Therapy Withlesbian Couples
‘iflflfifi . 98 c Handbook ofLGBT-Affirmative Couple and FamilyTherapy GOYUDB-II. sex How (2006). Sanfte Couples: gay and lesbian Couples am teach heterasexuals how t0 improve relattonshzps. Retrleved from] Gottman, 1., Levenson, R. W., Gross, I., Frederickson, B. L.‚ McCoy‚ Y.‚ Rosenthal, L.‚ Yoshimoto, D 7 (2003). Correlates of and lesbian gay Couples’ relationship satisfaction and relationship dissolution.i Sex With Journal ofHor/nosexuality, 45(1), 23-43. Therapy Lesbian Couples Hertlern, K.M.‚ Weeks, G.R.‚ 8( Gambescia, N. (Eds). (2009). Systemic sex therapy. NewYork, NY: Hertleln. K. G. 8: Routledge. MARLA COBIN and MICHELE ANGELLO M.‚ Weeks, R., Sendak, S.K. (2009). A clinicianä guide t0 systemic sex therapy. New York, NY: Routledge. Iasenza, S. Some (2005). unconscious sources of low sexual desire in gay male and heterosexual peer mar- riages. Contemporary Sexuality, 39(7)‚ 3-7. S.A. Kingsberg, (2006). Talcing a sexual history. Obstetrics Gynecolagy Clinics ofNorth America. 33, 535-547. S. Lerblum, (Ed.). (2006). Principles and practice ofsex therapy (4th ed.). New York, NY: Guilford P['e3s_ 8: Le|blurn‚_S., Rosen, R. (Eds).). (2000). Principles und practfce ofsex therapy (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Gmlford Press. Sex between women has a precarious place in history. Even today, there are plenty of “experts” L.‚ 8: who deem that sexbetween women is unnatural.It is notdifficult to find reorien- Long, Burnevtt, I. A.‚ ihomas, R. V. (2006). Sexuality counseling: An integrative approach. New York, therapists doing NY: Memll. tation therapy. Wornen in same-sex relationships need therapy as much as anyone else.
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