Date: Thursday 22nd October 2020 Time: 7:30p.m. Venue: Remote meeting via Zoom

Joining Details: Meeting Link: Meeting ID: 729 2074 2775 Passcode: 7QYT8C

Dr. E. M. Maddock PSLCC, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. Dated 18th October, 2020


To Members of Great Warford Parish Council, You are hereby summoned to remotely attend the Parish Council Meeting, as shown above, to consider and determine the following business: 1. Apologies for absence 2. To receive the Declaration of Acceptance of Office from Mrs. L. Wildig 3. Declarations of Interest (a) To receive Declarations of Interest in any items on the agenda. 4. Public Forum for Questions 5. Reports from External Organisations (a) & Wards Policing Team - Report on matters of interest / concern within the Parish. (b) East Ward Member Cllr. C. Leach - Report on items of interest to the Parish Council. 6. Minutes (a) To approve the Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held 2nd September, 2020 as a correct record and authorise signing by the Chairman. 7. Planning (a) To receive and note latest planning decisions issued by Council in respect of development within the Parish. (Appendix A) (b) To consider new planning applications and determine any responses required. (Appendix A) (c) To receive updates from Cheshire East Council relating to local planning enforcement matters. (d) To receive information relating to the future of Lindow Moss.

E.M.M - 18/10/20 1 of 4 GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL (e) To receive and consider any response required in respect of the Government consultation document titled 'Planning for the future'. (Closing date: 29/10/20) (f) To receive and note the draft amended Site Allocations and Development Policies Document and supporting information. 8. Correspondence (a) To consider specific correspondence received by the Parish Council since the date of the last ordinary meeting and determine such actions as Members consider appropriate thereto - i. ChALC - Invitation to attend remote Annual Meeting (19/11/20). ii. ChALC - Notification of updated NJC 2020-21 National Salary Scales effective from 1st April, 2020. 9. Highway Maintenance and Enhancements (a) To receive and consider any response required in respect of the Cheshire East Council Well Managed Highway Infrastructure Winter Service consultation. (Consultation closes: 20/11/20) (b) To receive an update relating to the proposed meeting with representatives of Cheshire East Highways. (c) To consider information relating to highway safety within Parish particularly relating to visibility of speed limit signage and speeding vehicles. (d) To receive highway matters for attention from Members. 10. Community Issues (a) To receive an update on community speed watch activities. (b) To receive an update on recent littering issues at Mary Dendy Playing Field. (c) To confirm the dates/times of operation for the Christmas tree lights. 11. Matters for inclusion on next/future meeting agenda (a) Finance update and 2021/22 Budget. (b) Planters at junction of Ancoats Lane and Pedley House Lane. (c) Co-option of Parish Councillor. 12. Date of next meeting - To be determined.

To consider passing a resolution under Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 to exclude the public and press from the meeting for the following item of business on the grounds that it could involve the likely disclosure of exempt information.

13. Matters for consideration including those transferred from above items (as required)

Dr. E. M. Maddock PSLCC, Clerk & Responsible Financial Officer. Dated 18th October, 2020

For further information and copy agenda please contact: Tel: 01477 571444 Email: [email protected]


Outstanding planning applications & recent planning decisions 18/3275M - Warford Grange Farm, Pedley House Lane, Great Warford. WA16 7SP Certificate of Proposed Lawful Use for extension of existing Warehouse building and re-aligned private access road to existing commercial and residential premises. No new connection to public highway. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 19/0384M - Brook Cottage, Road, Great Warford. SK9 7TL Replacement dwelling, associated garage and landscaping. DECISION STATUS - Appeal decision awaited 20/1323M - Sandpit Farm, Chelford Road, Great Warford. SK9 7TL Retrospective application to regularise the existing horse exercise arena. DECISION STATUS - Approved with Conditions (21/09/20) 20/1503M - Cheshire Health Club and Spa, Warford Park, Faulkners Lane, Great Warford. WA16 7RN Construction of single storey extension with 2 roof lanterns, new entrance, replacement timber wall cladding, proposed new replacement windows, proposed new window openings and windows, construction of ventilation / air conditioning systems to flat roof with screening, insertion of roof skylights, insertion of new door for maintenance and cleaning access on existing flat roof. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/1533M - Fields View Farm, Land adjoining Ancoats Lane, Great Warford, Cheshire. Farm managers dwelling (permanent). DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/1931N - Pownall House, Warford Lane, Great Warford, , Cheshire. WA16 7AY Alteration to land levels (part retrospective). DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/1972M - Land at Noahs Ark Lane, Great Warford. Portal frame grain store. DECISION STATUS - Approved with Conditions (18/09/20) 20/2635M - Roselyn, Merrymans Lane, Great Warford, , Cheshire. SK9 7TP Double storey side/rear and single storey side and front extensions. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/2813M - Health Club & Spa, Faulkners Lane, Great Warford. WA16 7RN New access. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/3183M - 6 Warford Crescent, Great Warford. SK9 7TW Demolition of conservatory, partial demolition of outbuilding and construction of part two storey rear extension and front window bay. DECISION STATUS - Approved with Conditions (21/09/20) 20/3355M - 2 Ullswater Drive, Great Warford. SK9 7WB Demolish conservatory and erect ground floor rear extension. DECISION STATUS - Undecided

E.M.M - 18/10/20 3 of 4 GREAT WARFORD PARISH COUNCIL 20/3583M - 1 & 2 Mill Lane, , . SK9 7TY Erection of two-storey rear extensions to two semi-detached dwellings. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/3625M - Brookfield House, Faulkners Lane, Mobberley. WA16 7AN Certificate of proposed lawful use for erection of single-storey side, two-storey rear and front porch extension following demolition of the existing extensions. DECISION STATUS - Positive certificate (14/10/20) 20/4002M - Sandpit Farm, Chelford Road, Great Warford. SK9 7TL Demolition of existing barn and garage and the erection of a tractor store, garage and covered store. DECISION STATUS - Undecided 20/4488M - Great Warford Waste Water Treatment Works, Noahs Ark Lane, Mobberley. SK9 7AX Construction of 3 kiosks. DECISION STATUS - Comments deadline: 18/11/20

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