1111 THATCHAM TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of The
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1111 THATCHAM TOWN COUNCIL Minutes of a Meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee held on Tuesday 4th May 2021 at 7pm remotely via video conferencing1 Present: Councillor John Boyd (Chairman) Councillors Lourdes Cottam, Ellen Crumly, Richard Foster, Mark Lillycrop, David Lister, Simon Pike and Jennifer Walker In attendance: Trudy Blackney (Deputy Town Clerk) and Mel Taylor (Town Clerk) Councillor Richard Crumly Mark Berry (JSA Planning) 1 member of the press (Newbury Weekly News) PH/2021/052 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE An apology for absence was received from Councillor Paul Field. PH/2021/053 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors E Crumly and D Lister declared a non-pecuniary interests in agenda item number 7c (PH/2021/058), as residents in close proximity to item being discussed. Councillor R Foster declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item number 5 (PH/2021/056), as a resident near location being discussed. PH/2021/054 MINUTES RESOLVED that the Minutes of the meeting held on 23rd March 2021, having been previously circulated, be taken as read, confirmed and signed as an accurate record. PH/2021/055 MATTERS ARISING FROM PREVIOUS MEETING There were no matters arising from the previous meeting. Councillor Walker joined the meeting PH/2021/056 PRESENTATION FROM JSA PLANNING – COLTHROP VILLAGE CONSORTIUM RESOLVED to allow members of the public to speak Committee received a presentation from Mark Berry of JSA Planning outlining the Colthrop Village Consortium proposals for a new urban extension to the town. The proposal had been submitted to West Berkshire Council for consideration as of part of its HELAA (Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment) process, which was not developed further. Colthrop Village Consortium were looking for support for their proposal to West Berkshire Council. Mark Berry took questions from Members. RESOLVED to note the information provided. Mark Berry left the meeting. 1 The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority and Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020 1112 Planning and Highways Committee 4th May 2021 PH/2021/057 THATCHAM FLOOD FORUM – SUSTAINABLE URBAN DRAINAGE SYSTEMS Update received from Councillor Lillycrop following the meeting of Full Council on the 29th March 2021. Councillor Lillycrop raised the issue regarding the Flood Water Management Act 2010 which had been highlighted as an item for discussion during the Planning & Highways meeting 23rd March 2021 (PH/2021/044 Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) and resolved that a question would be asked at the Full Council meeting of Laura Farris MP. Councillor Lillycrop asked Laura Farris MP for a commitment to fully implement section 3 & 42 of the Flood & Water Management Act 2010 and to raise awareness with the relevant people in West Berkshire Council and Parliament. RESOLVED to note the update. PH/2021/058 PLANNING MATTERS a) Public Inquiry – Hambridge Lake, Hambridge Road. Appeal reference: APP/W0340/W/20/3259296 A resolution was passed at the meeting of the Planning & Highways Committee on 23rd March 2021 (PH/2021/046) to send a representative from Thatcham Town Council to attend the Public Inquiry. Councillor Pike attended the inquiry and advised that the scope was wider than initially informed. Councillor Pike requested to make a submission on behalf of Thatcham Town Council to the Planning Inspectorate with regard to the ‘strategic gap’ which had become a matter of significance within the discussion. Due to short notice to provide a submission, a document was prepared and agreed by the Town Clerk, Councillor Boyd (Chairman of the Planning & Highways Committee) and the Mayor. The submission was read to the inquiry verbatim. Councillor Pike requested at this meeting of the Committee that the document and key statements be ratified. RESOLVED to ratify Councillor Pike’s submission. b) Appeal under Section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Application Reference: 20/02730/FULD Site Address: 17 Eliot Close, Thatcham Appellant’s name: Optimo Ventures Ltd Appeal reference: APP/W0340/W/21/3269514 Appeal start date: 30th March 2021 Proposal: Proposed two storey side extension to create a new dwellinghouse with parking provisions and associated alterations. Committee was advised of the above appeal and the reasons West Berkshire Council had refused the application. RESOLVED to note the information. c) Tree Preservation Order 201/21/1015 Committee was advised that an application had been received for a Tree Preservation Order on Land at The Plantation, Floral Way Thatcham. RESOLVED to note the information. 1113 Planning and Highways Committee 4th May 2021 PH/2021/058 PLANNING MATTERS continued d) West Berkshire Payphone Consultation Committee discussed its response to West Berkshire Council and BT with regard to the proposal to remove the phone box from the Broadway, Thatcham. RESOLVED to object to the removal of the phone box until in receipt of usage statistics from BT and to make contact with BT and request a breakdown of the usage for the previous 3 years to enable Committee to consider the phone boxes removal. Technical issues halted the meeting at 19:58. Meeting resumed at 20:09 e) West Berkshire Housing Strategy 2020-2036 Committee was advised that the West Berkshire Housing Strategy 2020-2036 had been adopted by West Berkshire Council on 25th March 2021. RESOLVED to note the information. PH/2021/059 TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT / HIGHWAYS / ROAD SAFETY MATTERS Notification had been received that West Berkshire Council had purchased a number of electric vehicle charging points and intended to install in suitable public car parks across the district, including Thatcham Gilbert Court (East) Car Park (2 x charging points), scheduled to be installed by the end of June. Committee was advised that the Town Council’s Environmental Working Party had submitted a response to West Berkshire Council suggesting prime locations for future consideration. RESOLVED to note the information. PH/2021/060 DECISION NOTICES Members noted planning decisions published since the last meeting of this Committee. Committee discussed the planning refusal for application 20/00626/COMIND Land south of Thornford Road, Crookham Common and reiterated their concerns that the site was being used for purposes that were not permitted. Committee discussed asking West Berkshire Council to make a site visit and ascertain whether the site is being used for what is permitted. RESOLVED to note the report and to ask West Berkshire Council to carry out a site visit and report back to the Town Council. PH/2021/061 REPORTS FROM TOWN COUNCIL APPOINTEES TO OUTSIDE BODIES Councillor Lillycrop reported that Thatcham Flood Forum was moving ahead with the last 3 sections of flood alleviation works. A meeting scheduled for 13th May 2021 would provide more information. The Forum were currently getting contributions in to formulate the business case for the Environment Agency to move forward with the last 3 pieces of work in North Thatcham, East Thatcham and Memorial Field. The Forum would continue to pursue the Environment Agency regarding the progress of the works with the aim of getting them completed as soon as possible. RESOLVED to note the information 1114 Planning and Highways Committee 4th May 2021 PH/2021/062 PLANNING APPLICATIONS Members considered the following planning applications: Plan Ward Application No. Location: Proposal: No. 1 Thatcham 21/00519/FULD Gemini House, 1 Retrospective change of West Gordon Road use from single residential dwelling to three residential dwellings - one house and two single storey flats RESOLVED: OBJECT on the grounds of over development. 2 Thatcham 21/00612/FULD 27 Roman Way Proposed new dwelling West RESOLVED: No Objections 3 Thatcham 21/00758/FUL Unit 1, Pipers Change of Use from Light Colthrop & Industrial Estate Industrial to B2 for the Crookham servicing and repair of motor vehicles to include MOT testing. RESOLVED: No Objections 4 Thatcham 21/00829/FULD 27 Victor Road Construction of new 2 Central storey, 2 bedroom dwelling to the side of No.27 Victor Road. Subdivision of plots by timber fencing, extend existing parking area and dropped curb RESOLVED: No Objections 5 Thatcham 21/00895/HOUSE Orchard House, Proposed New Garage and Coltrop & Heads Hill Storage Building Crookham RESOLVED: No Objections, however, Thatcham Town Council would object to any future change of use to the new property There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed at 8.53pm. Signed: ________________________________________ Date: __________________ .