Bloodmobile Visits South Methodist Church Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p,m, ‘ ^ 11 • I _____________________________________________________ - . - ( * 5i amgglM IyNgtPNss < « ■ For The W edi Ended The Weather Fair tonight. Low In 80a. To­ 1 October ts, 1M7 1 morrow partly aunny. Low hi Sumitig 40a. j 15,544 Mancheater— A CUy^of Village Charm VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 37 (TWENTY PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1967 (Cbuwlfled AdvertUhif on P^ce 17) PRICE SEVEN CENTS Thieves Get Freed Sers^eants Large H aul LBJ Listens Pew Arrive in Paris In L o n d o n LONDON (AP) — Raiders PARIS (AP) —Three U.S. war American Peace Commit­ "I'm Just going along to look broke into the London headquar­ To Cleric Challenge ’ Anny aergeanta, freed by the tee, told a reporter on the flight after these boys and take care ters of a giant chain store coop­ Viet Oongt landed in Parle today from Rome that he had been in of them,” he sedd. erative over the weekend and on the way to report to the De- Hanoi in the past "but that had He conferred with them dur­ ransacked 600 safety deposit _ fenae Department in Washing­ nothing to do with this.” ' ing the flight and quoted them boxes in an underground strong ton. All five members of the group as saying they wanted to make room, police said today. > naveU ng under the care of a traveled in the economy class no statements or be photo- First reports estimated the WASHINGTON (AP) — State Department officer from compartment of the Pan Ameri- graphed before they had a haul at g2.8 million but a store President Johnson spent a the U.S. Bmbaaay In Beirut, the can World Airways flight. The chance to report to their super executive said this was too high. whirlwind weekend defend­ three addlerB refuse to make freed priscmers declined to tors in Washington, Scotland Yard said it would ing his Vietnam policies, any comment. answer any questions. They re- one of the three, Johnson lay take some time to locate all de­ then listened in church as "They are under great pres­ ferred everj^lng to Beeton, stretched out on a row off seato,sei posit holders to discover the a Viiginia clergjman blunt­ sure," said the State Depart­ vdio sat across the aUle. covered from ^hls feet to w contents of the private boxes. ly suggested the chief ex­ ment official, A.B. Beeton. "You’ll have to talk to that ty ^ blanket Police said the gang cut ecutive should publicly ex- "They Just want a chance to genUeman,” said Pltser. Earlier in the day, an Arab through a two-foot thick stert phdn America’s role in the talk to their superiors in the De­ Beeton denied that he was door and a grille with blow acting as a guard. (See Page Ten) torches to reach the boxes. war. fense Department before any­ This challenge was put direct­ one else.” Detectives found Jewelry scsd- ly to Johnson by the Rev. Dr. Beehxm said one of the three, tered about the stnmg room, in­ Cotesworth Pinckney Lewis dur­ Edward R. Johnsmi, of Seaside, dicating the thieves- were going ing Sunday services at historic 9 ^ . , was "under medication. strictly for cash. Bruton Parish church In Wil­ He is sick and suffering from Folir Sailors Desert, Headquarters of the Longoon liamsburg, Va, diarrhea and malnutrition. Our Co-operative Society, Ltd., in ’Ihe President and Mrs. John­ first thought is to get him to a the Stratford section East son, daughter Lynda and her fi­ hospital.” Ask Asylum in Japan London is a depository for huge ance, Marine Capt. Charles S. '' Johnson and the other soldiers sums spent by Britons in the Robb, sat in a front row pew— —Sgt. James E. Jackson of Tal- various c<^ps operated as a barely 10 feet from the Episco­ TOKYO (AP) — Four U.S. the march on the Pentagon in cott, W. Va., and Daniel Lee giant chain store system. pal rector—as he put his ques­ No'vy men from the 7th Fleet Washington last month, had Pitzer of Spring Lake, N.C., ’The master safe and some de­ tions. aircrEdt carrier Intrepid have been informed of the defecUim. posit boxes were burned open flew to Rome from Beirut ear­ The Johnson administration’s lier today on the way to New deserted cmd asked for political A spokeeman for the commit­ and rifled, police said. tee, which opposes the war, said public informaUon policies York and Washington. asylum outside the United The raiders must have spent the four were John M. Barilla, came under attack a few hours With them on the flight was States because they oppose the much of Saturday and Sunday 20, airman; Richard D. Bailey, later from the Freedom of In­ Thomas Hayden, 28, of Newark, war in Vietnam, the Japan using "thermal lances” which 19, airman; Michael A. Lindner, formation CJommittee of Sigma N.J., who said he had helped fa­ Peace for Vietnam Committee bum through metal slowly but 19, airman apprentice, and Delta (h i, an 18,000-member cilitate their departure from said today. ^ silently. Craig W. Anderson, 20, airman professional journalism society. Phnom Penh, Cambodia, "so It said a representative of Officials of the cooperative apprentice. The panel said in a report that they could go home and see "Ihe American Peace Move­ were unable to assess the loss No home addresses were giv­ Gapt. Charles Neel, ri^rht, of Melbourne, Fla., and his co-pilot, Lt. Guy Gru- some of the administration's top their families and government ment” came to Japan a week immediately but a quick esti­ en. ters of Sarasota, Fla., cel^rate after being plucked from the water o ff the officials have been "deliberate­ ^officials.” ago to confer with the sailors. mate put it at a million pounds. ly misleading the public, the The peace committee spokes­ North Vietnamese coast by U.S. helicopters. The pilots were hit by North The three were released in the The Japanese committee added Under the cooperative sys­ press and the Congress through man said the four discarded Cambodian capital Saturday. that David Dellinger, an anti­ tem, customers can buy an Vietnamese antiaircraft fire while marking enemy targets. flat lies, through half-truths and their uniforms iqxm landing at Hayden, a member of the anti­ war leader who helped organize enormous variety of items, have through clever use> of statistics Yokosuka and have not reported their purchases listed in their that distort.” It called the Presi­ back to the Na'vy. stamps book and then receive dent’s news conferences "weU "They left their aircraft car­ discounts periodically. Many organized for a White House rier with a firm determination North Vietnam Regulars small communities as well as snow job.” to oppose the Vietnam war,” the the big cities have co-op stores. The loport, released in ad­ spokesman added. High Court Rules ’The strong room is deep in­ vance of Sigma Delta Chi’s na- The U.S. Na'vy confirmed that side a three-otory building on a UonEil convention opening the four were absent 'without . WASHINOTON (AP) — Pro­ revoked, the right to appeal busy street com er with a food Repulsed in Dak To Attack Wednesday in Minneajptdis, leave after the Intrepid sailed bationers facing jail terms have might well be lost. hall on the ground floor euid the Minn., charged the State and from Yokosuka Oct. 26. The car­ cooperative’s board room above the right to a lawyer’s help and He applied similar reasoning SAIGK)N (AP) — North Viet- saults against the five North So far 636 North \fletnameee Defense departments and the rier, whose plaines have been it. ’The side is broken by an if they can’t afford a lawyer the to the possibility of losing the namese army regulars charged Vietnamese regiments believed spidlers have bsea U lM 'Fver National Aeronautics and Space bombing North Vietnam, came archway to a high-walled park­ state must supply one, the Su­ right to withdraw a guilty plea at U.S. defoMtan nnSTDair Tt> to be In the area, the last io days. U.S. A d m ln lstra ^ are the worst a t- to Japan for a week’s recreation ing lot which closed down At preme Court ruled today. if a lawyer is not on hand and 1 in the centi^ highlands tonight The choppers rose to seek but stood at 92 kiUed and 600 wound- lenders in the pubUc Informa- for her crew. p.m. Saturday and was not re­ With a unanimous decision, concluded: "We do not question but withdrew after two hours of the enemy after U.S. troops en- ed, the U.S. Ciommand said. field. The Peace for Vietnam 0>m- opened until 6:30 a.m. today. the Court applied the Sixth the authority of the state of heavy fllghtlfig. The Amerioane camped in the area weathered In one clakh today a U.S. re- Although the President mlttee showed a flUh at a news ’The archway bears a red and Amendment right to counsel to WEishlngton to provide for a de­ fired 106mm howltsers at point- 10 hours of incoming Oommu- oonnaissance team killed two emerged from the church serv- conference in which the four white lettered warning of dog state probation revocation hear­ ferred sentencing procedure blank range to hold their pool- nlst rockets and mortar rounds, men in a five-man enemy ma- trace of a Amerioane said they were seek- patrols.
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