ANNOTATION of the dissertation work “The role of batyrs in the integrity of the Kazakh statehood (the first quarter of the XVIII - the middle of the XIX centuries)” by Kabyltaeva Samal Kazizovna, presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty: 6D020300-History

The topicality of the research theme. With the acquisition of the state independence the society of faced the complex process of social and political self-identification. The knowledge of national history, the revival of the forgotten heroes in people’s memory became the most important instrument of this process. Reflecting the historical events, each epoch has advanced the brightest personalities into the arena. Kazakh batyrs like Kabanbai, Bogenbai, Zhasybay, Malaysary and many others are the pride of the Kazakh people. Appealing to the history of Kazakh people, understanding the complex, critical stages of the struggle for independence and sovereignty acquires urgency, a special meaning and significance. The heroic pages of the national liberation struggle of the Kazakh people of the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries are connected with the names of many military commanders – batyrs. Most of the batyrs, who led the troop of his tribal groups, have played a prominent role not only in the military, but also in socio-political life of the nomadic . In the historical and social thought of Kazakhstan the need for decoding and converting the unique institute of batyrs in the Kazakh society, the role of batyrs in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries is actualized. The institute of military leaders-batyrs was found in almost all nomadic peoples of Eurasia since the early Middle Ages and widespread among a number of Turkic peoples – the Bashkirs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz and Karakalpaks, which indicates the general Turkic dissemination of this phenomenon. The institute of batyrs was so significant in the Kazakh society that the names of the Kazakh batyrs became ancestral battle cry and slogans that the troops used in the battles. Not knowing the history of institution of batyrs, it is impossible to understand the military, moreover, the Kazakh history. The main features of the batyrs’ military spirit became the basis of the Kazakh national spirit. The relevance of this research consists in the fact that a historical retrospective of the struggle for free and sovereign development in the conditions of independent development of our country is becoming the foundation of building a new society and state. The public is sensitive to the changes taking place in the country and seeks to understand the nature, sources, direction and basic tendencies of social development. In recent years the search for the historical truth became general civil phenomenon that affected all strata of the population irrespective of their social or ethnic background. The modern historians face the problems connected with perpetuation of the memory of prominent historical figures that have had a significant impact on the social development of Kazakhstan, actualization of their ideas, studying their spiritual and material heritage and bringing them to the attention of domestic and foreign public. In the study and coverage of the batyrs’ role in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries, first of all, it is important to avoid the application of certain evaluation criteria, to be able to provide objective information, taking into account the spiritual and moral principles of the Kazakh society and a particular historical time. In the structure of the modern historical consciousness of the Kazakhstani people the idea of statehood takes central place. This is why the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the in 2015, study of the role of the Kazakh batyrs in maintaining the integrity of the state in the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries in 2016 – in the year of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan has acquired a special significance. The study of national history is extremely important for deepening historical memory, as well as for the development of consolidating values based on the idea of “Mangilik el” (Eternal country). The aim of the research and the scientific results. Comprehensive study and historical analysis of the role of batyrs in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries. The scientific results obtained in the course of research during three years, reflected in the theses submitted for protection was received by the dissertator. The object of the research: Kazakh batyrs in the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries. The subject of the research: Activities of the batyrs in maintaining the integrity of Kazakh state during the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries. Scientific novelty. The dissertation work is one of the first attempts at a comprehensive study of historical science about the role of batyrs in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state of the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries in the geopolitical context of the era. The very statement of the problem of studying the role of batyrs in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries is a new challenge. Institute of Batyrs, the oldest social structure of social and state structure of the Kazakh people, still has not been studied, especially in the view of modernity. The novelty of the question consists in systematic approach of considering institute of batyrs as a whole and original phenomenon of the traditional Kazakh society. The presented dissertation is the first attempt to write generalizing work on the role of batyrs in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the first quarter of the XVIII and the middle of the XIX centuries. The scientific novelty of the completed work is also determined by introducing the new archive documents in the research process, comparing them with the Kazakh sources – folklore. 1. To highlight the main theoretical-methodological aspects of the problem. 2. To identify the main stages of forming the institute of batyrs in the traditional Kazakh society. 3. To determine the role of the institute of batyrs in the traditional Kazakh society based on historical analysis of its formation and evolution peculiarities. 4. To analyze the social-political significance of batyrs in maintaining the Kazakh statehood during the initial period of accession of Kazakhstan to the (XVIII century) 5. To investigate the administrative and political tsarist reforms in Kazakhstan of the first half of the XIX century and their influence on the transformation of institute of batyrs. 6. To characterize the role of batyrs in organization of the Kazakh militia against Jungar aggression. 7. To expand the role of the great batyrs, military leaders - Abulkhair and Abylai Khan in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the fight against Jungars. To show the batyrs’ role in the national liberation movement in the late XVIII and middle of the XIX centuries. The following points shall be submitted to the defense of dissertation: From the ancient times to the beginning of the new era institute of batyrs – military leaders is an important structural unit of the military organization of nomads. Formation of batyrs as a social category is closely connected with the appearance of feudal relations, military and feudal aristocracy. The period of the Kazakh-Jungar wars is the flourishing period of social institute of batyrs, which became a special institution of the military and political organization of the Kazakh people. Batyrs performed military, military leadership, managerial, diplomatic, peacekeeping and educational functions in the Kazakh society. The title was awarded for personal bravery, deeds and merits, and was independent of social origin. Social significance of the social group of batyrs increases in 20-40 years of the XIX century – in the period national liberation uprisings against the colonial policy of the Russian Empire on the territory of Junior and Middle zhuzes. By the middle of the XIX century the role of the Institute of batyrs in Kazakh society decreased due to the weakening of military tensions on the border of Kazakhstan and strengthening of Russian influence in the Kazakh zhuzes. The protest of many batyrs against the adoption of Russian citizenship was manifested in different forms and methods, reflecting the mentality of the Kazakh people, the desire to preserve the independence and integrity of the Kazakh state. The difficult geopolitical situation and conditions of internal development of the Kazakh society during the 20-30’s of the XVIII century, danger of loss political independence and integrity of the Kazakh Khanate forced the reputable batyrs of Junior and parts of the Middle zhuzes to accept Russian protectorate. Abulkhair Khan and his associates – batyrs defended their idea of citizenship, protecting the rights of the Kazakh people, fought against the colonial policy of the tsarist administration. Analysis of the content of administrative and political reforms of tsarism in 1822-1824 leads to the conclusion about the destruction of the traditional authorities structure and the approval of the political system of the Russian autocracy domination in the territory of Middle and Junior zhuzes, transformation of the military organization structure of the Kazakh people and loss of its former social importance. Military and administrative actions of the Russian Empire, the infringement of the interests of the Kazakhs caused strong dissatisfaction and protests of the indigenous population. Batyrs, as a rule in opposition to the tsarist government, led the anti-government movement or took active part in them. Political influence and social importance of batyrs appeared in the period national liberation movement of the Kazakh people in the 20-40s of the XIX century in Junior and Middle zhuzes against the colonial policy of Russia. The organization of the Kazakh militia against Jungar aggression in the XVIII century, the heroic pages of the Kazakh-Jungar wars and great victories in them are connected with the names of batyrs, the representatives of all three zhuzes both from common people and aristocrats. Batyrs were direct military leaders and commanders of certain military units and formed military hierarchy, their role and authority increased during the liberation struggle of the Kazakh people against Jungars in the XVIII century. Headed by their batyrs, the Kazakh people defended the political independence of the Kazakh government in the fight with the enemy with hardship, suffering and casualties. The great batyrs-military leaders – Abulkhair Khan and Ablai Khan led the struggle of the Kazakh people with Jungars and carried out the historic mission in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh government in the wars with the enemy. Batyrs were the organizers and active participants of the national liberation movements of the late XVIII and middle of the XIX centuries under the leadership of Syrym Datov (1783 -. 1797), Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov (1836 - 1838.), who expresses the interests of the Kazakh people and stands for the independence and sovereignty of Kazakh statehood, fighting heroically with the colonial policy of tsarism. The main support of the national liberation movement led by Kenessary Kasymov (1837-1847) for the restoration of the Kazakh Khanate and its state independence were respected and renowned batyrs. The practical significance of the research consists in the fact that the specific historical material, the results and conclusions contained in it may be used in the development of theoretical issues connected with the transformation of the social structure of Kazakh society in writing textbooks and teaching aids on the . Dissertation materials can be applied in the educational process at the lectures and seminars on general historical and special courses, the preparation of diploma and course works. The personal contribution of the applicant is that for the first time the scientific, comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to the study of the role of the batyrs in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the first quarter of the XVIII - the middle of the XIX centuries has been applied at the intersection of political science, history of state and law, military affairs, diplomacy, international relations theory, folklore studies, etc. in the domestic historical science. The analysis contained in the research allowed limiting ideological bias of the sources, to understand the value and uniqueness of the Institute of batyrs, to learn the rules, rituals, spiritual and moral and physical qualities, and the symbolism of batyrs. Generalizations and conclusions of the study may contribute to the formation of theoretical base for the further development of this direction in the national historical science. The appliance of the results of the dissertation. Basic theses and conclusions of the study, as well as suggestions and recommendations made on their basis, were discussed and approbated at two international conferences, in the journals included in the list KKSON MES of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The research results are reflected in 10 publications of the author, devoted to the topic of the dissertation. The results of the study have been repeatedly stated by the author at various conferences abroad, held in Russia and Bulgaria. There are publications in the journals with impact factor included in the Scopus and Tomson Reutors database. Publications. Ten publications in scientific academic and university publications were published during studying: – 2 publications in the journals included in the database of Thomson Reuters and Scopus; – 3 articles in the journals included in the list recommended by the Committee for Control of Education and Science of the MES of the RK; – 2 articles in the materials of the international conferences, including, 3 in the materials of foreign conferences. The volume and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of a list of abbreviations, introduction, three chapters, including 11 subsections, conclusion and list of references and appendices. In the introduction the relevance of research theme and its scientific novelty is substantiated, the aim and objectives are formulated, methodological and practical significance of the study are considered. In the first chapter – “Theoretical and methodological aspects of the problem” the questions of etymology of the term “batyr”, its historical roots, conceptual approaches and directions, interpretation at the present stage, source base of studying the role of batyrs in the history of Kazakh society and historiography of the problem are discussed. In the second chapter – “Institute of batyrs: formation, historical evolution, the place and role in the traditional Kazakh society” the main stages of formation of the institute of batyrs in the traditional Kazakh society, the socio- political significance of batyrs in maintaining the Kazakh statehood during the initial period of accession of Kazakhstan to the Russian Empire (XVIII c.) are analyzed. Comprehensive analysis of the role of batyrs in the organization of the Kazakh militia against Jungar aggression, the role of the great batyrs – military leaders Abulkhair Khan and Abylai Khan in maintaining the integrity of the Kazakh state in the fight against Jungars was held. In the third chapter – “Batyrs under colonial policy of Russia in Kazakhstan and the national liberation movements in the late XVIII - I half XIX centuries” transformation batyrs institution during the administrative reforms of tsarism in Kazakhstan revealed, batyrs fight for the integrity of the territory of the Little Horde led by Srym Datov, action batyrs in the rebellion led by Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov considered, the place and the role of batyrs in the rebellion led Kenesary Kasymov defined. In conclusion, the findings of the research are made.