Marian Gh. Simion, PhD TEACHING AREAS: RELIGION, VIOLENCE, PEACEBUILDING Cell: 978-339-3233 | E-mail:
[email protected] | Home Address: 21 Oak Ridge Drive, Ayer, MA 01432 PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY TEACHING SUBJECTS (SELECTION) A versatile scholar practitioner with teaching talent, compassion, integrity, practical Religion, Violence & Peace experience and international expertise, Conflict Transformation strong verbal and written communication Research Methodology skills; relying on 16+ years of successful Collective Violence expertise in higher education. Highly Orthodox Christianity motivated to use a pedagogy based on clear World Religions & Violence learning objectives, focus on structure, use of Anthropology of Violence case studies, and critical thinking exercises. Just War Theory Ritual & Violence SELECTED PUBLICATIONS Religion & Diplomacy Religion & Politics Research Methodology in Orthodox Peace Totalitarianism Studies: university textbook (Romanian) Terrorism & Religion (Presa Universitara Clujeana, 2016) Religion and Public Policy: Human Rights, Conflicts, and Ethics LANGUAGES (Cambridge University Press, 2015) Just Peace: Orthodox Perspectives (WCC Publications, 2012) ROMANIAN ENGLISH FRENCH GREEK Religion and Political Conflict: From Dialectics to Cross-Domain Charting (Presses internationale polytechnique, 2011) +++ Latin, Old Slavic, Pastristic Greek, Italian, Spanish AWARDS (selection) APPOINTMENTS (current & past) Medal of the Romanian Parliament Awarded by the Chamber of Deputies (Juridical Committee on Discipline