Table Listing of 1:24,000 Quadrangles for Oregon and Portions of Surrounding States C:Research\Gisthemes\Quad24k.Xls USGSNUM

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Table Listing of 1:24,000 Quadrangles for Oregon and Portions of Surrounding States C:Research\Gisthemes\Quad24k.Xls USGSNUM Table Listing of 1:24,000 Quadrangles for Oregon and Portions of Surrounding States c:research\gisthemes\quad24k.xls STATE LAT_NOR LONG_W LAT_SOU LONG_E LAT_CE LONG_C USGSNUM QUADNAME _AB TH EST TH AST NTER ENTER 41120B8 ADIN CA 41.2500 -121.0000 41.1250 -120.8750 41.1875 -120.9375 41120C8 ADIN PASS CA 41.3750 -121.0000 41.2500 -120.8750 41.3125 -120.9375 41123D8 AH PAH RIDGE CA 41.5000 -124.0000 41.3750 -123.8750 41.4375 -123.9375 41120D5 ALTURAS CA 41.5000 -120.6250 41.3750 -120.5000 41.4375 -120.5625 41120E8 AMBROSE CA 41.6250 -121.0000 41.5000 -120.8750 41.5625 -120.9375 41120B7 AMBROSE VALLEY CA 41.2500 -120.8750 41.1250 -120.7500 41.1875 -120.8125 41122D1 ASH CREEK BUTTE CA 41.5000 -122.1250 41.3750 -122.0000 41.4375 -122.0625 41120A6 ASH VALLEY CA 41.1250 -120.7500 41.0000 -120.6250 41.0625 -120.6875 41122G6 BADGER MTN CA 41.8750 -122.7500 41.7500 -122.6250 41.8125 -122.6875 41123B8 BALD HILLS CA 41.2500 -124.0000 41.1250 -123.8750 41.1875 -123.9375 41123D5 BARK SHANTY GULCH CA 41.5000 -123.6250 41.3750 -123.5000 41.4375 -123.5625 41121C7 BARTLE CA 41.3750 -121.8750 41.2500 -121.7500 41.3125 -121.8125 41123F5 BEAR PEAK CA 41.7500 -123.6250 41.6250 -123.5000 41.6875 -123.5625 41120H6 BEAVER MOUNTAIN CA 42.0000 -120.7500 41.8750 -120.6250 41.9375 -120.6875 41121A2 BIEBER CA 41.1250 -121.2500 41.0000 -121.1250 41.0625 -121.1875 41121A8 BIG BEND CA 41.1250 -122.0000 41.0000 -121.8750 41.0625 -121.9375 41120E6 BIG SAGE RESERVOIR CA 41.6250 -120.7500 41.5000 -120.6250 41.5625 -120.6875 41121B1 BIG SWAMP CA 41.2500 -121.1250 41.1250 -121.0000 41.1875 -121.0625 41122B7 BILLYS PEAK CA 41.2500 -122.8750 41.1250 -122.7500 41.1875 -122.8125 41123D7 BLUE CREEK MOUNTAIN CA 41.5000 -123.8750 41.3750 -123.7500 41.4375 -123.8125 41122G4 BOGUS MOUNTAIN CA 41.8750 -122.5000 41.7500 -122.3750 41.8125 -122.4375 41120F7 BOLES MEADOW EAST CA 41.7500 -120.8750 41.6250 -120.7500 41.6875 -120.8125 41120F8 BOLES MEADOW WEST CA 41.7500 -121.0000 41.6250 -120.8750 41.6875 -120.9375 41121F6 BONITA BUTTE CA 41.7500 -121.7500 41.6250 -121.6250 41.6875 -121.6875 41120A2 BOOT LAKE CA 41.1250 -120.2500 41.0000 -120.1250 41.0625 -120.1875 41121D4 BORDER MOUNTAIN CA 41.5000 -121.5000 41.3750 -121.3750 41.4375 -121.4375 41123E1 BOULDER PEAK CA 41.6250 -123.1250 41.5000 -123.0000 41.5625 -123.0625 41120F1 BOYD SPRING CA 41.7500 -120.1250 41.6250 -120.0000 41.6875 -120.0625 41121F8 BRAY CA 41.7500 -122.0000 41.6250 -121.8750 41.6875 -121.9375 41123H6 BROKEN RIB MTN CA 42.0000 -123.7500 41.8750 -123.6250 41.9375 -123.6875 41122H7 BUCKHORN BALLY CA 42.0000 -122.8750 41.8750 -122.7500 41.9375 -122.8125 41121A6 BURNEY FALLS CA 41.1250 -121.7500 41.0000 -121.6250 41.0625 -121.6875 41121F4 CALDWELL BUTTE CA 41.7500 -121.5000 41.6250 -121.3750 41.6875 -121.4375 41122C7 CALLAHAN CA 41.3750 -122.8750 41.2500 -122.7500 41.3125 -122.8125 41120D7 CANBY CA 41.5000 -120.8750 41.3750 -120.7500 41.4375 -120.8125 41123F8 CANT HOOK MTN. CA 41.7500 -124.0000 41.6250 -123.8750 41.6875 -123.9375 41121G5 CAPTAIN JACKS STRONGHOLD CA 41.8750 -121.6250 41.7500 -121.5000 41.8125 -121.5625 41122A8 CARIBOU LAKE CA 41.1250 -123.0000 41.0000 -122.8750 41.0625 -122.9375 41121H2 CARR BUTTE CA 42.0000 -121.2500 41.8750 -121.1250 41.9375 -121.1875 41122A6 CARRVILLE CA 41.1250 -122.7500 41.0000 -122.6250 41.0625 -122.6875 41123A2 CECIL LAKE CA 41.1250 -123.2500 41.0000 -123.1250 41.0625 -123.1875 41123B2 CECILVILLE CA 41.2500 -123.2500 41.1250 -123.1250 41.1875 -123.1875 41120E2 CEDARVILLE CA 41.6250 -120.2500 41.5000 -120.1250 41.5625 -120.1875 41122A4 CHICKEN HAWK HILL CA 41.1250 -122.5000 41.0000 -122.3750 41.0625 -122.4375 41124F1 CHILDS HILL CA 41.7500 -124.1250 41.6250 -124.0000 41.6875 -124.0625 41123E6 CHIMNEY ROCK CA 41.6250 -123.7500 41.5000 -123.6250 41.5625 -123.6875 41122D5 CHINA MTN. CA 41.5000 -122.6250 41.3750 -122.5000 41.4375 -122.5625 41122C3 CITY OF MOUNT SHASTA CA 41.3750 -122.3750 41.2500 -122.2500 41.3125 -122.3125 41123F4 CLEAR CREEK CA 41.7500 -123.5000 41.6250 -123.3750 41.6875 -123.4375 41120A3 COLD SPRING MTN CA 41.1250 -120.3750 41.0000 -120.2500 41.0625 -120.3125 41122H8 CONDREY MTN CA 42.0000 -123.0000 41.8750 -122.8750 41.9375 -122.9375 41122H3 COPCO CA 42.0000 -122.3750 41.8750 -122.2500 41.9375 -122.3125 41121G3 COPIC CA 41.8750 -121.3750 41.7500 -121.2500 41.8125 -121.3125 41122H6 COTTONWOOD PEAK CA 42.0000 -122.7500 41.8750 -122.6250 41.9375 -122.6875 41121D2 CRANK MOUNTAIN CA 41.5000 -121.2500 41.3750 -121.1250 41.4375 -121.1875 41124A1 CRANNELL CA 41.1250 -124.1250 41.0000 -124.0000 41.0625 -124.0625 Table Listing of 1:24,000 Quadrangles for Oregon and Portions of Surrounding States c:research\gisthemes\quad24k.xls STATE LAT_NOR LONG_W LAT_SOU LONG_E LAT_CE LONG_C USGSNUM QUADNAME _AB TH EST TH AST NTER ENTER 41124G2 CRESCENT CITY CA 41.8750 -124.2500 41.7500 -124.1250 41.8125 -124.1875 41121A5 DANA CA 41.1250 -121.6250 41.0000 -121.5000 41.0625 -121.5625 41120F3 DAVIS CREEK CA 41.7500 -120.3750 41.6250 -120.2500 41.6875 -120.3125 41121B3 DAY CA 41.2500 -121.3750 41.1250 -121.2500 41.1875 -121.3125 41120F5 DEAD HORSE RESERVOIR CA 41.7500 -120.6250 41.6250 -120.5000 41.6875 -120.5625 41121B7 DEAD HORSE SUMMIT CA 41.2500 -121.8750 41.1250 -121.7500 41.1875 -121.8125 41122B8 DEADMAN PEAK CA 41.2500 -123.0000 41.1250 -122.8750 41.1875 -122.9375 41123H4 DEADMAN POINT CA 42.0000 -123.5000 41.8750 -123.3750 41.9375 -123.4375 41123A3 DEES PEAK CA 41.1250 -123.3750 41.0000 -123.2500 41.0625 -123.3125 41123G6 DEVILS PUNCHBOWL CA 41.8750 -123.7500 41.7500 -123.6250 41.8125 -123.6875 41122G3 DEWEY GULCH CA 41.8750 -122.3750 41.7500 -122.2500 41.8125 -122.3125 41123E5 DILLON MTN CA 41.6250 -123.6250 41.5000 -123.5000 41.5625 -123.5625 41121C2 DONICA MOUNTAIN CA 41.3750 -121.2500 41.2500 -121.1250 41.3125 -121.1875 41121H8 DORRIS CA 42.0000 -122.0000 41.8750 -121.8750 41.9375 -121.9375 41120D4 DORRIS RESERVOIR CA 41.5000 -120.5000 41.3750 -120.3750 41.4375 -120.4375 41121G2 DOUBLE HEAD MTN. CA 41.8750 -121.2500 41.7500 -121.1250 41.8125 -121.1875 41122B3 DUNSMUIR CA 41.2500 -122.3750 41.1250 -122.2500 41.1875 -122.3125 41123H1 DUTCH CREEK CA 42.0000 -123.1250 41.8750 -123.0000 41.9375 -123.0625 41122E6 DUZEL ROCK CA 41.6250 -122.7500 41.5000 -122.6250 41.5625 -122.6875 41120C2 EAGLE PEAK CA 41.3750 -120.2500 41.2500 -120.1250 41.3125 -120.1875 41120C1 EAGLEVILLE CA 41.3750 -120.1250 41.2500 -120.0000 41.3125 -120.0625 41122C8 EATON PEAK CA 41.3750 -123.0000 41.2500 -122.8750 41.3125 -122.9375 41121C3 EGG LAKE CA 41.3750 -121.3750 41.2500 -121.2500 41.3125 -121.3125 41122C1 ELK SPRING CA 41.3750 -122.1250 41.2500 -122.0000 41.3125 -122.0625 41120B2 EMERSON PEAK CA 41.2500 -120.2500 41.1250 -120.1250 41.1875 -120.1875 41123D2 ENGLISH PEAK CA 41.5000 -123.2500 41.3750 -123.1250 41.4375 -123.1875 41122D8 ETNA CA 41.5000 -123.0000 41.3750 -122.8750 41.4375 -122.9375 41121A4 FALL RIVER MILLS CA 41.1250 -121.5000 41.0000 -121.3750 41.0625 -121.4375 41124D1 FERN CANYON CA 41.5000 -124.1250 41.3750 -124.0000 41.4375 -124.0625 41123H3 FIGUREHEAD MTN CA 42.0000 -123.3750 41.8750 -123.2500 41.9375 -123.3125 41123C6 FISH LAKE CA 41.3750 -123.7500 41.2500 -123.6250 41.3125 -123.6875 41123C3 FORKS OF SALMON CA 41.3750 -123.3750 41.2500 -123.2500 41.3125 -123.3125 41120G2 FORT BIDWELL CA 41.8750 -120.2500 41.7500 -120.1250 41.8125 -120.1875 41122E7 FORT JONES CA 41.6250 -122.8750 41.5000 -122.7500 41.5625 -122.8125 41123B7 FRENCH CAMP RIDGE CA 41.2500 -123.8750 41.1250 -123.7500 41.1875 -123.8125 41121E7 GARNER MTN CA 41.6250 -121.8750 41.5000 -121.7500 41.5625 -121.8125 41123G8 GASQUET CA 41.8750 -124.0000 41.7500 -123.8750 41.8125 -123.9375 41122E5 GAZELLE CA 41.6250 -122.6250 41.5000 -122.5000 41.5625 -122.5625 41122D6 GAZELLE MTN CA 41.5000 -122.7500 41.3750 -122.6250 41.4375 -122.6875 41122B2 GIRARD RIDGE CA 41.2500 -122.2500 41.1250 -122.1250 41.1875 -122.1875 41122F2 GRASS LAKE CA 41.7500 -122.2500 41.6250 -122.1250 41.6875 -122.1875 41123B1 GRASSHOPPER RIDGE CA 41.2500 -123.1250 41.1250 -123.0000 41.1875 -123.0625 41120C6 GRAVEN RIDGE CA 41.3750 -120.7500 41.2500 -120.6250 41.3125 -120.6875 41122E8 GREENVIEW CA 41.6250 -123.0000 41.5000 -122.8750 41.5625 -122.9375 41123F2 GRIDER VALLEY CA 41.7500 -123.2500 41.6250 -123.1250 41.6875 -123.1875 41121B8 GRIZZLY PEAK CA 41.2500 -122.0000 41.1250 -121.8750 41.1875 -121.9375 41120G7 HAGER BASIN CA 41.8750 -120.8750 41.7500 -120.7500 41.8125 -120.8125 41121C1 HALLS CANYON CA 41.3750 -121.1250 41.2500 -121.0000 41.3125 -121.0625 41121C6 HAMBONE CA 41.3750 -121.7500 41.2500 -121.6250 41.3125 -121.6875 41123G1 HAMBURG CA 41.8750 -123.1250 41.7500 -123.0000 41.8125 -123.0625 41120D1 HANSEN ISLAND CA 41.5000 -120.1250 41.3750 -120.0000 41.4375 -120.0625 41123G4 HAPPY CAMP CA 41.8750 -123.5000 41.7500 -123.3750 41.8125 -123.4375 41121D1 HAPPY CAMP MOUNTAIN CA 41.5000 -121.1250 41.3750 -121.0000 41.4375 -121.0625 41121H5 HATFIELD CA 42.0000 -121.6250 41.8750 -121.5000 41.9375 -121.5625 41122G5 HAWKINSVILLE CA 41.8750 -122.6250 41.7500 -122.5000 41.8125 -122.5625 41120C7 HERMIT BUTTE CA 41.3750 -120.8750 41.2500 -120.7500 41.3125 -120.8125 Table Listing of 1:24,000 Quadrangles for Oregon and Portions of Surrounding States c:research\gisthemes\quad24k.xls STATE LAT_NOR LONG_W LAT_SOU LONG_E LAT_CE LONG_C USGSNUM QUADNAME _AB TH EST TH AST NTER ENTER 41124H1 HIGH DIVIDE CA 42.0000 -124.1250 41.8750 -124.0000 41.9375 -124.0625 41123H8 HIGH PLATEAU MTN CA 42.0000 -124.0000 41.8750 -123.8750 41.9375 -123.9375 41124G1 HIOUCHI CA 41.8750 -124.1250 41.7500 -124.0000 41.8125 -124.0625 41121A1 HOG VALLEY CA 41.1250 -121.1250 41.0000 -121.0000 41.0625
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