Events Hughes in a Mercer Is Second
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10 THE SAN FRANCISCO CALL. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1912. lEAD OF WORKS BOARD FOWLER HAS FINEST Weather Report IS SUED FOR DAMAGES EXHIBIT AT FRESNO WHALER l'nlr<Hl States Department of Arrh-nUnre. ANGE;i>ES. Oct. Call] RETURNS 2?Gen«ral Adna Dispatch King 2, LOS [Special to The Speed \\>atUer Bureau, San FreiH-lsco. October 1912. New won Palma $10.- f)< first De !s the doffndant In a t. R. Chaffee FRKSXO. 2. Fowler RAINFALLDATA --000 damage suit on trial today before prize id th» Vr'-nnr, fair today for the Superior Judge Housor. Tiie suit, wan best exhibit 'it agricultural and mer- MASTER by M. who al- cnnMle towns made WITHOUT Mrs. Rut!i prfrdectii. Kicrht filed leges the inter- <-v!i!blfs prise were awarded, l STATIONS = u i r2 c5 that while crQMlne and flve a -- section of Third and Cl irence streets The prize wan |180. Reedley tnok Mercedes Car Leads Rivals Captain J. A. Macomber, Who : jf"[? on January 21, 1S»11, she fell and broke ond With a $100 cash prize, the Selma IT her left limb and sustained other in- exhibit wan given th'-rri piece, the San- Was Lettitia, Kurfkn 0.0»> I S.S8 I 1.4S I0.45 juries. She asserts* that the sidewalk ger exhibit fourth place and the Ker- in Command of K*tl Bluff '..... O.tK) 4.13 I 0.90 I 0.70 was defective and that General Chaffee. man exhibit fifth place. The fair Sacramento 0.00 1.24 0.44 0.18 $425 in prizes O.W 0.11 as president of the board of public- association distributed Meets Death Mount TamalpuU.... 0.00 2.« for exhibits. Dramatic 8« n Francisco 0.00, 1.25 0.:J4 0.16 works, is responsible. these San J <>ee ? 0.00 0.T0 0.42 0.23 RACE I Fresno 0.00 0.10 0.33 0.02 CLASSIC 0.70 Independence 0.01 0.<H» 0.30 HE whaling schoon- Obispo 0.00 0.53 0.02 San Lulu ! 0.01 1.23 er I-ettitia, which Los A»isele« 0.01 0.01 ICOS 8an Ttivgo 0.00 0.40 I0.08 0.22 left here April 27 a cruise in the PACIFIC COAST STATIONS THRILLS for the following tables the maximum and mini- SENDS In waters of south- mum temperature* and rainfall are given: eastern Alaska, re- Coming turned ycsierday 65,000 with its flag at THROUGH as a half mast STATIONS 5 a, 8TATIOXS 2 token of respect to of Cap- It Events Hughes in a Mercer Is Second,. the memory V i J- A. Z '\u25a0 ! tain Macom- r ? I ? On Southern Pacific Lines of While Tetzlaffs Engine ber, late master Baker |62!30 .00! Red Bluff the vessel, who died Boise 66 S\u03b2 .001 Reno With Reduced Round Trip Rates From San Francisco* Del Monte 177 50 .00 Rosebnrg Burns Out August 2 of heart Eureka !02 46 .00 Sacramento .. trouble, induced, his Flagstaff |62 .. .26 Salt Lake Fresno |82 o() .00 San Diego Helena <» 44 .00 San Francisco. !oo j Aviation Meet and Motor Races RALPH N. WHITESIDE Honolulu 1*674l T. San Jf*t> Independence.. |C8}46|. 01' S. L. Obispo... i [Specie/ Dispatch to Thr Call] captain was rigging directing Kallspell «4j:S« .<X>; SE. Faraflon.. Vallejo in the Ixm Angeles... TO Srt .011 Spokane WAUTWATOSA, Wis., Oct. 2.?The two boats in the chase of a whale which Modem* ft4Us!.2S! Summit !uo Oct. 5 and 6, $1.00 sped Taeoma .(Ml of the tragedy, which sighted epouting nearby. He Mt. Tarnalpale 74i35|.OO r* shadow been North Head... 58 5© .00 Tatooeh from the speedways forever the brave was stricken without warning. He fell Phoenix Rfi 60 .01' Tonopah ' Walla.. Bruce Brown still hung the body floated, Tocatcllo 66 42 .00 Walla and brilliant into water, where his Tt. Ke.ves Lt..l75 51 .00 Wlnnemucca but, although picked up .. Agricultural, Live Stock and Dairy Show over the race course here until wetl he was within Portland ?. 166-.46 .00 Yama I was i . ... finish of the great Vander- a few minutes, he was dead. He toward the buried at sea following day. He ! EASTERN STATIOKS when, Teddy the Modesto bllt cup struggle with was 51 years of age, and is survived by .00 through Aliilene 82|62 .001 <noxTtlle Oct. 3to 5, $3.95 Tetzlaff forced out of the race, a widow and two children, who live Atlantic City.. 60'4« .if -milsvllle .00 burning up engines of his Boston 5RU0 .00 tlemphis '.oo the of the 02144 .0*1 fontgoinery :SAn A. ft Hiller, the chief officer, took Buffalo .. .00 big Fiat. Ralph de Palma, in his Mer- Macomber's Charleston 174!62 .00 Montreal keyed command after Captain Chicago 170]30!.00 Moorbwid .00 cedes, Hughes and Wishart the death brought to port !~O|44l.O0 .00 California Apple Show swift and the vessel Denver Xew Orleans.. immense crowd following the yesterday. The Lettitia's cruise was Pes Molm»e....|7K4f»I.Ofij New York cars , into a pitch of enthusiasm which very whales DodjTP City 7Sl.14 .0Oj North I'latte.. not Five sperm , of past events !n successful. Dulntii 76 Oklahoma .00 Watsonville banished all thought were killed and their total yield of 401.001 .00 the of as stern a contest as was Ihiran«ro 64 481.12 IMttuburg 12, face -45 barrels constitutes the schooner's Eastport 46 381.21 Boewell .. .01 Oct. 7to $3.75 ever debated on wheels. gross earnings for. the cruise. Galreetnn S2!«e!.0O St. I-ouis .00 a later, with a fine burst was Green Bay 46!.00( ST. Paol Loo When little already The Lettitia is 45 years old, but l«8 .we of speed, De Palma made his built in day workmanship and Hatterae |7o!e2t.OO! Temp* beyond hazard of a when Hnrrc 166140 .00! Toledo 1.00 assured victory the material were the history |7R!4«!.O0 Wanhington .00 Walnut accident, aft<*r cheer ; the best in Huron ..- Festival aught but cheer of shipbuilding. On this voyage the JacksonTillp ..I7R74J.58 Winnipeg I .00 went up to the most popular driver on Kansas City.. (76 54|.O4 V he crossed the fin- schooner weathered two hurricanes the patch. When that would have tested the stability of Concord ishing line, a tumultuous roar cannoned SYNOPSIS . OF WEATHER CONDITIONS jany modern vessel. During this bad Oct. 10 to along densely packed files of spec- Mght showers hare occurred in the southern 12, $1.70 the weather two boats away, valley. tator?, now a heaving mass of madly were carried counties of California and in Owens damaged. reported with excited humanity. De Palma took his but the Lettitia itself was not Tlmnder storms are in Arlasona, Port moderately heavy rain. There has also been rain victory with his usual coolness, but he Honolnlan Sail* for Inland In t'tah. Arijsona and western Colorado. The was undoubtedly gratified by the cheers The Matson liner Honolnlan, Captain weather is fair and warm In northern California Alameda County Fair told him how popular a winner Bennett, yesterday and fair with normal temperatures In Oregon and which IF. .1. sailed for Kast nf Mississippi river pleas- he was. I Honolulu with a cargo and a large Washington. the be- full ant weather prevails, except in Florida, where Pleasanton He was tirst away and from the number of passengers. Among the n<in iv falling. ner he forced the pace to the top passengers was the Chinese baseball There have been no important changes In tem- Oct. 23 to 26, $1.50 iecreet speed. While his time for team from Honolulu, homeward bound. perature nt eastern point* and no extreme condi- If irr.les, 4:20:31; ">4 was about tions. On the Pacific cojfcit there hns been a rl«e the rec- of 10 degrees in the Sacramento valley and north- Trip Rates Other Points is per hour slower than readings great Reduced Round From Sayan- western Nevada. Afternoon in the ta by Ralph Mulford at valley range from 82 to 86 degrees. ide steady The passengers included: ; was a gruelling pace and T. E. Hrady, Mr. and Mrs. A. Cartwright. from FORECAST around the fi9 mile an hour level Miss J. Cartwright. J. O. (Tune, Mlfe Nell I. for 30 hoar* slowed IMsert. James Fonts, P. Foster, Mrs. H. B. Forecast made In San Franelseo P to finish line. When he C. J. ending midnight Thursday, October 3, 1912: Pacific liifford. Miss tjoodbuul, Mrs. H. L. Southern but to change tires Henna A. San Francisco and vicinity?Fair Thursday; Builrtinp. Kearny 31RO. ? warn B. Grove, C. Hansen, Miss Nvllie W. Haynes. SAN FRANCISCO: Flood Bnlldinx. Palace Hotel. Ferry Phone ,i: ! that was accomplished at record H. M. Hepburn. Miss K. E. Hickey. Mr. and moderately warm: lightwest wind. Third and Townsend Streets. Phone Kern-ny I*o J. Santa Clara valley? Fair Thursday; moderately OAKLAND: Thirteenth and Broadway. Phono Oaklan.l \C-. Mrs. H. M. Kebby. Mrs. James Kirkland, F. light Teddy Tetzlaff passed him before the Llndenian, Philip Llndeman, Miss Adele LJnde- warm: north wind. Sixteenth Street Station. Phone Onkl.ind 14.J.8. man, McGfll, Sacramento valley?Fair Thursday; continued First aDd Broadway. Phone Oakland TMO. century vaa and forced his Miss Theone Lindemau. Miss Mrs. light north wind. touched warm; «« ???? .»?????? ?^??»??^?????? S. McKeague, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McKenna and Joaquin valley*? Thursday; ~^> machine t>> the limit to cinch his ,lead.