Semitism, Although a Factor, Is, Relatively Tory, Not Much More Prevalent in Germany and Unprejudiced Saints That It Could Es

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Semitism, Although a Factor, Is, Relatively Tory, Not Much More Prevalent in Germany and Unprejudiced Saints That It Could Es 161 resurgence or of neo-Nazism.... Anti- Other chapters trace the split of the city Semitism, although a factor, is, relatively and the developments which made it the speaking and in consideration of past his- important issue that it is today. &dquo;Berlin tory, not much more prevalent in Germany as a Socio-Political Problem&dquo; examines than elsewhere.&dquo; If the author’s discovery critically the social and political implica- that not all Germans deserve praise, while tions of the Soviet-proposed isolation of a minority deserve criticism, enables him Berlin from the West. The consequences to call Germany &dquo;schizophrenic,&dquo; one won- of submission to Soviet pressure are sub- ders which country or people in the world jected to sharp analyses. What will the is so exclusively composed of democratic future bring? Berlin’s beloved and heroic and unprejudiced saints that it could es- mayor, the late Ernst Reuter, proclaimed cape Mr. Dornberg’s psychiatric diagnosis. in 1947: &dquo;The idea of unity [of Germany] NORBERT MUHLEN is a question of life and death for us here New York City in Berlin, without which we have in the long run no justification for existence.&dquo; German Trans- Berlin—Pivot of Destiny. What are the possible consequences of lated and edited by Charles B. Robson. Khrushchev’s design? Berlin becomes &dquo;a Hill: Pp. vi, 233, xvi. Chapel University small, weak democracy,&dquo; compelled to ac- of North Carolina Press, 1960. $5.00. cept &dquo;the tutelage of that power that is This book represents an excellent trans- willing to ease its poverty with alms.&dquo; In lation of a series of lectures delivered in the event that the city becomes separated the summer of 1959 at the Otto Suhr In- from the West, only the Soviet Union re- stitute of the Free University of Berlin. mains to provide the alms. Perhaps such To the reader intent upon learning more a book tends to be frustrating, with its about Berlin itself than about the crisis vexatious implications; but then Berlin is generally identified with it, this should be one of the most vexatious issues between a most welcome source. Rarely, these East and West, a legal monstrosity made days, does one find in Western literature up of ordinary human beings-and with a adequate reference to the inner substance history and a reputation far brighter than of the problem: the historic significance of that of the country of which it has been the city, its people, their hopes and aspira- the symbol for so long. tions, their rights. Instead, one is bom- HENRY L. BRETTON barded with references to the rights of the University of Michigan free world and the strategic requirements of the Cold War. This book, in diverse ways, FRIEDA WUNDERLICH. Farm Labor in graphically demonstrates that the problem Germany, 1810-1945: Its Historical De- has not only ideological and strategic, but velopment Within the Framework of also ordinary human propositions-that the Agricultural and Social Policy. Pp. xv, city lives, breathes, that it has a signifi- 390. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton Uni- cant past which entitles it to a future. versity Press, 1961. $8.50. So much has been made of the equation The problem of farm labor in Germany- Prussianism-Militarism-Nazism. But this historically one of Germany’s great social book reminds us that it was the city of and economic problems-is given compre- Berlin, capital of Prussia, where &dquo;the cult hensive treatment in Professor Wunder- of Germanism and extreme anti-Semitism lich’s book. What makes this book espe- simply could not find the response ... that cially valuable is the fact that it is not a those who exercised the power wished.&dquo; mere compilation of statistical data on We are reminded that it was in Berlin that wage rates or employment figures. Rather, the National Socialist power failed to crack the author has chosen to treat the problem the republican, democratic front in the of German farm labor in its historical, election of March 1933, in spite of the sociological, and political setting. In doing fact that Hitler had already set in motion this, she cuts across Germany’s rapid in- the police-state apparatus. dustrial development period during the.
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