2012 Air Quality Updating and Screening Assessment for: District Council

In fulfillment of Part IV of the Environment Act 1995 Local Air Quality Management

Date (August, 2012)

Epping Forest District Council

Local Authority Fay Rushby Officer

Department Public Health Environment & Street Scene

Address Council Civic Offices High Street Epping CM16 4BZ

Telephone 01992 564496

e-mail [email protected]

Report WK/201214649 Reference number

Date August 2012

LAQM USA 2012 1 Epping Forest District Council

Executive Summary

Epping Forest District is an attractive, predominantly commuter area on the north eastern edge of . The district has a population of around 121,000, of which nearly three quarters live in the suburban towns of , , , Epping and Waltham . The remaining quarter live in the surrounding rural areas including large villages such as Roydon, , North Weald and . There are two large motorways in the district; the M25 and the M11 and the main source of air pollution in the district is road traffic.

The air quality in the district is reasonably good with increased concentrations of vehicle emissions related polutants limited to congested high street areas and busy junctions.

The District Council has completed all rounds of the review and assessment to date, which led to a number of detailed assessments for nitrogen dioxide. AQMA’s were declared for Epping High Street in 2010, and Bell Vue, Bell Common in 2011. The Epping High Street AQMA was declared on the basis of modelling information, but was revoked in 2011 on the completion of diffusion tube monitoring, which confirmed that nitrogen dioxide were below the air quality objective. All other reports judged that no AQMA was necesarry.

Only one air quality management area remains, that being for Bell Vue, Bell common. An action plan is in the process of being agreed but has yet to be accepted by defra. Revisions to the source apportionment calculation are required.

This updating and screening assessment builds on previous air quality work, and reports on 2011 monitoring data. The Updating and Screening Assessment has identified that there is no need to amend the boundaries of the current AQMA, and there is no need to declare any new AQMA.

No local developments have the potential to impact on air quality other than the commencement of the Epping Ongar Heritage Railway. The Updating and Screening Assessment has identified the need for additional monitoring in relation to the . The impact (if any) of the operation of the railway is being reviewed and

LAQM USA 2012 2 Epping Forest District Council will be reported in the 2013 Progress Report along with the need to progress to a Detailed assessment if necessary.

The Updating and Screening Assessment has not identified the need to progress to a detailed assessment at this time.

The proposed actions following this Updating and Screening Assessment are to:

Ø Revise the source apportionment assessment for the action plan for the current AQMA. Ø Continue with the existing nitrogen dioxide monitoring survey. Ø Monitor at the Epping Ongar Railway for nitrogen dioxide and time spent idling at stations to see if a detailed assessment is required. Ø Submit a progress report in 2013.

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Table of contents

1 Introduction...... 6 1.1 Description of Local Authority Area...... 6 1.2 Purpose of Report...... 6 1.3 Air Quality Objectives...... 7 1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments...... 8 2 New Monitoring Data...... 10 2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken...... 10 2.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites...... 10 2.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites...... 10 2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with AQ Objectives...... 14 2.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide...... 14

2.2.2 PM10...... 21 2.2.3 Sulphur Dioxide...... 21 2.2.4 Benzene...... 21 2.2.5 Other pollutants monitored...... 21 2.2.6 Summary of Compliance with AQS Objectives...... 21 3 Road Traffic Sources...... 22 3.1 Narrow Congested Streets with Residential Properties Close to the Kerb...... 22 3.2 Busy Streets Where People May Spend 1-hour or More Close to Traffic...... 22 3.3 Roads with a High Flow of Buses and/or HGVs...... 22 3.4 Junctions...... 23 3.5 New Roads Constructed or Proposed Since the Last Round of Review and Assessment23 3.6 Roads with Significantly Changed Traffic Flows...... 23 3.7 Bus and Coach Stations...... 23 4 Other Transport Sources...... 24 4.1 Airports...... 24 4.2 Railways (Diesel and Steam Trains)...... 24 4.2.1 Stationary Trains...... 24 4.2.2 Moving Trains...... 25 4.3 Ports (Shipping)...... 25 5 Industrial Sources...... 26 5.1 Industrial Installations...... 26 5.1.1 New or Proposed Installations for which an Air Quality Assessment has been Carried Out 26 5.1.2 Existing Installations where Emissions have Increased Substantially or New Relevant Exposure has been Introduced...... 26 5.1.3 New or Significantly Changed Installations with No Previous Air Quality Assessment...26 5.2 Major Fuel (Petrol) Storage Depots...... 27 5.3 Petrol Stations...... 27

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5.4 Poultry Farms...... 27 6 Commercial and Domestic Sources...... 28 6.1 Biomass Combustion – Individual Installations...... 28 6.2 Biomass Combustion – Combined Impacts...... 28 6.3 Domestic Solid-Fuel Burning...... 28 7 Fugitive or Uncontrolled Sources...... 29 8 Conclusions and Proposed Actions...... 30 8.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data...... 30 8.2 Conclusions from Assessment of Sources...... 30 8.3 Proposed Actions...... 30 9 References...... 32

List of Tables Table 1.1 Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of LAQM in Table 2.2 Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites Table 2.5 Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes in 2011 Table 2.6 Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes (2007 to 2011)

List of Figures Figure 1.1: Map of AQMA Boundary Figure 2.2: Map of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites Figure 2.4: Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations measured at Diffusion Tube Monitoring Sites

Appendices Appendix A: Diffusion Tube Data A1 QA/QC of diffusion tube monitoring A2 Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors A3 Diffusion tube precision and accuracy A4 NO2 distance from roads

Appendix B: Part B regulated activities

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1 Introduction 1.1 Description of Local Authority Area

Epping Forest District is an attractive, predominantly commuter area on the north eastern edge of London. The district has a population of around 121,000, of which nearly three quarters live in the suburban towns of Loughton, Buckhurst Hill, Chigwell, Epping and . The remaining quarter live in the surrounding rural areas including large villages such as Roydon, Nazeing, North Weald and Theydon Bois. There are two large motorways in the district; the M25 and the M11 and the main source of air pollution in the district is road traffic.

The air quality in the district is reasonably good with increased concentrations of vehicle emissions related polutants limited to congested high street areas and busy junctions.

1.2 Purpose of Report

This report fulfils the requirements of the Local Air Quality Management process as set out in Part IV of the Environment Act (1995), the Air Quality Strategy for England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland 2007 and the relevant Policy and Technical Guidance documents. The LAQM process places an obligation on all local authorities to regularly review and assess air quality in their areas, and to determine whether or not the air quality objectives are likely to be achieved. Where exceedences are considered likely, the local authority must then declare an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) and prepare an Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) setting out the measures it intends to put in place in pursuit of the objectives.

The objective of this Updating and Screening Assessment is to identify any matters that have changed which may lead to risk of an air quality objective being exceeded. A checklist approach and screening tools are used to identify significant new sources or changes and whether there is a need for a Detailed Assessment. The USA report should provide an update of any outstanding information requested previously in Review and Assessment reports.


Epping Forest District Council

1.3 Air Quality Objectives

The air quality objectives applicable to LAQM in England are set out in the Air Quality (England) Regulations 2000 (SI 928), The Air Quality (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2002 (SI 3043), and are shown in Table 1.1. This table shows the objectives in units of microgrammes per cubic metre mg/m3 (milligrammes per cubic metre, mg/m3 for carbon monoxide) with the number of exceedences in each year that are permitted (where applicable).

Table 1.1 Air Quality Objectives included in Regulations for the purpose of LAQM in England Air Quality Objective Pollutant Concentration Measured as Date to be achieved by 16.25 µg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2003 Benzene 5.00 µg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2010 1,3-Butadiene 2.25 µg/m3 Running annual mean 31.12.2003 Carbon monoxide 10.0 mg/m3 Running 8-hour mean 31.12.2003 0.5 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004 Lead 0.25 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2008 200 µg/m3 not to be exceeded more than 18 1-hour mean 31.12.2005 Nitrogen dioxide times a year 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2005 50 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 Particles (PM10) (gravimetric) times a year 40 µg/m3 Annual mean 31.12.2004 350 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 24 1-hour mean 31.12.2004 times a year 125 µg/m3, not to be Sulphur dioxide exceeded more than 3 24-hour mean 31.12.2004 times a year 266 µg/m3, not to be exceeded more than 35 15-minute mean 31.12.2005 times a year


Epping Forest District Council

1.4 Summary of Previous Review and Assessments

The District Council has completed all rounds of the review and assessment to date. The review and assessment process has led to a number of detailed assessments for nitrogen dioxide, including:

Ø Epping High Street (2004) Ø Hainault Road, Chigwell (2005) Ø Waltham Abbey A121 Link Road (2005) Ø Goldings Hill, Loughton (2009) Ø Bell Vue, Bell common (2009) Ø Epping High Street (2011) Ø Loughton High Road (2011)

AQMA’s were declared for Epping High Street in 2010, and Bell Vue, Bell Common in 2011. The Epping High Street AQMA was declared on the basis of modelling information, but was revoked in 2011 on the completion of diffusion tube monitoring, which confirmed that nitrogen dioxide were below the air quality objective. All other reports judged that no other AQMA were necsarry.

Only one air quality management area remains, that being for Bell Vue, Bell common. The map of the boundary of the AQMA is shown in figure 1.1. An action plan is in the process of being agreed and the local residents have recently been consulted on the proposals. Residents feedback indicated that whilst they considered that the review and assessment of air qualitty was a good thing, they were happy to live by the road and considered that little could be done to achieve any actual improvement in air quaity.

The action plan has yet to be accepted by defra, and revisions to the source apportionment calculation are required.


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Figure 1.1 Map of AQMA Boundary


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2 New Monitoring Data 2.1 Summary of Monitoring Undertaken

2.1.1 Automatic Monitoring Sites

Epping Forest District Council no longer operates an automatic monitoring site. The former PM10 and NO2 monitoring station site was decommissioned due to a combination of equipment failure and absence of budget for new or replacement equipment.

2.1.2 Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

Non-automatic monitoring undertaken in the district is exclusively via NO2 diffusion tubes. Currently, 52 diffusion tubes are installed at 22 monitoring locations. A map showing the monitoring locations is shown as figure 2.2. Site details are given in table 2.2. No changes to diffusion tube locations were made in 2011. The diffusion tubes were supplied by Environmental Scientific Groups (ESG) in accordance with the procedures set out in the Practical Guidance document. They are of the 50% Triethanolamine (TEA) in acetone preparation. ESG are classified as achieving ‘Good’ performance in the Workplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency (WASP) Report for rounds 108-115. Further details on WASP performance can be found in Appendix A1.

We have not undertaken our own co-location study for the derivation of our own bias adjustment factor. In the absence of a local bias correction factor, the default bias correction factor for ESG analysis using the 50% TEA in acetone method has been used. This factor, calculated as 0.84 for 2011 based on 22 studies has been obtained from the defra air quality website (March 2012 release): http://laqm.defra.gov.uk/bias- adjustment-factors/national-bias.html See Appendix A2.


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Figure 2.2 Map of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

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Table 2.2 Details of Non-Automatic Monitoring Sites

Tube OS Grid reference Relevant Distance to Worst case Site name Site type In AQMA? ref exposure (m) kerb location? x y Yes Ladbrokes, High 1, 8 & 44 Roadside 546196 202355 No st 5.6m Yes Street, Epping (0m, @ 1 floor only)

Outside Superdrug, Yes 2, 10 & 202 High Street, Roadside 546058 202193 No st 4.9m Yes 35 (0m, @ 1 Epping floor only) Yes 3 Albion Terrace Roadside 537727 196187 No 4.6m No (3.1m) Possibly Pink, 252 High Road, 4 & 25 Roadside 542373 196478 No st 5.7m Yes Loughton (Bus stop) (0m, @ 1 floor only) 13 The Elms, 5, 24 & Yes Woodbine Close, Urban Background 541308 200037 No 36.6m Yes 36 Waltham Abbey (0m) 34 Hayden Road, Yes 6 & 29 Urban Background 538386 199557 No 12m Yes Waltham Abbey (0m) 3 Howse Road, Yes 7 & 30 Urban Background 537956 199565 No 19m No Waltham Abbey (0m) 72 Hill, Yes 9 28 Roadside 542664 196868 No 12.7m Yes Loughton (0m) 1 Canes Cottages, 11, 43 & Canes Lane (A414), Urban Background 547838 206819 No Yes (0m) 15.6m Yes 47 Hainault Road – o/s 12, 13 & Yes 105 Manor Rd, Kerbside 544234 192236 No 1m No 16 Chigwell (8.5m)

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Tube OS Grid reference Relevant Distance to Worst case Site name Site type In AQMA? ref exposure (m) kerb location? x y

LC os 5a Goldings Yes 15 & 26 Roadside 543091 197316 No 1m No Hill, Loughton (4.8m) Zizzi, Church Hill, 17 & 18 Roadside 542505 196668 No No 4.2m Yes Loughton 19, 20 & 15 High Street, Yes Roadside 545555 201732 No 13.7m Yes 21 Epping (0m)

Netherhall Lane/Glen Yes 22 & 33 Urban Background 539711 208662 No 1.7m No Faber Road, Nazeing (16m) Yes 14, 23 & Timspons, 249 High Roadside 542339 196360 No st 6.4m Yes 27 Road Loughton (0m, @ 1 floor only) 15 The Elms, 31, 32 & Yes Woodbine Close, Urban Background 541320 200020 No 55.8m Yes 37 Waltham Abbey (0m) Abbeyview Yes 34 Urban Background 537808 200644 No 24m No Roundabout (6.1m)

38, 39 & Yes 2 Lodge Lane Roadside 538710 199860 No 0.5m No 40 (7.3m)

41, 42 & Bell Vue, Bell Yes Roadside 544928 201281 Yes 1.8m Yes 48 Common, Epping (0m)

Burrows Chase, Yes 45 & 46 Urban Background 538570 199509 No 14.6m Yes Waltham Abbey (0m)

18 High Street, Yes 49 Roadside 540919 209956 No 2.5m No Roydon (0.75m) 50, 51 & EFDC Offices Epping Urban Background 546227 202483 No No - No 52

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2.2 Comparison of Monitoring Results with AQ Objectives

2.2.1 Nitrogen Dioxide

Nitrogen Dioxide monitoring is undertaken in the Local Authority Area. The significant relevant source is exclusively road traffic emissions.

Automatic Monitoring Data

Automatic monitoring for nitrogen dioxide is not currently undertaken in the Local Authority Area. A chemiluminescent was in operation on a trial basis during the latter part of 2010, however the monitoring station was dogged with problems due to the use of old used equipment. The data obtained was not ratified or considered reliable for use. No data from the analysers is used in this report.

Diffusion Tube Monitoring Data

All diffusion tube monitoring locations indicate a downward trend of improving air quality for the 2011 calendar year (with the exception of s slight increase for Abbeyview roundabout and Lodge Lane Waltham Abbey). Both of the above sites however remain 3 below the 40 µg/m annual mean NO2 objective. See figure 2.4 for trend chart.

In reporting Nitrogen Dioxide monitoring data:

Ø The annual means have been bias adjusted (see table 2.5 and appendix A1). 3 Annual means in excess of the 40 μg/m annual mean NO2 objective have been highlighted in bold. Ø Single, duplicate and triplicate tubes are also indicated in table 2.5. Ø The full mean monthly values are detailed in Appendix A3. Ø No monitoring location had data capture of les than 9 months. Annualisation was therefore not required. Ø Only one site reported less than 90% valid data Pink, 252 High Road, Loughton (Bus stop) (see table 2.5). Ø Two sites were adjusted for distance where the receptor was set back from the monitoring location (Hainault Road and Goldings Hill) using the published AQ Consultants distance calculator (see table 2.5 and appendix A4).

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3 The 40 µg/m annual mean NO2 objective has been exceeded in two locations, these being: Ø Bell Vue, Bell Common, Epping. Ø Pink, 252 High Road, Loughton (Bus stop).

Bell Vue, Bell Common are two roadside residential properties with a population of approximately 4 people. This is an existing AQMA for which an action plan is being developed.

Pink, 252 High Road, Loughton is a high street shop. A busy bus stop is located at this site where members of the public could possibly be present for periods of up to one hour.

Exceedences of 60 µg/m3 occurred at Bell Vue, Bell Common, Epping, indicating that the hourly objective may be at risk of being exceeded. No monitoring in relation to the hourly objective has been undertaken or is planned.

Exceedences of 60 µg/m3 did not occur at 252 High Road, Loughton, indicating that the hourly is not at risk of being exceeded. No monitoring in relation to the hourly objective has been undertaken or is planned.

Borderline locations are considered to be 36-39 µg/m3 are as follows:

Ø 249 High Road, Loughton (38 µg/m3) Ø 202 High Street, Epping (39 µg/m3) Ø 2 Church Hill Loughton (36 µg/m3) Ø 2 Lodge Lane, Waltham Abbey (38 µg/m3) however it should be noted that the actual receptor is set back from the monitoring location. No adjustment for distance has been made because the measured result is below the objective.

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Table 2.5 Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes in 2011 Data Annual mean Data with less Confirm if data Triplicate or Capture concentration Within than 9 months has been Site ID Location Site Type Collocated 2011 (Bias Adjustment factor = AQMA? has been distance Tube (Number of 0.84) Months or annualised (Y/N) corrected (Y/N) 3 %) 2011 (mg/m ) 1 Canes Cottages, Canes 11/43/47 Roadside No Triplicate 100 N/A No 27 Lane (A414), Hastingwood 13 The Elms, 5/24/36 Woodbine Close, Roadside No Triplicate 100 N/A No 31 Waltham Abbey 15 High Street, 19/20/21 Roadside No Triplicate 100 N/A No 28 Epping 15 The Elms, 31/37/37 Woodbine Close, Roadside No Triplicate 100 N/A No 34 Waltham Abbey 18 High Street, Urban 493 No No 100 N/A No 24 Roydon Background 3 Howse Road, Urban 7/30/6 No Triplicate 95.83 N/A No 30 Waltham Abbey Background 34 Hayden Road, Urban 6/29 No Collocated 95.83 N/A No 30 Waltham Abbey Background EFDC Civic 50/51/52 Roadside No Triplicate 94.44 N/A No 24 Offices 72 Church Hill, Urban 9/28 No Collocated 91.67 N/A No 29 Loughton Background Abbeyview 343 Kerbside No No 100 N/A No 33 Roundabout Bell Vue, Bell 41/42/48 Roadside Yes Triplicate 94.44 N/A No 64 Common, Epping Burrows Chase, 45/46 Roadside No Collocated 100 N/A No 29 Waltham Abbey

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Data Annual mean Data with less Confirm if data Triplicate or Capture concentration Within than 9 months has been Site ID Location Site Type Collocated 2011 (Bias Adjustment factor = AQMA? has been distance Tube (Number of 0.84) Months or annualised (Y/N) corrected (Y/N) 3 %) 2011 (mg/m ) Timpson, 249 14/23/27 High Road Roadside No Triplicate 100 N/A No 38 Loughton Hainault Road – Urban Measured = 47 12/13/16 o/s 105 Manor No Triplicate 100 N/A Yes Background Distance adjusted = 35 Rd, Chigwell Ladbrokes, High 1/8/44 Roadside No Triplicate 100 N/A No 37 Street, Epping LC os 5a Urban Measured = 44 15/26 Goldings Hill, No Collocated 100 N/A Yes Background Distance adjusted = 36 Loughton Netherhall Urban 22/33 Lane/Glen Faber No Collocated 100 N/A No 20 Background Road, Nazeing Pink, 252 High 40 4/25 Road, Loughton Roadside No Collocated 83.33 N/A No Public receptors (Bus stop) Outside 39 Superdrug, 202 2/10/35 Roadside No Triplicate 100 N/A No Receptor elevated above High Street, tube height Epping Zizzi, 2 Church Urban 17/18 No Collocated 100 N/A No 36 Hill, Loughton Background 3 Albion Terrace Roadside No No 100 N/A No 32 Urban 38/39/40 2 Lodge Lane No Triplicate 100 N/A No 38 Background a i.e. data capture for the monitoring period, in cases where monitoring was only carried out for part of the year. b i.e. data capture for the full calendar year (e.g. if monitoring was carried out for six months the maximum data capture for the full calendar year would be 50%.) c Means should be “annualised” as in Box 3.2 of TG(09), if monitoring was not carried out for the full year. *Annual mean concentrations for previous years are optional.

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Table 2.6 Results of Nitrogen Dioxide Diffusion Tubes (2007 to 2011) Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) mg/m3 Within Site ID Site Type 2008* 2009* 2010* 2011 AQMA? (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Factor = 0.93) Factor = 0.99) Factor = 0.83) Factor = 0.84) 1 Canes Cottages, Canes Roadside No 27 Lane (A414), Hastingwood 28 31 31 13 The Elms, Woodbine Roadside No 31 Close, Waltham Abbey 36 37 38 15 High Street, Epping Roadside No 32 34 32 28 15 The Elms, Woodbine Roadside No 34 Close, Waltham Abbey 37 37 39 Urban 18 High Street, Roydon No 24 Background 27 26 26 3 Howse Road, Waltham Urban No 30 Abbey Background 33 34 37 34 Hayden Road, Waltham Urban No 30 Abbey Background 35 36 39 EFDC Civic Offices Roadside No - - 28 24 Urban 72 Church Hill, Loughton No 29 Background 31 32 32 Abbeyview Roundabout Kerbside No - 33 30 33 Bell Vue, Bell Common, Roadside Yes 64 Epping 59 68 66 Burrows Chase, Waltham Roadside No 29 Abbey 31 31 33 Timpson, 249 High Road Roadside No 38 Loughton 40 46 43 Hainault Road – o/s 105 Urban No 35 Manor Rd, Chigwell Background - 39 38 Ladbrokes, High Street, Roadside No 37 Epping 43 43 37 LC os 5a Goldings Hill, Urban No 36 Loughton Background - 39 37

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Annual mean concentration (adjusted for bias) mg/m3 Within Site ID Site Type 2008* 2009* 2010* 2011 AQMA? (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment (Bias Adjustment Factor = 0.93) Factor = 0.99) Factor = 0.83) Factor = 0.84) Netherhall Lane/Glen Faber Urban No 20 Road, Nazeing Background 20 21 19 Pink, 252 High Road, Roadside No 40 Loughton (Bus stop) 44 47 46 Outside Superdrug, 202 Roadside No 39 High Street, Epping 45 45 42 Zizzi, 2 Church Hill, Urban No 36 Loughton Background 37 39 41 Albion Terrace, Roadside No 32 - 37 38 Urban 2 Lodge Lane No 38 Background - 37 32 *Optional

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Figure 2.4 Trends in Annual Mean Nitrogen Dioxide Concentrations measured at Diffusion Tube Monitoring Sites



1 Canes Cottages, Canes Lane (A414), Hastingwood 60 13 The Elms, Woodbine Close, Waltham Abbey 15 High Street, Epping 15 The Elms, Woodbine Close, Waltham Abbey 18 High Street, Roydon 3 Howse Road, Waltham Abbey 50 34 Hayden Road, Waltham Abbey EFDC Civic Offices 72 Church Hill, Loughton Abbeyview Roundabout Bell Vue, Bell Common, Epping 40 Burrows Chase, Waltham Abbey Timpson, 249 High Road Loughton

C on ce n t r a i Hainault Road - o/s 105 Manor Rd, Chigwell Ladbrokes, High Street, Epping LC os 5a Goldings Hill, Loughton 30 Netherhall Lane/Glen Faber Road, Nazeing Pink, 252 High Road, Loughton (Bus stop) Outside Superdrug, 202 High Street, Epping Zizzi, 2 Church Hill, Loughton Albion Terrace, Sewardstone 20 2 Lodge Lane


0 2008200920102011 Monitoring Year

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2.2.2 PM10

PM10 monitoring is not currently undertaken in the Local Authority Area. A beta gauge was in operation on a trial basis during part of 2011, however the monitoring station was dogged with problems due to the use of second-hand equipment, and the data obtained was not ratified, nor was it considered reliable for use.

2.2.3 Sulphur Dioxide

Sulphur Dioxide monitoring is not undertaken in the Local Authority Area. There are no significant relevant sources.

2.2.4 Benzene

Benzene monitoring is not undertaken in the Local Authority Area. There are no significant relevant sources.

2.2.5 Other pollutants monitored

No monitoring for any other pollutant (such as ozone, PAH, PM2.5) is undertaken in the Local Authority Area.

2.2.6 Summary of Compliance with AQS Objectives

Epping Forest District Council has measured concentrations of nitrogen dioxide above the annual mean objective for Bell Vue, Bell Common. An AQMA has already been declared for this location; therefore we will not proceed to a detailed assessment for this location.

Epping Forest District Council has measured concentrations of nitrogen dioxide at the annual mean objective for 252 High Road, Loughton. Exposure is representative of the general public. Because measured concentrations of Nitrogen dioxide are below 60 µg/m3 did not occur at 252 High Road, Loughton, we consider that the hourly is not at risk of being exceeded. A detailed assessment was undertaken for this location last year, and an AQMA was not declared. We will not proceed to a detailed assessment for this location as a result of this updating and screening assessment.

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3 Road Traffic Sources 3.1 Narrow Congested Streets with Residential Properties Close to the Kerb

There are no new or newly identified congested streets in the local authority area with a flow above 5,000 vehicles per day and residential properties close to the kerb, that have not been adequately considered in previous rounds of Review and Assessment

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified congested streets with a flow above 5,000 vehicles per day and residential properties close to the kerb, that have not been adequately considered in previous rounds of Review and Assessment.

3.2 Busy Streets Where People May Spend 1-hour or More Close to Traffic

There are no new or newly identified busy streets where people may spend 1-hour or more close to traffic in the local authority area.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified busy streets where people may spend 1 hour or more close to traffic.

3.3 Roads with a High Flow of Buses and/or HGVs.

There are no new or newly identified roads with high flows of buses/HDVs.in the Local Authority area.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified roads with high flows of buses/HDVs.

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3.4 Junctions

There are no new or newly identified busy junctions or busy roads in the Local Authority area.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified busy junctions/busy roads.

3.5 New Roads Constructed or Proposed Since the Last Round of Review and Assessment

There are no new roads in the Local Authority area.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new/proposed roads.

3.6 Roads with Significantly Changed Traffic Flows

There are no roads with significantly changed traffic flows in the Local Authority area.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new/newly identified roads with significantly changed traffic flows.

3.7 Bus and Coach Stations

There are no bus or coach stations in the Local Authority area, only bus stops.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no relevant bus stations in the Local Authority area.

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4 Other Transport Sources 4.1 Airports

The assessment for airports considers NO2. There are no airports in the Local Authority area, there is no need to proceed further with this part.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no airports in the Local Authority area.

4.2 Railways (Diesel and Steam Trains)

The assessment for stationary trains considers SO2 emissions, while the assessment for moving diesel trains considers NO2 emissions.

A heritage railway using both steam and diesel trains was brought into operation at the beginning of June 2012, on a 6.2 mile stretch of the former Epping to Ongar branch of the . It provides weekend passenger services between and North Weald. A weekday service may also be operated, and the first of these is scheduled for August 2012. Current train timetabling and limitations with the layout of the line and signalling mean that idling trains are common on the line, and trains might wait for around 15 minutes at North Weald and Ongar stations. Gardens of relevant residential receptors are within 15m of the line.

4.2.1 Stationary Trains

Epping Forest District Council has identified locations not previously assessed where there is the potential for diesel or steam trains being stationary for periods of 15 minutes or more, with relevant receptors within 15m. We will not proceed to a Detailed Assessment for sulphur dioxide at this stage, but will undertake further monitoring of train waiting times in order to make an informed decision.

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4.2.2 Moving Trains

Even though there are relevant ‘long term exposure’ receptors within 30m of the railway line, the number of moving trains is relatively small. At present, only two trains run a shuttle service between Ongar and North Weald, and North Weald and as follows:

Ø 15 services from North Weald to Coopersale return (generally operated as a ‘top and tail’ train with a diesel loco at each end), and;

Ø 7 services from North Weald to Ongar return (generally operated as a ‘top and tail’ train with a steam loco at the east-bound end of the train, and a diesel loco at the west-bound end of the train)

Following the guidance provided in Box 5.1 and Box B2 of LAQM.TG(09), it is considered that the services does not constitute a substantial number of diesel 3 passenger trains. In addition, the annual mean NO2 concentration is less than 25 µg/m at 20.16 µg/m3.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no locations with a large number of movements of diesel locomotives, and potential long-term relevant exposure within 30m, however a nitrogen dioxide monitoring exercise using diffusion tubes will be undertaken from July 2012 as a precautionary measure and for use as a basis for future decision-making.

4.3 Ports (Shipping)

The assessment for shipping considers sulphur dioxide emissions at busy ports with 5,000 and 15,000 movements per year and relevant exposure within 250 metres. There are no ports or shipping, there is no need to proceed further with this part.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no ports or shipping within the Local Authority area.

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5 Industrial Sources 5.1 Industrial Installations

Regulated industrial installations comprise only Part B activities regulated by the Local Authority. The current Part B activities regulated by the Local Authority are detailed in appendix B. There are no Part A2 or Part A1 activities in the District.

5.1.1 New or Proposed Installations for which an Air Quality Assessment has been Carried Out

There are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

5.1.2 Existing Installations where Emissions have Increased Substantially or New Relevant Exposure has been Introduced

No industrial installations have substantially increased emissions in the local authority area. There are no new relevant receptors in the vicinity of any existing installation.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no industrial installations with substantially increased emissions or new relevant exposure in their vicinity within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

5.1.3 New or Significantly Changed Installations with No Previous Air Quality Assessment

There are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no new or proposed industrial installations for which planning approval has been granted within its area or nearby in a neighbouring authority.

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5.2 Major Fuel (Petrol) Storage Depots

There are no major fuel (petrol) storage terminals in the Local Authority area, therefore no further assessment of the impact of major fuel (petrol) storage terminals has been made.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no major fuel (petrol) storage depots within the Local Authority area.

5.3 Petrol Stations

There are no petrol stations in the Local Authority area that have a petrol throughput of more than 2 million litres per annum with a busy road nearby and having relevant exposure that have not been covered by previous review and assessment reports.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that no petrol stations meet the specified criteria.

5.4 Poultry Farms

There are no farms in the Local Authority area with poultry housing in excess of 400,000 birds (where the poultry house is mechanically ventilated), 200,000 birds (where the poultry house is naturally ventilated or 100,000 birds for any turkey unit.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no poultry farms meeting the specified criteria.

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6 Commercial and Domestic Sources 6.1 Biomass Combustion – Individual Installations

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no relevant biomass combustion plant in the Local Authority area.

6.2 Biomass Combustion – Combined Impacts

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no relevant biomass combustion plant in the Local Authority area.

6.3 Domestic Solid-Fuel Burning

There are no areas of significant domestic fuel use in the Local Authority area.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no areas of significant domestic fuel use in the Local Authority area.

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7 Fugitive or Uncontrolled Sources

There are no potential sources of fugitive particulate matter emissions such as quarries (or similar) in the Local Authority area.

Epping Forest District Council confirms that there are no potential sources of fugitive particulate matter emissions in the Local Authority area.

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8 Conclusions and Proposed Actions 8.1 Conclusions from New Monitoring Data

New monitoring data indicates that:

Ø The AQMA declared for NO2 (annual mean and hourly mean) for Bell Vue, Bell

Common remains valid. The measured concentration of NO2 is above the hourly objective, and above 60 µg/m3 indicating a risk that that the hourly objective could also be exceeded.

Ø 252 High Road Loughton (P!nk) is on the annual mean objective, for NO2 at 40 µg/m3. The site is a bust stop location, and is representative of personal

exposure for people waiting for busses. Measured concentrations of NO2 are however well below the risk of exceeding the hourly objective. Ø No further AQMA need be declared for borderline locations in Epping or Loughton High Street/High Road in order to prevent entering into any cycle of declaring and Revoking AQMAs, as this is not considered to be good practice or best use of resources. Ø There has been a slight overall improvement in measured air quality for most monitoring locations.

8.2 Conclusions from Assessment of Sources

No local developments have the potential to impact on air quality other than the commencement of the Epping Ongar Heritage Railway. The impact (if any) of the operation of the railway is being reviewed and will be presented in the 2013 Progress Report along with the need to progress to a Detailed assessment if deemed necessary.

8.3 Proposed Actions

The Updating and Screening Assessment has not identified the need to progress to a detailed assessment for any pollutant.

The Updating and Screening Assessment has identified the need for additional monitoring in relation to the Epping Ongar Railway.

LAQM USA 2012 30 Epping Forest District Council

The Updating and Screening Assessment has identified that there is no need to amend the boundaries of the current AQMA.

The Updating and Screening Assessment has identified that there is no need to declare any new AQMA.

The proposed actions following this Updating and Screening Assessment are as follows:

Ø Revise the source apportionment assessment for the action plan for the current AQMA. Ø Continue with the existing nitrogen dioxide monitoring survey. Ø Monitor at the Epping Ongar Railway for nitrogen dioxide and time spent idling at stations. Ø Submit a progress report in 2013.

LAQM USA 2012 31 Epping Forest District Council

9 References

NOX to NO2 calculator http://laqm.defra.gov.uk/tools-monitoring-data/no-calculator.html

Nitrogen Dioxide Bias Adjustment Factor Spreadsheet http://laqm.defra.gov.uk/bias-adjustment-factors/national-bias.html

Local Air Quality Management Technical Guidance LAQM.TG(09) http://www.defra.gov.uk/environment/quality/air/air-quality/laqm/guidance/policy/

LAQM USA 2012 32 Epping Forest District Council


Appendix A: Diffusion Tube Data

A1 QA/QC of diffusion tube monitoring A2 Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors A3 Diffusion tube precision and accuracy A4 NO2 distance from roads

Appendix B: Part B regulated activities

LAQM USA 2012 33 Epping Forest District Council

Appendix A: Diffusion Tube Data

A1 QA/QC of diffusion tube monitoring The diffusion tubes are supplied via Bureau Veritas, are analysed by Environmental Scientific Group who are a UKAS accredited laboratory.

Diffusion tubes are prepared as 50% Triethanolamine (TEA) in acetone and are analysed by UV Spectrophotometry according to a documented in-house Laboratory Method

Environmental Scientific Group take part in the Workplace Analysis Scheme for Proficiency (WASP) for analysis of NO2 diffusion tubes, and the percentage (%) of results submitted which were subsequently determined to be satisfactory based upon a z-score of < ± 2 in the summary of Laboratory Performance in Rounds 108 -115 (January 2010 – December 2011) are shown below.

WASP WASP WASP WASP WASP WASP WASP WASP R110 R108 R109 R111 R112 R113 R114 R115 Laboratory Jun- Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Oct-Dec Jan-Mar Apr-Jun Jul-Sep Oct-Dec Aug 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2010 Environmental Scientific 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Group

LAQM USA 2012 34 Epping Forest District Council

A2 Diffusion Tube Bias Adjustment Factors A local bias adjustment factor is not available, therefore the 03/12 version of the national diffusion tube bias adjustment spreadsheet was used to derive a bias adjustment factor. Diffusion tubes are supplied by Environmental Scientific Group via Bureau Veritas, and are a 50% TEA in acetone preparation.

The national bias adjustment factor is 0.84.

LAQM USA 2012 35 Epping Forest District Council

A3 Diffusion tube precision and accuracy Waltham Abbey, Lodge Lane:

Waltham Abbey, Howse Road:

LAQM USA 2012 36 Epping Forest District Council

Waltham Abbey, Hayden Road:

Waltham Abbey, Burrows Chase:

LAQM USA 2012 37 Epping Forest District Council

Waltham Abbey, 15 The Elms:

Waltham Abbey, 13 The Elms:

LAQM USA 2012 38 Epping Forest District Council

Single tubes:

Roydon, Netherhall Lane:

LAQM USA 2012 39 Epping Forest District Council

Loughton, Goldings Hill:

Loughton, 252 High Road:

LAQM USA 2012 40 Epping Forest District Council

Loughton, 249 High Road:

Loughton, 72 Church Hill:

LAQM USA 2012 41 Epping Forest District Council

Loughton, 2 Church Hill:

Hastingwood, Canes Lane:

LAQM USA 2012 42 Epping Forest District Council

Epping, Superdrug:

Epping, Ladbrokes:

LAQM USA 2012 43 Epping Forest District Council

Epping, Civic Offices:

Epping, Bell Vue:

LAQM USA 2012 44 Epping Forest District Council

Epping, 15 High Street:

Chigwell, Hainault Road:

LAQM USA 2012 45 Epping Forest District Council

A4 NO2 distance from roads Lodge lane, Waltham Abbey:

Goldings Hill, Loughton:

LAQM USA 2012 46 Epping Forest District Council

Chigwell, Hainault Road:

LAQM USA 2012 47 Epping Forest District Council

Appendix B: Part B Regulated Activities

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000001 Reference not in use.

EP/000000002 Hoppings Softwood Hoppings Softwood X: Manufacture Current. Products Plc. Products Plc. 547290 of timber First authorised The Woodyard The Woodyard Y: based 22nd December Epping Epping 203025 products. 1994. Essex Essex CM16 6TT CM16 6TT

EP/000000003 Mobile plant C J Pryor (Plant) Crushing Current. Limited and First authorised Cecil House screening 22nd December Common bricks tiles 1994. Essex and CM17 9HY concrete.

EP/000000004 Reference not in use

EP/000000005 Rye Street Rye Street X: Respraying Current. Coachworks Coachworks Limited 537922 road First authorised Nazeing Glass Estate Nazeing Glass Estate Y: vehicles. 29th March 1995. Nazeing New Road Nazeing New Road 206687 Broxbourne Broxbourne Hertfordshire EN10 6SG EN10 6SG

EP/000000006 Grove Garage Grove Garage X: Respraying Current. () Limited (Chingford) Limited 538040 road First authorised Marshfield Service Marshfield Service Y: vehicles. 29th March 1995. Station Station 197389 Sewardstone Road Sewardstone Road Chingford Chingford Essex Essex E4 7RF E4 7RF

EP/000000007 Brian L Shilton & Co. Brian L Shilton & Co. X: Respraying Current. 73 Lindsey Street Limited 546084 road First authorised Epping 73 Lindsey Street Y: vehicles. 29th March 1995. Essex Epping 202950 CM16 6RD Essex CM16 6RD EP/000000008 PNG Accident Repair Respraying No longer operating 148 Brooker Road road Waltham Abbey vehicles. Essex EN9 1JH

EP/000000009 G M Billings & Sons G M Billings & Sons X: Respraying Current. Units 17-18 Limited 543858 road First authorised Oakwood Hill Units 17-18 Y: vehicles. 16th November Industrial Estate Oakwood Hill 195854 1995. Loughton Industrial Estate Essex Loughton IG10 3TZ Essex IG10 3TZ EP/000000010 Lignacite Limited Lignacite Limited X: Unloading Current. Meadgate Works Meadgate Works 539001 and use of First authorised 21st Meadgate Lane Meadgate Lane Y: bulk May 1996. Nazeing Nazeing 207314 cement. Essex Essex EN9 2PD EN9 2PD

LAQM USA 2012 48 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000011 C J Pryor (Plant) Ltd C J Pryor (Plant) X: Burning Current. Cecil House Limited 548776 waste oil in First authorised Harlow Common Cecil House Y: an 23rd March 1995. Essex Harlow Common 208893 appliance CM17 9HY Essex with a net CM17 9HY rated thermal input of <0.4MW. EP/000000012 National Grid Gas Plc National Grid Gas Plc Withheld Odorising Deregulated 1st Full details withheld. Block 4 Area 7 natural gas. April 2010 Secretary of State National Grid Direction for National Brick Kiln Street Security Hinckley Leicestershire LE10 0NA

EP/000000013 National Grid Gas Plc National Grid Gas Plc Withheld Odorising Deregulated 1st Full details withheld. Block 4 Area 7 natural gas. April 2010 Secretary of State National Grid Direction for National Brick Kiln Street Security Hinckley Leicestershire LE10 0NA

EP/000000014 Tesco Ongar Express Tesco Stores Limited X: Unloading Current. High Street Tesco House 555215 petrol into First authorised Ongar Delamere Road Y: stationary 23rd December Essex 203223 storage 1998. CM5 9AL Hertfordshire tanks at a EN8 9SL service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3.

EP/000000015 Shell Epping Shell U.K. Limited X: Unloading Current. Wake Arms Shell Centre 542750 petrol into First authorised Roundabout London Y: stationary 23rd December Epping Road SE1 7NA 199455 storage 1998. Epping tanks at a Essex service CM16 5HW station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3.

EP/000000016 Church Hill Service ROC UK Limited X: Unloading Current. Station (ESSO) ExxonMobil House, 543009 petrol into First authorised Church Hill MP22 Y: stationary 23rd December Loughton Ermyn Way 197133 storage 1998. Essex tanks at a IG10 1QR Surrey service KT22 8UX station.

LAQM USA 2012 49 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000017 Shell Halfmoon Shell U.K. Limited X: Unloading Current. 24-36 High Street Shell Centre 545708 petrol into First authorised Epping Essex London Y: stationary 23rd December CM16 4AE SE1 7NA 201774 storage 1998. tanks at a service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3.

EP/000000018 Shell Harlow Shell U.K. Limited X: Unloading Current. Potter Street Shell Centre 546975 petrol into First authorised Harlow London Y: stationary 23rd December Essex SE1 7NA 209590 storage 1998. CM17 9NP tanks at a service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3. EP/000000019 Nazeing Service Total Oil UK Limited Unloading Revoked. Station 40 Clarendon Road petrol into 30th November The Crossroads Watford stationary 2004. Nazeing New Road Hertfordshire storage Nazeing WD17 1TQ tanks at a Essex service EN9 2HQ station.

EP/000000020 Midway Garage R J Raven Limited X: Unloading Current. 91 London Road 91 London Road 546303 petrol into First authorised 21st Abridge Y: stationary January 1999. Essex Essex 196569 storage RM4 1XL RM4 1XL tanks at a service station.

EP/000000021 Total Buckhurst Hill Total Oil UK Limited X: Unloading Current. Service Station 40 Clarendon Road 540682 petrol into First authorised 3rd 18-22 High Road Watford Y: stationary February 1999. Buckhurst Hill Hertfordshire 193717 storage Essex WD17 1TQ tanks at a IG9 5HP service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3.

EP/000000022 Shell Chigwell Shell U.K. Limited X: Unloading Current. 124 Manor Road Shell Centre 544216 petrol into First authorised 21st Chigwell London Y: stationary January 1999. Essex SE1 7NA 192268 storage IG7 5PP tanks at a service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3. EP/000000023 Reference not in use.

LAQM USA 2012 50 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000024 Neales Garage Petrol Services X: Unloading Current. Limited 547080 petrol into First authorised 1st Epping Neales Garage Y: stationary April 1999. Essex Thornwood Common 205061 storage CM16 6LZ Epping tanks at a Essex service CM16 6LZ station.

EP/000000025 Premier Service Premier Service X: Unloading Current. Station Station Limited 559754 petrol into First authorised Road Chelmsford Road Y: stationary 27th April 1999. Norton Heath 203826 storage Essex Essex tanks at a CM4 0LQ CM4 0LQ service station.

EP/000000026 Bassett Service Cornwall Garage X: Unloading Current. Station (Group) Limited 550546 petrol into First authorised High Road Milestone Y: stationary 20th June 1999. North Weald Wendover 204714 storage Epping Buckinghamshire tanks at a Essex HP22 6PN service CM16 6ED station.

EP/000000027 BP Chigwell Connect BP Oil UK Limited X: Unloading Current. The Broadway Witan Gate House 544155 petrol into First authorised Loughton 500-600 Witan Gate Y: stationary 13th July 1999. Essex Milton Keynes 196271 storage IG10 3SP MK9 1ES tanks at a service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3. EP/000000028 BP Harlow Connect BP Oil UK Limited X: Unloading Current. Potter Street Witan Gate House 547100 petrol into First authorised Harlow 500-600 Witan Gate Y: stationary 13th July 1999. Essex Milton Keynes 210148 storage CM17 9NP MK9 1ES tanks at a service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3. EP/000000029 Wantz Filling Station BP Oil UK Limited X: Unloading Current. Four Wantz Witan Gate House 555216 petrol into First authorised Roundabout 500-600 Witan Gate Y: stationary 13th July 1999. Chipping Ongar Milton Keynes 204025 storage Essex MK9 1ES tanks at a CM5 0AH service station. EP/000000030 Abbey Filling Station Abbey Filling Station X: Unloading Current. Farm Hill Road Limited 538482 petrol into First authorised Waltham Abbey Farm Hill Road Y: stationary 20th August 1999. Essex Waltham Abbey 200466 storage EN9 1NN Essex tanks at a EN9 1NN service station.

LAQM USA 2012 51 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000031 Marshfield Service Mr K.M. Popat trading X: Unloading Current. Station as Marshfield Service 538066 petrol into First authorised Sewardstone Road Station Y: stationary 12th March 2001. Chingford Marshfield Service 197399 storage Essex Station tanks at a E4 7RF Sewardstone Road service Chingford station. Essex E4 7RF

EP/000000032 Warrenwood Service Mrs Patel trading as X: Unloading Current. Station Warrenwood Service 540698 petrol into First authorised Epping New Road Station Y: stationary 12th March 2001. Buckhurst Hill Warrenwood Service 194772 storage Essex Station tanks at a IG9 5UA Epping New Road service Buckhurst Hill station. Essex IG9 5UA

EP/000000033 Reference not in use

EP/000000034 Garage C A Faux & Sons X: Unloading Current. Epping Green Jacks Hatch Garage 543318 petrol into First authorised 21st Epping Epping Green Y: stationary December 2001. Essex Epping 206640 storage CM16 6QA Essex tanks at a CM16 6QA service station.

EP/000000035 Kings Head Garage Peachy Garages X: Unloading Current. 6 High Road Limited 549624 petrol into First authorised North Weald Kings Head Garage Y: stationary 13th August 2002. Essex 6 High Road 203852 storage CM16 6BU North Weald tanks at a Essex service CM16 6BU station.

EP/000000036 Popplewells Coward Popplewells X: Respraying Revoked Coachworks Limited 547188 road August 2011. High Road High Road Y: vehicles. Thornwood Thornwood 204591 Epping Epping Essex Essex CM16 6LP CM16 6LP

EP/000000037 David Horner David Horner Screen- Revoked. Associates Limited Associates Limited printing. 31st March 2006. 125 Brooker Road 125 Brooker Road Waltham Abbey Waltham Abbey Essex Essex EN9 1JU EN9 1JU

EP/000000038 Abridge Volkswagen Appleyard Motor X: Respraying Current. Langston Road Company Limited 544618 road First authorised 5th Loughton South Suite Y: vehicles. November 2001. Essex Skyway House 196215 IG10 3TQ Parsonage Road Takeley Bishop’s Stortford Hertfordshire CM22 6PU

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Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000039 Keithan Motor Keithan Motor X: Burning Current. Services Services Limited 546224 waste oil in First authorised Bower Hill Epping Bower Hill Epping Y: an 25th February 2004. Essex Essex 201391 appliance CM16 7AD CM16 7AD with a net rated thermal input of <0.4MW.

EP/000000040 Wyn Thomas Wyn Thomas X: Burning Current. Servicing Servicing Limited 545238 waste oil in First authorised Unit 1 Eppingdene Unit 1 Eppingdene Y: an 19th March 2004. Ivy Chimneys Road Ivy Chimneys Road 201129 appliance Epping Epping with a net Essex Essex rated CM16 4EL CM16 4EL thermal input of <0.4MW.

EP/000000041 Eppingdene Mr K Bilney & Mr Ian X: Burning Current. Automotive Burns trading as 545246 waste oil in First authorised Unit A Eppingdene Eppingdene Y: an 19th March 2004. Ivy Chimneys Road Automotive 200990 appliance Epping Eppingdene with a net Essex Automotive rated CM16 4EL Unit A Eppingdene thermal Ivy Chimneys Road input of Epping <0.4MW. Essex CM16 4EL

EP/000000042 Automatt Automatt X: Burning Current. Unit 3D Unit 3D 550749 waste oil in First authorised 284 High Road 284 High Road Y: an 19th March 2004. North Weald North Weald 204985 appliance Essex Essex with a net CM16 6EG CM16 6EG rated thermal input of <0.4MW.

EP/000000043 Reference not in use

EP/000000044 Reference not in use

EP/000000045 Reference not in use

EP/000000046 Mobile plant C J Pryor (Plant) Crushing Current. Limited and First authorised Cecil House screening 16th February 1996. Harlow Common bricks tiles Essex and CM17 9HY concrete.

LAQM USA 2012 53 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000047 Tesco Stores Ltd Tesco Stores Limited X: Unloading Current. Sewardstone Road Tesco House 538508 petrol into First authorised 4th Waltham Abbey Delamere Road Y: stationary July 2005. Essex Cheshunt 200274 storage EN9 1JH Hertfordshire tanks at a EN8 9SL service station. Vehicle refuelling activities >3500m3.

EP/000000048 Blacketts Limited Blacketts Limited Screen Revoked. Unit 1 Unit 1 printing. 12th June 2006. Weald Hall Lane Weald Hall Lane Commercial Commercial Centre Canes Lane Centre Canes Lane Harlow Harlow Essex Essex CM16 6ND CM16 6ND

EP/000000049 D Evans & Sons D Evans & Sons X: Crushing Current. Marlow Marlow 546898 and First permitted 1st High Road High Road Y: screening November 2005. Thornwood Thornwood 204941 bricks tiles Essex Essex and CM16 6LU CM16 6LU concrete.

EP/000000050 De La Rue Currency De La Rue Currency X: Printing. Current. (Debden) (Debden) 544738 First permitted 23rd Langston Road Langston Road Y: December 2005. Loughton Loughton 196497 Essex Essex IG10 3PB IG10 3PB

EP/000000051 Mobile plant Stilprime Limited Unloading Current. trading as Mixamate and use of First permitted 23rd 43 Meadow Road bulk December 2005. Loughton Essex cement. IG10 4HY

EP/000000052 Clover Autos Clover Autos Limited X: Burning Current. Tylers Green Tylers Green 550780 waste oil in First permitted 6th Industrial Estate Industrial Estate Y: an April 2006. 284 High Road 284 High Road 205013 appliance North Weald North Weald with a net Essex Essex rated CM16 6EG CM16 6EG thermal input of <0.4MW.

EP/000000053 C.E Smith & Sons C.E Smith & Sons X: Burning Surrendered. Tylers Green Limited 550756 waste oil in April 2009 Industrial Estate Tylers Green Y: an 284 High Road Industrial Estate 204957 appliance North Weald 284 High Road with a net Essex North Weald rated CM16 6EG Essex thermal CM16 6EG input of <0.4MW.

EP/000000054 Reference not in use.

EP/000000055 Reference not in use.

LAQM USA 2012 54 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000056 Reference not in use.

EP/000000057 Sawyer Dry Cleaners Sawyer Dry Cleaners X: Dry Revoked 192 High Street 192 High Street 555275 cleaning. 20th June 2011. Chipping Ongar Chipping Ongar Y: Essex Essex 203070 CM5 9JJ CM5 9JJ

EP/000000058 Broadway Dry Mr Akbar Ali trading X: Dry Current. Cleaners as Broadway Dry 544310 cleaning. First permitted 3rd 62 The Broadway Cleaners Y: April 2007. Loughton Broadway Dry 196400 Essex Cleaners IG10 3ST 62 The Broadway Loughton Essex IG10 3ST

EP/000000059 Nazeing Dry Cleaners Nazeing Dry Cleaners X: Dry Current. 18 Nazeignbury 18 Nazeignbury 538945 cleaning. First permitted 22nd Parade, Parade, Y: May 2007. Nazeing Road Nazeing Road 206011 Nazeing Nazeing Essex Essex EN9 2JL EN9 2JL

EP/00000 0060 Unicorn Dry Cleaners Mr Ghulam Sarwar X: Dry cleaning Current. 52c High Road trading as Unicorn Dry 549768 First permitted 22nd North Weald Cleaners Y: May 2007. Essex Unicorn Dry Cleaners 204026 CM16 6BY 52c High Road North Weald Essex CM16 6BY

EP/00000 0061 Clean & Classy Mr S Arnavut trading X: Dry cleaning Current. Central Stores as Clean & Classy 542773 First permitted 23rd Roding Road Clean & Classy Y: May 2007. Loughton Central Stores 195340 Essex Roding Road IG10 3EN Loughton Essex IG10 3EN

EP/00000 0062 Truly Fine Dry Altix Limited X: Dry cleaning Current. Cleaning 287-289 High Street 546139 First permitted 23rd 289 High Street Epping Y: May 2007. Epping Essex 202330 Essex CM16 4EA CM16 4DA

EP/000000063 Mr Q Mirza trading as X: Dry cleaning Current. Forest Dry Cleaners Forest Dry Ceaners 545843 First permitted 23rd 89 High Stree t Forest Dry Cleaners Y: May 2007. Epping 89 High Street 201966 Essex Epping CM16 4BD Essex CM16 4BD

LAQM USA 2012 55 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/00000 0064 Sew Clean Mr M Yousaf trading X: Dry cleaning Current. 7 Lower Road as Sew Clean 543118 First permitted 11th Loughton Sew Clean Y: June 2007. Essex 7 Lower Road 197396 IG10 2RS Loughton Essex IG10 2RS

EP/00000 0065 Clean 'n' Sew Mr Mehtaab Ahmed X: Dry cleaning Current. 24 Sun Street trading as Clean ‘n’ 538283 First permitted 11th Waltham Abbey Sew Y: June 2007. Essex Clean 'n' Sew 200575 EN9 1EE 24 Sun Street Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 1EE

EP/00000 0066 Sew Select Sew Select 2005 X: Dry cleaning Current. 53 Queens Road Limited 541582 First permitted 23rd Buckhurst Hill Sew Select Y: July 2007. Essex 53 Queens Road 193827 IG9 5BU Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9 5BU

EP/00000 0067 Truly Fine Dry Kaston Limited trading X: Dry cleaning Current. Cleaning as Truly Fine Dry 541665 First permitted 23rd 20 Queens Road Cleaning Y: July 2007. Buckhurst Hill The Cottage 193790 Essex 22 Queens Road IG9 5BY Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9 5BY

EP/00000 0068 The Dry Cleaning Mr & Mrs Barrett X: Dry cleaning Current. Centre trading as The Dry 544839 First permitted 24th 165 Manor Road Cleaning Centre Y: July 2007. Chigwell The Dry Cleaning 192514 Essex Centre IG7 5QA 165 Manor Road Chigwell Essex IG7 5QA

EP/00000 0069 Chigwell Valet Chigwell Valet Limited X: Dry cleaning Current. Services Chigwell Valet 543735 First permitted 24th 9 Brook Parade Services Y: July 2007. Chigwell 9 Brook Parade 193176 Essex Chigwell IG7 6PE Essex IG7 6PE

EP/00000 0070 Premier Valet Premier Valet X: Dry cleaning Current. Services Services (Theydon 545418 First permitted 24th 2 Forest Drive Bois) Limited Y: July 2007. Theydon Bois Premier Valet 199079 Essex Services CM16 7EY 2 Forest Drive Theydon Bois Essex CM16 7EY

LAQM USA 2012 56 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/00000 0071 Clothes Care Mr & Mrs Awan X: Dry cleaning Current. 18 Brook Parade trading as Clothes 543759 First permitted 24th Chigwell Care Y: July 2007. Essex Clothes Care 193224 IG7 6PF 18 Brook Parade Chigwell Essex IG7 6PF

EP/00000 0072 Parade Dry Cleaners Mr & Mrs G White X: Dry cleaning Current. 146 Loughton Way trading as Parade Dry 542187 First permitted 2nd Buckhurst Hill Cleaners Y: August 2007. Essex Parade Dry Cleaners 194666 IG9 6AR 146 Loughton Way Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9 6AR

EP/00000 0073 Dolphin Dry Cleaners Mr Rodi Cicek & Miss X: Dry cleaning Current. 6 Hill House Gulistan Oral trading 539849 First permitted 2nd Ninefields as Dolphin Dry Y: August 2007. Waltham Abbey Cleaners 200563 Essex Dolphin Dry Cleaners EN9 3EL 6 Hill House Ninefields Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 3EL

EP/00000 0074 The Dry Cleaning Mr M Salmons trading X: Dry cleaning Current. Centre as The Dry Cleaning 542185 First permitted 3rd 179 High Road Centre Y: September 2007. Loughton The Dry Cleaning 196044 Essex Centre IG10 4LF 179 High Road Loughton Essex IG10 4LF

EP/000000075 MEG’s Cleaning Mitchell Gordon X: Dry cleaning Revoked Services trading as MEG’s 543738 20th June 2011. 50 Pyrles Lane Cleaning Services Y: Loughton Envers Dry Cleaning 197340 Essex & Ironing IG10 2NN 50 Pyrles Lane Loughton Essex IG10 2NN

EP/000000076 Kings Dry Cleaners Mr K Asemota and X: Dry cleaning Current. 56 Station Way Mrs A Asemota 541564 First permitted 13th Buckhurst Hill (trading as Kings Dry Y: November 2007. Essex Cleaners) 192921 IG9 6LL Kings Dry Cleaners 56 Station Way Buckhurst Hill Essex IG9 6LL

LAQM USA 2012 57 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000077 PFE International Surface Surrendered. Limited cleaning April 2009 Oakwood Hill using Industrial Estate designated Oakwood Hill risk phrase Loughton materials. Essex IG10 3TZ

EP/000000078 Webb Brothers PJ Webb and RW X: Burning Current. 2 Beulah Place Webb (trading as 537938 waste oil in First permitted 15th Webb Brothers) Y: an May 2008. Waltham Abbey Webb Brothers 206700 appliance Essex 2 Beulah Place with a net EN9 3TE Upshire rated Waltham Abbey thermal Essex input of EN9 3TE <0.4MW.

EP/000000079 Venice Corporatewear Venice Corporatewear X: Dry cleaning Current. Unit 3 Knight House Unit 1 York House 544633 First permitted 6th Lenthall Road Langston Road Y: May 2009. Loughton Loughton 196184 Essex Essex IG10 3UD IG10 3TQ

EP/000000080 Williams & Freshwater Mr Keith Williams & X: Burning Current. 284 High Road Mr William Welch 550754 waste oil in First permitted 21st North Weald (trading as Williams & Y: an December 2009. Epping Freshwater) Williams 204989 appliance Essex & Freshwater with a net CM16 6EG 284 High Road rated North Weald thermal Epping input of Essex <0.4MW. CM16 6EG

EP/000000081 Grasmere Garage Mr A Drake (trading as X: Burning Current. Down Hall Rd Grasmere garage) 553539 waste oil in First permitted 6th Grasmere Garage Y: an January 2011. Harlow Down Hall Rd 211409 appliance Essex Matching Green with a net CM17 0RD Harlow rated Essex thermal CM17 0RD input of <0.4MW.

EP/000000082 MOTO MOT Mr B Udall (trading as X: Burning Current. Unit 13 Taylors MOTO MOT) 546183 waste oil in First permitted 21st Industrial Estate MOTO MOT Y: an February 2011. Gavel Lane Unit 13 Taylors 194904 appliance Chigwell Industrial Estate with a net Essex Grvel Lane rated IG7 6DQ Chigwell thermal Essex input of IG7 6DQ <0.4MW.

LAQM USA 2012 58 Epping Forest District Council

Permit Operator name & Grid Site name & address Activity Status reference address reference EP/000000083 A Carrington Motors Mr A Carrington X: Burning Current. 52 Cartersfield Road (trading as A 538283 waste oil in First permitted 7th Waltham Abbey Carrington Motors) Y: an February 2011. Essex A Carrington Motors 200003 appliance EN9 1JD 52 Cartersfield Road with a net Waltham Abbey rated Essex thermal EN9 1JD input of <0.4MW.

WK/201010606 Ronimix Concrete Scarbrow Contracts Mobile bulk Current. Galley Hill Yard Limited (trading as cement First permitted 13th Galley Hill Ronimix Concrete) activity September 2011. Waltham Abbey Ronimix Concrete Essex Galley Hill Yard EN9 2AG Galley Hill Waltham Abbey Essex EN9 2AG

WK/201013420 Chigwell Cars Chigwell Cars X: Burning Current. Unit 10 Taylors Unit 10 Taylors 546203 waste oil in First permitted 31st Industrial Estate Industrial Estate Y: an October 2011. Gravel Lane Gravel Lane 194904 appliance Chigwell Chigwell with a net Essex Essex rated IG7 6DQ IG7 6DQ thermal input of <0.4MW.

LAQM USA 2012 59