Vol. 56 No. 18 • www.greenepublishing.com • Wednesday, December 4, 2019 • 75¢ + tax PHILLIPS named 4th among the world's top drummers John Willoughby
[email protected] Scott Phillips, raised in Madison, is known for bringing the beat which is heard on Creed and Alter Bridge records around the world. And his status as one of the best rock drummers was confirmed after www.musicradar.com released the results of a poll on their website on Wednesday, Nov. 27. Nearly 26,000 people's choice votes were cast, which led to Madison's own, Scott Phillips, to be named in the top 10 current best rock drummers in the world. Flip, as he is known by his family, friends and, especially, fans, stands at number four, topping legends such as Travis Barker of Blink-182, Foo Fighters' Taylor Hawkins and Matt Nicholls of Bring Me The Horizon. Aric Improta, drumming for Fever 333, was named at number one. See “Phillips” [William Burkle Photography/Courtesy] on page 3 Greenville preparing Lucile Whitty for Christmas celebration Cherry John Willoughby passes away
[email protected] Planning is almost complete for A Greenville Christmas to be held on Saturday, Dec. 14, which marks the return of Greenville's annual Christmas celebration. Years prior, it was a formality for a Christmas celebration in Greenville, and the most wonderful time of the year wasn't complete without it. Though the event, formally known as Greenville Country Christmas, has been quiet in recent years, the Heart of Greenville committee is excited to announce the return of an event in the form of A Greenville Christmas.