B8 - Lamesa Press-Reporter www.pressreporter.com Sunday, June 28, 2020

Raymond Vargas,. Owner Page from the Past June 27,1940 80 years ago

Moments in time G SCREEN #1

 On July 14, 1798, Congress passes the Sedition Act. Th e act permitted the prosecution of individuals who voiced or printed what the government deemed to be malicious re- marks about the president or the U.S. government.  On , 1879, Doc Holliday commits his fi rst murder, killing a man for shooting up his saloon. Despite his repu- tation as a deadly gunslinger, Doc Holliday engaged in just eight shootouts during his life, and killed only two men.  On July 17, 1920, Nils Bohlin, the Swedish engineer and inventor responsible for the three-point lap and shoulder seatbelt, is born. Before 1959, only two-point lap belts were available in automobiles.  On July 18, 1969, aft er leaving a party on , Sen. Edward "Ted" Kennedy of drives an Oldsmobile off a bridge into a tide-swept pond. Kennedy Friday 7 p.m. escaped the submerged car, but his passenger, 28-year-old Saturday 2, 7 p.m. Mary Jo Kopechne, did not. Th e senator did not report the Sunday 2, 7 p.m. fatal car accident for 10 hours.  On July 13, 1985, at Wembley Stadium in London, Prince Tues, Wed, Thurs 7:00 p.m. Charles and Princess Diana offi cially open Live Aid, a world- SCREEN #2 wide rock concert organized to raise money for the relief of famine-stricken Africans. Th e 16-hour "superconcert" was globally linked by satellite to more than a billion viewers in 110 nations.  On July 16, 1995, Amazon offi cially opens for business as an online bookseller, eventually selling everything from groceries to furniture. Founder Jeff Bozos initially dubbed the business Cadabra (as in abracadabra), but aft er someone misheard the name as "cadaver," he switched to Amazon.  On July 15, 2006, San Francisco-based podcasting com- pany Odeo offi cially releases Twttr -- later changed to Twitter -- its short messaging service (SMS) to the public. Th e free application allowed users to share status updates by sending one text message to a single number ("40404"). During devel- opment, one engineer suggested calling it FriendStalker. (c) 2020 Hearst Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved Friday 7 p.m. Saturday 2, 7 p.m. Sunday 2, 7 p.m. Tues, Wed, Thurs 7:00 p.m.

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