DETROIT TIMES, JUNE 5, 1941 PAGE 35 Defense Measures Threaten Gulf* Xif/litDaseball By KODAK HAYES more golf courses in the neighborhood of Detroit. While offi- ing in their car and driving to the first tee will not transfer nothing about golf several times from buses to reach the course. The full emergency proclaimed by the President of the cials have done definite it yet, authorities Association public link* United States last week threatens to sports harder than fear they will prohibit the running of cars on Sunday except Edward Atlas, United States Golf most walks of life. Night and football may be cur- for business. committeeman, fears it will be a bitter blow to the courses. tailed and golf on Sundays might be limited. While the week day play has been excellent on the public “Right now 'the courses are having their best season. Conservation of power may mean legislation against night particularly on weekdays, has been way up. The courses (up 35 to 40 per cent according to early reports >, it The play, The gasless Sundays now being talked of would working, many baseball. is the Saturday and Sunday play that pays the bills. Few weather has been grand and the players are with the golf shifts that allow them to play raise havoc courses. of the clubs could survive long if their Sunday revenue was of them afternoon and night Already in some of the small leagues the schedule of to hope for the best.” cut off completely. in the morning. We’ll just ha\e night games has been cut. The amount of wattage needed courses also will be hit by There are a few courses which can be reached by street The revenue of the private for a night game puts an extra load on the generating units big day for the family. 'sports car and bus. They would get the bulk of the play. Fred the proposed ruling. Sunday is a editor of the smaller utilities and with the factories working both from the Nolan, general of the Detroit street railway depart- Father plays golf in the morning with the men day and night, the burden became too heavy. and then said his department would do whatever it could to aid office. After lunch he plays a round with mother Boys Are The same problem is not present in the major leagues ment. Flashy Frankie Croucher The Baker Now the situation. the whole family has dinner. according to Detroit Edison officials. Key Man in in 4th Place in Team Some of the more ardent golfers will spend w’eek-ends Has Been “We have reser\ed generating units which easily can “Dasless Sundays would put a heavy burden on our trans- at the club, but facilities will take care of few of the »aiA 28 Tiger Plays Fielding in the League handle the extra load of a night game. The amount of light portation department, but we would be able to handle it. We army who play each Sunday. needed to illuminate Briggs Stadium, 1.350 kilowatts, would are allowed to go anywhere within 10 miles of the city limits. golf and other sports in the city won’t suffer so be enough to take earj of the needs of three ordinary house- This would cover most of the courses in the area. We Baseball ALL-STAR ’EM OR LEAVE ’EM as to care the players.” the stadium and parks are within easy reach TEAMS—TAKE holds during an entire year.” would as many buses needed take of much because many who are used to jump- car and bus lines. The gasless Sundays loom as a nightmare to the 1(H) *>r While this would be a help, of street A a day keeps the Yankees away? Or, Red Sox, or White Sox. It makes no difference to Frankie Croucher which team you use in the ditty—it all comes with the dinner.! And if a double play a day has failed to keep the dog- Probe IT CANT Luke Sewell New or W nite Cheating gone Yankees away or doggone Red Sox doggone Sox —it hasn’t been Croucher’s fault. HAPPEN THERE Since replacing Dick Bartell at , the flashy young Browns plays in some- of Croucher has been the key man in 28 double Stirs Open Field —By Burris Jenkins Jr. Pilot thing like 30 games. He was the pivot player All Clubs to Be Tribe Takes IN in 19 of those Over Reins From started by . Examined at Charley tie hr-,L — First Tee inger and starts himself, ed nine - FORT WORTH. Tex June 5. ST. LOUIS, June s.—There’ll four with Gchr- 1 With a field of approximately 170 ;begin another new deal in St. Cng iir in th C "ready" !6 shoot arrt rr Texas eon- Louis Browns’ history when James middle and five tmgent favored to produce the Luther