENDER JUICY RICH IN FLAVOR white, social studies teacher of Orange session at Syracuse, and other changes In foreign I Tolland High School, and chair­ N.T., this weekoid. currency has cost It $2.2 billion M I t - man of the legislative Screen­ St. Matthew Notes In 12 years, the C om ptroller 1 CHVCK STEAK SIRLOIN STEAK ' PSRTERKOUSE ing Oonunlttee for the TEA. St. Matthew Religious Ekluca- General’s office haa reported to Panellata include Philo T. ( 4 f !r ” tlon classes uriU not be held this Congress. Pritskaun, head of the cturlc- weekend. The Confraternity of About $l.s billion of this total STEAK ulum center at the University Christian Doctrine is still seek­ represents a decline In the value lb. of Connecticut and author of a ing adult helpers. of U.S. holdings in foreign cur­ lb . 3 recent book on curriculum; Mil­ A "Get Acquainted Coffee rencies, according to a story In ton Van Vlack, audio visual aids Hour” will be held Sunday for the Washington Post. The re­ . specialist with the Hartford nURCUT We reserve the right new families of the parish, fol­ m ainder represents a drop In to limit quantities. school system and a teacher at lowing the 7, 8:80 and 10:80 a.m. the value of U.S. loans. . 8 9 Central Connecticut State Col­ 0 S )l5 c STEAK 4 9 * RIB ROAST Maaaea In the Parish Center. The Poet article aaya the're­ MNEIXSS lege and Richard Nowakowski The Thanksgiving Clothing port by Comptroller General El­ BAaemc top round or of Mansfield, area representa­ Drive will be conducte


PAGE FOURTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1987 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER; CONN.. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1967 PAGE Pair o f Kickoff Returns Spark Victory Sample’s Key Play Indians Easily Defeat Bristol^ Eagles Top Windham Packers Rise to Occasion Costs Jets $19*95 NEW YORK (AP) — downs on runs of 87 and 85 record, fumbling 11 times, in and scored twice himself. De­ Football Alnbicki Rims WUd Rockville Stuns Three TDs by Cobb fensive tackle Brank Oomlsh set yards for the Packers. His feat the tie with Minnesota, an offen­ on the run all day against the h^ped New York to 10 quick Green Bay rookie up three touchdowns by inter­ NatioasI League NEW YoW (AP)—An matched the league record of sive nightmare for both teams. Jet defenders, threw for Paul first-period points wlil| Gsocge .Williama couldn’t believe two kickoff returns tor touch­ Met Farr carried 24 times for cepting two Frank ’Tarkenton Eastera Ooafereace American League football Oosta. Sauer maldhg most of the Before Arm Ittfury Cleveland Coach Blan­ downs set last year by Phlladel-. 107 yards for the Lions, who tied passes and recovering a fumble. League Leaders Spark CCIL Triumph WLTFetPto o r sells for 119.96, but John­ "It was a bad pass,” criti­ catches. ton Collier didn’t want to. it on Wayne Walker’s 12-yard • • • phla's Timmy Brown. Dallas 7 2 0 .778 20B IM ny Sample showedjiffcom- cised Ralph Baker, the Jets’ Namath and Sauer combined By RICH DYER By BARRY COWL^ And, as usual, . Packer And the 35 points run up by field goal in the third period. BAMS-CAGLES— PhUadel. 4 5 0 .444 216 247 tor a 47-yard TD pass—OM of climaxing a 6-S football season last SatUTday, Rock­ • • • plete dis^in for the price. Ihiebackier, who set up Sample’s “It^g^reBt to be back!” Coach Vince Lombardi had the Packers in the first period The Rams rushed in 20 points WashlngUm 8 4 2 .420 210 216 Sample happUy flung Uie pig­ interception by tipping the ball six grabs gbod for 170 yards Iqr ville High won its fiftti straight game, defeating top» Start the game off with an early lead by scoring BEARS-OIANTS— iwiy Coach Cliff Detnera atimmed up ^ e last woird. set a league record. in the second quarter, breaking New Orlefivi 18 0 .111 126 282 skin into the seats after racing in the air. the Slim split end. ranked Southington High, 87-18, in one of the biggest three touchdowns within the first 10 minutes and yqu been our hiatory. The Donny Anderson and Ben Wil­ Sub quarterback Larry Rake- it open against Philadelphia. Century Division 4l yards with an intercepted “ H it had been thrown right,” But two roughing the kicker Saturday after his atroof-loMdiiK East upsets of the weekend activity. Southingtem now poets are bound to startle any team- This was just the t y i e Packers always rise to the occa­ son filled in admirably for the straw was the big gun for the Bruce Gossett kicked field goals penalties moved th eBOls into C ^o lte fbgthall tMin nipped Ha five-ijatne losing ------a 5-2 OVC record. Thei Rome St. Louis 5 8 1 .625 248 208 pass for the key fourth-period Baker continued, "it would have streak, and of medicine the Manchester High Indians prescribe sion,” said Lombardi after the ailing Pitts and Grabowskl, An­ Bears against stumbling New of 21, 12, 27 and 81 yards for the scoring portion and Keith lin- mmwu unwnea Windham more then likely have clinched tor the Bristol Eastern L an cers------aevelan d 5 4 0 .666 210 102 touchdown that hdped the New been,a good gain- But H hit Cos­ Rlgli, il-21. at ML Nabo, Bast. Packers, led by Williams' derson scoring four touchdowns York. Rakestraw flim>ed scor­ winners, and Roman Gabriel New York 4 5 0 .444 280 284 York Jets to a 20-10 American ta on the shoulder. I grabbed at coln g^ them on the scoreboard a Irinner to mlnaW advahotng to toa tooals Palmer Off •eodnd plaoe in the CVC etand- encounter at Memorial Field on the flrat play Doiw record-tylns heroics, stunned and Wilson rushing for 100 ing passes of 23, 18 and 0 yards passed for two touc^owns. Pittsburgh 2 6 1 .250 176 206 Foot ball League victory over the ball and tipped it.” with a two-yard plunge. 10. Carrey BidNtod what ha togs. Saturday, In downing the visl- oowitoam fumbled and it waa Cleveland 56-7 Sunday. yards. Mike Mercer’s ^7-yard field Western Ooafereace Buffalo Sunday. Sample, trailing the play by rtaeted,started, nana g | b « MoOier Qulmi Gary Krtiwfca was the man of tors, 27-6. Bristol now posts a recovered by Tim Thompaon of "The story of the game,” “ goal ftalowlng Getnrge Sahnee’ •very awwct of toe gome In the hour, as he bas been all "When we’ve had an Injury,” Central Division "I was so ha]q)y I didn’t know eight or nine yards, snatched M sa tor tlto taUV a ^ a Id^ To Conquer 0-7 record. The weather w m the Lancers, their first and Lombardi added, “we always Lombardi insisted, however, . the ban out of the air and interception at the Jet 48, tied it ithat■ , was eaaHv its tottajgeat iw d tut haUttme. seaecn, carrying -89 ttmea tor W LTPctPto OP what I was doing,” Samide ideal and the 1,100 cheering; oidy real break. play a little better.” "was Bart Starr.” Starr com­ at halftime. 161 yartk, scoring three touch- Green Bay 1 .750 281 118 deadpaimed. "They can dock headed for the Buffalo end zone. faam^ow Windham, bdd sooreleas tor ■peeftators saw that the Indians Quarterback Bart Bearddey The Packers had the injuries pleted 14 of 21 passes for 240 6 2 Jack Spikes, a veteran back, ham now poate a 8 4 ntooid, tha first half, oaihe to Mte to New Heights doww ani tour polnb on con- Chicago 4 5 0 .4i4 185 160 me for it If they want to, but I “ I kept thinking albout cover­ had come to play ball, boosting hit Kevin Brynes with a 14-yard —Btartlns running backs Jim yards and two touchdowns. don’ t think Utey wiB.” ing the ball,” said Sample. "I was Injured on one of the rough­ ^ t e d a y wi»n>tall aW to. thlid petted, bat not befW ven ien runa. He wound up with their season to 5-2, CCIL and pass In the end zone for the only Grabowskl and Elijah Pitts are “I still don't know what hap­ Detroit 8 4 2 .420 188 158 ing the kicker penaUiee. He was MBXKX) CTTY (AP) —Ai^ better tban yards rushing lOnneaoU 2 2 .286 142 100 Not a chance. Sample’s TD said to myself, 'Now that you’ve tor the Haglee as Captain ttielr hoat’a aoorsd twice again. 1,000 5-3 overall. scoring by the Lancers. A run out—and they certainly played pened,” said the dazed Collier. 6 opened ig> a tight game and got it, don’t let it get away.’ I blocking for punter Paul Mc­ nold Palmer, the eeay-going golf tor the season. John .^Uekl. wboae aaHy AhiUoll broke t m » maator firom Latrobe, Pa., was Tort______MkrMlo,______Ram______quarter-^ saw the sideline open and ran gam henics had buOt the to- yard draw play tar 1t> and l a - traction. teUytog three TD’s and ‘*** «*•»«**• „ riod margin and romping in badly we were too tight and Baltlmolre 7 0 2 1.000 264 121 room against the tough Bills. for it. There was nothing to do and over him. c m nq>ei1ority, was hon^ cy Imlled 10 yaida into ttia and off to new cenqueeta tod^ af- acored on' a alx-y^ run couldn’t play our game.” 6 1 2 .857 256 140 When King’s cleat struck ter capturing hia first Worid .gg threw a 85-yard TD paaa to three conversion kicks to boost »wdd to a from there. The Jet defense than cemented but run. I don’t know how they akaad with a broken arm. Ttia aone^toorOy after. Boto oiqipod Black Hawks Mel Counts his season scoring to 92 potato. rustling, 28 going to Kolil. The victory, spiced by .Wil­ • • • San Fran. 5 4 0 .656 102 226 the victory by holding four missed me. I just struggled and Spikes, he was knocked uncons­ toPter haMbaric acored two l s i « Eagle drlvea Cup Individual prtae In six tries Art Whertock in the third Atlanta 1 7 1 .125 108 287 cious and went into a convul­ M^oowlnner of (he American period. Krowka’s flrat TD run. Bruce Chrpenter made Ms first liams’ record-matching two COLTS—FALCONS— times inside its five-yard line to struggled to get in.” touAdowna and ocUectod 72, Jim Ndaon tagged Pate VWe- touchdown of the fall and did TO tor a total kickoff returns for touchdowns, Colt quarterback Unitas take the ball over on downs in Until Sample scored, the Jets sion. Removed from the flrid on yarda on toree carries before lock with a 60-yard aooilqg pass C;et R olling In Ihe opening petted, wna for Bulls^ Hero American League a stretcher, he was taken to the a ftae job in doli« so. ^ ! ! ! ' kept the defending champion played his game—perhaps even Eastern Division the final three minutes. were busy standing off the Bills. being Injured on a tiilrd quar- tor Windham’s first touebitown, q-a. f • 1 -g*g f g Jack NlcMaua, 2f-yeai>old three yards, sst up when John -w * ^ ^^ w ^ s V, completioiw for 18 attempt*, Packers atop the National Foot­ A little above his usual out­ New York was leading 18-10 in Jbe Namtah, who completed Hospital for special matery, K f^ tlin C l H u ll tMunmate from Columbus, Btert recovered a Southington I'iV f^.l* L iH K erS e ttrst Indian tally came Indiana were the exact W LTPotPts OP coming back wtthin a whMter ball League's Central Division. standing performance. He com­ the fourth quarter when Buf­ only 18 passes but gained 338 where he was k i^ overnight tor "John was Just tabidous” De- of dupMeattng toe feat la ^ in Ohio, came in second aa Individ- fumble on the visitors’ 80-yard when ttMi L a ^ opposite, getting all their yanl- BalUmore remained unbeaten pleted 17 of 20 throws for 370 New York 6 2 1 .750 240 182 falo’s Jack Kemp who had been yards through the air, had observation. The Oakland Seals are still ual winner plus coholder of the marker on the opening IdckoS. the ball on downs at the Bristol ViL nrtv mere said, “ and I know Ms the totrd period. The Whippets’ The Chicago Bulls got within 43-yard Une. Four plays later and on top of the Coastal Divi­ yards and four touchdowns, the Houston 5 8 1 .625 142 188 stoking to the West, but the Chi- team trophy by the United Joe Caiacl Moked (he ex(ra Buffalo 8 6 0 .888 125 180 k m to(A the edi^ off the day quarterbadt unteashad a 60- two seconds .of their second Na- Oobb carried 29 yaards'for toe sion with a 49-7 romp over scores coming on plays covering tor the rest of the team.” ’The yard bomb tiiat waS caught by cagD Black Hav^ art back to »>»• •«h Oma. point 58 yards In Boston 8 6 1 .888 202 248 tional Basketball Association t d . Cobb’\Moo kickiQCK rorfor metoe poini oolnt J^^®' carries. g a John li ^ Torzsa car- ™ AUanta, with Johnny Unitas 26, 11, 64 and 5 yards, in the Eagle coach prerented AhiMckl Art Bmito in the end aOne, but (he Natloiul Hockey League ‘‘I ^ ny partner a great Another fumlrt by Sotytog- ^^tory Sunday night, but then was high and dead center Iot an carries, jonn rvrzw c«- providing a spectacular passing rout of Atlanta. lUami 1 7 0 .125 70 248 Dawson T oo Much , with ttie game b ia Bahnday af- a personal foul coat the vlaltora Bwim .. .thanks to Bobby Hull's deal for g «^ thoee clube ^ aalvation,salvation. to In the toe unlikely form 774j») lead lead. ried nine times for 54 yards. game and the Colts shoMdng no • • • Western Division temoon at Manchester Me- the score. right,” eeld Palmer. started the drive for toe eeooad Downham jaunted 51 yards in letdown after the previous COWBOYS-SAINTS— Oakland 7 1 0 .876 267 116 hVortal Hoepital where he under­ Most of the loeerF 112 rushtog goel-a-game stroke. ‘‘I came here to help win the ecore in toe flret quarter, this ^ 16 carries and Lee Potterton______week's Important victory over End Frank Clarke, who lined San Diego 6 1 1 .857 226 168 went an operation to reset the yards and 167 aerial markers Oakland’s month-long wtnteee t—m championship,” added time by Martello. Kroirka car- i *^*^***^ scrambled 21 yards In nine car- 3 Green Bay. up in the backfleld on a tlght-I Kansas aty 6 3 0 .667 288 140 For Pat Defense bone. came In the second .half strtak reached toe 14-game Nlcktaua. "If I couldn’t wtathertedooaruntorthe extras. *^®®' ®^® Hemetiway and Car- 3 Dallas moved three games in formation, broke open the game Denver l 0 0 .100 158 308 as Windham attempted a come­ mark Sunday night when the Individual prise I’m gtad Arnold Southington scored two towto- ^ketball Aai^ had again roUngiUrirad toe ball penter were in toe running with front in the Capitol Division The game, witnessed by a tolu^eS rtita tert ^ dW." downs^toe.seoond period, one victory over toe on ctowns qt toe Indians’ 4. toe later saUlng 17 yardsta four for Dallas, racing 56 yards for a BOSTON (AP) — Len Lawson, the Kansas City crowd ot cloee to , , teatured back. Marty Hammond's 66- standings after a 27^10 decision 1 000 touchdown that put the Cowboys Hockey Chiefs’ 11-year pro veteran from Purdue, led the Amer­ Bast’s highest scoring output of Duchesneau expanUon club In tha NHL’s The two U.S. stars, who out- a 10-yaid Jaimt by BUI Yutke ^nove t a ^ * t o ^ 8^ * ’n*h^ ®^®® Hemenway moving over New Orleans, while St. in front of New Orlesms 17-0. ican Football League in passing in 1966, but his coach the season as Ray CarVey and Nelson’s 70-yanl kichotf re- new West Division, bowed to toe etrippwl a field of 80 golfers and a six-yard pam from Dave i t J mc^w^ **v es. Ix>uis maintained a precarious East Division New York Rongeni 56. from 40 nations, territories and Bussonaskl to Ron Zajok. The °^'^® got apret- They coasted in from there. W L T Pie. thinks he’s even better this season. BUt Lacy joined AhibicM In toe turn gave the visitors two mora hold on the Century Division TD department. Eagle kicker ■cores in the final quarter, biit lead with a 14-14 Ue with PitU- • • • Detroit 5 1 17 "Dawson is a better quarter------— r n n Lowe also proved a seor- felted to sway (he game’s out­ burgh. BTEELERS-CARDS— Toronto 6 1 17 back this year than he was last p^gs to Cappelletti early In into a tie for the Bast Division Krowka ^® ® Clem Cobb carrying from toe six-yard ^ ^ ing (hieat, booting aperfect tour Chicago humbled New York Pittsburgh, with quarterback Now York 8 8 17 year,” Coach Hank Stram said gecond period. Then the oonversion attempts and a M- lAve, colled into service when 34-7, Minnesota and Detroit bat- Bill Nelsen calling the shots, Boston 8 2 16 Sunday after the Chiefs rolled to chiefs struck back for 23 points IJ er t w G o « ^ i ^ zU ^ yotdi out, Itotello’e 85-yard but mimed toree straight sh for a 1-0 1 ^ The Lancers High of WlHlmantic Thanksgiv­ moved 00 yards in nine-plays in Montreal 6 4 14 their third straight victory in a pgfore the haU. ysitd iMd goal. Us second thie on iBost drive Fell abort later syer, ore only six points ahead __ ^ WheeUrak save the Bulls seemed In con- never penetrated past their own Ued to a 10-10 tie, Los Angeles season. te toe tUt, towid the mark tor at the lasbptace Black Hawks, Palmer, who nniMd on eye to WheeUrak, gave, toe ing Day at 10:46, 16 minutes whipped Philadelphia 33-17 and the last minute of play to gain Chicago 7 8 11 83-10 bliU of Boston’s Patriots. Dawnon completed three pass­ trol. But Los Angeles Archie 30-yard Une during toe first later than scheduled previously. Btast registered offetMive three-pointer. The move Roms Washington cllppi^ San Fran­ the tie with St. Louis. Nelson "Len’n passing has been su­ es before sending Mike Garrett 888 (jlark threw wildly, Harding stanza. West Division yards, 180 behind toe 0-19 pass- ended Eagle ecorlng and secur­ Maaokeitcr (37) cisco 31-28 in the other NFL capped it with a six-yard toss to perb, but his over-all leadership off tackle for a touchdown. A XT. b, rtipn-, 8t . ------„ ra Illua . Kr»rt» n. “1"“ T,”'’ Ends—Oaa-Bon, OousUIn, Martin. Roy Jefferson. St. Louis, how­ Los Angeles 7 4 8 17 is even more outstanding,” ing of quarterback John Quinn. *4 k comfortable 10-polnt mor- Louis 5-2 as HuU blasted his 18to a flve-tmder par onds left, Mel sunk a pair from majority of second string In- Jaooultx, Johnson. Oamei, HOantt, games. fumble recovery at the Boston round tor a total of 276. to the eotevenlons. This gave Butler. • • • ever, remained one-half game Minnesota 6 4 3 18 Stram said. "Just everything set up Jan Stenerud for a 38- OvMland, the kraals reahaed 158 giu. and 14th goals. s n - M ....__a th . M 19 *be foul line and won toe game, dlans to action, giving the vet- Tackles — J . OcxwMta, BleBer. PhUadelphla 5 4 8 18 marfcera, with both AMbtckl and Bast how readiea for Ita tra- PACKEB -BROWN — in front of Cleveland. about him has improved tre­ yard field goal and a 17-10 ad­ Eteewhere, Detroit downed atrokaa be- lead. ^ **‘® ®**’®*‘ ®“”® ®^““ ® appro- MnUvter TUo- 8 8 UPENDEDl—Penn State end Ted Kwalik is flip­ Pittsburgh 6 8 2 12 lacy accounting for 72 each. ditkxsl' Thanksgiving Day "I couldn't believe it was hap­ • • * mendously.” vantage. Montreal 8-1 and PlUladelitola rtaSner ’ to toe fourth neiiod Sbb’tey night, 8t. Louis beat San prlate day. Peter Stred gained per Rotoeriw^^aish, iWoor?^ ped on his hands by two North Carolina defenders St. Louis 4 7 2 10 Dawson completed 10 of 26 A tough Eagle def ense, meeting with South CMfaoUc hind Palmer. to me lourai penoo eacn ue-iog. aome valuable experience In toe ~ o»<*eU. pening,” Williams ssdd after LION-VHUNGS— Emmitt thomas picked off a surprtaed Boston 4-2. Individual and national pros- team soored once. Krowka ran Oakland 2 11 8 7 passes for 186 yards and two Hole-in-One •purred by the gung fa»«»fcMtig High in Hertford. Precedent will In toe American Basketball quarterback slot alter replacing ''' returning kickoffs for touch­ Detroit established a negative after missing pass- (AP Photofax) Parilli pass and raced 57 yards "It'It was nice to come back to tiga was the real stake in the 16 yards for toe TD but Ms run . “ V Bacha—Oarpentier, Cobb, Ostrout, touchdowns, his 14th and 15th another touchdown two of Garvey, Bill Slwy, Steve Cta- be toe aim of both clube. South, Russell, Stred, Felieitoo, Hemsn- Using a No. 9 iron, calone, John FUloramo and Don 6ut te boat Slaut on the g ild tor New York, but It would have World Cup, formeriy called tha tor the extras was short. South- to way, Larson. 'I'orxsa, Downham. scoring shots of the season, as minutes later. Then Thomas, a been a lot nicer to go back home Canada______Oup. Oup. tngton't'mton'e Bill Hubeney carried kicked off to BrUtoi Baateni (•) the Chiefs rolled up 30-10 half- gecond-year pro from little John Kristoff, above, Lodge proved equally eftootive. the first time ever, and with a win,” Oakland- - defense, ^sei«r fti fbAA #as* fiZk Kmif fnaim /tetf nmf iRdiaiui 110-108 and Plttsburgh Chester to open the second half lEnda — MteGreeah, Tiiompeon. Twice . Windham advanced drives toe Baglee seeking their fifth leiense- PAiiner got only |1|000 for the toe baU from two-yards out net- iiwi oa • Waiihv time lead and breezed the rest Bishop College in Texas, recov- drove the ball 148 man Larry Cahan, a form er x>aat Individual score and ehared ting the final tou4down of toe i of the way against the Patriots. ered a fumble at the Boston 38, yards on the 12th within the East 20-yard Une, rtraight conquest over (heir Rm Ia 042 AAA W.U6W ’ Amos "I* L• American League by tor toe Rockets. him. He ran straight down toe TDD—Oobb -O obb 8 (ao-yd. ran. Oyd. tatoed Windham’s rumilag o’Ssrviigsa, gsKk. tesi middle picking up some fantas­ ran;: 88-yd. Mciaott reluni)JcWpen- m to keep them off balance,” wanted to win so badly. We’ve The feat was wit­ a r tr ^ ^ 1''«7.882 fan. at horn* ------ter (10-yd. ran); Byrnes <|Mun). I pricn-Checkjitwran Stram explained. "He did a game. We also saw a lot of good tic (blocks by toe rest of toe PlAT-Oobfe. 8 u 3 b . been unlucky all year long.” nessed by playing York beyond reach. Palmer them rushed out of toe ^"^**“* •“” >'^® ***® MocUng from our offenstvsi Une’ ______Lacy Quinn, New on niKiea ow or me Superstitious Slugger squad. (Jobb's try for the point marvelous job of camouflaging The victory hiked Kansas partners Carroll Mad­ carter. Treybel, . , H e- the count. We wanted to keep he added. fleely, Jaqum,Jaqumi Nieory. The— - Block------Hawks,- who----- went------PJ*"* room eu» at 1the Club___ de w Golf fn League------President Joe Cronin l/JUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — was deflected li^n East^’s City’ s record to 6-3 in the dox, Frank Kieman Mexico to 1 'POCOH ON PUNTEB8 the Patriots, especially (middle CJhlefs’ belated bid for a return AlubicU put East on the .**?".®* annouHcad during toe weekend Lightweight boxer Marcus An- David Wallin leaped into toe and Stan McFarland. nailing their first victory of toe Rico for a new tounta- linebacker) Nick Buonlconti, off trip to the Super Bowl. Oakland, scoreboard late In the opening XMa—(tart. Oreen. Wle- . - . .. - ... ” ■ that the dose pennant fl^t, de- derson is so superstitious he air. This put toe scoreboard to BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) — season, scored twice within 22 ro***t> CBS World of Golf. balance. That Buonlconti usual- which was idle, has a 7-1 record. quarter on a pass from < ^ . o<-Bne._____ j. _ ®>r- elded HaU and Bobby HuU came right vs. Watkins, 8:45 Central vs. vey (10jpd. pass); Aluticid Ol-yd. McClinton. worry about the other clubs.” OR the 40-yard Une Just before ran); WletodTolB-yd. cM ) (Stan- back with another tally. Ken j c ’s, Wetoiesday 8 Bast Side vs. Boston regained the lead on The Patriots are 3-6-1 in the tt)o period ended. Bast took the alone paM); iMt^ (lO-yd. ru n ); Wharram’s 200to career goal, West Side, 8:45 Lakewood "6 " 3-TNybm cmd AlI-WBatiur DrtAeene^^^ ^vam) ; Ndnon Babe ParilU’s three-yard scor- Eastern Standings. momentum into the second return) (Neiaon Bobby HuU’a 14th In 14 games vs. Kasden. Team rosters are stanza with a Lacy run and a and Dennis HuU’s first of toe open for anyone interested in V PIAT;_ L d v e ^ ^ k lck s. toes from Quinn to J 87 yards from a seors. NeU win them any American Foot- Gillman. "I think we will be a 7 —82 .kickers number 75. Serfety S{|>tke Heodquorters four minutes and was never coach Oosza of tote Saturday’s Smith went In from two yards toe boll and passed for a third ball League titles, not with tiie better football team from here to pace Southern Omnectlcut to threatened. Paul TuUy rodiv- game at once-beaten Princeton out. a 41-15 triumph over Bridgeport Aoppy San Dlegn Chargers and Kaiusas on out.” ered a fumble to set up one end toe windup game Nov. 26 Connecticut^ recovered a fum­ in an Etastem Football Confer­ f the advertisBfl » tire City Chiefs hard at work. ”We were sluggish and our Three ^Doubles’ Yale TD by Calvin HUl and agalnet Harvard at Yale Bowl. ble and moved 06 yards capped Guaranteed Retreads ^or New r * ** ** Playing the role of the idle timing was off,” agreed quar- Andy Ooe ran 20 yards with a Yale hasn’t beaten Prtaoeton by an 6-yard PetrUlo pass. But ence gom e. Southern’s record is now 5-8; rich Sunday only made the terback John HadI, who pitched In Skeet Shoot blocked punt for another In since 1960, nor Harvard since the Huskies' failure to score Raiders poorer as the'Chargers for two touchdowns, but had short succession. 1968. converalone sealed their fate. Bridgeport’s 26. In Middletown, undefeated and Chiefs each rolled to victory four other passes intercept^. ’Three marksmen — Oil Brian Dowling sparked Yale’s At Amherst, Maas., Lord Jeff BU’a Bob ColaMtibetta took a once-tiad Williama acored bi and narrowed the gap that sepa­ "We mlgh thave been looking Pepin 21-22, Rene Lousier 28-21 offense by comi^eting 11 of 18 sophomore quarterback J play in the second pnrtod, tle ’ Tta’n rival Waqleyfui 41-7 The Chargers, 6-1-1, stumped today.” riioot competition at the Man­ ijtann closed the gap to within two more In leading Amherst •odfaig a 65-yanl drive In 12 'Boturdajl On En^iama' first {day from Miami 24-0 and the Chiefs, 6-3, The Chargers and Chiefs col­ chester Sportsman’s Assn, at i-’ Mi82 in the third quarter on a from' behind to a 28-24 victory Farley Intercepted three mse- seriuuna(e, speedy Randy Dy- hammered Boston 88-10 while lide Sunday while Oakland, if it the club grounds in Ooventry. oiie-ya;rt touchdown run ky over Trinity, ••—once deep in Oonneotteut ..nrt broke looae around right can avoid rugtlness, hosts weak Each contestant fired at 25^. kopiitxhore quarterback Berate Amherst was briilnd by 14 territory-yond ended the season the Raiders relaxed with an iend and up midfield on a '05- BUY NOW on our Easy Pay Plan! open date and a 7-1 mark. Miami and can pick up grbwd birds in each 'categoiy. Zbrsasnj and a two-point con- paints In the. second half before wltti nine' Interceptions, highest on at least one challenger with Single event winners wen Kehoe hit.end Dave Clapp with for Boston since 1949. W rd touchdown run. the New York Jets had to version. P Mark Winlck, who kicked field a victory. Bob Krtnjak 18, Bill Grant 20 . I scoring passes of 66 and 68 PetrUlo scored the first "Con­ work hard to retain their one- But then DowUng hit Lew Ro­ goals of 86 and 87 yards in the • • • and Ed Michaiid 17. ney with another touchdown ae­ yards.— necticut touchdown halfway game lead over Houston in the second and third quarter, kicked ATIANTIC OILERS-BRONOOS— Guard Henry De Nero, who through toe final quarter but Eastern Division with a 20-10 rial—14 yards—to seal toe Vic­ toe first of five extra points to Houston, noted for its defense, hod booted a 12-yard field goal failed to connect on an attempt­ victory over Buffalo while the tory. put WUUams ahead 7-0. won its fifth game with an un- Seek President | Dowling "gave us toe key for Amlwrst’a first score, kicked ed two’polnt pass. >48# Up To 6 Months To Pay Oilers struggled by lowly Den­ WInick’s second period field ver 20-18 in the other AFL usual 20-point outbunt In the plaiy every time we needed It,” the extra point which was the >-ln New Britain, Central Oon- No Oarrylng Charge NEW YORK (AP)—Baaebati'e moigln of victory. nectlcut overwhelmed an unex- goal wma feUowed by John Hal- games. ( tint three periods on a scoring Eastern League Is In the mark­ said Yale coach Carmen Ooaza. bfraok’a tntarceptlcn o f a Wes­ • » • pass by Pete Beathard and the 'Tm glad he’s on our okte.” The last Amherst sem cams , pectedly atubboni Coast Guard G O O O fV C A R et tor a new president. with two minutes -to go, and Academy footbaU team Satur­ leyan pOaa and another WU- CHABOEB8-DOLPHIN5— running of Hoyle Granger and Ooaza said the Penn gome The league’s directors voted after Trinity bad tsdee stopped day 27-0 to continue Ita season Uams towdidown as Jack MSlt- San Diego, off last week, Woodle Campbell. was the (ougheet Yale has hod KELLY VERNON SHOFPINe CENTER Sunday against renewing the the Jefdi Inside the Trinity five. undefeated. Isnd cracked over from the two. suffered the effects of kUi — ^ But the Broncos, able to crooa fat the Ivy League. contract of Rankin Johneon, the Trinity senior quarterback (toast Guard lost Its seventh IWlllama received the. second Service Store against the Dolphins as the ' mldtield only twice and trailing Bonn outnirtied Yale by three W *d ., Thurs. and Fri. 9 to 9 • Mon. and Tnos. 9 to 4 president for the last seven half IdohoCf and drove In 16 NICHOLS-MANCHESTER TIRE. Inc yards—280 to 227—aa quarUu- Keith MUee threw passes fW straight this season and ita 18th high-powered Cluttgere man- 20-0, gave the OUere a scare as years. Joe Busas, owner ot the plays to the Westeyon 20, from PHONES 876-6292 — 646-0101 back Zbrzeznj, fullback Gerry two toudidowns snfl ran tor two In a row. Central has won sev­ aged only a 7-0 lead into the Steve Tensl tossed two ’TD pass- Pittsfield, Mass., club was where Winlck booted his second 295 M O A D SnttET / PHONE 643-1161 Santinl .. and halfback Cabot more in hia first gSme for Am­ en. M A N C N i lM fourth quarter before blowing es and Bob Humphreys kicked a named to a committee to scrom Knowlton shared toe running. herst in four weeks. Central scored two touch­ field goal. ^ n open the game. ^ 48-j^ard field goal ||>pllcanta for the poet. ' * ■ ■ s .

% . -V UA • , — i.- » . • < .


4IANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1M7 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1967 PAGE SEVEN1BEN ,ai r ..... OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE BT SHORTEN Mid WHIPPLE n v ip ______BUGG8 BUNNY •■shwM S«rvk«s THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW H«lp OU m b U 1 3 3 S 3 8 «7X3P T V ^ N O T O Y OtOftO , ^ AND S 1*LL A^AI« U6TSH. R6MBRAHCfT, SOME OP VA ASP EO A L B u t WMEM rfeOMEB ‘iD MER WOMEN© MEDICAL transcripUonlst and KITCHEN AIDE 7 a.m. - 3 6B T WOW M ONC/ VTTfiHTWADlJ PURTHEI^AAORe US HAVE WO«K 1DDO - CLASSIFIED WILLIAMS Tree Bervloe, spec- P olitic©? mom wduldn’T khow a PRICE ON AnswrtoPrjMous inllatnd In tree and dinib <»re. BALLOT BOX FROM A BREAD B O X - BRIDGE CLUB ELECTlOMB - seoretary wanted for doctor's p.m. Monday through FtMay. QUTOFMEi JUST. PAINTIN' TH' MY WOPD. A^AI^mA. MUST Y O lT ^ AHO lO A M . KNT . o ffice In B ast H artford. Ap- Vernon Haven, 87S-3077. PAINT THIS h a l l .! etS-81M. KATTLE AROOHO 60 f^HE AKTKT5/V EXACTLY P«NN ! IF iHicant must be heat and ex­ AND SCWAfAl Titles UH HUM- IB MERE^ OUR s t r a t e g y ,MABEL •••'We t)0 OUR MOSTa^B>ONe vybRK ^ YOORE PLANMIN6 TO 8HARPB>nNO Service -Saws THE WAVlSEEfT.lF cellent typlet and able to meet AT-‘ ER,AH—A0V’ANCED ho urs.'] MAKS VOUR RETIR6- 10 Sound of the ADVERTISING ©CNMDR MCNOoeV CAM THAf SO *'fEB- •PRO TEM - OELE0ATEB WILL CAUCUS H«lp Wc 34 ACaOM knlvea, ucea bboara. akatea the public, modern w ell BUT IF FORCED TO ARISE: /I M6NT OFFICIAL ,3U«T lurf G ET W % OF THE AT HOOM ! IF WE CAN'T SWING A ITcinliilM tlO® CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS rotary bladea. Quick aervlce .a .. equipped office, hours 9A:80 ig^N FOR tire eervlee wort. .AT DAVIN t MAY NEVER MAKE J ( BECAUSE OF ONE fllAscuUns titl0 13 su n g -r- (Dapltol Equipment On 88 Main WOEreMDENT VOTE, MAJORrrV WE’LL c h a l l e n g e fWE (fUn) 8 AJf. to 6 PJf. OIAIR ON AN "AD QUORUM", Monday - Friday. Salary com- .u benaflte, miM S a n o t h e r SALE.'^/— \SALE, FORSET \t / UO m u i et 14 Com pen St.. Mancheater Hours dally m o ' - mensiurate with experience, etea^ worker, eq;>erlaBwe wWowf reading 7:30-11. Thursday 7:80-9,'Satur­ TOlNTOF ORDER! IMEN UFIjrwi a< ______izjlIbdCI lELTW Write Herald Box R. Manebes- helpful but not eeaenUal. Ap< — UMaKullne WE'LL f il ib u s t e r , A N D - alrerut nickname -irjIM lilflM COPY N F.i ;i IW TTME FOR CLASSIFIED AOVT. day 7:80-4. 64S-79B8. ter Herald. p|y Nltthola-Xaiidiester Tin UOcnuiiM 21 Two-wbeeled S PJO. DAT BKFORE PPiniLIOATlON UMinlcal __ WELDING — hardlacing, pro­ COUNTER OIRLS wanted for In c., 398 B road S t , M anoh—• TAhTuVo*.----- coaipoNtlcoi carriage DesdUiie for Satordsr and Monday is S pjn. FHdny. 22 Kimono (tin duction, caat machinery repair eveniiig shift 7 p.m. to mid- ______ter. W U itol^ 23— . Tin Tin etc. Bob’s Welding Service. night, average 8 to 4 nights e XPERIEMCED machine Shop MScrutlnli* aiBritUh gun 4»Tltrefora Call 649-7878. iH f 25 Courteey. UOa 30 Malee baronet’! wife per week. Please apply Mister Inqjiectors, 46-60 hours per a, Academic ntle 37 Epoch ^ PLEASE READ YOUR AD Dqput, 266 West Middle Tpke. boldcrt 28 Maple genui 40 Molt recent 50 Level CHawMed or "Want Ada” are taken over the pkone as a week, liberal benefits, Oimtro- as Uncle — - 27 DUtribute 51 Low land hlU. BY V. T. HAMLIN 20 Bacchanalian 41 SSI (Roman) 53 Guido’i high ooBvenlenoe. Hie advertlaor ahonU read Us ad tke FIBST HorndhoM SmrvicM MANAGER for large growing m atlcs C orp., 300 W est Main A L L Y OOP as Biblical 44 Icy rein St., RockvUle. CaU Mr. Pan- trlbeemen cry 45 — Baba* note , DAT IT APPBAB8 and BBPOKT BBBOBS In thw for ttw chain of pet shops. Be your 5 ) 30 Bondman 54 Rodent aeact lanertloa. The HeraM Is reapoaaible for only ONB Inoar- Oifm«d 13-A AND BESIDES WHY HE'D BRING TH'/WE DONT HM/B, ^ aiFroetf 46 poiseiiive own boss. Good paying job. ciera , 875-3817. An equal op­ 1HB IDEA O F HINQ ARMY OYER HERB / TO WAIT FOR / SURE!__ _ 33 Biblical city SlReKue pronoun 55 Coniumed food reet or eenlttsd tauertlon for any ndvertlseiiient and then only portunity employer. BAZ SUOaESTINa WHAT WOULD VEH/ I jSDomeitlcated 34 Cardinal f 56 Number REWEAVINO OF buma, moth Knowledge of pet line helpful >OU EXCHANGE KING GUZ IMONPBR AN'TEAR THOSE THEM! LETS [ WHY NOT? 47 On the lummlt to the extent of n *teake mod” Insertion. Brrars wUeh do holes, sippers repaired. Win­ ABOUT THAT NSANDERBUMS TO V DO IT OUR- UETS GO/^ «uvw IT not leasen the mhw of the adrerttsement wttl not be oorreoted but not necessary. Apply Mr. VOURSELF TO , THINK _ as ibaen heroine ■R r r 1 THEM FOR OOP! ABOUT IT? MV5EUF/ PIECES/ ■ r-> V SELVES/ 1 r " 1 r hy "make good” Ineerttoa. ' dow shades made to measure, Klnsella, King's Pet Shop. 30 aergyman a ' nIU sines Veoeitten bUnds. Key/ UOa . King's Department Store, Europaan newt i r P made while you wait. Tape re- Green Manor Blvd. Manches­ REAL ESTATE S n d 42 43 Vitreous ■B oorders for rent. Marlow’s, 887 ter. OF HIE compoiUioni i IB 643-2711 IB 87S-3136 M ain St. 649^1221. 0REAM6= 45 ExcIamaUoa DEMONSTRATORS Uve wire CAREER . of triumph r n fBoekvllle, ToD Tree) A Made a choice salespersons. Sam big com­ S3 Educated, to Baildin9— mission Thanksgiving to Rgf>id expansion of our BY J. a WILLIANS a point Christmas demonstrating fast- agency creates an Immedi­ OUT OUR WAY 67 Roof overhang Centraeting 14 Tw. ief. U. I. Nl. ON.«-AII flfM^ l•06nl•B ate need and an exceptional Trouble Reaching Our Advertiser? • IMT hy UeM Srtien IfnSmf, tm. selling toy Item In top Man­ gaSeU apart opportunity for experienced, I NO,THAT'S HIS LEFT- T SO Biblical garden IT c a r p e n t r y — concrete steps, chester store. Salary plus Ug TM SURPRISEPAT VtXJ, ambitious, personable real =>- tSOLPIB, S E TTIM ’SUCH A 1 HANDED WHY OF BAWL-] 00 Inventor'i 24-Hour Aufweriug Senriee floors, hatchways, remodeling, bonus. Write about yourself concern Pointing— Poporing 21 Hdp Wontnd Holp Wan tod— estate salesmen who desire LOW GRAPEOMTHAT f MG ME OUT/ IT WAS A < porches, garages, closets, ceil­ and experiences. Embree Co., II-IR vTOUSH TESTAN’A GIRL 01 River in commission earnings of MATH EXAM--MDU MOST Northumberland Free to Herald Readers ings, attics finished, rec rooms, JOSEPH P. Lewis custom ^ Fomolo 35 38 B ox 678, Elizabeth, New Jer­ e ltecialist. Additions, AVAILABLE Second mortgage 872-6631 after 6. rec rooms, dormers, porches, money on homes. OonfldenUal, tributor. Ideal working con­ ELM ST. (Next to NORMAN’S ' Shudose your reply to the cabinets, formica, built-lns, hidden costs. Contact Lewis ditions, good salary, 6-day Furniture Warehouse) MANY GOOD JOBS : box In an euvelope — 1966 CHEVROLET — 2-door, 6 bathroom s, kitchens. 649-3446. D eLoreto, 626-8808, anytim e. week, vacaUons, exceUent addressed to the Claaal- cylinder, automatic, exceUent benefits. fled Manager, Manchester condition. B est o ffe r. Call 648- 'Bvtoing Hdrald, together 9121. SiMciol S orvlct 15 Buslnou Opportunity 28 SALESLADIES — wanted at OPEN NOW wtth a memo Hating the RADIO & APPLIANCE Pilgrim Mills, must have pre­ companies you do MOT 1966 PONTIAC — 2 plus 2. 421 SNOW plowing Driveways, PHILLIPS Petroleum Cto. has a DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. vious experience In seUlng. BY ROY CRANE 96 Leggett St, East Hartford BUZZ SAWYER linrL^ U J = ^ lV l$ want to see your letter. cubic inch engine, 4 speed, lots, sidewalks. Reasonable modem 8 bay service station Apply to manager, Hartford N Tour letter will be de- blue. E xcellen t condition. 643- rates. CaU 648-4636. 628-6681 Whether you’re experienced, or inexperienced, C?HE MINl-SUD EASES FORWARD, ITS SONAR LOCKED ON AN for lease. ExceUent opportu­ Rd., Manchester. : PINGS ARE LOUDER... ' and HERE IT IS... THUMPERAmOM/ stnqred If the advertiser 2032. come in NOW and check the traditionally high " UMPERWATER nity, paid training program. An Equal Opportunity LWE'RE 6EmHG ClOSC., is one you’ve mentioned. CXK)K wanted — Acadia Res­ / RUSTY OIL DRUM.' If not It will be handled CaU 286-3770 a fter 6 p.m . or E m ployer Aircraft pay, excellent benefits and advance­ >• DEPTH 6 0 FEET- 1963 CHEVROLET — 827, 2- Roofing and In the usual maxiner. 1-201-877-8100. taurant 108 T olland T pke., ment opportunities. ^ VISIBILITY WO0 FFEET------IH» door hardtop, 4-speed, Muncie Chhnnoys 16-A WIF5 IS J*M SEHINP M anchester. 649-0608. HAAM/H0SI&N5 0F V with Hurst linkage, crane cam, SECRETARY and Qlri Friday. ON M CHARIOT PaVMENT- MOHDM KM'T new clutch. Prowlers. CaU 644- ROOFINO - Spaittallilng f*- Privoto Instructions 32 Varied duties, assist sales-and Aircraft jobs are better jobs for many reasons. MY P A Y / Lott and Found 1 8663. pairing roots of aU kinds, n e u ------Here are just a few! roofs, gutter wort, chimneys MORTLOCKS Driving School. A technical, executives, interest­ ing work, no stenographic, LOST — Men’s brown framed cleaned arid repaired, SOyaars* famous name in driver edu­ smaU growing research firm. PAflT.TIME glasses vicinity Ifonchester experience. Free estimates. cation. Teen-age and adult Traitors— May be part-time to suit. Community College. Please CaU Howley 648-5361, 644- driver education courses. Mato. Counttr Holp Write P. O. Box 282, Manches­ • Traditionally high starting pay ii-ii caU 6494269. Reward. Mobil* Homos 6-A 8333. Phone 649-7898 o r 876-4911. All houia available; morn­ iM« ings, afternoons; Hiuts. ■© m? b, NU. I». TM In. U V Nt.'ow. ter, Conn. LOST: Passbook No. 26 —00979(M 36 X 8' HOUSE traUer, excel­ and FrL Nights and Sat­ • Advancamont opportunity lent condition, must be seen SECRETARY — Local at­ urday. ‘Ethel? Oh, she’s down at the beauty parlor getting Savings Department of the M inin ory, Schools and CIossm 33 OonneoUcut Bank 4c Trust to be appriciated. Csill 646-0276 torney, experienced preferred, MEATOWN her speedometer turned back a few miles! after 6 p.m. Dtossmoking 19 u Company. Application made excellent shorthand tuid typing IZ U Y j silver Lane • Hospital and surgical imurancu required, 80-86 hour week, sal­ East Hartford, Conn. for payment. PARTIALLY rebuilt 60x12' ALTERATIONS on aU clothing, ( t r a c t o r t r a i l e r aried potion. Inquire week BY ART SANSOM house tm ller. CaU 046-0276 zipper repairs, etc. Reasonable • Lifu insurancu T H E BORN - LOST —Savings Passbook No. p rices. 643-0741. days, 647-9903. 16827. H artford National Bank after 6 p.m. SCHOOL >'!!l AH, rr » , MRS.1H0RMAPPL€! AHD •fflAT 'I BY WALT WETTERBERG IS OML>/ ONE OF THE BBieRTS 'lOU WILL J p | \ THE WILLETS and Trust Oo. First Manches­ • Rotironiant program 'm w m OH,THAT m ter Office. Application made Gorogo— Sorvici M oving— Trucking*— Now approved for Veteran ...... PARTSOUMDS i ir RKElVe \HHGH----He — JS HO HR'$ LieTENIN© for Payment. training. New England '.i f-: 10 S t o r o g n 2 0 SALES and STOCK '■ \WTEReSTIM6^ U0H6»eR \HITH -VOUl ZZIA T O M V , Storogo Tractor TraUer has heavy • Edueatipnai osaistaneo program / lA E M O lR S I MANCHESTER DeUvery—light * demands from the trucking trucking and package drtvery. POSITIONS OPEN Announconwnts 2 GARAGE for rent, $7. month­ industry for trained drivers. Refrigerators, washers and • Nine poid holidays / ly, 77 Oak St., 648-9601. Act now, fuU or part-time. Benefits: Flexible hours, Blue Cross and Blue RLECmtOLUX vacuum clean­ stove moving specialty. Fold­ CaU 247-1863 o r w rite e a e o> ers, sales and service, bonded ing chairs for rent. 6494752. B ox 268, Som ers, Conn. Shield, employe purchase discounts, pleasant work­ representative. Alfred Amell. ing conditions. • Up to four woaks voecHldn i! 647-1719 o f 643-4018. Business Sorviens APPLY IN PERSON AT iil II Offnrnd 13 Pointing— Popnring 21 • Sick toovo with pay P o r s o n o t e 3 STEPS, SIDEWALKS, stono iNSIDE-outslde paintliig. Spe- Holp Wootod TOP VALUE REDEMPTION CENTER V walls, fireplaces, flagstone ter­ olal rates fo r people ov er 66. • Lorgost industrial cradit union in lli RIDE WANTED to Constitution races. AU concrete repairs CaU my competitors then call 35 1146 TO IXA N D TPKE.— MANCHESTER M -l» Plaza Hartford, from Vemon Reasonably priced. 64'J-0861. tho world m e. Esttm ates g iv e n .'649-7868, PART-TIME woman required /\ St. Must arrive 9-9:16, leave BY RCLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY 8 7 5 d ^ . for receptionist and light of­ MR. ABERNATHY ® IW I, NU. he. Tit Ui. OH. 6 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, ATTICS and cellars cleaned, fice work, 1-6:80 p.m . No Thursday, Friday, Saturday. trash hauled to the dump, PAINTING, Interior, exterior, • Ovortimo In many doportmonts CAN'lOU COME Saturdays, Submit resume and = 2 3 1 SORRY, ADAAIRAL, C all 649-0654. light trucking, reasonable. 648- free <:jUmates. Contact Gerald t h e r e © SOMEONE. backtoaaorrow ? qualifications to P . O^ B ox 222, O iA u m f KISSES *i KISSES a BY DICK CAVALU 6846. A. Stratton, 648-8748. 643-4887. t t l V i i n f h e r e 's AAV ^ BB^OREVDU. MORTY MEEKLE Manchester. THE DAY YDU START - o A X A A R y d o l l a r ,MISS 1 - Automobltos For Soto 4 YOU ARE A-1, truck* Is A-1. PAINTING-—Interior and exte­ PLUS 10% BONUS FOR SECOND SHIFT -I 'D LIKE FBeCJDIE'© DOG GOT. <3He \AO£J/X>NTPFeVEN 6H E eet4XH\hK DOWN TO 1H6 CeUars, attics, yards and smaU rior, very reasonable, free es­ A KISS. it^no 00(2 cLAeeaccM NOTICE HIM eXC^PT TO GEre<:Kte7HI(NG f o r h ie c o j&h . 1964 CHEVROLET B el A ir sta­ trucking done A-1 right. CaU tim ates. <3all R!i’ li-rt’ klartln, YDUR ABILITIES START A tion wagon, V-8, powergllde, Trem ano Trucking S ervice toU T H ie AA(3CN/N<5 A N P T H A T H e BAC2U&:?, 649-9286. Want to work In a clean NEAR-eiOHTH? OLP power steering and brakes, ex­ free, 742-9487. INFERIOR and exterior paint­ plant and help us keep It GET A BETTER JOB NOW MliSd PatABY/SISVI^ cellen t condition. 649-0688. clean ? PAYIND OFF - AT IONA. SALES AND Service on Ariens, ing-and papering. Call Phil EVeS/CAWH/AA- NEED CAR? Credit very bad? Hahn Eclipse, Jacobsen lawn D enoncourt, 742-6178. Apply for the Bankrupt, repossession? Hon­ mowers. Also HomeUte chain PLANT HERE’SHOW! est Douglas accepts lowest saws and International Cub HOUSEKEEPER’S JOB VISIT THB EMPLOYMENT OFFICE which Is now open. We 0ONK+ down, smaUest payments any­ Cadet Tractors. Rental equip­ Rvsawy wUl pay $2.47 per hour on 400 Main Street, East Hartford, Ooim. where. Not small loan finance ment and sharpening service the day shift to a man RATES! 11-13 company plan. Douglas Motors, on all makes. L A M Equip­ who is interested in work­ We'U teach you how to aecenahle tiie popular lO N A ^ec- . 846 Main. ment 0>rp„ Route 88, Vemon. ing for a company which OPEN FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE b y AL VERMEER ;4 FIREPLACE trlctrio ^ppUancea^ppUancm and m moT al^l^gocalble (or you to he eamlng 875-7609 M anchester E xchange otfera steady year-’round good pay while you’re PRISCILLA’S POP >1963 FORD Galaxle 600, 4-door WE WAVE T/' 1 TMINK —B nteipriM 1916. work and exceUent fringe MONDAY 'THROUGH FRIDAY A NICE J f VO U ’RE A aoL I hardtop, 890 engine, automatic benefito. AppUoatkxte ac­ H O M E... SVSMASHINS ® m, I, MU. be. Tit tn uiLl. OH, transmission, full power, ex- TREE e x p e r t — TYm s cut, WOOD cepted dalW. Interviews BENEFITS!. 8 A.M . to 4:30 PJVL TWO FINE i^vSUCCESS/ cellent condition throughout, buadli« lota cleared, trtea top­ scheduled ‘Tuesdays. CHILDREN, Between holiday n pay,ff production|PIVUtM7UUU bonuaee,MWII—AIM| VAV« extended inem- 'TUESDAY EVENING TILL 8 PJd. caU 876-2874. *> ped. Got a tree pruhlem? Well LARGE A PP L Y TO SfetorlaMerla meals at eenslbleMnslble GOOD b y LESLIE TURNER CAPTAIN EASY worth pbooc caU. T48-8US. BUNDLES n lose■e to vour your wortw am —Y&U G A ^ ’ SATURDAYS—8 A.M. to 12 NOON HEALTH/ ROGERS CORP. a 3 DO B n m » THAN AT IONA. WOT C U JM WBfCB \ HIB LAMOLAPy, „ ; 1967 OLDSMOBILE, 8 duzes, LIGHT TOUCKINO, m oving MIU A Oakland Streets FOUND WHERB McKBB ) HEARD HIM BINeiN' ^ $100. CaU 643-2681, after 5 p.m . and odd jobs, reliable. Also W. G. Dlonnay Co. Manchester H ------— burning barrels, deUvered, $4. or Tel. Miss Banister, WORKING CONDITIONS! 386 N . S t. < Other Connecticut phuits in North Haven 1^1961 CHEVROLET convertible, 644-1775. 1-174-9695 G r V-8 automatic, power steering, We" an Mtaneheator’e Mrgeat em ^yer but we wUjjiever t C an after 6 p.m . 649-6866. nowgrow oo Ma that we fw tet you ua on Individual. Then’s Southington and Middkiown. a smoU, fi a t IO N A . M \ 1950 PONTIAC Catalina, 2-door, R oofing OPPORTUNITY! O IW I, NU. be I $150. Call after 4:80, 648-2698. Gutters— Repairs kit u^'ot. M..I ALUMINUM SIDING JOURNEYMAN HDIAN PRAH & IMS !:1962 CHRYSLER — Newsport, "AU Wort Guaranteed!" ^ 4-door, autom atic. CaU 648- ExceUent employment opportunity for a man who wants 644-8750 POBTUNTTIES . . . THEYHE UNLIMITED AT IONA., BY BOB LUBBERS w 7804. Jrt security with a p n g n ^ ve company offering exceUent WHITNEY ROBIN MALONE I beneflta. OEEDlENay. SHIFTS! ADOUU> ,„ NOW, UK6ULA , IF MOU WILL Bate Range: $8.94 per hour—$8.68 per hour (wtth a chance r, A AIRCRAFT THE GUIDE eXJR FRIEND A HAIR TOTHB M U6H- I to advance to higher rates baaed on Job performonn*) You ehooM the shift you want to work. We'll find a sult- “em e s- L E F T w e w il l IfSTKOOUCe HIM IflOOff^- oUe, good-paying Job ^ assign you to. Immediate cash paid for I Must have trade school educatiim with at leaet 6 yean' Diviploa of United Aircraft Corp. WANTED In d ^•trial t experience or equivalent. l i t t l e s p o r t s ^ BXilOUSON ^ CloBii, Late Model dean late modd can. All MEN AND WOMM! > r T s i Benefito Include: 8 paid holidays, major medical Insurance, USED C A R S makes, models wanted. 199% paid premium, generous vacation and pension plans. AppUance Assembtors,Itosembtors, Mi.Machla^Opemtors,------Iktl era, Tnidi«rs, Material Handlers, An Equal Opportunity Empkyer Top PrioM Paid I AppUcattons accepted dally Padm r ' Interviews scbedul^ Tuesdays Electric Motor Aascmblers For All Mokes! Bartow Motor Saks A pply to : i. ! CARTER CHEVROLET R t 83, Rockville, Conn. APPLY START YOUR FUTURE ToilAY AT P&WA RODENS DORP. CO m IN C . Phone 875-2538 IONA MANUFACTURING CO. 1229 Main S t MIIJ. * OAKLAND STREETS, MANCHESTER REGENT STREET—MANCHESTER TM WarW tivd. i i i i An Equal Opportunity Employer Phone 649-5238 v Open 9-9 Daily or Telephone Miss Banister, 1-774-9695 ______i_____

^ J , V f ‘, r . 4-' I MAKCHBBTER EVBNIMQ h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMSkt 18, 1987 PAGE NINETEEN' FMm M i t d H o u s m For Solo 72 Hooiot For Sc^o 72 H « l p AitielM For Soto 4B A n t iq iio s ApOrtnOlltS A3*A dcaNCHESTER — 2-famlly, 8.8, MANCHEBTOR iM g i, 7 , ^ 7 2 MANDY MAN approximately S IT’s UwiqMnaive to dean ru(S WANTED TO BUY—antiques. down on Summer St. Excellent toom brick home, 2 bsthi, new F o r M 7 5 Nr Wit 71 hours daily 11 :S0 a.m. in school and upholstery ^ th BItte Lus­ steins, furniture, pewter, lead- m ROOMS, centrally located, condiUon with separate utili­ custom kltohen, carpeting fr,i$o - $ ROOM lUlfSE GLABTONBURY — Costmu COVENTRY Lake area. 8pot- Director Questions CLASSIFIED cafeteria kitchen. Apply at of­ tre. Rent electric shampooer, er lamps, art flass, primitives. housekeeping, elngl* ties, baseboard heat, alum! throughout, large bem^tifuny boiiUiM, wan-wan earpettng, flreplaoed Randh, 8-ear gar­ leas .4% room home, pandled fice of cafeteria director, 45 $1. Oloott Variety Store. any quanlty. 644-8952. son, reasonable, Call after 4 num storms and screens. Rent- landscaped lot. Leonard garage, aggnoil- age, wooded acre lot with pan- Uvlng room w lA ftraplaee, I School St. or call M9-S02e for p.m., 649-8404. Agency, Realtors, 6464MM- SOREENlDD LOAM tor free living tor the owner occu- mately $L$oo down. $$$.00 oramlo view. Leonard Agency, kitchen w lA dining area, 8 A interviews Laurel Lake Land Fill' doe ADVERTISING lawns and gardens. Also sand, W ooring ApporoT MANCHESTER' - 6 room mooaOy taoliidliv taxes. Mit­ Realtors, MIMae. acres, only $10,600. Wdverton MO. Wolvertwi Agency, Real Ou gravel and fill. George H. Grlf- 5 7 Busiiwu LoeoHons Ranch with tree shaded lawn ten Agaaey, Realtors, Ml $999. Agency, Realtors, 649-891$. tors, 649-2818. , SOUTH WINDSOR — Immacu­ Democratic Town Director Anthony Pietrantonio CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS flng, too., Andover, 742-7886. in the Buckley School area, 8 For Roiit 64 MAHCHBFTER —RocMege of­ late 7-room home buUt 1985, ANDOVER — dean $ nom has voiced concefn over town plans to use the Cs m ; an] PRINTING GIRL’S PLAID Jacket, else 14, bedrooms, living room com­ 8 A.M. to S PJM. 00 GALLON INK drums, suit­ MANCHESTER -4 -4 two ten IMa ontatandbig Raaeh la heated finished rec room, a- Cape, central vacwxtt system, Bros.-owned Laurel Lake for refuse-disposal openra-_ $8; blue winter jacket, s4se 12, MODERN store, heated, 20’x70’, plete with wall to wall carpet, able for burning trash. $2.00. family, nice condition, large exeellent oondltton, nestled ear heated garage, aluminum garage, beautiful large treed 1 $8; navy lined Jacket, sise 12- large basement. 882 Main St., garage and home comjdetely tions. • Modem Air-Conditioned Plant 648-2711. lot, <^y $19,900. Mitten Agen­ among trees and homes e t fin­ elding, Bwimmlng pool, large lot Leonard Agency, Realton, Bel IX)PY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 14, $9; gray spring coat, sise central. Call 022-8114. encased in aluminum siding. In a statement issued today, the use of Laurel Lake ai( Has Openings For; cy, Realtors, 648-6980. er quaUly. three bedraome, treed lot wlA brook, many ex­ 6404)469. he has raised several questions a landflU site. .* me 8 PJM. DAY BBFOIUB PUBLICATION 10-12,$8 blue long coat, sise 10- Assumable mortgage. Wolver- EXCELLENT, efficient and 12. $8. Also __ rotary __ portable STORE FX5R M O T , « . , ______h„y on , half in­ large d i i ^ room, boUMno, tras. For further Information tor which ha seeks answers. • me and probably itmny of Ae 0:8 dia with year books up to date. used $dmlture. china, glass, town Manchester, State ’Thea- Dlinock Co., 649-0240. Agency, Realtors, 649-0324, MANCHESTER good tor Ae price, $12,800. F. VERNON custom 4 bedroom A g landfUl of this area? ContiniMd Prom Procoding Pago town residents.” Ml Excellent condition. Reasona­K>na- M v ^ , 1 M. Frechette Realty, M7-090S. Colonial, 8 tUed baths, family "2. Why wasn’t Ae Town BURROUGHS CORP. HAMCHB8TER - 2 W MANCHESTER - V.n.,n lW. The statement contAues; Mb ble, CaU 649-7804. cpina, gu CHOOSE YOUR COLORS room, double garage, lots of Planning Commission m a d d guns, pewter, scrap g w a state Theatre, $48-7882. ^ bedrooms, huge 6Vi room Ranch, 1% baths. "As a member of Ae Board of tar Holp Wontod Molt 36 Help Wontod— Malt 36 Business Forms and ______j ^ /Watches, old Jewelry, hobby COLUMBIA and Lebanon Coun­ trees, low SO’s. Hayes Agency, aware? ' Supplies Group OLIVETTI — Underwood port-Dort->rt-/^Uggtions. / ^ palnUngs, atUo con- BEAUTY salon tor sale, doing kitchens with extra cabinets, large flreplaced living ^ m . 8 room CMonlal, now under try Uvlng at .te best. Two new 0464)181. Directors, I was not aware Aat "8. Are all boards, agencies' obi WINDOW CLEANER wanted, OIL BURNER service man, able typewriters, several m' tents or wh^e estates. Fuml- good business. Owner has oth- oU hot water baseboard heat, bullt-lns, aluminum wlndtws. ccnatnictlon in Rockledge S-bedromn ‘ Gold MedaUlon Ae Ake was going to be draA- and commissions beAg utilized, CaU now. Hayes Agency, 646- BOL’TON Center — 0 room full-Ume, top wages. fringe year ’round work, top pay and ROUTE 30. TOLLAND, CONN. els to choose from. O onve^nt lure Repair Service, 648-7449. er Interests. Write Box E, Man­ separate uUliUes, built 1961, area. 8% baths, complete Ranches Just completed. TW6 ed and our refuse. disposal site as in Ais instance, to do A eir 1 benefits. Call 649-5334. benefits. Apply Gibbs Heating lay-away plan for C hrtounas___ chester Herald. excellent Investment. Wolver- 0181. buttt-ln UtcKen, 4 bedrooms, more ready soon. BuUt es> Ranch, 8 bedrooms, IH baths^ extended Ato A e former Laurel appointed duties? mv lots —- Antiques, .flibt floor tamlly room and large Uvlng room w lA beamed ton Service, 12 Vernon Ave., Rock­ gift. Yale Typewriter Service, h OUSEHOUJ t(m Ajrency, Realtors, 649-2818. MANCHESTER — executive pedaUy for Ae young couple Lake bed. "4. What has become of Ae PLUMBER and plumber’s help­ ville. 649-4986. bric-a-brat;, clocks, frames, a a car garage. Price $88,- Just getting started. Large lots celUng and fireplace, 2-oar at­ "Several months ago Ae appropriated $20,000? Are we sbl DRAFTSMAN — Minimum 3 neighborhood, Garrison Colon­ ers, top pay and benefits, year glassware. We buy estates. Vil­ STORE — 460 Main St. across CONCORD RD. — Beautiful 890. CaU 648-6800. qlA garden area and trees. tached garage, idee view, a Board appropriated $20,000 to goAg to dike Hop Brook? El< years experience. Call for ap- GERT’s a gay ial, 7 rooms, large family ’round work, experience in ■1 — ready lage Peddler, Auctioneer, 420 from Friendly. 648-2426, 9-0. Ranch, large Uvlng room, for­ Mbre water than you can use tranquU setA ^. Mid ao's construct a dike along Hop "6. Why waisn’t Ae Board of mt pointment, 875-3317. Controma- for a whirl room with fireplace, huge mod­ service and repairs. Apply T'A/ D A r^T(^ cleaning car- IA 643-9353. Realtors, 649-0324. tors, M9M87. Oarage, buUt-As, one half acre W iPlIad Rad Batata 77 the house which is located o ff Lake St., and is owned tion on a flood control project, al benefits. Apply Moriarty room apartment, stove, re- agreement wlA Case Bros. Ac. nam. treed lot. Only $21,900. AvaU- by the Hartford Poultry Co. the Hartford Courant reported MEN — part-time mornings, for Bros., 315 Center St. between MANCHESTER 643-7627 FIREPLACE wood, clean. $15. ROOM for rent, men only, re- frigerator and heat, adulte on- SIX ROOM oversized Cape, 2 MANCHESTER — two fa i^ y MANCHB9TER — 7 room ciu- able immediately. Pasek Real­ SELLING YOUR ROME? For "8. The town must submit to Rear Adm. Ralph W. Cousins, Janitorial work. CaU General Phone 232- ferences preferred, free park­ ly, $100 monthly. 649-4824, 876- full baths, trees, large lot, 4-4, clean, second floor fiflly The building was two and ------—— ------— today. Ae SAte HealA Department a commander of Task Force 77 8-5 p.m. a pick-up load. tom buUt brick CMoaial Cape, tors, 289-7476, 742-8248. prompt courteous urvlee tlRt three stories Wgh and about 200 a hay-fUled bam on A e north So far, $168,000 has been w lA ! - Service, 46 Oak St. 649-5334. ing. Call after 4:30, 643-2693. 1166. $23,000. PhUbrick Agency, funilshed, including all furni­ land use plan for flUAg A Ae A Ae gulf, presented each pilot 0050. A Uke new condition, 22 acres gets results, call Louis Dimock feet long. Fire departments slope of Wickham Park was de- held by Ae commission from SCHOOL custodians, full and SMALL ELECTRONIC plant Realtors, 649-0347. ture and applisoices, first floor, VERNON — 86 Sunny View Dr. old lake bed. wlA a certificate citing Ae ROCKVILLE — ZM room mod- high scenic land. Priced for Realty, 049-M88. A e State Highway Department, part-time, first and second heeds men first and third NEWLY FURNISHED room, new bath, ceramic kitchen, 6 room Ranch, 8 bedrooms, 2 from Mandiester, Vernon and stroyed. "The foUowAg questions arise achievement. quick sale. Hayes Agency, which te A charge of Ae Park shift. Call Business Manager, shifts. Plating or machining Gardan Tarin ' adjoining bath, private en­ emized apartment with heat, DUTCH COLONIAL — 4 bed­ large lot, centrally located, 4 fuU ceramic tUe baths, 3-car U3TIN08 NEEDED, all price Bolton responded to a telephone ’The EighA District Fire De- Warehouseman 6404)U1. partment was called and East River project, according to South Windsor Board of Educa- work. Experience not es­ trance, parking, 649-7702. excellent condition. No pets. rooms, one full bath, 2 half garages, all rented, good in­ garage, 2 fireplaces, one A ranges. CaU us tor a quick sale, alarm from an unidentified caU- Dairy Products 50 Hartford police had to block off Commission Director PhUIp C. Uon, 644-1634. sential. Apply during day. Mul­ $100 per month. Call 643-9409 baths, 24’ living room with come. Live rent free. Call OFF Porter gtreet, custom buUt recratlon room, picturesque we also buy houses for cash. er at about 7 p.m. and A e town For TV & Appliance Dlstribu- CLEAN PLEASANT room for ti-Circuits Inc., 50 Harrison St. APPLES- half bushel, $1.60 and after 5 p.m. fireplace, formal dining room, early. H. M. Frechette Realty, S room Oarrlson CMonlal, 2 view. Owner asking $S4,6(X). Hayes Agency, 6464)181. tire department Bounded a gen­ Tolland Tpke. at A e town lAe SmlA. tor. Fork-lift experience deslr- WE ILWE openings on our ' gentlemen, call 649-1426 after up. Macintosh, McGowan, De- finished basement, sunroom, 647-9993. bedrooms, baA, living room, OaU 876-2925. eral alarm, calling A all off- to allow police and firemen to The commtetion has taken able. Ideal working conditions. 6 p.m. ROCKVILLE — Four room third shift in our Heat Treat- CAREER oppotunity — Career icious, Baldwin, Cortland, open porch, 2-car garage, work formal dAlng room, Utchen, duty firemen. approach Ae bam fire. Oo. 8 photographs of honeycombed Good salary. 5 day week. Vaca­ ing Department, Apply in per­ modernized apartment with MANCHESTER — 7 room exe­ ANDOVER —No. 841. Two- Legal Notice of Ae Town Fire Department concrete,, cracks, settled slabs, position with retail shoe stores Greening. Also tomatoes and FURNISHED room for girl or shop, large beautifully land­ all large chsetfUl rooms, at­ Handicapped by Ae lack of tions, excellent benefits. son Klock Company, 1272 Tol­ heat, excellent condition. One cutive Ranch, flowering peren­ bedroom Ranch, large Utchen, ED'S SIGN CO. offering opportunities for ad­ squash. Growers Outlet, cor- business women. Kitchen pri- scaped lot, $27,900. Philbrick tached garage, fireplace, nice STATE OF OONNECnCUT, DiS- fire hydrants A the area, fire­ assisted A putting out A e fire. oA er defects. land Tpke., Manchester. child allowed. No pets. $115 nials, schrubs and trees make fireplace, fuU basement, 2 en- TRICT OF STAFPOltD as. P*0- However, Highway Commte- vancement to management in ner Tolland Tpke, Adams St., vlleges. Parking off the street, Agency. Realtors, 649-0347. yard. HbcceUent conihtlcm. men dpet^wtor from_a emaU Firemen ended up ha'vAg to monthly. Call 643-9409 after 5 up the elegantly landscaped .ctoeed porches, one-car ga­ BATE OCKUVr. TO ra OF STAI'- sAner Howard'firlves said Ae Mow Locafod At merchandising position, willing opposlt Caldor’s. Call 644-8288. ' Fuarished er unfurulahed. V o FCiftb. NoverMaft- 7. T967. pond marby and concentrated walk to Ae bam which la about' RADIO & APPLIANCE EXPERIENCED union brick- p.m. yard, stone walls, private Es­ work te "up to our Standards.*’ to train agg^ressive young man. antiques. By owner 6494)498. rage, slAated on 8 acres, long IN iw i: MATTBH OT The Applt- a halt mile off Tolland Tpke. 161 NORTH SCHOOL ST. DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. 21 STEEP HOLLOW LANE ther Williams swimming pool caUon for Uie lemotei of Jsen Aelr efforts on preventing Ae (Near OaUand St.) ^ commensurate with ex- TTONIPS - yellow and pur- CLEAN comfortable rooms for vERNON - 6 frontage. Only $16,500. R. J. Andre Hebert ss paieot end for lack of a road. Fire officials "We would never allow inferi­ 90 Leggett St., East Hartford available for on coming winter room house on and patio are a few of the blaze from spreading to near­ perience. For more infor­ pie, $1. half bushel, corner reliable gentlemen. Also, one GARRISON CMcniai —Modem Flagg Oo. 742-7141, 742-9680. SuartSen of a certalB .minor cbBd, say Aat Aey were unable to or work to be done," said Ivee, 628-6581 months with one of New Eng­ 4 acres, $100. monthly, adults. 9 Rooms many quality custom features as per eii^ilaiUon on fie more by woods and oAer chicken MANCHESTER mation call Mr. Jerrold at 649- Glode Lane and Tolland St., and 2 room office. Inquire Utchen w lA all buUt-As, 2H save A e buUdlng because it was "eepeciaUy A mattere of pubUc land’s largest contracting West Side Realty, 649-4342. 2 Full baths you will find in this • rare of­ VERNON — SA room oversiz­ coopa. An Equal Opportunity 4071 or send resume to Box C, near East Hartford, Manches­ Scranton Motel and Cabins, 160 2-Zcne hot water oil heat batha, family room w lA fire­ ”^S«DBillEaD; That eaU anMcatiaB almost destrojiwl by A e time safety.” firms. Please call 643-9008. fering. Realistically priced at ed Cape, high scenic location be heard and determlneo at the The BIghA District Fire De­ The flood oommteslcm maA- Employer Manchester Herald. ter town line. Tolland Turnpike. City water and sewers place on living terel, tormal Probate Offloe Si 0S|ftonl. in saM Aey got to It. $39,900. Hayes Agency. 646- w lA view, walk-out basement. partment was alerted on a talns It won’t pay A e highway Wontad To Rant 68 Full basement dining room, 4 bedrooms, 3- dtatrtet, on the IWh day of Novetn- Mrs. San QelAam, who lives GREEN MOUNTAIN potatoes, ONE aixl two room efficiency 0131. Only $17,200. CaU now. Hayes ber A.l>. 1987. at ten^oKck in the stand-by baste, but Its services department unA Ae work be­ Fireplace car garage, city uiUUles. $$$,- forenoon and that pubMc notice be nearby, reported Ae Are which CABINET maker experienced /^T CD V’C good and mealy. Pasqualini for gentlemen. Inquire Scran- WANTED TO RENT 2-car ga- Agency, 0464)181. trere pot needed. ing done te oke^ed by the Army only, Displaycraftilavcraft Inc.,Inc.. Man­Man- 1 X ^ .0 Halp W anfod— Aluminum storms MANCHESTER — Bowers 900. PhUbrick Agency Real- of the qepdency of aaU..air she Aought was a woods fire. -I Farm, 246 Avery St,, Wapping. ton Motel and Cabins before rage or tobacco shed for dead Dishwasher, breakfast nook and the time qndod pbee of Manchester______fire______officials______said Corps of EnglnWs, which is A 3 7 School area, need 6-room Cape, ton , 649-5347. ANDOVER — new custom buUt chester, 643-9507. Mala or Famala 6 p.m. storage. Call 247-8617. copy of u2i**S5a«r*^oi^ hi . some today {hat A e muise of A e fire No one was seriously injured chaige of A e rest of Ae $80 mU- For Recofd Dept, of TV & 4-Season landscaping 4 rooms down, 2 finished up, oversized Ranch, Utchen buUt- a*ScidsUoa .In h as'n ot been determined, but fighting A e fire, but 8A District WANTED — Parts inspector, $21,900 buys this beautiful 2% lion project. ! j An iTOM part-time eve- Appliance Distributor. Ideal Housahold Goods 51 FURNISHED ROOM, pleasant Many built-ins and closets one car garage, private yard, As, ceramic tile baths, high wome------newapaim of aeasrel clroula- there w w e some 70 propane gas Fire Chief Francis Limerick r^ year old Raised Rancb, IM Uoo to Monobestw. oaSa.. and by By Ae time Ae Army accepts ‘’'^nlngs. Call 643-4403, 3-6 p.m. working conditions. Good aircraft quality, experienced. March occupancy. T. J. Crock­ tree ahaded lot. 2-car garage, MINNESOTA PAINTS* location, downtown, one block Apartmant Buildings Occupancy March 1, 1968 baths, large lot, good condi­ leavhic xritti. or by ______A cer- brooders operating in prepara- celved a knee AJury. Today of- Ae highway department’s por­ only. salary. 5 day week. Vaca­ Apply Gunver Mfg. Co., 2.34 CLEAN, USED refrigerators, ett, Realtor, 643-1677. $22,900. LouA Dlmock Realty, tlfledled 'VeU«m, Mtien poatace prepaid and from Main, parking, refer­ For Sola 69 tion. Mitten Agency, Realtors, tion toir the Incoming chickens, ficlate say A at the cause of A e tion, A e flood commlaelon could tion. Excellent benefits. Hartford Rd., Manchester. ranges, automatic washers, OWNER 649-9828. return recript rmuastod, addieiaed ences. 647-1737. 649-1047 to each of ibe foUowM persons: In anoAer fire Saturday night fire has not been determAed. have withheld some $700,000. PRODUCTION hands with some with guarantees. See them at MANCHESTER — 6 room Cape CattioUc Charitiea. 1 ^ Ftearant SCHOOL BUS drivers, men or - MANCHESTER investment VERNON — 60 HiUcrest Dr. — lathe and milling machine ex­ B. D. Pearl’s Appliances, 649- in Bowers School area, 3 bed- MANCHESTER — new 5 room Street. WStimaeti^^Omn., RADIO & APPLIANCE women, must be reliable, property, completely furnished CXINTEMPORARY Ranch, 8 7H room dormered Cfape, fire­ perience, also Norton Hyprolap Mam S*. Gall 848-2171. Apartman>s— Flats— r^ m s, formal dining room, IM Ranch, under construction. hours 7-9 a.m., 2-4 p.m., good rooming house, rooms plus rooms, large wooded lot in place, buUt-As, alumAum and Fellows gear shaper oper­ DISTRIBUTORS, Inc. baths, full shed dormer, tree Bowers School area, city uUU- Ex-Food Editor Driver Absolved 95 Leggett St., East Hartford pay. H. A. Frink, Wapping, SEWING .MACHINE -Singet Tanamants 63 apartment, ample parking, ex­ executive neighborhood, $43,- combinations, acre lot, city ators. Metronics, Inc., 640 Hil­ shaded lot, tip-top condition. ties, bus line. Call Leon Cies- 628-6581 644-1902, after 6 p.m. automatic zig-zag ir cabinet, cellent condition inside and 900. Philbrick Agency, Real­ water, many extras, low 20’s. s s a ' W s : liard St. LOOKING FOR anything in Won’t last at $20,700. Wover- zynaU, BuUder, 649-4201. Oomt., a copy of tMa order aH at In Road Fatality button holes, embroiders, hem.s out. Could show 20% return on tors, 649-5347. By ori^Jnal > owner, 875-4832. teaot 6 days 'before oaSd tAM a » Oemenline Paddleford An Equal Opportunity PART-TIME help needed for pet real estate rentals —apart­ invested ct.pltal. Shown by ap­ ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2813. and return make to thta Francis B. MUIte of BennAg- electrician — Journeyman etc. Like' new conditioh. Orig MANCHESTER — New 4-l)ed- Employer shop mornings and afternoons. ments, homes, multiple dwell­ pointment only. Call R. F. MANCHESTER West side COVENTRY — Are you looking Court. _ ton, Vt., has been absolved of and helper, full-time, steady Inally over $300, balance now. room Ookmlal, fireplace, buUt- Oertned from recor d ___ _ Apply Mr. Kinsella, King’s ings, no fees. Call J D. Real Dimock Co., 649-5245. near bus and shopping, will tor more than Just a house? JUAN C. btiPONT. aerk Ae death of Thomas E. SUney, employment, insurance bene- $54. Take over payments of NOTICE Ina, fuU bath, 3 half baAs, Dies in N.Y. Hospital Dept. Store, Green Manor Estate, 643-5129. build 'Ranch or Cape. Char- This custom built executive 60, of 851 Summit St who died fits, paid holidays and vaca- RELIABLE MAN to work 8-6, $10. monthly. 522-0476. OF DISSOLUnOiS garage, % acre wooded M, Blvd., Manchester.' Bus'^noss Proparty Boh Real Estate, 643-0683. Ranch te loaded wUh extras, NEW YORK (AP) — Clemen- a.m., as she drank black coffee July 9 at Manchester Memorial tions. Call between 8 a.m. and Apply Pantaloe’s Used Auto WE HAVE customers waiting SINGER automatic zig zag sew­ and Budi HUl Rd., 127,900. H d- 7 oversUed rooms, 2 fuU One Paddleford, 67, who alternately from a French drip Hospital, A e result of AJurles 5 p.m. Robert’s Electric Co. Parts, Horace St., Manchester. for the rental of your apart­ For Sola - 70 Manche$ter Areti BOOKKEEPER — SmaU office, ing machine, excellent condi­ OVERSIZED BRICK Cape, NOTICE TO CREDITORS oombe, Realton, 644-1388. baAs, professionaUy landscap­ charmed newspaper readers tor pot and an Italian expresso ma- when he was struck by a car South Windsor, 644-0109. charge of complete set of ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ tion, monograms, hems, but­ 461 MAIN ST. — for solb or large rooms, 2 full baths, fin- FRECHETTE ed. Never before offered. $86,- more than 80 years wlA fanciful chAe. driven by MUIte. CLINIC w e HAVE openings on our first tate. 643-5129. MANCHESTER — Ideal starter records through trial balance. tonholes, fancy designs, etc. Ished recreation room, on ENTERPRISES, INC. 000. CaU for appointment and Motorist Hurt prose about food and luscious Seldom would she describe a q ,j Thursday, July 0, MlUte and second shift in our Plas­ rent, next to Post Office land or retirement home. Absolute­ SATURDAY — 9 A.M. - 12 NOON Accounts receivable on N.C.R. Originally over $300. Our price MODERN 4 room first floor beautifully landscaped lot, $26,- Notice is hereby given pursu- detaUs. F. M. Goal Agency, recipes, Aed today A New York dish as "good” or "adequate.” driving souAerly on Sum- ma Spraying Dept. Apply in and building, ideal 'for used ly spoUees 4 room Ranch wlA Party Print machine. Benefits include Blue now, $54. or pay $9. monthly. 600. Philbrick Agency, Real- to Section 33-379 of the Gen- 648-2682, Gay Blair, 74241921, In Rt. 15 Crash Hospital. O"® classic descripUon of a gj ^nd SUney was crossing person. Klock Co., 1272 Tolland apartment, heat, hot water, car lot, etc. 643<3426, 9-5. overslsed garage. Has to be FREE COFFEE AND DONUTS Cross, CMS and group in­ Call 522-0931, dealer. tors, 649-5347. Statutes of the State of OaU Green, 742-7092. She was food editor of A e old souffle went Ale way: the street A front of hte house Tpke. Manchester. electric range refrigerator. seen. Wdvertim Agency, Real- New Bedford, Maas., man surance. Write qualifications Country location, $130. Adults. COMMERCIAL- Industrial at New York Herald Tribune and "It came perfumed of Ae hot t© hte neighbor’s house when SINGLE Connecticut that Frechette En­ ton , 049-8818. treated and discharged P. O. Box 951, Manchester. No pets. 643-7056, after 1 p.m. Manchester Green, approx- was its successor, A e World-Jour- sugared fruit and toned wlA A e the accident took place, poUce QUALITY— THE BEST ECONOMY OP ALL imatoly 10,000 square feet. large lot, well landscaped. 643- terprises, Inc., a Connecticut from______Mancheeter Memorial nal-Trlbune. When it ceased magic of some liqueur . . .The MALE or female, possible earn­ GARAGE SALE 5074. corporation having its principal t h r e e -f a m i l y . 6-4-S rooms, VERNON-TALCOTTVILLE MANCHESTER — excellent lo­ producing $800 per month in- Hospital last night after being pubUcation in August, 1966, Mias waiter’s spoon Apped ^ PoUce found SlAey lying to Large-Size Dolly ings $100 to $300 or more part------place of business in Manches- 2 fireidaoes; modern Utchens, cation, 3 rooms, stove, refri­ come. T.J. Crockett, Realtor, Paddleford contAued to reach Ae souffle responded wlA a the eouAbound lane wearing time, plus free advance train­ Electrical appliances, dish­ ter, Connecticut, has been dis- recreation room, aluminum Avolved A a Aree-car accident gerator, heat. Adults, $125. ppr 643-1577. $950 DOWN wiimnna Arough A e pagea of rapturous, half-hushed sigh as it clothing. When poUce ar- ing. For further information solved by resolution adopted by storms^ garage, good Acome, on A e WUbur Cross Highway to es, furniture, etc., etc. month. Call 643-0310. oesitraUy located. Hutchins ’Thte Week Magazine, a Sunday settled sofUy to melt and vanish rived, MUIte’ car was to A e call 643-1771, after 4 p.m. . MANCHESTER CENTER — In­ At k meeting held November jtg board of directors and Agency, 6494)324. FHA appraised. Five room Vemon. supplement. A a moment like smoke or a northbound lane facing souA, Priced for quick sale. 7 MANCHESTER — .Suburban vestment parcel including a 6, 1967, the Planning and Zon- shareholders, effective as of Cape, 2 - car garage, George Taber, 20, was Ae Her career took her to a mess dream.” where he had swerved. swerved, There The sign of a.m. - 7 p.m. 37 Donne St., one, Z\i room apartment and business and 3 apartments. Ex- ing Commission of Manchester, me 20th day of October 1967. A MANCHESTER — Charming baths. Treed lot. Only second A a lAe of three cars hall for lumberjacks A Ae Her comments often meant were no skid marks on A e Ate Situations W ontod— one)4% room apartment avail­ cellent income. $47,000. Phil- Connecticut, voted to approve certificate of dissolution has Manchester. old 2-famUy CMonlal, com­ $14,800. traveUng west on A e highway. Northwest woods, to chUl par- life or deaA to restaurants she roadway and no evidence to«A- PROCesslonal F a m a la 3 8 able. Separate furnaces, ga­ brick Agency Realtors, 649- the application for Special Per- been filed with the Secretary of pletely restored A Early A car pulled onto A e Wghway j^ra acroes Texas, and to dA- visited. She never identified her­ dlcate that MllUs was speedAg, dealer who rages, $110. monthly. Adults 6347. mit, for the following project: State as required by law. American decor, 8 rooms, 2 self when she arrived, didn’t it was reported. exoelte A MATURE WOMAN presently PASEK A front of one driven by Ade- nere of state w lA kings, PBOfesstonal only. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. "PROPOSED A P A R T - All creditors of said corpora­ baths, 2-car garage, beamed land Bacon, 62, of Bristol. The When Winston (JhurchUl went take notes during A e meal, and At a hearing held A Hart­ employed, thoroughly experi­ ELECTRIC RANGE, 40", 1955 and amiable Land For Sola 71 MEJNTS —^ G r e e n Hoad, ceUAg and much more. Con­ , REALTORS Bacon car slowed down and was ford, Oct. 28, Irving S. Aronson, enced in med'.ci! I •-'ininolo- model, good condition, center tion, if any, are warned to pre­ to Fulton, Mo., A 1946 for hie paid her own bUl service, advice Manchester, Conn. Submit­ venient to evetythtog A choice 289-7475 742-8243 struck A A e rear bv theme Taber xuuei xrou Curtain speech, Mies Pad- In 1932, chronic hoareeness acting coroner for yDertford gy and transcription, 7 years grill, full-size' broiler, tl LAND FOR SALE. Merrow Rd. sent their claims to Allan D, and prodooto ted to planning board Oct. souA end location. A rare And vehicle which in wr.3 struck ^ilfoivt reported on Ae gastron- led t o A e discovery of a mallg- cjounty, found Aat A e deaA of business experience, college burner, outlet and oven, Tolland. -(Several acres. Call Thomas, Attorney,' 923 Main OPPORTUNITY ^19, 1967—M.P. Enterprises at $26,500. Meyer Agency, 649- by a third car. Driver of A e omlcal events siurroundlng A e nant growA A her larnyx. An siA ey was not caused by A e background, desires position In 643-1891. 876-9191. Street, Manchester, Comiectl- 5634, 6464)009. EAST HARTFORD — very nice third veWcle was Edward T. visit, saying a local 'grocer had operation foUowed, and for the crlmAal act or omission on A e medically related field — seek­ FOR COUPLE —Sheets 1-13, Scale l"-20' ” cut, on or before March 8, 1968, 0-room Ranch, 8 bedrooms, for­ Rago, 28, of PAe St, E. Hart­ sold "enough parsley to deco­ rest of her life she breaAed and part of MUte. Had Acre been 336 NORTH MAIN ST„ MANCHESTER ing more compatible associa­ HoU SaS F o r S o la 7 2 8-k°ve win be effective as or thereafter be' barred as pro-^ MANCHESTER — 8 room home FIVE PIECE BEDROOM set. mal dining room, city water, ford. spoke Arough a Abe concealed better lighting A this area It te tion. Reply Box N; Manchester ______:______of November 14, 1967. vlded by statute. near high school, IH baths, 4 rate Ae gymnasium." reasonable. Call 649-0013. taxes $200. a year. Good value A A e line of duty she ate bea­ by a black ribbon around her possible that Ate deaA could TEL. 649-5263 Herald. To occupy three room LAKEWOOD Circle N.—large Planning & Dated at Manchester, Con- bedrooms, garage. Ideal for Taber and Rago were boA O’ at $18,200. Meyer Agency, 648- ver, buffalo, muskrat, beai:, neck. have been avoided, said Aron- apartment on third floor eustom built Garrison Colonial, Zoning Commission necUcut. this 7th day of No- large famUy. $19,900. PhUbrick charged wlA foUowAg too MOTHER WOULD like to care BEDROQM set. living room set, 6 roomsv laundry, 2-car gar­ 0609. closely. They are scheduled to 100-year-old ChAese eggs, snake She was born on a prosperous son. 6 refrigerator, electric stove, at 20 Hartford Rd., un­ M. Adler Dobkih, vember ^967. Agency, Realtors, 649-5487. for children for working par age, porch. Call 289-9321 or 649- farm near Manhattan, Kan., Call furnished except for stove Chairman Frechette Enterprises, Inc. VERNON 5;;;^'^transferred appear to East ^ o r d Orcult fflets. ents, have references. M3-8857. "lachlne, rugs. BOWERS School —OoAnlal 7 Court 12, Nov. 27. dare, a dish of fat earAworms received a Journalism degree and refrigerator. Rent free 8590. Clarence W. Welti, By: Allan D. ’Thomas wants action on this beautiful in exchange for light cus­ rooma^ extra large living room, OAer police activity: fried crisp A bacon grease. from Kansas State OoUege A WILL care for children in my ------;------— ------Secretary Its Attorney Cape. Four rooms down, one todial and hostess duties. SIX ROOM Ranch, breezeway, formal tUiUBg room, 8 or 4 SOUTH 77INDBOR T im e was always a suspicion 1921, and made a start A pubUc, licensed home for working 2-car garage, paneled recrea­ fintehed up. EbcceUent condi­ relations before Joining A e now set, $45. or $60. Also mahog­ Ideal for retired couple. No bedrooms, garage, $28,600. Raymond Chrtetenswi, 19, and A at M as Paddleford did not mothers. Vicinity ,of Lake tion room, large treed lot, $22,- tion throughout. High wooded any dresser with mirror, $25. pets or children. South PhUbrick Agency Realtors, 040- AnAony Woronecki, 28, boA of Uke to cook. The chores at her defunct magazine. Farm ^ Street, Vernon. 649-9658. 000. Hutchins Agency, Realtors lo t plenty of iwivacy. Asking Call 649-4717 , 876-3806. Methodist Church, Earl T. NEW CAREER 0847. Rye St., Broad Brook, were home on East 61at Street were Fireside, as wom ens editor, 649-5324. $18,500. T. J. Crockett Real­ Trotter, 649-0834. treated and discharged at Hart- handled by a maid, and an as- She free lanced for ewen years KITCHEN SET, round formica MANCRE81HR — 8 room stooe tor, 648:1077. stetant woriied to the Herald before Joining A e Tribune Dogs— BIrds-^Pats 41 DUPLEX — 6-6, new knotty ford Hospital Saturday night. table and 4 chairs, Frigidairc Cbionlal. DooMe garags, 8 tlre- Tribune Mtohens adjacent to Miss Paddleford te survived FREE OPPORTUNITY! COVENTRY — SouA St. — 0 BoA were Avolved A an acci­ pine cabinets built-in range, by her ward, now Mrs. John L. GROOkaNG ALL breeds. Har­ air-conditioner for sliding win­ idaoM. Deadend street city room Ranch wiA heated at­ dent on Rt. 6. Woronecki was a her office. dishwasher, carpeting, new Jorgesen of Maine, and several mony HUl. H.C. Chase, Hebron dows just purchased. Call af­ NICE 4 room tenement, near utUitles. Only $82,000. Pasek, tached 3-car garage, modetn passenger A A e Christensen Mias Paddleford wrote her baths, new furnaces, 2-car ga- Thousands are earning good money In the fast-growing field of relatives A Kansas. Burial wUl Rd., Bolton, 643-5427. ter 8 p.m. 643-2387. bus line. No children. No pets. Realton, 389-7470, 742-8848. kitchen w lA buUt-ins, 8 or 4 car. copy -A ' longhand on white Available' December 1st. 36 reige. Hutchins Agency, Real­ professional Income tax service. The work is Interesting and be A A e famUy plot A Manhat- tors, 649-5324. bedrooms, additional 3 buUd- Operator of Ae second car, ahecU et paper Aat only her GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 6 COLUMBIA Stereo, oak, mo Woodbridge St. satisfying. And the demand for trained consultants is Increasing MANCHESTER — 5 room home secretary could transcribe. The tan, Kan. No New York funeral each year. A g lots Acluded A price of Paul Lemleux, 20, of Arteona, STEREO OFFER weeks old, $35. No papers. 649- dem, 6 speakers, excellent con­ A exceUent condition, coitral- daUy column was started at 0 services are planned. Hardw(x>d Cousalie, multiple speakers, solid-etate, AM-FM sitereo dition, reasonable. Call 1-633- ELDERLY woman to share »23.p<«>—7 room Colonial, large ly located, handy to bus and $15,000. F. M. Gaal Agency, was charged wlA reckless drlv- ' A multi-gored skirt with an 5542. living room, formal dining Now, H & R Block-America's Largest Income Tax Service-will 32 INCHES TAU^ apartmpnt with 21 year old wo­ shopptag. $81,000. PhUbrick 648-8682; Gay Blair, 742-0921; Ag. He te scheduled to appear . optional bodice join a puffed 2141 4544. room, sunroom, 3 bedrooms, teach you their exclusive method of preparing income tax returns. man. Call 646-0237. In a special 8 week tuition course. Supervision by experienced Agency. Realtors, 6494U47. GaU Green, 742-7092. A East Hartford Circuit Oourt IVa baths, 2-car garage. Mar­ ; sleeved blouse to form an eye- ^he little girl will be dellght- FREE — 2 male puppies, Bluck instructors. 12 on Nov. 80. ; catching outfit for a pretty having a doll as big as she GAS STOVE, 30" good condi­ lon E. Robertson, Realtor, 643- COVENTRY — Datey Rd. — 8 weeks old. Tel. 649-8719. Course covers current tax laws, theory, and application as nice 8 bedroom home on large M ...Of. r> —this perky Polly m e a s u re s______tion, $20. Call 643-9498. FOUR ftOOM apartment, 71 5953. LoM For Sate 73 681 HARTFORD ROAD pr:^ticed in H & R Block offices from coast to coast. Features treed lot, newly modernized Value $249.95 HO. 8174 with Patt-O-Rama/32 jngbes tall just right for gift GERMAN Shorthaired Pointers, Starkweather St. CaU 643-8400. include: *Pol!’ Qiarge* Lodged MANCHESTER . is In sizes 2 to 10 years. Size ® ® AKC,...... six weeks...... All excellent SEARS 3-cycle washer, 5 STONE WALLS sttRoond Aese Kitchen, basement, artesian TeL 64S456S-649-S641 NICE SECOND FLOOR, 4 room weU, garage, amealte drive, V t No. 2141 has tissue for specimens, pedigree assures months old, excellent condition. rural btiUdlag lots, 8 lots sold GRANBY (AP)—Four Granby Kmuse filorist If you buy 60 Gold Seal CJolumbia Stereo Records, at the respilar price, over blouse 1% yards. doll and costume; hot-iron trans- superior field o f show dogs. 646-0224. rent, all conveniences, close • 24 3-hour sessipns (3 per week) as coe parori. CaU John H. only $10,600. F.M. Gaal mfm, one of them a school • Choice of deye and claee tim es a period of 78 weeks this famous make console stereo will be deiivwed and ’• " coins plus ,er for face; full directions. Only 3 left for placement. 643- to Main Street business sec­ Lappen, Inc., 6464091. Agency, 648-28M; Gay B l^, teacher, have bete errestod on CONTENTS of 10-room rooming tion. Adults —No pets. Write • Diploma awarded upon graduetion 743-6931; Gail Green, 742-70“ ""7093. marijuana chargse. installed with full service at no charge. I t cento for first-class mall and send 35c in coins plus 16c for 9749. • Em ploym en t (full or part time) SPECIAL EVERY DAY house, 64M287 between 2-6 Box U, Herald. NORTH Ooventry-8 aoras of Priice went to a room rented special hanOllng for each pat- first-class mail and special for qualified graduatee VERNON — New 0 room AKC toy poodles, 9 weeks, p.nri., 221 N6. Main St. All '' land, exceUent location over­ by Henry M. Gompper Jr.. 83, / tom. I handling for each pattern. FIVE ROOMS, first floor apart­ looking river, 800’ road front­ Ranch, neat parkway, raised OFFER LIMITED—ACT PROMPTLY shots, one champagne, three offers considered. Saturday night and arrMted fia t Burnett, Manchester Anne Cabot (Manchester ment. No children, no pets. Call hearA fireplace, IH baths, FRESH CUT POMPONS white, champion blood lines, y ENROLL NOW! age, $6,000. r.M. Gaal Agency, Gompper end RonkM P. Anto- » Evening Herald, 1150 AVE. OF Evening Herald) 1150 AVE OF 643-1921 after 5:30. 648-8681; Gay Rlalr, 741-68i81; formal dAlqg room, level lot, 649-91731 nued, 84. From Our Greenhouses AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.Y. AMERICAS, NEW YORK, N.V. A n t l q i m 5 6 OaU OresH, fiU-TOOt. quiet nelghbortiood. $18,900. 1$$N- 10036 Leter, Georgs J. 461 Oampo, Gracious Apartment Meyer Agency, 641-0009. V Print Name, Address with Print Name, Address with ArtleUs For Sola 45 c l o c k s bought, sold, traded. Furnisijp|d COVENTRY — Oooth Street — 19, was 4rrsated m he arrived TURNPIKE liv in g in Lovely Manchester S Zip Code, Style Number and zip Code and Style Number. r o r JIWW repairing. Colonial 527 Farmington Avenue at hte home. Apartmaiits 63>A DELI>i£ u XE TO Vm HOUSES ,8 adjoining lots, 00x100’ each, COVENTRY — Just off Route •2.001 and APPLIANCE ^ Size. g , You’ll want a copy of our new PROCESSED GRAVEL for Clock Shop, 382 Main St., rear. X At Moderate Prices Hartford, Conn. (00106) Call 233-1074 taka pritrOstss, $1400 for boA. 44A, stts IMS large 0 room Dale R. ReyBtfids, 84. Hours; Mon. to PSi. 8 to 5 GASH tsad CARRY ^ *.? Get a head start on up-to-the '67 Fall A Winter Album to see driveways andparking areasOld clocks only. Open 10 a.m. NICELY furnished 6 room du- Rental Agent James Ksazney, Realty, 849- Randi on flit acres. Offered teadies st Grqfve Sriwed, a pri* 278 WEST ipDDLE TPKE. minute styling with the new Fall all the designs from which you at ourscreening plant or de- - 9 p.m. Sundays open till 5 piex apartment; desirable r. D . R E A L T Y 887$. at $18,000 OaH today F. M. vate school A Madteoa, was ar­ NEXT TO ^rrOF and SHOP ^ and Winter '67 Issue o f Basic can choose your'neecjlework pat- llvered. George H. Qrlfflng, p.m., closed Tuesday and neighborhood, on bus line. 843- 64S-81S9 • MS-8779 Gaal Agency, 648-8082; Gay rested when h$ went to the po­ KMUSE FLORIST $ RREEIIHOUSES ^ Fashton. Only 50 cents a copy. tern. Only 50c. Inc., Andover, 742-7886.. Wednesday. 6845. 1040 ■ 1040 ■ 1040 ■ 1040 ■ 1040 ■ 1040 ■ Blair, 742-6921; <3aU Green, nce station to inqutn shout AS 081 HARTFORD ROAD 743-7092. oA er three. Read Jperald Ads • «■ P % MONDAY, NOVBMMIR 1?, IWT PAGE TWENTY Ulanrb?0t?r Ettpnins !|grali> Vbr A e Week AKM The Weather' OcMber W, u t i The Women's Auxiliary of the Snow flurries likely tonlglit About Town Manchester Midget and Pony Life of River Otter Topie and tomorrow ihomlng. Low to­ pyrntball Aasoclation, Inc., will fcuptttttn illpraUi night 80 to 85. Tomorrow abeat A KTliMter tMl« will be con- sponaor a Rummage Ssde 15,544 doeted SetunUy by the ICeater’e WednMday from 1 to 8 p.m. Of Lutz Wildlife Lecture Manche»ter— A City of Village Charm Club of Prfendahip Lpdfe of Ha* at Mott’s stq>er market. (j'/m iTs sane. Ordere can be placed with D.J. Nelson will present i m n a m m VOL. LZZXVn, NO. 98 ('TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1967 (Olaaslfled AdverOatag oa Page 81) any lodfe officer or member. Delta Chapter, Royal Arch '"nuwe Seasons North,” the K f . . PRICE SEVEN CEMn Masons, will meet Wednesday .third lecture In the Audubon ______Preceptor Oamma CSiapter, at 7:80 p.m. at the Mauonlc film series qwnsored by the Beta Slfma Phi eoralty, wlH Temple. There will be a social Manchester Jayceea and Luts meet i uiiiorrow at • p.m. at the time with refrediments after a Junior MUserim, Saturday at 8 home of ICn. Horace BlMeH, business meeting. p.m. In Bailey Auditorium, Man­ ISOPEN! 109 Oarman Rd. chester High School. I H anoi Bars The Nutmegger Camera CHub Fleeting encounters with riv­ llta. Ann T. Oraa of Stom , wUl meet Wednesday at 8 p.m. er otters' inspired the lecturer Second General a former Rotary FeHow*lp at Hilltop House, Veterans Me­ and his wife to undertake an echolar, will apeak tonoROW at morial Park, East Hartford. extensive film study of them, 6:S0 p.m. at a meeUxic of the Jack Englert of Kodak will pre­ chronicled In "Three Seasons P ea ce B id jCaiK^eater Rotary d u b at the sent a program on "Photo­ North." Ifandieeter Country Club. Ro­ graphing America’s Wild Flow­ Constructing an alrboat which TOKYO (AP) — North ship In a neutral sea.” Johnson tary BVwndatkm Week will be ers.” The event Is open to all could be easily disassembled Vietnam rejected today also braxenly claimed that ‘the Dies in Vietnam obaerved. area photographers. and back-packed through virgin President Johnson’s offer United States follows the dream forests, the Nelsons started their of peace, ao we Include even the for peace talk aboard a SAIGON (AP) — The Eight-engine B52 bombers south In the coastal lowlands, The Women's Society of Oom- Phoebe Circle of Emanuel Lu­ search for otters In early spring, neutral ship in a neutral eeaa in our search.’ traveling northward through a United States lost its sec­ pounded suspected Red poel- U.S. paratroopers of the 101st muntty Baptist Church will meet theran Church will meet tomor­ sea. It reiterated Commu "What else are U.8. aircraft tomorrow at 8 p.m. In Fellow- central British Columbia lake ond general in the Viet­ Uons 16 miles soutwest of Dak Airborne Division reported kUl- row at 7 ;80 p.m. In Luther HaU To, dropping 150,000 pounds of Ing 20 Communist troops In a sblp Hall of the church. Mrs. system. ai.t for ending th. ^ S nam War today. Maj. Gen. at the church. Christmas stock­ war in Vietnam. bombs on a sui^cted base series of scattered clairties while EHeanor Robert, program chair- ings will be completed for a The film introduces Nakomis, more barbarous bombing of the Bruno A. Hochmuth, 56, The rejection was in an arti­ camp and staging area. suffering no casualties. The U.S. mart, will speak on "The Bap­ Christmas sale in Luther Hall a mountain lion cub rescued DRV (North Vietnam) commander of the 3rd Ma­ cle of the Hanoi newspaper The U.S. helicopters came un- Ariny said 10 of the enemy dead tist Women’s Day of Prayer." Saturday afternoon. HoMesses from a coyote trap and cared DJ. N«4smi ry?" Nhan Dan, organ of the North rine Division, was killed in der heavy machine-gun and were North Vietnamese Army Members of Barbam Gifford for the meeting are Mn». Prank for by the Nelsons until she was The Hanoi paper said, "We hlmsrif as a leading documen­ Vietnamese Communist party. a helicopter explosion and small arms fire Monday while regfulars wearing new green unl- Circle will be hootesoeo. Mem­ Zimmerman, Miss Florence able to fend for herself. have many a Ume pointed out tary film producer Since be­ The article, signed by “ the crash north of Hue. Four lifUng 460 men of the 1st Air forms, indicating they might bers of Estelle Carpenter Cir­ Jcduison and Miss Esther John­ Tickets for the film adventure that there is no need of going a Commentator,” synonym of a men died with him. Cavalry Division into a battle have recently come south. cle will be greeters and lead will be available at the door coming a memiber of the fam­ thousand miles to search for son. high-ranking party official, was Hie crash came lltUe more area 16 miles west of the provin­ devotions. the night of the performance. ous Camera Caravan, wMdt peace. No major ground fighting was Mr. Nelson was bom of Dan- filmed episodes for Jack Doug­ broadcast by Hanoi’s Vietnam than four months after MaJ. cial capital of Tam Ky. The U.S. reported elsehwere. Lydia Circle of Emanuel "Peace will be restored lidi ancestry on the Uintah Our­ las’ "Siven League Boots." News Agency. Gen. William J. Crumm of the Command said fighting taperod Church Women will meet to­ immediately after the United The northeast monsoon weath­ ay Indian Reservation In north­ Other programs on which his Commenting on Johnson’e re­ U.S. Air Force died in a colli- oW after six hours with tour morrow at 7:80 p.m. at the States stops definitively and un- er once again cut heavily into eastern Utah. As a young boy, motion pictures have been feat­ marks made on the flight deck slon of two B52 bombers over Americans killed and 19'woun. pleted for a Christmas sale prise,' Johnson made a vague Vietnamese people settle their cident July 6. He heatjed the tf-Honr Burner Service! schooled In the arts of woods- speaker, he has logged more Frigbt Fodory mulids Saturday afternoon at the than 4,00 lecture appearances Incredible Edibles* statement that a peace confer­ own affairs without foreign in­ Strategic Air Command’s 3rd church. Hostesees are Mrs. manship. terference." R. I. REGIUS In four countries. ence can be held 'on a neutral Air Division on Guam. 4 'The Nelsons have traveled In Richard Hultman and Mrs. C. 72 countries on five continents On Saturday afternoon at The article then repeated The U.S. Command also an­ FUEL OIL Henry Anderscui. sweep tbe country! phisti-gruesome tbings! 649^908 while working on adventure and 1:30, Nelson will present "The Communist terms for Vietnam nounced that Communist gim- wildlife films, many of which Promise of .Spring,” a matinee peaice by saying, “ The basis for ners shot down two American Hanoi Shifting The American Legion will have been seen Internationally especially for children. Tickets the setUement of the Vietnam helicopters and damaged five meet tomorrow at 8:10 p.m. at on television. for this performance may also M ideast problem Is the four-point stand more Monday in- fighting along the post home. Refreshments ' Mr. Nelson has established be purchased at the door. of the DRV government and the the coastal lowlands 365 miles will be served after the meet­ S a l e . S a l e * '“ political program of the South northeast of Saigon. But It was Its Propaganda ing. The executive board will 8 Vietnam National Front for Lib­ n 6 m o n e y DOWN, Lew Monthly Tem t P ositions not known whether Hochmuth’s meet at 7:10, before the meet- Manchester Chapter of ■nie Harmony Belles of Weth­ eration (the Viet Cong), the sole death was due to enemy action. An AP News Analysts Prei'enf fire? iiW- SPEBSQSA will meet tonight at ersfield Junior Women’s Club Qiildren have a mirthful monster-time creating authentic representative of the The general, a lantern-jawed U.S. airmen. The statements at­ By WILLIAM L. RYAN 8 at Bunco Center, Olcott St. wUl entertain members of the Hilarious adventures in eating with flavor-filled their own plasrtime ‘horrors’. A ll neoeesary mate­ South Vietnamese people.” Texan who took command of the tributed to them have been, for DOMT Mental Aid Fellowship tomor­ D im H opes the most part, read by others in The meeting emd rehearsal Is unbelievable figures! (Completely safe. With sooper- rials included to make daws, scars, d>astly things. Commenting on Johnson's 8rd Division last March, was on Vietnamese Communist ges­ open to all men Interested In row at 7:30 p.m. Dinner will gooper, heating unit, gobble-degoop, molds, tray. Veteran’s Day tour of military an inspection trip. The pilot of tures with regard to their Amer­ the prisoners’ names, in Eng­ DRYCLUkH LOFT S KITCHEN be served Thursday at 6:30 p.m. UNITED NA'nONS, N.Y. lish-language broadcasts. This barbershop-type harmony. (AP) — Unyielding posltlona bases, Nhan Dan said, "The another helicopter accompany­ ican captives illustrate a shift in a t hom e! before a program. Membership leaves the authenticity of file taken by Israel and Jordan be­ main goal of this unusual tour ing him said the general's craft propaganda emphasis over the FRESH CANDY in the fellowship Is limited to statements open to question. /*. Aliyoh Chapter, B’nal B’rlth fore the U.N. Security OouncU was to plead for the U.S. policy was flying at about 1,000 feet past 16 months and suggest that those who have undergone psy­ Sixteen months ago the North Girls, Is meeting tonight at 7 :30 Monday have further dimmed of war intensification and ex­ when it appeared to explode in both Hanoi and the Viet Cong chiatric care. Those wishing SAVE TODAY THE GRANT CREDIT W AY Vietnamese and the Viet COng WELDON DRUG CO. at the home of Miss Bene Jo­ hes of any Middle East setUe- pansion In Vietnam and the ac­ the air, broke in two and are investing hopes in the anti­ further information may con­ Insisted that all captured air­ seph, 548 E. Center St. ment soon. tive prepeuations for a new es- crashed on its back in a lake. war movement in the United tact the Oapltot Region Mental There were no survivors. Two States. men, as Hanoi put it, "are not Health Association, Inc., 217 IsraeU Foreign Minister Abba .pjjg House said Tuea- American pilots, the American In July 1966, after more than prisoners of war and cannot en­ Farmington Ave., Hartford, Eban made plain that his gov day It expects the matter of an­ craw chief and a Vietnamese in­ a year of air attacks on North joy the provisions of the Geneva sponsors of the group. emment Is in no hurry to come other bombing pause in Viet­ Ohio Highway Patrol officers put handcuffs on student taken into custody at terpreter also died In the crash. Vietnam and heavy use of (Jonventlon of 1949 on the treat­ to terms when he brushed aside nam to come up during discus* Central State University during campus riot. (AP Photofax) U.S. military headquarters in American air power in the ment of prisoners of war.” This two rival resolutions both de­ Cain Members of the Magllanesi sions this week between Presi­ Saigon said it was not believed south, Hanoi and Viet Cong hinted that captives Imght be signed to bring the Arabs near­ publicly tried and executed. Choicest Meats In Town! and Cristoforo Colombo Socie­ dent Johnson and his military there was any enemy fire in the propaganda threatened venge­ er than ever before to compro- Citing the trials of Nasi lead­ ties and the Italian American and diplomatic chiefs here from area at the time, but officers at ance against captured U.S. mioe. ers at Nuernberg, Germany, NEW SYSTEM Club will meet tonight at 7:80 Saigon. Marine headquarters in Da crews, even hinting broadly at Guard Enforces A rmistice Hanoi said captive Americans , at the Jirtin F. Tlemey Home, Eban reiterated his rejection Press secretary Geprge Chris­ Nang said they did not rule out public war crimes trials. TUESHAY ONLY SreCIAL! could "tiy no meane ckUm to be 219 W. Center St., to pay re­ • Her eyes of a resolution submitted by In­ tian said, however, he did not that possibility. Now the stress is on humane­ UUNDRY leek dia, Mall and Nigeria because wish to overstate the case and The flareup of fighting along ness. The Viet Cong, for exam­ free from responsibility as far spects to the late Amerigo Agoa- around as criminal law is concerned; LEAN, ALL BEEF tinelli, a member of alt the or­ ha said It suggested "that Israel that the matter of bombing and the coastal lowlands coincided ple, has just released three pris­ AND DRY CLEANING dwuld move from the cease-fire After Riot at Ohio’s CSV neither can they claim to be ganisations. A banquet, sched­ • ir V i" tell a pause in the bombing was with a lull around Dak To, in oners who, according to Com­ ON HARRISON ST. (44) lines without a peace treaty de­ only one of a number of things the central highlands, after two munist sources in Cambodia, mere Instruments who act Mdy HAMBURG uled by the MagUanese Society as ordered out of respect for Oft Khst Oeaiter St. for yesterday, was canceled out fining permanent and secure that would be covered. In gen- WILBERFORCE, Ohio (AP) Classes were resumed at the from the campus. The highway weeks of hard battling there, will represent the beginning of a frontiers.” j military discipline.” Opposite the Oetnetery of respect to Mr. AgosUnelll. eral, he said, discussions would — National Guardsmen who predomlnanUy patrol reported 12 of Its patrol Only occasional sniper and mor- "trlckle’J if the Communists are Lb. ^ Lbs. •1.99 He said the U.S. resolution focus on Vietnam and helped put down.a student riot but some students were report­ cars and three sheriff’s cars tar fire were reported this satisfied with news stories about "They are In fapt war crimi­ PV>r Flok-ap sod Delivery , failed to “ give sufficient weight could be expected next. at Cientral State University ear­ ed staying In the dormitories damaged. morning after a c fierce battle the thrae. nals,” said Hanoi. "They are (Umlt 4 Lbs. Per Family) Marine Cpl. David J. Lyons, OW1M9-77BS to the concept of negotiation and Ambassador Ellsworth Bunk­ ly this morning were enforcing Into which they had been herded The disturbance started at late Monday in which 10 para­ The Communists have had lit­ not prisoners of war. The Amer­ son of Mrs. Robert Lyons of er already has arrived here an uneasy armistice today. by highway patrolmen and sher­ mid morning Monday along with tle success 80 far from attempts ican pilota are but pirates, sabo­ Branohes st: agreement.” Ute leraelis are troopers of the U.S. 173rd Air­ 88 Goodwin St., has returned to from Saigon and conferred with Broken glass and furniture iff’s officers. the return to the campus of an borne Brigade were reported to make propaganda capital of teurs and criminals. That is 501 Hsiiford Rd. AS SEfN believed willing to accept the 2 HIGHLAND PARK MARKET • El Toro (Calif.) Marine Air Sta­ % plan in effect, but want It Johnson thrown through dormitory win- University, law enforcement expelled student, Michael War­ klHed and another 33 wounded. statements attributed to captive why they may be tried for tion after a 28-day leave crimes against the security of and Pine Ckanen 2 SLI Migfci— d S t., Msnobestet^Phone 048-4978 ^ ON TV made plain that any solution ported afterward that things are dows still littered the campus;^ and military officials were in ren, 23, of Cleveland. at home. He will later be as­ this country." 050 Center Street must stem from direct tallu^ be­ progressing both in the military scene of a riot that resulted iii what the governor’s office de­ He had been ordered off the signed to service overseas. At about the same time, Ha­ tween them and the Arabs. and political fields and he looks 91 student arrests and left at scribed ss a "security meet­ campus last week after alleged- _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ for an acceleration of the pro- least 10 state patnrtmen Injured, ing,” reportedly to decide noi broadcast a proposal to the ly threatening harm to Presl- M OlltllS U arcl LODOr Viet Oang in the South that It (See Page Twelve) gress. including one with a broken leg. whether to try to keep classes dent Rembert Stokes of nelgii- "Set up a court to try and iq>- going. boring Wllberforce University, propriately punish those Ameri­ Mattel's new sensational The Greene County sheriff's also a predominantly Negro can pilots who owe blood debts V office said between 300 and 400 school. V students were Involved. Several GI Court Martialed, to our people." 'Tunetooter' "Economists Predict- Warren allegedly threatened For about a week In that peri­ of those arrested also com­ to kill Stokes "irhen the revolu­ **Babi|:s*HungRi|!*’ plained of injuries. od Hanoi broadcast alleged dep­ tion com es." His alleged re­ ositions of U.S. prisoners con­ About 600 National Guards­ Refused Viet Orders railroad plays many songs mark reportedly was made demning the U.S . government Dollar May Be Worth 95c men moved into the area Mon­ while he was on the Wllberforce cbews and drinks SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A dared Lockman, 28, a Philadel­ and "begging forgiveness.” Tbe day night to help put down the campus to get supporters for a statements sounded as If pro­ riot. About half moved onto the Central State demonstration. general court martial has sen­ phia Negro, after hearing the tenced Army Pvt. Ronald Lock- sentence. duced by the saigne hand. Hanoi campus and the others were on Warren's plans to return to man to 30 months at hard labor "M y father had doubts about reported captives were paraded If Taxes Not Raised Soon standby at the county fair­ campus were announced at a through the streets amid dem- grounds four miles away. for refusing orders to go to Viet­ this, but I know for a fact that I campus movie Sunday night by onstratiiHis against them. S a l e 4 S a l e * 1 ** Capt. Dwight Carey of the nam. was right." * ** 1 WASHINGTON (AP) — Econ-ty among Industry ^economists would climb to a record high. student Black Power advocates The "war crimes trial" line _____C______i f h o f f l l n l a a . n i u ______a - a ______^ _____ highway patrol said classes The court officers deliberated NO MOwey OOWN, lew Monthly Tenpt omists in the government, and that the surtax is the only an- The proposed 10 per cent surtax who led a 3(X)-8tudent demon­ The court convicted and sen- was dropped rather abruptly In - would be held today but that no tenced Lockman Monday after a minutes on cimvicUng '■k swer. Sharp spending cuts or on corporaflons, on the other stration earlier this month in the summer of 1966 and not used many outside It, predict today’s other students congregations Lockman on two counts of refus­ ' 1 The new, amazing look-alive doll featuring feed­ vigorous credit restraint are fa­ hand, might cancel out the gain support of demands made by trial punctuated by clashes be­ again. Fbr months thereafter Ry changing the 54 notes, you can have a great consumer dollar may be worth ing to obey lawful orders. j ing and chewing action. Her lips and cheeks move, vored by many. and leave profits below the 1966 would be permitted. nonacademic Central State tween military police and anti­ the Communists occasionally Several fires, most of toem They pondered 20 minutes variety of tunes. Plastic locomotive is battery about 96 cents this Ume next But most favor some kind of peak of $82.2 billion. workers. war demonstrators at the Presi­ broadcast names and ranks of she swallows. Make-believe feeding accessories. niinor, were reported on and off longer in deciding the 80 months powerirf (not included). Instruction music book. year if taxes are not raised tax action, perhaps in combina­ Production—A typical current Upon his return, several other dio, 6th Army headquarters. captive Americans and, at ■alMfim na* )iKfat4Ml the campus. The display win­ sentence with dishonorable dis- tion with other curbs on de­ forecast, assuming a tax in­ students quickly joined him in Seven demonstrators were ar­ times, statements attributed to soon. dow was shot out of a furniture vcharge. The maximum term is mand. And an informal canvass crease, is for national output to barricading themselves in a rested outside the courtroom. the prisoners. Seldom In recent Hie forecasts of most college store two miles from campus MPs carried six others from the five years. and corporaUon economists of economic opinion—Inside and Increase by $60 billion to above class room. Cilassroom chairs. The case automatically will months have these statements You Con Start Your Christmos Shopping Now ond Sove outside the government on the and a fire caused damage to a court. beyond expressing sur­ show solid agreement that Infla- grocery at Xenia, four .miles (See Page Eleven) "I would do It again," de- go to a military review board -8fo*>6 Uon Is a serious threat. They record and off tjh* record—pro­ and can be carried to the Mili­ prise at the effecUvenees of HHalib* sound, in fact, much like the duces this consensus of what tary Court of Appeals. Communist defenses or matter- OIIMM handla ben speeches being given by Ppesl- 1968 may be like if there Is no However, Stanley Faulkner,, of-fact accounts of how the pris­ baiMiM m44I« Ultra-lightweight dent Johnson’s aides in behalf of tax Increase: one of l^ k m a n ’s attorneys, oner was captured. D««l hralihn easy handling his 10 per eent Income tax sur­ Prices —T h e Increase is At Fort Bragg aald a direct appeal will be The release of selected Ameri­ t . charge proposal: guessed at between 4 an