The Impact of Democratic Changes in Poland Upon the Political
p O3l 2S /ka 6 . $akademia $ . $ ' ( 0 , $U m80,(-ĉ712ĝ&, i e j ę tno ś C i TO720m XXX ;;9, STU678',$dia śRO ĝ52'.2:2(8523(-6.,(dkOWOeUROpejSkie i B a, Ł%$à.$1,67<&=1(kaNiSTYCZNe 2021 dO'2,;66%i 10.4467/2543733XSSB.21.011.13804 %$5%$5$.5$8=02=(5Redžep ŠkRijelj State8QLZHUV\WHW-DJLHOORĔVNL University Novi pazar THE72ĩ6$02ĝû± IMPACT OF DEMOCRA&=<72TI7</.2C CHANGES680$ I6327.$ēN POLAND UPON THE POLITI,232:,(ĝ&,"CAL TRANSFORMATION AND BREAKUP OF THE SOCIALIST FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF YUGOSLAVIA 7RĪVDPRĞüXIRUPRZDQDMHVWZDUXQNLHPRWZDUFLDVLĊQDĞZLDW1 -5DW]LQJHU Summary 6áRZDNOXF]RZHIRUP\WRĪVDPRĞFLWRĪVDPRĞüXIRUPRZDQDWRĪVDPRĞüMHGQRVWNRZDWRĪVD PRĞü]ELRURZDG\VNXVMHRThe fall of the deeply rootedWRĪVDPRĞFL communism in the countries of the eastern Bloc in the 1980s has differed according to the level of achieved rights and freedoms, especially in poland, as it was finalized7RĪVDPRĞü" with the breakup±DFyĪWR]DRVREOLZRĞü"&RXNU\ZDVLĊ]DW\PVáRZHPEĊGąF\POHN of the Soviet Union. The changes announced with the foundation of “Solidarity”V\NDOQą]DJDGNąNWyUHX]QDOLĞP\]DWDNXĪ\WHF]QHĪHMHVWHĞP\VNáRQQLSRVáXJLZDüVLĊ – the first independent syndicate – which spread to the factories and enterprises across polandQLPEH]UHÀHNV\MQLHX]QDZDü]DQLH]EĊGQHPLPRĪHÄQLHMDVQH´WUXGQHGRGHV\JQRZDQLD beginning in the lenin Shipyard. The staunch national pride and freedoms, empowered withZ\P\NDMąFHVLĊ]Z\Ná\PPHWRGRPREVHUZDFMLL the strength of the Catholic Church effectively eliminatedSRPLDUX-HVWÄZV]HFKREHFQH´ÄPJOLVWH´ the weak Soviet-imposed com- munism.LQLHGRRNUHĞORQHD The foundationMHGQDNSU]\GDWQH of the first independent and free polish syndicate in the strong Soviet Bloc catalyzed&KĊWQLHSRVWU]HJDVLĊÄWRĪVDPRĞü´MDNRQD]ZĊZáDĞFLZRĞFLNWyUąPRĪQD]DFKRZDü the initiation of abrupt and serious reforms in the countries of the eastern Bloc. The fall of the Berlin Wall intensified the initiated processes of reintegration and independence DWR]NROHLURG]LZQDVSU]HNRQDQLHĪHPRĪQDMąUyZQLHĪVWUDFLüVWDZDüZMHMREURQLH from external political torture and poverty.
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