The B-G News April 1, 1952
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Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 4-1-1952 The B-G News April 1, 1952 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News April 1, 1952" (1952). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1058. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. • LIB IIARY •- - Happy April Fool's, ,NO an""°*"Read Feature Or, Don't Believe On Page 2 About German Youth At BG What Your Prof Says iWfttiq Green State IJniifersittj Vol 36 Official Student Publication. Bowling GrNn. Ohio. Tueeday. April 1. 1952 No. 44 Morgan State Modifications Planned For Fraternity Row College Choir Studying, Sleeping Here Tonight Quarters Improved Approximately another $5,- To Present Varied 000 will be poured into each of the seven dorms which Program In Aud. make up Fraternity Row in The Morgan State College Chair an effort to improve the sleep- of Baltimore, Md., will present • ing and studying facilities in concert in the Main Aud., Thurs- day at 8 p.m. Orville Hoseley is the houses, according to con- director of the group. templated plans released yesterday Consisting of 45 voices, the by President Ralph W. McDonald. group will present a varied pro- Only hist summer a $6,000-per- gram of choral works. Included i L CONO FLOOR. house project was completed which in the program will be some In- converted sun porches on the hous- Drawings above, taken from architects plans, show the floor strumental music, and duet, quar- es into lounge space with picture tet, and solo numbers. layout of the Fraternity Row houses after remodeling is completed. windows. The entire sleeping nnd study The concert is being sponsored Blacksd-out portions are the changes being planned, and the =^=L space in the fraternity houses will by Bowling Green's men's and wo- numbers correspond to the total men assigned to each room. f I R.ST F L °° <*• Drawings are by Ron Penkoff. be remodeled in an effort to bring men's glee clubs. Morgan State's the sleeping and study facilities up choir was host to the Treble Clef to a level equal to lounge and din- Club when it tang at the college ing accommodations. during the group's Eastern tour last year. WBGU Broadcasts When remodeling is completed, Class Elections Set For April 16 the dorms will house from 30 to Included in the first half of the 34 men instead of the present num- program are four numbers from ber of 36 living in the fraternity the Latin liturgy: "Gloria Patri," 'Ohio Story' About Elections for next year's officers for all three classes will be held headquarters. The fewer beds will by Palestring; "Sanctus, Pt. I," by Additional Courses mean more space per person. Bach; "Ave Vorum Corpus," and on the same day this year, (Cath- Hofacker To Head erine O'Connor, chairman of the Ample closet space will be install- "Alleluia," by Mozart; and three Dr. Moseley's Life Elections Committee, has announc- Offered Next Year ed, according to President McDon- from the Russian liturgy: "Let ed. ald. Thy Holy Presence," by Tschesno- A rebroadcast of "The Ohio Students in the College of Bus- The election will be held Wednes- Most of the revisions will be koff; "Day of Judgement," by Story" will be presented over Ind. Arts Group iness Administration will be of- WBGU on Friday, April 4 at 7 day, April 16, In the Well. fered three new curricula, accord- done on the second floors of the Arkhangelsky; and "Glory to God Floyd R. Hofacker, industrial houses, where the present sleeping the Father," by Rachmaninoff. p.m. Nominations for class officers ing to Dean Benjamin L. Pierce. arts instructor, has been elected will be made at meetings Monday, quarters will be divided Into two- A clarinet number, "Sonata in The story tells about the late The 1962-63 catalog will offer president of the Midwestern Ohio April 7. Petitions must be turned ami four-man rooms. Dr. McDon- G Minor," by Handel, and three Dr. Moseley, former professor em- Industrial Arts Association. students a major in the fields of ald stated that he hopes students eritus at Bowling Green State Uni- in to Miss O'Connor by noon of economics, transportation and pub- choral numbers: "Song of Free- As president, Mr. Hofacker has will be able to study in the com- versity, and his efforts at proving Thursday, April 10. lic utilities, and journalism. dom," by Brahmes-Gardner; "Go jurisdiction over 22 counties in parative quiet of more private a 90.4 year precipitation cycle bas- Campaign material for these Journalism majors will be able Song of Mine," by Cookson; and northwestern Ohio. The Associa- quarters, in comparison with tho ed on interpretations of the tree elections can go up at 6 a. m. to specialize in one of five fields: "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," tion is established to promote so- present barracks-type arrange- rings. The professor established Tuesday, April 16. Rules set up news writing and editing; photo by Luther-Mueller, complete the cial and technical skills in the field ment. first half or the program. many friendships through his by the Elections Committee last journalism; publication manage- University Architect John K. of industrial arts. fall will govern the campaigning. Contemporary music and the weather forecasting communica- ment; public relations; and radio Ranuy has completed the prelimin- tions. The organization meets the third Officers for next year's fresh- journalism. traditional music of the Negro ary drawings for the contemplated In the original script Frank Sei- Wednesday of each month in dif- man class will be elected next fall. New courses to be added are people is included in the second changes, and work is now progress- del also tells how Professor Mose- ferent high schools in the 22 coun- Election of Student Senate mem- motor carrier transportation, ra- half of the program. "Patrick ing on the final blueprints. Uni- ley had an idea about milk sick- ties. On April 16, members and bers will be held April 23. A rally dio news writing and editing, and Henry's Resolution," by Gaul: versity officials expressed hope that ness prevalent in the Castalia, wives will meet in Port Clinton is planned April 22 by the Elec- principles of public relations. "Gettysburg Address," by Pease; for a fish fry and social evening. the remodeling would be completed Ohio, area. Dr. Moseley believed tions Committee. this summer. and "Pioneers," by McDonald with that the sickness was caused from At least once a month the as- Tentative dates for other elec- text by Walt Whitman are the a white snake root plant called sociation tries to visit some indus- tions are April 30 for the Daisy 'Today Is Tomorrow' opening choral numbers. Eupatorium Ageratoids. As a re- trial plant in the area. Mae contest and May 7 for May Students, Faculty Get "Thine Alone" from "Eileen sult of this belief Professor Mose- Last Thursday, Friday, and Sat- Court members. Is One-Act Drama by Verdi will be sung by a duet, ley, with the cooperation of his stu- urday, members of the industrial The committee hopes to be able For the information of readers Measured For Gowns and a quartet will sing the Quar- dents, tried to find a cure for the arts department attended a meet- to set up more than one voting who may be wondering about the Candidates for May graduation tet from Verdi's "Rigoletto." deadly disease. ing in the Deshler-Wallick Hotel place for these elections. meaning of the strange signs, "To- and faculty members should have "The Swan," by Salnt-Saens; The original production was pro- in Columbus. Prof. Roland M. Next year's sophomore class will day is Tomorrow" is an original their measurements taken for cap "Drink to Me Only with Thine duced on "The Ohio Story" net- Torgerson of the University was make nominations at 6:30 p. m. one-act drama which will be pre- and gown orders today through Eyes;'* and "Old .Man River," by work March 7, 1949. This rebroad- in charge of Friday morning's pro- Monday. Next year's juniors will sented Thursday at 7 p. m. in the Friday in the University Book Kern, will be sung by the choir cast is being done in special coop- gram, "Looking Ahead in Indus- meet at 7, and seniors at 7:30. Gate Theater. Store. with instrumental backing. eration with the Ohio Bell Tele- trial Arts." Spirituals in the concert's final phone Company. Four members of the industrial section will be "De Gospel Train," arts department served as judges arr. by Cain; "Jesus Walked This of projects from all over the state. Lonesome Valley," arr. by Daw-son, Mr. Hofacker judged the wood- Swan Club Presents Aqua Show and "Babylon Is Fallen," arr. by ROTC Units Parade working project, Harvey D. Miner Swan Club will present its Cain. judged the plastics division, Ed- The concert is open to the pub- ward C. Schumacher judged the twelfth annual synchronized swim- lic and a free will offering will For Dr. McDonald radio and electricity projects, and ming show to the theme of "Sands Robert Austin judged the general be taken.