CÉSAR RITZ A LEADING BUSINESS SCHOOL WITH ENTREPRENEURSHIP cesarritzcolleges.edu 2021/2022 AND HOSPITALITY AT ITS HEART Why study P. 8 Bring your dreams to life in Switzerland in Switzerland? P. 1 0 Guided by the ethos of industry pioneer César Ritz Your learning P. 1 4 Develop an innovative mindset experience P. 1 6 Bachelor's program P. 2 0 Master's program P. 2 4 Certificate in Wine Business Management P. 2 6 Real-world experience with lifelong connections P. 2 8 A global community Student life P. 3 4 The total Swiss experience P. 3 8 Explore your next steps CÉSAR RITZ COLLEGES SWITZERLAND There are few moments more inspiring than seeing our students graduate, particularly during these extraordinary times. To thrive in the dynamic, ever-changing world of business, entrepreneurship and innovation are key, and at César Ritz Colleges Switzerland, our aim is to set you up for success with a well-rounded education. The future is in your hands, and by enabling you Our greatest pride comes from seeing our to learn from experts and to connect with in- students embrace the mindset of authen- dustry leaders, we want to help you become the tic hospitality combined with empathy, critical most accomplished entrepreneur you can be. thinking, and creativity. The best way to learn is through hands-on edu- As well as having global career opportunities cation in a learning environment that values available to them, our students leave in pos- independent, visionary thinking. We recognize session of an in-depth self-awareness of their that not everyone learns the same way, and key skills and passions, allowing them to de- therefore we incorporate practical activities fine the ways they are best able to be of value into even our most theoretical courses to keep to their community, to the marketplace, and to the teaching diverse and engaging.
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