Introducing Critical Media Studies
See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Introducing Critical Media Studies Chapter · January 2014 CITATIONS READS 0 1,284 2 authors, including: Brian L. Ott Texas Tech University 55 PUBLICATIONS 455 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Affect View project All content following this page was uploaded by Brian L. Ott on 11 December 2015. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. 1 Introducing Critical Media Studies KEY CONCEPTS CONVERGENCE CRITICAL MEDIA STUDIES MOBILITY FRAGMENTATION POSTMODERNITY GLOBALIZATION SOCIALIZATION MASS MEDIA THEORY MEDIUM SIMULATION How We Know What We Know Everything we know is learned in one of two ways.1 The first way is somatically. These are the things we know through direct sensory perception of our environment. We know what some things look, smell, feel, sound, or taste like because we person- ally have seen, smelled, felt, heard, or tasted them. One of the authors of this text knows, for example, that “Rocky Mountain oysters” (bull testicles) are especially chewy because he tried them once at a country and western bar. In short, some of what we know is based on first-hand, unmediated experience. But the things we know through direct sensory perception make up a very small percentage of the total things we know. TheCOPYRIGHTED vast majority of what we know comesMATERIAL to us a second way, symbolically. These are the things we know through someone or something such as a parent, friend, teacher, museum, textbook, photograph, radio, film, television, or the internet.
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