Maitland City Council
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MAITLAND CITY COUNCIL Notice is hereby given, in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Act 1993 that a Meeting of Maitland City Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Town Hall, High Street, Maitland, commencing at 5.30pm. ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 8 MARCH 2011 DAVID EVANS GENERAL MANAGER Please note: In accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act, you are advised that all discussion held during the Open Council meeting is recorded for the purpose of verifying the minutes. This will include any discussion involving a Councillor, Staff member or a member of the public. ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 8 MARCH 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS ITEM SUBJECT PAGE NO 1 INVOCATION...................................................................................................1 2 APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE .....................................................1 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST....................................................................1 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING...........................1 5 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES..........................................................1 6 MAYORAL MINUTE ........................................................................................1 NIL ....................................................................................................................1 7 WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS AND ACCEPTANCE OF LATE ITEMS OF BUSINESS .......................................................................................................1 8 PUBLIC ACCESS ............................................................................................1 9 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTS ..............................................................2 NIL ....................................................................................................................2 10 SERVICE PLANNING AND REGULATION REPORTS .................................3 10.1 AMENDMENT TO THE MAITLAND CITYWIDE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN - MODIFICATION RELATING TO BUILDING HEIGHT CONTROLS WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CODE (ANAMBAH BUSINESS PARK) CHAPTER ...............................................................................3 10.2 DA 10-1953 PROPOSED GROUP HOME - LOT 3 DP1091788, 11 HOPMAN CLOSE, OAKHAMPTON HEIGHTS............................17 10.3 DA 10-2435 PROPOSED TAVERN - LOT 713 DP263110, 1A TAYLOR AVENUE, THORNTON......................................................70 10.4 DA 09-2588 PROPOSED S96 MODIFICATION TO APPROVED 121 LOT RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION - LOTS 1 & 9 DP32519, 546 PATERSON ROAD, BOLWARRA HEIGHTS...116 10.5 DA 11-16 PROPOSED TWO STOREY DWELLING - LOT 12 DP1123421, 4 CORNER CLOSE, EAST MAITLAND.....................135 10.6 REZONING OF LOCHINVAR URBAN RELEASE AREA ...............154 11 ASSETS AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REPORTS .....................193 11.1 LONG BRIDGE MAINTENANCE AND FUNDING RESPONSIBILITY ...........................................................................193 11.2 ASSET MANAGEMENT POLICY....................................................210 Page (i) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 8 MARCH 2011 12 FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION REPORTS..........................................218 12.1 REVIEW OF CORPORATE POLICIES...........................................218 12.2 CHANGE TO DATE OF SECOND COUNCIL MEETING IN APRIL 2011 .....................................................................................327 12.3 LICENCE TO AUSTRALIAN RAIL TRACK CORPORATION LTD FOR ACCESS OVER STEAM HERITAGE PARK ..................328 12.4 NEW YEA'R EVE CELEBRATIONS ...............................................332 12.5 USE OF COUNCIL CREST - MAITLAND & DISTRICT GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY INC ....................................................335 13 CITY WORKS AND SERVICES REPORTS................................................336 13.1 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT REPORT ......................................336 14 ITEMS FOR INFORMATION .......................................................................340 14.1 S94 QUARTERLY REPORT ...........................................................340 14.2 UPCOMING ENVIRONMENTAL EVENTS - EARTH HOUR AND TIDY TOWNS 2011 ...............................................................347 14.3 SECOND HAND MATTRESS DROP OFF DAY.............................350 14.4 SHOWERHEAD EXCHANGE PROGRAM .....................................352 14.5 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S DAY 2011........................................354 14.6 MEDIA AND SOCIAL MEDIA QUARTERLY REVIEW ...................356 14.7 MAINTENANCE BY THE ROADS AND TRAFFIC AUTHORITY OF THE NEW ENGLAND HIGHWAY THROUGH MAITLAND ......358 14.8 COUNCILLOR MOTIONS ...............................................................362 14.9 2010/2011 CAPITAL WORKS PROGRAM STATUS REPORT ON PROJECT EXPENDITURE......................................................365 14.10 COUNCIL'S HOMEPAGE STATISTICS .........................................377 15 NOTICES OF MOTION/RESCISSION.........................................................378 15.1 MOTION FOR 2011 NATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT - RECOGNITION OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT IN THE AUSTRALIAN CONSTITUTION..............378 16 QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE .......................................................................385 NIL ................................................................................................................385 17 URGENT BUSINESS...................................................................................385 18 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE ...................................................................385 19 CLOSURE ....................................................................................................385 Page (ii) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 8 MARCH 2011 PRESENT 1 INVOCATION 2 APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE 3 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4 CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING ● The Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held 22 February 2011 be confirmed. 5 BUSINESS ARISING FROM MINUTES 6 MAYORAL MINUTE Nil 7 WITHDRAWAL OF ITEMS AND ACCEPTANCE OF LATE ITEMS OF BUSINESS 8 PUBLIC ACCESS Page (1) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 8 MARCH 2011 9 GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORTS Nil Page (2) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 8 MARCH 2011 10 SERVICE PLANNING AND REGULATION REPORTS 10.1 AMENDMENT TO THE MAITLAND CITYWIDE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN - MODIFICATION RELATING TO BUILDING HEIGHT CONTROLS WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CODE (ANAMBAH BUSINESS PARK) CHAPTER File No: 103/51 Attachments: 1. Submission from ADW Johnson 2. Amended DCP Clause 3. Amended DCP Map Responsible Officer: Bernie Mortomore - Group Manager Service Planning & Regulation David Simm - Manager Development & Environment Stephen Punch - Principal Planner Author: Belinda Barrie - Town Planner EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A submission has been made to Council requesting the modification of the Industrial Development Code chapter of the Maitland Citywide Development Control Plan (DCP). This chapter of the DCP has specific controls relating to development within Anambah Business Park. Clause 3A.3(a)(i) specifically limits buildings to a maximum height of 12m. The developer has submitted a request for this development control to be varied in order to allow for higher developments to be considered on merit. It should be noted that no other industrial land within the Maitland Local Government Area is subject to height limitations. The main issue in regards to building heights relates to obstacle height limitations from the adjoining aerodrome. The developer has submitted a map which indicates that the obstacle height limitations only affect a small part of the overall subdivision and that a higher form of development could be considered in other parts of the estate. A copy of the amended clause has been attached for reference. The amendment will be publicly exhibited for 28 days, subject to the endorsement of Council. OFFICER’S RECOMMENDATION THAT 1. Pursuant to Clause 18 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000, the proposed amendment to the height limitations controls for Anambah Business Park be exhibited as an amendment to the Industrial Development Code being a chapter of the Maitland Citywide Development Control Plan. Page (3) ORDINARY MEETING AGENDA 8 MARCH 2011 AMENDMENT TO THE MAITLAND CITYWIDE DEVELOPMENT CONTROL PLAN - MODIFICATION RELATING TO BUILDING HEIGHT CONTROLS WITHIN THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CODE (ANAMBAH BUSINESS PARK) CHAPTER (Cont.) 2. At the completion of the exhibition period the matter be reported back to Council with any submissions made during this time. INTRODUCTION This report is designed to outline the proposed amendment to the Maitland Citywide Development Control Plan, and (subject to Council endorsement), highlight a path forward for exhibition. PROPOSAL The current clause of the DCP chapter is as follows: 3A.3 BUILDING AND STREETSCAPE DESIGN GUIDELINES Aim: To provide for industrial buildings and development which is both functional to meet the users needs, as well as having a good quality external appearance when viewed from public places. Development controls: (a) Building controls i) Building heights – buildings should have a maximum height of 12 metres, where height is defined to be the vertical distance between ground level (existing) at any point to the highest point of the building, including plant and lift overruns, but excluding communication devices, antennae, satellite dishes, masts, flagpoles, chimneys, flues and the like. It is proposed to amend this clause to the following: Note: This alternative