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Day. For Every Business. Every

• .mamaomo Perhaps the only thing better than knowing your II DECmate II is there when you're at work is knowing it's there when you're not. t\ot only does DECmate II help make the business of doing business easier during working hours. Long after you·ve called it a day, it continues its silent vigil over your office, ... so your business won't miss a beat. If you call it quits in the middle of editing a letter or reviewing a financial ~tatement. for example. DF.Cmate ll will file it safely away until morning-then make it easy for you to find your place and continue. If you're expecting some important information from an associate or customer whose day ends later (or begins earlier) than your own, DECmate II , if so equipped, will receive that information for you over a standard telephone line. Then print it out at the touch of a button when you get in. And if for some reason you can't make it to work one day, DECmate ll makes it easier than ever for others to fill in. All they have to do is insert your diskette into any DECmate li in the office and continue a job where you left off. So you can rest assured that your important work will still get done, even if you're not there. Whatever the size or type of business you run, DECmate II can help you run it better. Don 't let another day end without calling your local Digital sales office. Digital Computer Store or Authorized Digital Dealer for an appointment or more information. Or write to: DECmate 11, Small Business Systems Group, Digital Equipment Corporation, ~1K-1/j14, Continental Blvd., Merrimack, ~H 03054. DECmate II is a trademark of Digital Equipmem Corporation. The BPI business accounting system is developed by BPI Systems, Inc. CP/M~ is a registered trademark of Digital Research, Inc. Multiplan"" is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. © Copyright Digital Equipment Corporation 1982. All rights reserved. momoomo Group Small Business Systems Digital Equipment Corporation It's the start of a new day, and working people II around the world are getting down to the business of doing business. From boardroom to back room, multi­ national corporation to small business, they have one thing in common: another day's work that, somehow, has to get done. Unfortunately, for many, the day will be a series of information shortages and inaccuracies. Time-consuming duplications of mountains of p9.perwork. Aggravations and inefficiencies. False starts and dead ends. Then there are those wno nave DEGmaLe lis wailing fur them where they work. DECmate n is the versatile business computer that's helping make the business of doing business easier, faster and more productive in offices of every size and type, every day. It can do the same for your business.

Word processing that puts the typewriter to shame. Creating and editing reports, letters and other documents has never been this fast and easy. DECmate II's keyboard looks and operates almost exactly like that of a typewriter. So it's simple to use. And its video screen displays your words and numbers as you "type" them. But that's where the similarities between DECmate II and the typewriter end. Unlike the typewriter, DECmate II has an extensive memory. One "diskette" wi11 hold up to 160 pages of information. So instead of starting each new job by loading more paper into a carriage, all you have to do is select the next task you want to accomplish from DECmate II's "menu"-and begin.

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What do we mean by menu? Just that-a simple listing of functions from which to choose each time you use DECmate II . There's "C" for creating a document. ·'E'' for editing. "P'' for printing. And so on. The most important difference between DECmate II and the typewriter is that with DECmate II, the record of what you've typed appears first on a screen instead of on paper. So you can spot your errors and correct them with the touch of a key or two before they ever reach the printed page. No more messy erasing, cutting, pasting and retyping when you make a mistake. · Important functions such as underlining, boldfacing and centering text can also be done quickly, usually with just two keystrokes- DECmate ll 's unique Gold Key and a clearly labeled (such as "C" for centering). Other specially labeled keys let you delete, add. mo,·e or duplicate any of your text instantly. Single characters. words, lines, paragraphs or entire pages can be changed. Without retyping. To make life even easier, DECmate II will store a '"library" of material you use frequently, such as standard contract paragraphs . terms of condition, form letters and the like. So instead of typing this material time after time. aU you have to do is press a few keys when you need it. List processing and sorting features that cut down on time ... and aggravation. ~':iii Customer lists, prospect lists, billing lists, mailing Iii lists. They're important to every business, large or small. But business lists can be long, cumbersome, at times incomplete. And they can make the task of sending a personalized mailing, even a simple letter, a time­ consuming, aggravating process. Not so with DECmate II. First of all . with DECmate II . you can safely store up to 160 pages of names and addresses on one diskette, instead of on 160 har~- to - track pieces of paper. So you can be sure you're not leaving anyone out. And second, instead of manually typing every name and address on every letter and envelope (which could take days if your list is long), all you have to do is type the body of the letter, instruct DECmate II to "process" your list by pressing a couple of keys, and get the stamps ready. DECmate II will produce all the personalized letters and envelopes you need in a fraction of the time it would normally take. Without a single name misspelled or street number transposed. What if you only want to send a mailing to certain people on your list , say company presidents? That's no problem either. Simply type in the title or other "selection criteria" you have chosen, and DECmate II will use only those entries that match it. You can even sort your mailing by zip code to save money on postage. ln addition to making personalized mailings easier, faster and cheaper to get to the mailbox, DECmate II's list and sort processing features provide you with extensive report writing capabilities. Project reports, personnel directories, budgets and other documents that require numerous updates with slight alterations each time are just some of the functions DECmate II handles with ease. A better way to "keep the books." With DECmate H doing your bookkeeping for you, you can de,·ote your full attention to the more important aspects of running your business. Yet still he sure the money matters are being handled wisely- and without errors. At Digital , we offer five basic, easy-to-use accounting programs, or "software" packages: General Ledger, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Payroll and Inventory Control. Each of these versatile programs will conform to the structure of most journal-entry boOkkeeping sy~rems. so there's no need to change the way you do things. • We also offer you a choice of two accounting systems to Financial planning the fast, accurate way. help you control and report your finances: the BPI business DECmate II isn't a crystal ball, but you might think it accounting system and the Digital accounting system (DAS). was if you talked to people who use it for business plan­ The BPI business accounting system is diskette-based. It ning. Getting a good look at the future of a business. an adds a Job Costing package to the five basic accounting investment or a situation is so fast and easy. it almost seems packages mentioned above. making it especially useful like magic. for businesses that must develop job estimates for their ~' ith DECmate ll's ~lultiplannc financial modeling customers, then live up to those estimates by keeping a software, you can set up a "spreadsheet" of projected close watch on expenses. figures such as expenses. investments. inventon· or The Digital accounting system, based on a powerful personnel. Then ask various "what if" questions by Winchester hard disk, gives larger businesses the increased changing those figures. DECmate II will give you the capacity and flexibility they need. It provides the extensive answers to your questions instantaneously, by accurately capabilities of integrated accounting software previously changing all the other figures that would be affected by available only on larger computers, at up to 10 times the your change. And you can continue changing things cost. DAS provides computer-based instruction to guide you around until you're satisfied with the bottom line. through its use, and is supported directly from Digital's If done by hand , these calculations could take days- and Customer Services Support Center. probably wouldn't be as accurate. But with DECmate II, yot When equipped with an optional processor, DECmate II can have on-target financial models in no time. also allows you to take advantage of the many popular CP/M®-based software programs available today for business use. No matter which accounting system you choose for your business , DECmate II does more than simply automate your bookkeeping. It gi\·es you timely, accurate information about your business at the touch of a button. So you can make the right financial decisions at the right time- from increasing your inventory to decreasing your debt. Communication features that let you "talk" to With DECmate II, you can store all this "information the world. clutter" on a 5 1/4-inch-square diskette, and still have it at revise. The fact is, depending Imagine typing a financial plan or contract, then your fingertips to consult or "mailing" it electronically to someone halfway on the size of your business, you could probably store your II book, your weekly schedule, around the world. Or sending a message to your co-workers entire inventory, your address memo you write this year on one without leaving your desk. Or preparing a 200-page report plus every letter and even have room to spare. That for typesetting without ever putting it on paper. diskette . . . and maybe beats a cluttered desk any day. You can do all these things and more with DECmate ll. DECmate II can send and receive documents electronically Support for the busy secretory +hot mokes +ha to and from a wide range of computers and other office entire office more productive. and easily. lf the other system is in equipment-quickly and receptionists, whether they work for lar~e a matter of pressing a few keys. If Secretaries your building, it's just corporations or small businesses, have some of the toughest a standard telephone line to "talk" not, DECmate II will use jobs around. Not only must they keep track of the affairs of if that system is thousands of to the other system-even their offices, but of the people in them as well-whether miles away. those people number two or 20. of important There's no paper to handle. No chance DECmate II helps busy secretaries and receptionists. With And you can get your documents getting lost in the mail. the professional word processing capabilities they need to across quicker than questions answered and your messages type and edit written documents quickly and easily. List ever before. processing features to help them prepare even large mailings in no time. And communication A practical alternative to the cluttered desk. personalized features that let them circulate internal memos and lists, address books, Calendars, schedules, inventory announcements without a lot of leg work. job logs, memos-they're all designed to help make your working days more productive. But they can be anything but productive if they clutter your desk or office, getting in the way of and even hiding important work. But that's not all. DECmate II can help them deal more efficiently with the people chase as well as the paper chase. Because with DECmate II they can store individual schedules and itineraries, changing or adding to them at a moment's notice. Keep people's phone and other messages organized when they're out of the office. Keep track of vacation and sick days, travel expenses and other personal information for every person in the office. Plus more. With DECmate II taking care of their busywork for them, secretaries and receptionists can take a more active role in business affairs. And, as always, dependable Digital services. One of the most important benefits you get when you purchase a DECmate II for your business is Digital service. We offer a variety of services to meet your needs, whatever the size or type of your business. These include pre-sale services to help you decide exactly what you want a computer to do for your business and which software programs you need. Toll-free "help " lines that you can call when you have a problem or need advice. Educational services to help you and your employees learn how to use DECmate II in no time. Plus a range of maintenance and repair agreements designed with your budget in mind. DECmate II is so easy to install, you can actually do it yourself. But if you want or need assistance, we offer complete start-up service. We'll help you install your system, set up files and assist you with operating techniques- whatever it takes to help you use your new DECmate II successfully. In addition to group training programs, we also offer a do-it-yourself Computer Based Instruction (CBI) course with our word processing and Digital accounting system software packages. The CBI course , which you complete at your own speed, on your own system, features various exercises to help you and your employees learn, use and quickly become productive on your DECmate II. Finally, we offer three service agreements. The On-Site System Support Agreement is a total service package. Whenever something goes wrong, all you have to do is call the ''help" line and we'll dispatch a Digital technician to provide the necessary service. With this agreement, we supply all parts , materials and labor during normal service hours for a fixed monthly charge. The Carry-In Service Agreement offers the same features as the On-Site Agreement, except the on-site visits. Instead , you drop off your system or components for service at any of the 160 Digital carry-in ServiCenters worldwide. If you feel capable of doing your own system repairs and maintenance, DECmailer Service is for you. Using DECmate II's built-in diagnostics, you need only isolate the problem parts and mail them to us for repair or replacement. Each of our service agreements is aided by DECmate II's modular design. Because of its slide-in/slide-out components, you only have to replace the affected parts to get your system u and runnin a ain. Your DECmate n will be an integral part of your 11 working life. That's why we focused so much of our design effort on your convenience and comfort. DECmate II is small. lightweight and attractive. so you can include it easily in your present workspace, not off in some hard-to-reach corner. The slim, feather-light keyboard is attached to the rest of the system by a six-foot coiled cord (like a telephone cord). So you can place the keyboard in any position that's most comfortable for you- even in your n lap. The aisplay screen can abo be aOju~te

Hardware options: • Internal 5-~fbyte Winchester disk drive • Second dual diskette drive (2 x ':iOO Kbytes) • RX02 8-inch diskette drive interface • Z80A CP/M softcard with 6'-1 Kbytes of memory • Choice of LQP02 letter-quality printer, LAIOO Letterprinter or LA50 personal printer • System unit stand for vertical floor mounting