Private Tours of Cultural Heritage Sites Tours to Romania, and - 2013

Town of Beia, Romania. Photo by William Blacker Romania Belarus

Poland Czech Ukraine Along the Enchanted Way: Exploring the Saxon Republic Slovakia Villages of Transylvania with William Blacker Austria

Hungary Moldova

Transylvania Croatia Romania Bosnia and Herzegovina Serbia Dates Join William Blacker, author of Along the En- Montenegro Bulgaria

chanted Way, and Global Heritage Fund for a Macedonia Monday 9th - Thursday 12th September visit to the villages of Saxon Transylvania. Scat- Albania Turkey 2013 with William Blacker, author of Along the tered along the valleys and hills of the southern Enchanted Way and Chairman of the Anglo- range of the Carpathian Mountains in Romania, Romanian Trust for Traditional Architecture Left the villages represent a unique and diverse (ARTTA). Saxon Village Houses. landscape of Romanian, Saxon, and Gypsy Photo by William Blacker Highlights cultural heritage. The nearly 100 villages and their patterns of settlement, which date from ‹ Visit over 15 villages in the Saxon Region of Right the 12th century, are among the last vestiges of A traditional Saxon fortified church in Transylvania European mediaeval planning and culture. This the village of Archita. Photo by William Blacker ‹ Watch the creation of handmade tiles at the vast cultural landscape exhibits an uncommon GHF sponsored kiln LX\PSPIPY\TIL[^LLU]PSSHNLZÄLSKZTLHKV^Z forests, and mountains. Now under threat, To express your interest in joining GHF and ‹ See several of the region’s famous Fortress GHF, William Blacker and the Romanian heritage for further information please contact: churches organization Monumentum, are working to save Brian Curran this vanishing landscape. Global Heritage Fund ‹ Walk with author William Blacker through the 9th Floor 1 Knightsbridge Green pristine Transylvanian countryside Note: This tour can be joined in conjunction London SW1X 7QA [email protected] with the Transylvanian Book Festival, 5th - 9th t +44 (0) 787-648-1847 ‹ Learn about the challenges of preserving of September. Romania’s rural cultural landscapes See for further information Turkey Russia Black Sea Georgia Contemporary Meets Ancient: Art International Istanbul to the World’s Oldest Temple, Göbekli Tepe, Southeast Turkey Turkey Iran

Göbekli Tepe

Dates Join GHF in Istanbul and as VIPs of the con-

temporary art fair, Art International Instanbul. Med. Syria Iraq Sunday 15th – Friday 20th September 2013: Sea Explore the museums, private collections and A personal tour with Klaus Schmidt, senior Lebanon sites of Istanbul including its historic mosques researcher at the Oriental Section of the German and palaces. GHF is hosting an event on the Archaeological Institute and Director of the Gö- Left evening of Monday, 16th on the shores of the bekli Tepe excavations since 1995. Monolith at Göbekli Tepe in the South- Bosporus where you can hear about our proj- eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey, 9 mi Highlights ects in Turkey. This six-day journey culminates northeast of Sanliurfa, Turkey. It is the with a visit to the Early Neolithic sanctuary in oldest known temple structure. ‹ As a VIP guest of the new contemporary art South-Eastern Anatolia, Göbekli Tepe. The Photo © Robert B. Stanton fair – Art International Istanbul – enjoy a oldest human-made place of worship yet dis- schedule of private visits to museums, Right covered, this hugely important discovery is institutions and studios, and access to this Monoliths at Göbekli Tepe. testimony to man’s symbolic creativity and new modern and contemporary art fair in Photo by Mustafa Gonen artistic genius. Here, with Klaus Schmidt as Istanbul offering exciting new work from artists your guide, you will see 5-metre high T-shaped from Turkey and beyond To express your interest in joining GHF and monolithic stones slabs carved with wild boar, for further information please contact: ‹ Attend a GHF hosted event on the evening snarling lions and scorpions arranged as circu- Cathy Giangrande Global Heritage Fund of Monday, 16th where guests will learn more lar enclosures. You will continue to the nearby 9th Floor 1 Knightsbridge Green about GHF’s work in Turkey and elsewhere town of Urfa, one of the most romantic and London SW1X 7QA evocative in Turkey with its ruined fortress, [email protected] ‹ A personal tour of the extraordinary site of t +44 (0) 778-999-1411 HUJPLU[ IHaHHY HUK T\ZL\T ÄSSLK ^P[O THU` Göbekli Tepe with Klaus Schmidt, the chief VM[OLTVZ[PTWVY[HU[ÄUKZMYVT.€ILRSP;LWL excavator of the site and others sites. Cambodia Thailand Angkor and Beyond: Banteay Chhmar and the Banteay Great Temples of the Khmer Empire Chhmar


Dates The Khmer Empire at its height ranged over nearly the whole of Southeast Asia, leaving a Saturday 9th - Sunday 17th November 2013 legacy of architectural achievement and gran- Gulf of Thailand South with John Sanday, GHF Regional Director for Sea deur unmatched by later civilizations. The (ZPH 7HJPÄJHUK7YVQLJ[+PYLJ[VYH[)HU[LH` temples of Angkor are today among the most Chhmar Left visited heritage sites in the world, however they John Sanday explains wall reconstruction Highlights only tell a part of Cambodia’s long and tragic and conservation at Banteay Chhmar. history. Join Global Heritage Fund and preser- ‹ Begin the tour in Phnom Penh, Cambodia’s Photo by Vince Michael vation architect John Sanday OBE, for not only vibrant modern capital a tour of the glories of Angkor but also a visit to Right ‹ Journey to Siem Reap to see the great temples [OL[YLHZ\YLZVM[OL2OTLY,TWPYLM\Y[OLYHÄLSK Unrestored face tower at Banteay Chhmar. of Angkor at Banteay Chmmar, Preah Vihear, and Koh Ker, as well as taking in an experience of the vibrant Photo © Craig Stennett ‹ Visit GHF’s conservation project at Banteay pulse of modern Cambodia in Phnom Penh. Chmmar and experience the local homestay To express your interest in joining GHF and for further information please contact: programme Cathy Giangrande or Brian Curran Global Heritage Fund ‹ Explore the mountaintop temple of Preah 9th Floor 1 Knightsbridge Green Vihear, on Cambodia’s disputed border with London SW1X 7QA [email protected] Thailand t +44 (0) 778-999-1411 [email protected] ‹ Wander amongst the ruins of the earliest t +44 (0) 787-648-1847 capital of the Khmer Empire, Koh Ker.