Lord Ayyappa and the Mandala Pooja. Lord Ayyappa, roughly meaning 'respected or great father', is also known as Hariharan, Harihara putra, etc - son, or the combined šakti or energies of Lords (, as the beautiful ) and Šiva (Hara). The Sauramãna (Sun based calendar) months of Kãrtikai / Vrishchika (Nov 15 - Dec 14) and Mãrgazhi / Dhanur (Dec 15 - Jan 14) are the most auspicious months for Lord Ayyappa, during which the Ayyappa vrata and Mandala Puja are observed. The Ayyappa Mandala Pooja begins on November 15th. A Mandalam is a 41-day period, during which Ayyappa vratam is observed by Ayyappa devotees. In our Temple, Ayyappa abhishekam and bhajans are performed every Saturday until January 14th - Makara Sankranti. A vrata is a solemn commitment to from us to stop doing things that take us away from divinity – abstinence from earthly pleasures and a promise to do things that bring us closer to divinity – being in constant contemplation of the Supreme. The ending of the mandala period (Ayyappa mandala poorthi) is observed on the at the end of the 41-day mandala period. The Ayyappa mandala padi (step) pooja (sanctifying the eighteen steps) is observed on the following Saturday. Auspicious items are bundled, placed on the steps and offered. On Makara Sankranti (January 13th/14th) Iru Mudi Pooja – Sanctifying the bundle (Iru Mudi or Kettu Nirackal) that devotees carry on their heads to offer to Lord Ayyappa takes place in the basement. This is a cloth bag with two compartments, symbolic of our troubles as well as our gratitude which we humbly offer to Lord Ayyappa. After the Irumudi is sanctified, they are ceremoniously brought up to the Sanctum of Lord Ayyappa. Abhishekam and Bhajans follow which concludes the Ayyappa mandala Pooja. After Makara Sankranti, Sri Ayyappa abhishekam and bhajans are offered every first Saturday of the month. All through the two-month period until January 14th, since we are expected to observe strict physical and mental discipline, this could nudge us to maintain this discipline all through the year, thus discipline becomes our second nature. This is the main message and blessing from Lord Ayyappa. Since Lord Ayyappa is a combined energy of Lords Šiva (for constructive destruction) and Vishnu (for preservation), He empowers us to destroy our negative tendencies and maintain our sãtvic (pure) nature and tendencies. Swamiye! Šaranam Ayyappa! (O Lord Ayyappa! I surrender to you!)