Location: 154B ROAD EATON FORD PE19 7AD


Grid Ref: 517763 260069

Date of Registration: 04.01.2012

Parish: ST NEOTS



1.1 This application was deferred at the 21st May 2012 meeting of the Panel to enable an accompanied site visit to take place. In deferring the application the Panel expressed concern about living conditions for future occupiers of the proposed ground floor unit in particular.


2.1 The existing building is a two-storey building with single-storey extension, constructed of brick with concrete plain tiles to the roof. The windows have a dark brown finish. There is no parking associated with the building. The site is bounded by residential units to the east, south and west with a commercial property (with residential above) to the north. The residential dwelling immediately to the east is No154a and is adjoining/abutting the application building by the garage.

2.2 The site is within the St Neots Conservation Area; and is within the Environment Agency’s Flood Zone 2 and part Flood Zone 3.

2.3 The proposal is for the change of use from office (Use class B1) to two residential flats with each flat providing one bedroom and internal cycle storage. The only external change to the building is the insertion of two new ground floor windows in the rear elevation.


3.1 National Planning Policy Framework (2012) sets out the three dimensions to sustainable development – an economic role, a social role and an environmental role – and outlines the presumption in favour of sustainable development. Under the heading of Delivering Sustainable Development, the Framework sets out the Government’s planning policies for: building a strong, competitive economy; ensuring the vitality of town centres; supporting a prosperous rural economy; promoting sustainable transport; supporting high quality communications infrastructure; delivering a wide choice of high quality homes; requiring good design; promoting healthy communities; protecting Green Belt land; meeting the challenge of climate change, flooding and coastal change; conserving and enhancing the natural environment; conserving and enhancing the historic environment; and facilitating the sustainable use of minerals.

3.2 National Planning Policy Framework – Technical Guidance (2012) provides additional guidance on development in areas at risk of flooding and in relation to mineral extraction.

For full details visit the government website and follow the links to planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Policy.


Further information on the role of planning policies in deciding planning applications can also be found at the following website: then follow links Planning, Building and Environment, Planning, Planning Information and Guidance, Planning Guidance and Advice and then Creating and Better Place to Live

4.1 East of Plan - Revision to the Regional Spatial Strategy (May 2008) Policies viewable at then follow links to Planning, Regional Planning then Related Documents

 ENV6: “The Historic Environment” – within plans, policies, programmes and proposals local planning authorities and other agencies should identify, protect, conserve and where appropriate, enhance the historic environment of the region including Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings.

 ENV7: “Quality in the Built Environment” - requires new development to be of high quality which complements the distinctive character and best qualities of the local area and promotes urban renaissance and regeneration.

 WAT4: “Flood Risk Management” – River flooding is a significant risk in parts. The priorities are to defend existing properties from flooding and locate new development where there is little or no flooding.

 T14: “Parking” – controls to manage transport demand and influencing travel change alongside measures to improve public transport accessibility, walking and cycling should be encouraged. Maximum parking standards should be applied to new commercial development.

4.2 and Peterborough Structure Plan (2003) Saved policies from the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Structure Plan 2003 are relevant and viewable at follow the links to environment, planning, planning policy and Structure Plan 2003.

 None relevant

4.3 Local Plan (1995) Saved policies from the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995 are relevant and viewable at

 H31: “Residential privacy and amenity standards” – Indicates that new dwellings will only be permitted where appropriate standards of privacy can be maintained and adequate parking provided.

 H32: "Sub-division of large curtilages" states support will be offered only where the resultant dwelling and its curtilage are of a size and form sympathetic to the locality.

 En5: “Conservation Area Character” - development within or directly affecting conservation areas will be required to preserve or enhance their character and appearance.

 CS9: “Water” – development proposals that prejudice schemes for flood water management will normally be refused.

4.4 Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alterations (2002) Saved policies from the Huntingdon Local Plan Alterations 2002 are relevant and viewable at - Then click on "Local Plan Alteration (2002)

 HL5: “Quality and Density of Development” - sets out the criteria to take into account in assessing whether a proposal represents a good design and layout.

 HL10: “Housing Provision” – in the district should reflect the full range of the local community’s needs by ensuring a choice in new housing.

4.5 Policies from the Adopted Huntingdonshire Local Development Framework Core Strategy 2009 are relevant and viewable at click on Environment and Planning then click on Planning then click on Planning Policy and then click on Core Strategy where there is a link to the Adopted Core Strategy.

 CS1: “Sustainable development in Huntingdonshire” – all developments will contribute to the pursuit of sustainable development, having regard to social, environmental and economic issues. All aspects will be considered including design, implementation and function of development.

 CS3: “The Settlement Hierarchy” – Identifies St Neots as a Market Town in which development schemes of all scales may be appropriate in built up areas.

4.6 Policies from the Development Management DPD: Proposed Submission 2010 are relevant.

 C5: “Flood Risk and Water Management” – development proposals should include suitable flood protection / mitigation to not increase risk of flooding elsewhere. Sustainable drainage systems should be used where technically feasible. There should be no adverse impact on or risk to quantity or quality of water resources.

 E1: “Development Context” – development proposals shall demonstrate consideration of the character and appearance of the surrounding environment and the potential impact of the proposal.

 E2: “Built-Up Areas” – development will be limited to within the built-up areas of the settlements identified in the Core Strategy policy CS3, in order to protect the surrounding countryside and to promote wider sustainability objectives.

 E3: “Heritage Assets” – proposals which affect the District’s heritage assets or their setting should demonstrate how these assets will be protected, conserved and where appropriate enhanced.

 E10: “Parking Provision” – car and cycle parking should accord with the levels and layout requirements set out in Appendix 1 ‘Parking Provision’. Adequate vehicle and cycle parking facilities shall be provided to serve the needs of the development.

 H1: “Efficient Use of Housing Land” – housing developments will optimise density taking account of the nature of the development site, character of its surroundings and need to accommodate other uses and residential amenities such as open space and parking areas.

 H2: “Housing Mix” – a mix of housing is required that can reasonably meet the future needs of a wide range of household types in Huntingdonshire and reflect the advice and guidance provided within the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough SHMAs and relevant local housing studies. Regard must also be given to other material factors specific to the site.

 H7: “Amenity” – development proposals should safeguard the living conditions for residents and people occupying adjoining or nearby properties.

 P3: “Safeguarding Employment Areas” – proposals for alternative uses outside Established Employment Areas on land last used or used for employment uses will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that: the continued use of the land for employment purposes is no longer viable taking into account the site’s characteristics and existing/potential market demand; the use of the site for B1, B2 or B8 purposes gives rise to unacceptable environmental or traffic problems; or an alternative use or mix of uses can be demonstrated to give potential benefits to the community than continued employment use.

4.7 SPD – Huntingdonshire Design Guide 2007

4.8 St Neots Conservation Area Character Statement


5.1 1200032FUL – resolved to grant planning permission at DMP 21st May 2012 for the change of use of the building from office to residential (1 flat scheme)

5.2 1101721FUL – change of use from office to residential (two flats) – application withdrawn in order to overcome the objections of the Environment Agency in respect of the submitted FRA


6.1 St Neots Town Council – recommend refusal, plans are of a poor design. Unable to review properly and must ask that these be re- submitted. (COPY ATTACHED)

6.2 Environment Agency - planning permission should only be granted if planning conditions relating to a scheme for Flood Risk Mitigation Measures are appended to any approvals given.


7.1 There have been no third party representations received with regard to the proposed application.


8.1 The Panel has already resolved to grant planning permission for the change of use of the building to 1 unit.

8.2 The main issues to be considered therefore relate to the use of the building for 2 units rather than 1 in terms of: the principle of a second residential unit at the site; impact of the proposal on the street scene and character and appearance of the Conservation Area; consideration of the resultant relationship with neighbouring properties; the living conditions for future occupiers of the proposed units; highways; and flooding.

Principle of development:

8.3 The premises were last used for B1 office use on 3rd October 2010 and since this time the property had been marketed through a Commercial Property Agent until October 2011 when an application for residential use was first submitted. Policy P3 states that proposals for alternative uses on sites last used for employment purposes will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that the site is no longer viable for employment due to market demand, the use of the site for B1, B2 or B8 purposes gives rise to unacceptable environmental or traffic problems; or an alternative use or mix of uses can be demonstrated to give potential benefits to the community than continued employment use. The property had been marketed for a year. The out-of-town centre location in a predominantly residential environment would also make the property more ideally suited to residential use and less-attractive from a commercial perspective. As such it is considered that the proposal meets the aims of this policy.

8.4 St Neots is defined as a Market Town where the principle of residential development on appropriate sites is supported; and re- using existing buildings is also supported by National and local planning policy.

8.5 The relevant local policies are CS1 and CS3 of the Core Strategy 2009, HL5 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan Alteration 2002, P3, E2 and H1 of the Huntingdonshire DPD Proposed Submission 2010.

8.6 A residential use of the building has already been accepted and the use of the building for 2 units rather than 1 would accord with the settlement strategy.

Design / character and appearance of the area:

8.7 Policy H32 states that the sub-division of large curtilages will only be allowed where the resultant dwelling and its curtilage will be sympathetic to the locality.

8.8 Policy HL5 specifically indicates that planning permission will only be granted if the new development respects the townscape and landscape of the wider locality, including the local pattern of streets and spaces, and maintains open spaces, important gaps in development, mature trees and other vegetation that contributes to the quality of the local environment.

8.9 Policy E1 states that all development proposals shall demonstrate consideration of the character and appearance of the surrounding environment and the potential impact of the proposal by avoiding the introduction of harmful development due to poor siting, scale, form, colour or use of materials.

8.10 This is a predominantly residential area with a variety of housing types of varying curtilages, including a development of flats to the west (Royce Court) where outside amenity area comprises mainly of a parking court with small patches of grass.

8.11 It is considered therefore; that as there are a variety of housing types and a development of flats within the vicinity having limited external amenity space; and as the proposal involves the conversion of an existing building to flats with minimal external changes in the appearance of the building, that the change of use to two flats is acceptable in this location and would not have an unacceptable impact on the character and appearance of the Conservation Area/locality.

8.12 The proposal therefore complies with policies ENV6 and ENV7 of the Regional Spatial Strategy 2008, H32 and En5 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995, CS1 of the Core Strategy 2009, E1 and E3 of the Huntingdonshire DPD Proposed Submission 2010.

Neighbour amenity:

8.13 As this location is outside the town centre, in a predominantly residential environment, it is considered that the proposed change of use to residential is unlikely to have an unacceptable impact upon neighbour amenity.

8.14 The existing windows at first floor are to be retained – one facing north to St Neots Road, three facing No 154a (a residential property) and three facing out over the single-storey element into the parking area for Royce Court (also residential)The existing windows at first floor will serve the proposed kitchen; landing and dining area; and lounge area.

8.15 As the first floor windows are existing and serve an office where staff could potentially see into the garden of No154a during the day, although two of the windows facing No154a face the side elevation and look down onto a single-storey garage/extension, this leaves only one window that faces the rear garden and could result in potential overlooking. However as the proposed room at the southern end of the building is double aspect with existing windows on the east and west elevations, therefore not relying on one window source, it is unlikely that the proposed residential use would result in a significant additional loss of amenity compared to the present situation. It should be noted that there has been no third party representations received.

8.16 Two new windows at ground floor on the south/rear elevation are proposed into each of the bedrooms associated with each flat. These two new windows would face out onto a blank projecting elevation for Nos 9 and 10 Royce Court and a small grassed area within Royce Court respectively and as such would not result in an unacceptable relationship with these properties in respect of neighbour amenity.

8.17 It is considered therefore that the proposal accords with policies H31 of the Huntingdonshire Local Plan 1995, CS1 of the Core Strategy 2009, and H7 of the Huntingdonshire DPD Proposed Submission 2010.

The living conditions for future occupiers of the proposed units:

8.18 Paragraph 17 of the NPPF states that planning should seek to secure a good standard of amenity for future as well as existing occupants of land and buildings. The living conditions for the occupiers of the proposed two-storey unit will be similar to those of the occupiers if the whole building was used as one unit as approved under 1200032FUL. Light for the occupiers of the ground floor flat in the flat roof element will be limited to the door with windows either side for the lounge and a window in the bedroom. The en-suite, toilet and kitchen would not have windows. Whilst this may not be ideal, it would be obvious to prospective occupiers. Bins are seemingly stored in Royce Court in the corner abutting the ground floor flat’s en- suite and cycle store. There are no windows to these rooms although some form of extraction would appear necessary in the en-suite. A proposed bedroom window faces out on to Royce Court but the bin store is round the corner.

8.19 Planning permission has been granted for the use of 154 St Neots Road as a hot food takeaway. An extractor duct has been approved to the rear of No.154 terminating approximately 1.5 metres above the two-storey eaves height of No.154. Subject to compliance with the condition on the permission for the change of use to hot food takeaway relating to an activated carbon filter and noise conditions, it is considered that the impact of that use on the occupiers of the proposed flats would be acceptable.


8.20 As the proposal involves a change of use, the NPPF states that the Sequential and Exception Tests should not be applied but the proposal should still meet the requirements for site-specific flood risk assessment. A flood risk assessment has been submitted. Whilst the land is within the Environment Agency’s Flood Zone 2 and part Zone 3 it is in the SFRA 1:100 year with climate change allowance flood extent. The Environment Agency consider the existing development may be at risk during extreme circumstances of breaching or overtopping of the flood defences, but are prepared to remove their objection provided appropriate flood risk mitigation measures can be incorporated into the proposed conversion, as stated in Section 7.4 of the submitted Flood Risk Assessment and this is secured by condition.


8.21 The existing B1 use has no parking spaces associated with the building, although Appendix 1 Parking Provision of the LDF Development Management DPD states a maximum car parking provision of up to 1 car space per 30m² - this equates to a maximum of 6 spaces; and minimum cycle parking provision of at least 1 cycle space per 30m². There will be no parking spaces provided with the proposed change of use to residential; secure internal cycle storage has been incorporated into each of the schemes.

8.22 Appendix 1 Parking Provision of Huntingdonshire LDF Development Management DPD Proposed Submission 2010 states that a maximum car parking provision of up to 2 spaces per dwelling and a minimum cycle parking provision of at least 1 secure cycle storage space per dwelling should be provided.

8.23 The location is within a short walking distance to St Neots Town Centre, there is a large public car park to the east, there are public transport routes along St Neots Road and potential parking around Eaton Ford Green. Up-to-date national and local planning policy encourages sustainable modes of transport, and this is achieved in the schemes by providing internal cycle storage and not providing car parking with the proposed change of use to residential. Therefore it is considered that to refuse planning permission for the lack of car parking facilities in this particular location and as the standards for 2 flats are below the standards for the existing lawful B1 use would be unreasonable and inconsistent with current policy objectives.

8.24 The proposal is considered to comply with policies T14 of the Regional Spatial Strategy 2008, CS1 of the Core Strategy 2009, and E10 of the Huntingdonshire DPD Proposed Submission 2010.


8.25 The proposed residential scheme is considered to be compliant with relevant national and local planning policy as it: - is consistent with sustainable development objectives - is within the built-up area where residential development is acceptable in principle - would preserve or enhance the character and appearance of the Conservation Area - would not have a significant detrimental impact on the amenity of neighbours - would provide adequate living conditions for future occupiers - would not be at risk of flooding nor exacerbate the risk of flooding in the locality

8.26 Having regard to applicable national and local planning policies, and having taken all relevant material considerations into account, it is recommended that planning permission should be approved in this instance for change of use to residential.

8. RECOMMENDATION - APPROVE subject to conditions to include the following:

02003 Time limit Nonstand Details of flood prevention measures and flood contingency plan

If you would like a translation of this document, a large text version or an audio version, please contact us on 01480 388388 and we will try to accommodate your needs.

CONTACT OFFICER: Enquiries about this report to Ms Dallas Owen Development Management Officer 01480 388468

St Neots Town Council Planning Applications Considered By the Planning Committee on Thursday 02 February 2012

Plan Reference No Development, Location and Applicant Type of Application Town Council Recommendations No (Date of Registration) and Constraints

6 1102098FUL Alterations including omission of external Planning FULL Recommend APPROVAL 16 January 2012 staircase to scheme previously approved for fast New stairs must be 1 hour fire proof. food takeaway (0900414FUL) Change of shop front so must comply with conservation 154 St Neots Road, Eaton Ford, PE19 7AD rules. Mr S Iqbal & Mr M Ghouss Parking in access way would prevent wheelchair access to rear. Concerned about parking at front and being a food takeaway. Soundproofing shop to flat. 7 1200032FUL Change of use from office to residential (one Planning FULL Recommend REFUSAL 18 January 2012 flat) Plans are of a poor design. Unable to review properly 154B St Neots Road, Eaton Ford, St Neots, PE19 and must ask that these be re-submitted. 7AD Acorn Development Ltd 8 1200031FUL Change of use from office to residential (2 flats) Planning FULL 18 January 2012 154B St Neots Road, Eaton Ford, St Neots, PE19 7AD

Page 4 of 4 From: AdminSupport [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 21 February 2012 11:03 To: Owen, Dallas (Planning Serv.) Cc: Town Clerk Subject: FW: 1200031FUL - 154B St Neots Road, Eaton Ford

Hello Dallas

I’ve checked our handwritten notes from the meeting and yes you are right recommendations for Item 7 also apply to Item 8 on the minutes. Apologies for this error.

Kind regards


Karen Pollecutt Administrator/Mayor’s Office T: 01480 388911 E: admin@stneots‐

St Neots Town Council Council Offices The Priory St Neots Cambridgeshire PE19 2BH www.stneots‐

Please think before printing this email, save the environment.

From: Town Clerk Sent: 21 February 2012 09:35 To: AdminSupport Subject: FW: 1200031FUL - 154B St Neots Road, Eaton Ford


Can you please have look and reply to him?



From: Owen, Dallas (Planning Serv.) Sent: 20 February 2012 16:08 To: Town Clerk Subject: 1200031FUL - 154B St Neots Road, Eaton Ford


I refer to the TC Planning Committee minutes of 2nd Feb 2012, Item 8 – the TC recommendation was not given for this item. Could you please advise me of the outcome, although I’m assuming it may be the same as Item 7 – but this needs confirmation?

Regards Dallas Owen Development Management Officer Environmental and Community Services

Development Management Panel Application Ref: 1200031FUL Location: St Neots

Reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Mapping with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office (C) Crown Copyright Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. HDC 100022322


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Scale: 1:2500

PROPOSED PLANS AND ELEVATIONS Change of use from office to residential (2 flats)

154B St Neots Road Eaton Ford

PROPOSED PLANS AND ELEVATIONS Change of use from office to residential (one flat)

154B St Neots Road Eaton Ford