HIGH TIDE LOW TIDE 4-4-69 4-4-69 6 1 at 0530 o 4 at 1148 E. 3 at 1748 t-tOURGlAS~ o 6 at 2348

VOL 9, No 3762 KWAJALEIN, MARSHALL I5L4NDS Thursday, Ap~l 3, 1969 Wa'er (on"i,ion Oran,e A Liffer 8i, Hur's {-lATER USED YESTERDAY 276,400 GALS Nixon Summons Top Advisers Our LON G dry beason has made l&tter control even more neaessary Potent&al WATER IN STORAGE 5,228,000 GALS l&tterbugs have the greatest opportun&ty To Establish Domestic Program List to go stra~ght--stra~ght to the nearest Hold on 11 the "RAINY" season KEY BISCAYNE, FLA (UPI )-- Presldent NlXon summoned hiS top advlsers today to l&ttler d&sposal 8tat&on Do your part arr&ves on schedule, we have Just a bayslde sumnut meeting to draw up a prlorlty 'lst for hlS domestlc program-- s a responB&ble e&t&aen and p&ak up 27 days left of water conservat&on a IlSt the Whlte House sald he was ln no hurry to present to Congress that p~ece of paper ly&ng ~n your path- Han tou h' Attendlng the conference at the presidentlal retreat on Blscayne Pay wlll be I ~~~~~~~------~Robert Flnch, Secretary of Health, Educatlon and Welfare AJthur F Burns, Chlef Whlte House Advlsor and Danlel Noynlhan, Nlxon's speclallst on urban affalrs Interest Raise Called Two other advlsers, John Ehrllchman, Whlte House Counsel and Bryce Harlow, the Reuther Voices Opinion A~n16tratlon'6 Chlef LobbY1St, accompanled Nlxon here yesterday In announclng the meetlng, Press Secretary Ron Zlegler sald the ?reslden+ Moye Against Inflation wlll begln to set prlorltles based on About Industrial Taxes the dO.l-lars that are avallable" Zleg­ WASHINGTON (UPI)-- The Federal Re­ WASHINGTON (UPI)-- Walter Reuther, serve, orderlng an unprecedented ler refused to plnpolnt any speclflcs Today's News Presldent of the Unlted Auto Workers dose of antl-lnflatlon medl­ that wlll be dlscussed at the meetlng, Unlon, sald today major car companles Cine, ralsed the percentage of bank nor would he lndlcate what dollar should be "raislng hell" because some deposits that must be held ln re­ amounts the Presldent was trylng to At a Glance other lndustrleS have a Ilghter fed­ serve and lncreased the lnterest match wlth hlS program eral tax burden rate lt charges banks for loans HE ~ald Nixon wou2d be matching hlS Reuther, appearlng before the House to a 40-year hlgh domestlc prlorltles agalnst ""eneral" REUTHER -- UAW Pres~dent attacks Ways and Means Commlttee Tax Abuse The Federal Reserve System's seven­ amounts of money othpr &ndustr~es hav&ng a l&ghter Investlgatlon, slngled out the 011 man board of governors and 11 of ltS federal tax burden The Whlte House sald that no dead­ 12 banks approved a one to two per­ Ilnps have been set by Nlxon for com­ lndustry as an example "If I were Presldent of General Mo­ cent lncrease ln both lts reserve pletlng hlS prlOrl ty IlSt "The ob­ FEDERAL RESERVE Bank depos~ts tors " Reuther sald, smlilng about requlrement for member banks and Jectlve lS not to hurry a domestlc held &n reserve have &nterest rate hlS bargalnlng table rlval, "and I the dlscount rate it charges on pro€,ram to Congress," Zlegler sald ~ncreased want to emphaslze that I am not au­ short term loans rhe press secretary would not rule thorlzed to speak for hlm, I'd be Caillng the order a "further move HIPPIES -- Palm Spr&ngs &nvaded out the posslblllty of a presldentlal agalnst inflation," the two-pronged message to Congress on dome-tlc af­ ralslng hell " Reuther appealed for a series of actlon lS aimed at drYlng up the fairs, but lndlcaced it dld not appear BIG FOUR -- M&deast meet&ngs tak­ reforms to tax the wealthy Yho pay amount of money banks wlll have to likely ~ng place &n New York little or no tax and at the same tlme, pump lnto the natlon's already over­ In other matters, Nlxon nomlnated asked for rellef for mlddle and low expanded economy GERMAN MEASLES -- Vacc&ne expected former Sen Kenneth B Keatlng, (Rep - The order calls on blg City banks NY), as U S Arriliassador to Indla, lncome taxpayers on the market w&th&n the next Reuther sald unfalrness ln tax laws belonglng to the system to lncrease former Gov Val Peterson of Nebraska month lS unacceptable at any tlme, but add­ the percentage of deposlts they as Ambassador to Flnland, Wlillam ed It lS 'absolutely lndefenslble and held ln reserve from 16 1/2 to 17 Leonhart, WlL t e HO'lse Asslstant under SAIGON -- DMZ ammun~t&on dump be­ lntolerable" for hlgh lncome people percent on deposlts under $5 milllon Pr,"sident eTc )- nson as Ambassador to Yu­ long&r.g to the Reds demol~8hed to avold taxatlon whlle young men dle and from 17 1/2 percent above that goslaVia and New England lndustrlallst by Amer~can f&ghter-bombers ln Vlet Nam For smaller banks the reserve Ilmlt Pober+ Hl]l as Amba~sador t) Spaln Reuther asked for restrlctlons or wlll rlse from 12 to 12 1/2 percent The w8lte ~o~s~ also p~nounced the FLORIDA -- N&xon meet&ng w&th an end to varlous tax beneflts, In­ and from 12 1/2 to 13 percent above reslgnatlon of ~orn H C-"mmlns dS U S adv&sers on "at home" problems cludlng capltal gains tax treatment, the $5 mlillon mark Ambdwsador to -<"he Domlnlcan RE'publlC unllmlted charltable contrlbutlons, Zlegler sald Crlmmlns would SGon be narned to _ "hlgr post" in the State tax-free munlclpal bonds, "flCtltlOUS" farm losses agalnst other lncome, 011 Departnent German leasles Vaccine May deplptlon allowances and the seven Nlxon also apP01rtE'd Dr HOIDE'r D percent buslness lnvestment tax cred­ B~bb~Qge Jr , 43, the Presldent of the lt "The deep rumbllngs of a tax Unlrerslty of Connectlcut, as Chalrman payers' revolt are becomlng more aud­ Be Available Next Month of the U S AdvlSCry CommisSion on In­ ible as the small and mlddle lncome ternational Educatlonal and Cultural WASHINGTON (UPI)-- A vaCClne may be avallable as early as next month agalnst homeowner lS more upset," Reuther sal German measles, a dlsease also known as rubella that sometlmes causes women Affalrs to have abnormal blrths, lt was announced today Secretary Robert H Flnch of Health, Educatlon and Welfare issued proposed regulatlons establlshlng standards for the vacclne's production Planes, Artillery Knock Out NY.et "ThlS means that we are one step closer to the preventlon of a dlsease that has caused an untold number of traglc blrths," he sald Thirty days after publlcatlon of the regulatlon ln the Federal Register, Ammunition Dump Near DMZ they wlll become flnal, and llcenslng could follow lmmedlately, a Natlonal SAIGON (UPI)-- A one-two punch by Amerlcan flghter-bombers and artlliery knocked out a North Vletnamese ammunltlon dump ln the supposedly neutral DMZ, Instltute of Health, a dlvlslon of biologlCS standards spokesman said Hippies and Yippies U S Headquarters reported today Aliled lnteillgence sources sald as many as 2,000 Communlst lnfantrymen were operatlng ln the area The vaCClne would be avallable lm- medlately upon llcenslng, although in Beg"ln LeaY"lng A U S pllot who observed the rald yesterday four mlles north of the Marine bastlon at (or Thlen sald the ammunltlon erupted ln flve orange flashes that Ilmlted quantltles at flrst Inltlal Palm Spr"ngs Cal dlstrlbutlon lS sxpected through ped- I," destroyed 16 bunkers latrlclans Recommendatlon for use PALM SPRINGb, CALI} \uPI)-- A mot- ThP repor~ of the DMZ actlvlty C01ITClded With announcement by the U S Com­ of the vaCClne wlll be determlned by ley army of 20,000 h1pples and ylp- mand trat 33,641 Amerlcans have been kliled ln more than elght years of flght­ lng ln Vlet Nam, maklng lt the fourth the Natlonal Communlcable Disease ples who have harassed thlS normally most costly war ln terms of combat Center at Atlanta tranqull desert resort began dr1ft- deaths ln Amerlcan hlStOry In Phlladelphla, Thomas M Bauch, lng away as relnforced pollce gal ned Presldent of Smlth Kllne and French the upper hand The flgures covered the perlod from Jan 1, 1961; to last Saturday, and Laboratorles, announced today that the The weather ga.e an asslst to 200 surpassed the death toll of 33,629 flrm's Belglan Subsldlary had recelV- offlcers from surroundlng communltles WhiCh Amerlcan forces suffered ln the ed the world's flrst llcense for a who had JOlned ln a mutual ald pact Korean War Headquarters sa;d 312 vaCCine agalnst German measles wlth the 55-man Palm Springs force Amerlcans were kliled last week He sald the llceuse authorlzed use Llght rain began faillng shortly In the air-artlilery bombardment of of a vaCC1ne developed from the Ilve after mldnlght and was accompanled the DMZ yesterday was the 1,407th ln "cendehlll" Vlrus straln, WhlCh was by brlsk wlnds that kicked up the Slx-mlle-wlde strlp Slnce the Nov grown ln prlmary rabblt kldney cell sandstor~s ana added to the dlscomfort 1 bomblng halt The target was a re­ cultures of the heterogenous army The raln cently used bunker network less than It 1S expected that the vaCClne lasted for two hours and apparently one mlle south of the Ben Hal Rlver, wlll be 1n general use ln SWltzerland dampened the enthuslasm for the un- the boundary between the two Vlet Nams wlthln a month washed interlopers All but nlne of the strlkes ln the Hellcopters flew perlodlcally over buffer zone have been south of the Big Four Powers the assorted bands of students and rlver under a POllCY WhlCh forblds Am­ hangers-on, warnlng them to leave erican forces to flre north of the Begin Mideast Talks or be forced out rlver unless flred upon flrst At dawn, straggllng hltchhrkers Although only scattered ground UNITED NATIONS (UPI)-- The Blg Four were on the road leadlng out of thlS actlon lnvolvlng the U S troops was powers today began thelr long-awalt­ lsolated and excluslve spa Some reported yesterday, the North Vletna­ ed talks on the Mlddle East wlth a carr1ed slgns lndlcating thelr des­ mese and Viet Cong showed no slgns 2 1/2 hour seSSlon at the Park Ave­ tlnatlon They lncluded New York, nue resldence of French Ambassador of relaxlng the offenSlve Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas and Pen­ South Vletnamese troops guardlng Armand Berard They agreed to meet nsylvanla as well as Callfornla ~lt­ lnfiltration routes from Cambodia agaln thlS afternoon les hurled back two Communlst attacks be­ Policemen stood outslde to enforce Pollce sald the weather and thelr fore dawn today ln sharp flghtlng near the secrecy they lmposed, and the strong show of force at an unruly Tay Nlnh 50 mlles northwest of Saigon ambassadors have Ilttle or no 1nfor­ rally ln a park last nlgnt tendea to Aliled losses were placed at flVe matlon to offer when they broke for dlscourage them" killed and 50 wounded lunch Some of the visitors showed up at U S ~pokesmen said an Alr Force U S Ambassador Charles W Yost, Police Headquarters to flle complalnts F4 Phantom jet flghter-bomber was chief proponent of the secrecy, said ~ HIGHII'Al 9 I ::01 .1[1']'! I IET NA I' -- A he hcop­ of what they sald was polle brUT 11- shot down by Communlst ground fire only there would be an afternoon t;er }7, DY'_tl'C~ v?- uver overhead as lty yesterday durlng a mlSSlon 38 mlles meetlng RUSSian Ambassador Jacob [I The colorfully-garbed youths set un o S }-;"; Cavalry D&v"s&on truck aonvoy southwest of Da Nang on the northern Malik would say nothing British camp on nearly every square foot mov ~b C/i:O 19 the h "qhway t(1wara Ca Lu, coast Both crewmen, the pilot and Ambassador Lord Caradon sald, "We may of lawn and in nearby Tahqu.tz Cd - 517d, /tet Nco, J D 17th Ma l-ne Eng&n­ the naVigator, balled out and were have somethlng to say after this af­ yon They jammeJ the main street, eerb [ui-lt tr", h~ghway L' at has been rescued It was the 352nd American ternoon I s meeting " Palm Canyon Boulevard used by 20,OCJ Am~rvcan troops plane shot down over South Vlet Nam ------t'------Page 2 HOURGLt,.SS o Thursa_f, Aprl1 3, 1969 FM Schedule A Sailing Adv ntur AROUND TOWN THU!iSDAY AND PRJ ~'AY> Ai'RlL J & 4 Part 4 -- To be concluded tomorrow DUKE l.LLIf-lGTON S'ulTE - Ken 'I'horne and Pr v nti n S cti n h1S orchestra - 7 30 pm - 20 00 The n1ght passed qU1ckly There was n Stok s Directs Fir STRANGl.RS IN nm NIG\T - Frank SInatra sleep1ng late next morn1ng because the Harlan "Has" Stokes, Captain ln charge of Global's Fire 7 50 pm - 28 00 most uncerta1n leg of the journey was to Prevention Sectlon, fInds ¥waJaleln much llke his home Strangers ~n the NIght, Summer WInd, be made that day and we wanted an early town of Grand Coulee, Wash "Both are small and frlend­ All or Noth,,'1g at All, Call Me, You're start In case of trouble Our head1ng ly," Harlan sald Dr1vlng Me Crazy, 0n a Clear Day, My of 115' M down along the southwest reef He's been on lsland four years Harlan was prevlously Baby Just Cares for Me, Downtown, Yes. of Ebaden gave us only 50' on the pre­ a crew chlef for the Boelng Flre Department ln Moses Lake, Slr, That's My Baby, The Most Beaut1ful va111ng w1nd, Just 5' more than the the­ Wash GIrl 1n the World oret1cal 11m1t of what can be sa11ed "I've been ln the flre flghtlng fIeld more than 20 SERGIO MENDEb & BRAZIL '66 - 8 18 pm - For twenty mIles from Ebaden to Yabber­ years The work has always lnterested me " 27 00 nohr the lower r1m of the atoll 1S sub­ On Island, he's responslble for bUlldlng inspections to Sung 1n Engl1sh and Portuguese merged reef much 11ke the Gell1nam-Gagan see that facillties conform Ma1s Que Nada, One Note Samba, The Jok­ reef A strong current to the West to natl0nal and Army regu­ er. GOIng Out of My Head, TIm Dom Dom, pushes across th1S area, makIng It d1ffl­ latl0ns As part of the Daytr1pper, Aqua de Beber, Slow Hot cult to stay near the atoll We luck1ly department's Safety Tralnlng WInd, 0 Pato, Per1mbau were able to make between 90° - 100 0 to Program, Harlan lnstructs ELLA SINGS RODGERS & HART SONG BOOK - our pOInt, but thIS "tIght reach" made lslanders on flre safety Vo 2 - Ella F1tzgerald - 8 45 pm - the boat heel well over 40~to the water Plus, he lnspects all flre 43 00 The t1PS of the trees on Yabbernohr extlngulshers and alarm GIve It Back to the IndIans, Ten Cents appeared r1ght on schedule four hours systems throughout the atoll a Dance, There's a Small Hotel, I DIdn't later, about noon Our dest1natlon was Harlan makes sure they're Know What TIme It Was, I Could WrIte a the Nell-Emmat anchorage, 13 m1les be- malntalned Book, My Funny Valent1ne, Bew1tched, nd th1S The Islands strIng out from He requests that lsland­ My Romance, Walt 'T11 You See Her, Yabbernohr atop an unbroken sand bar ers leave extlngulshers ln Lover, Isn't It Romart1c, Blue Moon w1th only a few nav1gable passes thelr asslgned places Har­ THINK YOUNG - Camarata & HIS Orchestra lan sald some extIngulshers featurIng TuttI's Trombones - 9 28 pm have been misplaced He - 34 OC warned, "In the event of a It's Not Un~sual, For Your Love, I'll flre, thlS sltuatlon could Never F1nd Another You, A T1cket to result ln tragedy RIde, All Day and All of the N1ght, Sat­ "The Chlef and I also check all Global constructl0n bl lsfactlon, SunshlI'e, LollIPOPS and Ra1n­ prlnts to see that they conform to the approprlate regu­ bows, LIttle Th1ngs, GOln' Out of My latl0ns " Head, Cast Your Fate to the W1nds, T1red Harlan's men make houslng lnsoectlons wIth Global Pre­ of Wa1tlng, Ferry 'Cross the Mersey, ventIve Maintenance crews "If any deflclencles are What'~ New, Pussycat found , they are corrected on the spot," he reporte<1 , BYRDLAND - Charlle Byrd Ihgh F1Y1ng WIth The natlve of North Dakota enjoys several hobbles He s the TrIO, Quartet and QU1ntet - 10 02 currently takIng mOV1e plctures of actlvltles and scenery 33 00 Harlan has bought stereo and photography equlpment Medltat1on, GIrl, Samba de Orpheus, Another avocatIon takes place at nlght lobster hunt­ I'll Be Around, Work Song, Blues for lng "Thelr shells look encrusted wlth Jewels, when you ChIna, Arabesque, Theme from Mr Lucky, spot them They make a dellclouS meal," he commented It's so Feaceful 1n tbe Country, Manha Harlan also bowls, golfs and snorkels de Carnaval, Tomorrow Belong to Me We were well out ln the ocean when we HIS four chIldren llve 1n Spokane Harlan plans to - 'came about" for the 1nlet to Nell It settle there because "I m1SS the seasons" The Cub ScoutIng schedule for the urned out to be a beaut1ful anchorage Br wni s' Paperback Drive A Big Success month of Apr11 IS as follows esembl1ng a lagoon wlth1n a lagoon hprll 14 - Den Mother Meet1ng,9 am e was a d1st1nct ImpressIon of beIng The PAPERBACK~ }OK vIET N~~ dr1ve ne~d March 22nd by Qtrs 411-D In a park, Slnce In every d1rect10n 1S­ BrownIe G1rl Scout Troop #6 was a huge SUCCCSb Apr11 16 - Comm1ttee MeetIng, 7 pm lands and vegetat10n stretched well 1nto ApproXImately 4,500 books (1100 pounds) were sent,. V1a Qtrs l'76-B he dIstance M1l1tary AIrlIft, to General CreIghton Abrams, Commander Apr11 23 - Pack Meet1ng, 7 pm Unl1ke the prev10us nIghts When the In Chlef of the UnIted States Army, In VIet Nam From MZ Club rolled cont1nuously, only the there, the books WIll go the the forward elements In Viet APRIL THEME Pets & Hobbles sllghtest p1tch1ng was eV1dent here and Nam for dlstrlbutIon All arrangements for transportIng Beys 1n+erested In J01nIng a den everyone slept well the books were made by Mr Al Centrella, KMR Transporta­ Sunday morn1ng arrIved w1th strong contact Mr Floyd Johnson, Membersh~p tIon s and plenty of whItecaps ChaIrman at 81419 or 82208 SpecIal thanks to Mr Centrella and KMR TransportatIon, J Metelsk1 the BroWllle parents, Mrs Voran and the students of KwaJ­ aleIn Hlgh School who collected approxImately half of the books and contrIbuted them to the drIve and to all of the of Kwa]aleIn who donated so generously to the

Contact Fran Welch at 8234S for t1ckets LImIted supply so hurry' Catch the EBEYE EXPRESS and JOIn the fun'

Memorial Services Held in "Ilea's" Memory BROWNIE TROOP #6 Includes the gIrls seated from left to rlght LorI YamashIta, Kathleen Horan, Daria Gan, Jayne LeBlanc, Barbara Morency, Wendy Karner Standing Mary Presswood, Kathy Peterson, LInda Roberts, Laura Mayer Franc1ne GouveIa Laura GudzIkowsk1, Maylene Straw, Reb- ) ecca KIker, Karen Rountree, Wendy Irlon and RoxIe Branager Pr t stant Good Friday & Eoster Services Island resIdents are remInded that the Good FrIday ServIce WIll take place at 6 30 pm In the Island Memor­ Ial Chapel The SunrIse SerVlce on the hill by the Cross, on the plot of ground adjacent to the Transient Hotel, WIll begIn at 6 30 am Easter morning Dr HanlIn w1ll be officiat1ng at these serVIces, as well as the regularly scheduled Sunday services at 8 10 and 11 am ~------KEEP KW I\J KLEAN EISewkoWER ~MOr~AL SEHVICES were co~~cted Monday at the R~chardson Theater on l<.?N~Jale~n and c r ' Ro,,-Namur LEFT Or Hanhn, v~s~hng Surt of M~ss~ons for' the Un1- t€:;~ ( .J.I Cf! Board 'Z-n M'Z-croneS1-a and Father Boy le are shown after the Conserve______Water ~O~~~~L_ 8er'VCGe they _ )~d~cted on KW~7ale1-n RIG1Y Res1-dents bowed 1-n memoP'Z-am Thursday, April j, 1969 HOlJRGLASS Page 3

. N w Orl ans' Sch Is CI s d Comm rical Br adcast rs Say B caus f Tutor Walk ut Thr at FCC "Fairn ss Doctrin ' Unfair New Orleans (UPI )--'I'wenty-nlne of New Washington (UPI)--The commerclal broad­ Orleans' 130 publlc schools closed today castIng Industry told the Sup~eme Court In the face of an American Federatlon of today some government rules about "falr- I Teachers statement that 2,000 teachers ness" on the alr waves are unconstItutIonal, would not come to work The latest attack of provislons of the I Supt Charles J Dolce sald operatlons "faIrness doctrlne" of the Federal Communl-) were runnlng close to normal at the Clty'S ~atlons CommISSIon, FCC, came from the 101 other schools RadIO and TeleVISIon News Directors ASSOCla "Thlngs are gOlng better than expeC'ted," tlon, RTNDA he sald "The food serVlce operatlons Under attack are FCC rules lald down ln are normal, bus transport lS normal and 1967 and 1968 directIng any statl0n broad­ the flrst reports on teacher absence are castIng a personal attack on someone to Ilght and they look very good " notify that person, fUrnIsh hlm with a The 29 schools were ordered closed yes­ copy of that attack and offer hIm a reason- terday In the face of AFT clalms that more able chance to reply \' than 2,000 of New Orleans' 4,750 publlc Proj Archlbald Cox of Harvard Law School school teachers would not show for work represented the RTNDA at today's court today seSSIon The ASSOCIatIon was jOlned In About 25 plckets appeared at Orleans ItS SUIt against the faIrness doctrines by Parlsh school board headquarters Most two networks, the National BroadcastIng were Loulslana AFL-CIO conventlon dele­ Co , and the ColumbIa 3roadcastlng System gates, wlndlng up a four-day state meetlng Cox told the court the fairness doctrIne In New Orleans Trey sald they wanted to amounted to an ImpalI-ment of the constltu­ show support for the strlke tlon which guarantees the rlght of free Three pIckets were up at Booker T speech and free press WashIngton HIgh School, a bIg, predomInan­ ThF lPdustry's round In the case followed tly Negro hIgh school that was one of the ~y one day agruments on a more speclflc 29 ordered shut last nlght A man and a ~ppeal agaInst tre doctrine by the Red woman pIcketed Beauregard Elementary L~on Pa BroadcastLng Co , operator of School on Canal Street and a slngle plcket radIO statIon WGCB Lower courts have marched at Warren Easton High, one of been In confllrt on the whole questIon the Clty'S largest of the constltutlonallty of the regula- The AFT, through Its Local 527, lS WOODEN WATER MAIN REPLACF: M'l\Ol ClIfford Kellogg tlOriS asklng the board to recognlze the results holds l pILce r;i \\ OJdt n \,.,.)1 f'1 .lIIl \\ oTkmen are replaclng The FCS had ilrected Red LIon to give of a secret electlon In May to choose a m OllvLt '1.dl fn' ,pc'iOn t d dboutumlleofwooden reply tlme to author Fred J Cook, who collectIve bargalnlng agent for teachers mam "hllh t is se"Ve(l thl Le the efllly 19005 when claImed he was attacked In a broadcast The school board has rejected collectIve Oi!\ et s flr,t \I \\ a~ lllstalled by radIO preacher, Billy James HargIS bargaInIng WashIngton attornr" Roger Robb, appear­ "We hope that thIS Etrlke WIll be a Mrs. Kir i1 Plans to Observe Ing for Red Llon, told the court "any short-lIved one," Dolce saId "But we dOP3t+on of free tIme LS not a trlvlal are prepared to see thIS strIke through Anniversary ot Husband's Death concern and repeated donatIons mIght well the end of the school year " Atlanta (l~I)--Mrs MartIn Luther KIng drl ye a statIon out of bUSIness " Dolce sald prlnclpaJs, teachers and Jr saId today she WIll qUIetly observe If the reguldtlons are sustaIned, he other personnel at thE closed schools the annlVerS'l.ry of her husband's death sald, the publlC may not have the beneflt were lnstructed to report for work and be Frldav and vnl' [,JI- attend any publIC of eIther an attack or an answer, because reassIgned to fIll vacanCIes at schools memorIals or f'.lY'ctlons of the reluctance of broadcasters to aIr stIll In operatIon "M.'r c\llldren all 1 wIl: V1Sl-:; the any materIal that c0uld be conSIdered a Dolce saId 841 teachers were absent com­ ce~etar, ~~d then return ~ome for The crltlC]Sm Debate would thus not be en­ pared wlth a normal average absence of dav,' 'I ~ 'ort tta KI'1g" sal" "1 W' couraged, but woula ue "Ci10K:t'~ cff at 239 But the AFT stood by ItS predlctlon observe fn ,~ 4, Sand 6 lD thIS qUIet the source," he saId that 2,000 teachers w]ll JOIn In the strlke man ,ET, n~:, I~""""' J IJ3. t T,e In any publlC The rules were defended b~ J S SolICItor that It saId will lasi untIl the school memorIa]", 'lr fl,( ~'r-s" General Evln N Grls1Told, who sald, "ThIS board conducts an electIon to select a 'J'1' c("tlf""'1 'hr~' Leaderstll.p Con- IS not a sudden determInatIon of the Fede­ bargalnlng agent ferp- (a N' c' n l\' ~t! ,,~,,' a urtll hIE' mur- ral CommunIcatIons CommISSIon that It WIll "We estImated about 600 teachers are der r rIc!J"Y ~s, ',C lrtIrod memorIals and be rIghteous and seek to Impose some kll~ out on strIke although nearly all the ab­ delJlc'1c, t~ dt- 'iJ ght-day perIod of arbItrary standards on the broadcastlng sentees who called In saId they were III begFll~ I. FT~c.._y J .s across the Industry " or were haVIng e'llergencles," Dolce saId natIon r l ," ] c~Jer _ In a numl e:r of "Congress and tne broadcasting lndustry Dolce saId student absence was hIgher CltlcC, "[-C 1 P/~ rJ~ n~d me'llorlal ser­ have been gropIng for a sound and workable than antlclpated but ',aId a JewIS1. holi­ Vlces SolutIon," GrIswold saId "We stIll do day, the approach of 1he Easter holIdays "I feel d ilpf'p ': of gratItude for not have the fInal answer but substantlal and parents' fear schools would not be the nume-ous ,tforts beIng made and the progress has been made " ~~------well supervIsed accounted for the drop thousands r rr!emor l2.1s beIng held through- Y Fire Sweeps Soviet Sleeping ou" tll" -l- c-" ct ] tnc world to commemo- Car;' C II ge Professors Resig n c raco tr , "( '1~ l L .tl )f my lite hus- Mother, Son ~uffer Fatal Burns Ov r Prospective Budget Cuts bare' r' ! _J ~ ""'I. 11 :='he dlJ S'le en'101 se'l tre plans beIng Moscov lUPI)--Flre swept a sleepIng car New York (UPI)--A dIspute over pros­ made b:J S~ I-Ih- n -].-" sald were aImed of the Trans SIberIa RaIlway as It sped pectIve budget cuts Ipd yesterday to mass at "rcr "11] L"'-I cr,t Y', lP'11catlOTI and re­ at 6) mph toward Omsk, it was reported reSIgnatIons at one of New York €lty'S 15 cOriC:ll LC'" c); r Y Jr 1~"" to bl'lng about a today munIcIpal colleges Just enG n~./r-r,' "J\~r;n where brother- PaIllc broke out among the passengers Twenty-three of 27 department. heads at hood can bf rOT I ~ t- If .,.r1 (.1" of ::-DCI ety " and dt least two of them, a mother and CIty College of New York, CCNY, submItted ------~ --- her flve-year-old son, suffered fatal reSIgnatIons, chargIng that a prospectIve Three Astronaut£. keceive Trophy burns, Komsomolskaya Pravda reported reductIon from $205 mLllion to $180 mIllIon Wasl-) , r gtL n I JP ) - 'Ile three Amprlcans 'l'he vague story spoke of other passen­ In the CIty UnIversIty of New York, CUNY, who fl,.w d"'oun j ,ht IT,) Jr' abodrd J..pollo 8 gers, IncludIng two gIrls sufferIng "crIp­ budget would undercut "the unIversIty's at nd-l.+""'~'-L"'e +:)LTc. .. ere presented plIng burns" but It was not clear whether educatlon and socIal mlSSlon " Wl th ire '}""l r[l-)OJ1"'lC; r W1u te Space Tro­ others dled In reslgnlng, the professors were fol­ phy fo~ LlJ6fi The fIre was started In a sleepIng com­ lOWIng the example of CCNY presIdent Buell Bronz. P':-C'l',PSWE'l"l ".vent, Col Frank partment bv a burnIng CIgarette butt The G Gallagher and, lIke Gallagher's, theIr ::lrrma'1 '8 t- c -111 S i ,i ,Jll J1" , and Lt three passengers fled after makIng lneffec­ reslgnatlons carrIed no effectIve date Col , 1 ' aJ'1, a -- 'J:y P lr Force Sec- tlve attempts to put It out CCNY IS one of the 15 junIor and senIor reta~ "~~ r "e'" n, Jr In a ceremony As the blaze spread along the heavy vel­ colleges comprIsIng the Clty unIverSIty at -:1'<.. " ~r_ J 0rra~hlC Sorlet~ head- vet curtaIns and elaborate wookwork, tra­ system qUartel_ dItIonal In SOVIet long-dIstance traIns, Rockefeller announced last nIght that The \~ 'p p~ce Tropry, WhICh honors the conductress attempted to rouse other the legIslature, at hIS request, had re­ The late ~ r Forc p ,rle r o~ staff, IS pre- travelers and put out the fIre WIth an moved a projected mIllion ceIlIng $99 3 "~rt '1 ',rn -I-c th' '

HELP PREVENT LITTERBUGGING tl( ~al J -.J"Y"ff; '"'\ J 1 than a mIle from the car A teleVISIon appeal in Omsk for :blood KEEP KWAJALEIN CLEAN f"r [L - ,'E-Tf I' L-______~_ t" r V", donors met the needs of the Injured Page 4 Thurs , AprIl 3, 1969 Whip-Snapping Whipp rsnapp r Stanl y CUp Play ffs By Arthur Daley The Montreal Canadlens have scored thelr fIrst VIctOry In a bld for another 1969 Serv~ae (C) New York Tunes News Stanley Cup hockey tItle The Canadlens ORLANDO, FLA "When you see that fresh llttle turned back the New York Rangers, 3-1, kId," saId Casey Stengel last nIght, "tell hIm I wanna last nIght In the opener of NatIonal WIsh hIm the best of luck " FrIday, AprIl 4 Hockey League playoffs PhIl ESpOSlto The watery blue eyes of 01' Case glowered brIghtly Dally FIeld went on a four goal scorIng spree and at the memory of BIlly MartIn, once teacher's pet In 5 15 Palm Terrace vs Ebeye Angels Boston swamped the Toronto Maple Leafs, Stengel's Yankee entourage but now the new manager of (Boll1an & Laborte) 10-0 In other games, St LOUIS beat the MInnesota TwIns The saucy MartIn probably got Brandon FIeld the Phl1adelphla Flyers, 5-2, and the away wIth more under Stengel than any Yankee Casey 5 15 KMR vs Islanders Los Angeles Kings edged the Oakland admIred hIS fIre, hIS aggressIveness, hIS determIna­ (GouveIa & Hults) Seals, 5-4 tIon, hIS clutch performances and even hIS Impudence Saturday, AprIl 5 * * * * * * But thIS harum-scarum yound man of yesteryear IS no Dally Fleld longer fresh nor lIttle nor a kId He's a sedate man 5 30 Kentron vs Marathoners of almost 41 and hIS laIssez-faIre attItude toward * * * * * * rules has dIsappeared He won't take tbe guff from Range Riders 18 Islanders 8 hIS players that he once tossed lIghtheartedly In the dIrectIon of 01' Case If MartIn, the player, was a The Range RIders crushed the Island­ free-wheelIng operatIve, MartIn, the manager IS a ers, 18-8, In a SlX-lnnlng game yester­ It was a bad nIght for the BaltImore martInet day at Dally Fleld The WInners scored I Bullets The NatIonal Basketball Asso­ "I never managed or even thought of managIng," he nIne runs In the thIrd Innlng and SIX CIatIon Eastern DIVISIon champIons were saId, "untIl Cal GrIffIth put me In charge of the In the fourth The Islanders dId theIr brushed from playoffs In a four-game Denver farm team last season The fIrst thIng I dId scorIng In the fIrst and thIrd Innlngs sweep by the New York Knlcks WIllIS was take up the matter of turtle necks and InsIst and were held for the rest of the game Reed scored 43 pOInts as the Knlcks that they wear shIrts, tIes and jackets In publIC Bradley led the Islanders WIth three rendered the knockout, 115-108 The appearances I told them I dIdn't mInd long SIdeburns hItS, WIllIams contrIbuted two Romero Los Angeles Lakers evened theIr serIes and long haIr If It were In style but they would have and Carter each had three hItS for the WIth the San FranCISCO WarrIors at two to keep them neat The same goes here wIth the TwIns" WInners games each They beat the WarrIors, "It's a lIttle thIng but prIde starts wIth lIttle * * * * * * 103-88 thlngs and I learned the Importance of prIde when I Amelco 6 S.K.F. 2 "All the pressure IS over now," says was wIth the Yankee organlzatlon A ball player wlth Lew Alclndor "I proved myself In prIde IS a better ball player BesIdes, we represent AmerIcan ElectrIc defeated S K F , college but I have a lot of work to do " the state of MInnesota and I want us to look lIke 6-2, at Brandon FIeld yesterday ESPl­ The UCLA super-star made that statement gentlemen" not hIppIes The youth of AmerIca IS rlto, Amelco's pItcher, allowed only yesterday after SIgnIng a mIllIon-dollar watchlng and I am concerned about that I want our two hItS and struck out three batters fIve-year contract WIth the NatIonal guys to be a good example " The WInners dld most of theIr scorlng Basketball ASSOCIatIon MIlwaukee Bucks ThlS was a startllng statement to come from a man In the thlrd and fourth InnIngs Exact terms were not revealed who once was accused of beIng a rlngleader among the Bleen got S K F 's only two hItS Yankee playboys, a bad Influence -- or so the stuffy Watson, Stenvers and Andrlke had two * * * * * * top brass once thought -- on MIckey Mantle and WhItey hItS aplece for the WInners Clendenon Will Play Ford, hlS closest buddIes Even though he was Inno­ * * * * * * The Montreal Expos and Houston Astros cent In the now Infamous Copacabana brawl, he was Mou.dainball Standings have settled theIr three-month-old trade pIcked as a scapegoat and eXIled In a trade to Kansas Involvlng Don Clendenon, Rusty Staub and Clty It broke hIS heart The heart has Slnce healed OPEN DIVISION W L Jesus Alou In the latest move, the and MInnesota has become hIS new and true love Ebeye Islanders 4 1 Expos sent pItchers John BIllIngham and "My reputatIon was WIldly exaggerated," he saId wIth Keones 4 2 SkIp GUInn to the Astros for pItchers a forthrIghtness that had to be belIeved "I was never Marathoners 3 2 Steve Shea, HOWle Reed and Leo Maren­ a drInker I was a slpper And lf I could fInd a ROI Namur 3 2 tette seat near a potted plant, I'd grab lt so I could dump Palm Terrace 3 2 The pltchers obtaIned by Houston are my drInk Into the pot I'll never forget the nIght Ebeye Angels 1 4 conSIdered superIor to those gIven to MIckey caught me " Kentron 0 5 Montreal MeanwhIle, Montreal WIll be "'Where's your drInk?' he asked" permItted to keep Staub and Clendenon "'I fInIshed lt,' I sald, holdlng up the empty glass" The complIcated serIes of events be­ "'If you dld,' he sald, shOWIng me he was smarter AmerIcan ElectrIc 5 1 gan In January when the Astros sent than I ever suspected, 'how come you don't even have Wenoca 4 1 fIrst baseman-outfIelder Staub to the Ice cubes left In the empty glass?'" WIldcats 4 1 Expos for fIrst baseman Clendenon and From the tIme MartIn was hIred as coach of the TwIns, Kool Kats 3 1 outfIelder Alou Then, Clendenon deCI­ everyone In baseball assumed that thIS smart young man HIgh School II 3 2 ded to announce hIS retlre~ent Later, wlth a born flaIr for leadershIp was beIng groomed by Meck Island 3 2 baseball commISSIoner BOWIe Kuhn ruled GrIff as a readymade successor as manager, fIrst under Sandbaggers 3 2 that the contracts of Staub and Clende­ Sam Mele and later under Cal Ermer S K F 3 2 non belonged to Montreal and the con­ "That was never true," lnslsted BIlly "I was per­ Iron Gate 1 3 tract of Alou belonged to Houston Yes­ fectly content to remaIn as thIrd-base coach just the Have Faltr 1 3 terday, Clendenon deCIded he would play way Frank Crosettl dld wlth the Yankees under a suc­ SpecIal Servlces 1 4 baseball agaIn and SIgned a two-year ceSSIon of managers I love It In Mlnnesota, I moved BUIldIngs & Grounds 1 4 contract WIth Montreal my famlly there and Cal promIsed me a lIfetIme Job Mountalneers 0 6 In other trades, the St LOUIS Cardl­ wIth the Twlns My only thoughts were to help the nals re-acqulred veteran fIrst baseman manager " AMERICAN LEAGUE BIll WhIte In a trade WIth PhIladelphIa Although Bllly became fIrm frIends wIth Mele, he was Kolohe Lounge 6 o The Phl11les got a paIr of utIlIty In­ not as close to Ermer, who brought In George Case to 50th State 4 1 fIelders -- Jerry Buchek and Jlm Hutto handle some of Bl11yJ's dutles and Bob OldlS to handle HIgh School I 3 2 Whlte WIll be used mostly as a plnch­ some of Early Wynn's pltchlng chores KMR 3 2 hItter "Gosh," sald BIlly, wIth some of hIS old sparkle Hawallanas 3 2 Two maJor league players went on the "Early and I were enJOYIng much more than shakIng Douglas 3 2 dlsabled IlSt -- Boston pItcher Jose hands wIth each other When Cal asked me If I would Range RIders 3 3 SantIago and PIttsburgh Gene help hIm out by managIng Denver, I spoke to Ermer Coconut Grove 2 2 Alley SantIago has an aIlIng elbow about the effects of my leaVIng " COE 2 2 and Alley has a lame shoulder '" I don't want to Interfere wIth your future,' he Palm Terrace 2 3 * * * * * * saId to me All of a sudden I began to wonder what ROI Namur 1 4 my future wIth the TwIns really was In hlS calcula­ Islanders 1 5 College Coach s tIons So I took the Denver Job " TItans 1 6 LOU1Slana State UnIverSIty coach, The team was In last place wIth an 8-22 record Mar­ Press MaraVlch, says he wants to stay tIn drove the Bears to fourth place wIth a 57-28 record Junior Soccer In college basketball and has turned He was tough but faIr and ObVIously Impressed GrIff, down a Job WIth the AmerIcan Basketball The Santos defeated the Matadors, who had soured on Ermer So BIlly was named TwIns mana­ Assoclatl0n Maravlch says he was 5-2, In junIor soccer actIon yester­ ger to the total surprIse of no one at all offered a coachIng job WIth the Caro­ day Ramlrez led the Santos WIth three He should be a good one because he has all the qualI­ lIna Cougars -- formerly the Houston goals, Stepchew and Powers contrIbuted tIes any owner would look for In a manager But one Maverlcks It was reported that the one each Thlmsen scored both goals of hlS boyhood dreams has vanIshed Cougars wanted Maravlch In hopes of for the Matadors "Once upon a tIme," he saId, "MIckey and I dreamed SIgnIng hIS son, Pete -- an AII-Amerlca of bUYIng a ranch together We were gOIng to call It * * * JunIor MItchell led the Spartans wlth flve the '1\ & M ranch But that's allover now It was one Joe Hall has taken over as coach of goals to a 8-1 VICtOry over the SaInts of the saddest days of my lIfe when he retIred He the St LOUIS Unlverslty Bl111kens and Tuesday at the soccer fIeld Peterson was a great one" has announced a tImetable to make them had two goals for the WInners, Stenvers a powerhouse of the MISSOurl Valley Train r Hirsch Dies 1. Tenpin Tales .1' contrIbuted one Conference school agaln Hall says BY SAM LEVINE Backus scored the SaInts' lone goal The dean of AmerIcan thourough­ next season WIll be a WInnIng one and Edltor, The Kegler In the second perIod hlS second year, when he can recrUIt bred tralners - Max HIrsch - dIed A 173 average nght handed early today of a heart aIlment bowler mJured hiS bowlmg * * * hlgh school players, he WIll have a The 88-year-old HIrsch dIed at hand at work and bowlmg as Sn ad Favor d champIonshIp team Hall says hIS goal a left hander learned to spill Long Island JeWIsh HospItal af­ IS the NIT and the the conference In the maples at a 163 clip from Pro golf moves Into North CarolIna the thIrd year and the NatIonal Cham­ ter beIng hospItalIzed for a thE' port SIde today for the $160,000 Greater Greens­ wepk In tune he regamed the pIonshIp the fourth boro Open Jl~~ N ~'IP lS, Arnold Palm- He handled horses for Robert strcngth m hiS nght hand * * * * * * He wrote to the American er a~d d~t< c ~ nJl1 Casper Klegberg's KIng Ranch for nearly Bowhng Congress and asked Quarterback John Hadl of the San are m [b1' ( • J> l p] r '1(' -:. udes half a century He won the trI­ whethcr he could be hiS own Dlego Chargers SIgned hIS contract Gene LlttJe~ "t- I I 'l. ~ GA.ry ple crown and captured the Ken­ partner m a doubles tourna for 1969 yesterday It was reported ment Player ~J - ~ l lr ~ 1''1 1..(" to he wanted a salary ranglng from $50 tucky DerbJ three times In hIS The ABC sent him 'l. terse t8}e cr $1 u ;' cl d.lTI carepr, he saddled some 18,000 reply to t60,000 and a loan of $250,000 No Sr'(?,:..d for Investment purposes, WInners for earnIngs of $1,000,000 • • • * * * HourGlass Financial 5 ction Wall Str t Today HourGlass Stocks, Mutuals New York (UPI)--Retreat sounded in the REYLON 81 3/8 - 5/8 stock market today but the call was muted REXALL 47 3/8 + 1 1/4 and several groups were pointing higher by ADDRESSOGRAPH ~ft Schenley 33 1/2 NC the final gun Turnover was only moder­ ALCAN ALUM 30 5/8 + 1/8 SCOTT PAPER 30 - 1/2 ate as traders put their books ln shape for ALLIED CHEM 29 3/4 1/4 Sears 67 3/8 - 1 5/8 the extended Easter holiday which beglns AMERICAN PHOTO 13 1/8 - 3/8 SHELL OIL 66 - 1/4 wlth Good Friday shutdoml AMERICAN N GAS 38 1/4 + 1/4 SINGER CO. 76 3/4 - 1 1/8 DomestlC and internati()nal news ltems AMERICAN T &. T 52 7/8 + 1/2 SOUTHERN PAC NA dld little to cheer the dtmosphere March AMPEX 37 3/4 NA SPERRY RAND 51 NA car sales decllned, mark Lng the flrst time ANACONDA 54 7/8 + 1 1/2 SQUARE D 21 1/8 NC Slnce last Aprl1 that the monthly sales ARMCO 62 + 1/8 STD BRAND 43 7/8 + 3/4 rate had tral1ed the previous year, a strike ARMOUR 55 - 1 STD OIL or CALlr 68 1/2 NA at a major Chrysler stamping plant forced BENDIX 44 7/8 NA STD OIL or IND 60 1/4 NA layoffs of thousands of assembly plant BETHLEHEM STEEL 32 3/8 NA STD OIL or NJ 81 - 3/4 workers because of a parl_s ,shortage, In­ BOEING 48 3/4 - 5/8 STOKELY 32 7/8 - 1/8 stallment credlt rose to a four month hlgh BORG WARNER NA STUDE WORTH 53 + 1 1/4 ln February but was well below the monthly BURROUGHS 248 1/8 + 5/8 SWlrT 28 7/8 NA average of the last half of 1968, and the CHRYSLER, 51 3/8 - 1 1/4 TELEDYNE NA eleventh session of the Paris peace con­ COCA COLA 69 3/4 - 1 1/4 TENNECO 28 1/8 NA ference on Vlet Nam was no more successful COLGATE 48 NA TEXACO 85 3/4 NA than prevl0us meetings COM SAT NA TEXAS INST NA Investors dlgested several reports re­ CON EDISON 33 7/8 NA 112 3/4 THIOKOL gardlng Vlet Nam peace progress, but found CONTROL DATA NA 17 3/8 NA TitANS WORLD llttle to indlcate that peace was drawlng CORNING CO. 252 + 4 3/4 NA 20TH CENTURY rOX NA any closer DEERE 46 33 3/4 1/2 - 1/4 UNITED AIRC Defense Secretary Melv1n R Lalrd, 1n a Dow CHEMICAL 74 3/8 - 7/8 NA UNION CARBIDE radIo lnterview, said pr1vate talks were DUPONT 151 1/4 - 5/8 42 1/4 NA UN ITED FRUIT underway and produclng satlsfactory results EASTERN AIR 24 7/8 + 3/8 52 1/2 NA UNIROYAL However, chlef Vlet Cong negot1ator Tran EASTMAN KODAK + 3/8 27 3/8 NC 72 3/4 US GYPSUM Buu Klem, sald to be dlsgruntled over these FA I RCH I LD CAMERA 73 1/8 - 7/8 82 3/4 + 3/8 UP JOHN reports of secret d1Scusslons, sald "the FIRESTONE NC 47 7/8 - 3/8 59 7/8 US STEEL Par1S conference on Vlet Nam has so far FORD 50 3/8 - 5/8 45 NA WESTERN UNION made no progress at all " GENERAL DYNAMICS 41 7/8 NA 47 7/8 + 2 3/4 WESTINGHOUSE The UP! stock market lnd1cator, measur­ GENERAL ELECTRIC 90 3/8 NA 66 3/8 NA XEROX lng all stocks traded, showed a loss of GENERAL FOOD 79 NA NA ZENITH o 10 percent on 1,556 lssues cross1ng the GENERAL INSTRUMENTS 29 1/8 NA 49 1/2 NA tape Decllnes edged advances, 708 to 576 GENERAL MOTORS 81 NA There were 126 new lows and 23 new h1ghs GEN T &. E 37 5/8 NA The New York Stock Exchange lndex m1r­ GEN T &. R 24 NA These ARE Taxing Times! rored a decllne of three cents ln the aver­ GOODRICH 46 NA 1, /' age common share prlce GOODYEAR 59 NA / -o? The Dow Jones average of 30 blue ChlP GRUM A IRC 36 1/2 NA '\ ---1 1ndustrlals eased 3 62 to 927 30 DJ ralls HILTON 57 3/4 NA and ut1l1tles also retreated HONEYWELL NA Volume amounted to 10,300,000 shares, up IBM 310 3/4 - 1/4 sllghtly from 10,110,000 shares on Wednes­ INTERNATIONAL HARV 33 1/2 NA day INTERNATIONAL PAPER 41 - 1/2 General Tlre topped the 11st of 15 most INTERNATIONAL T &. T 51 1/4 - 3/4 act1ve 1ssues, eas1ng 2 1/4 to 24 on JONES &. LAUGHLIN 29 1/4 NA 882,800 shares, the bul~ lnvolvlng a block KAISER AL 41 NA of 856,700 shares traded at the closlng LIGGET &. My 40 7/8 + 1/4 pnce L,TTON 50 - 7/8 Mlddle South UtllltleE, the second most LOCKHEED 41 3/8 NA actIve, edged up 1/8 to 22 3/8 on 260,000 LONE STAR 24 7/8 NA shares, whl1e Eastern A]r Llnes held the Marcor, Inc 55 5/8 NA th1rd spot, r1slng 3/8 to 24 7/8 on 215,800 MAGNA VOX 52 5/8 NA shares McDONNELL-DoUGLAS 36 NA Cont1nental, another heavlly traded a1r- MCGRAW HILL 36 1/4 NA llne, spurted 1 3/4 1.LM and Natl0nal, not fvl2M 38 3/4 NA among the 15 actlves, gcllned 1 3/4 dnd 2 r+f.1 101 NA 3/8, respectlvely A1r(rafts were narrowly MISSION CORP 144 NA nnxed MOBIL OIL 62 5/8 NA Amerada and Occ1dental, two actlve oils, MoNSANTO 46 3/8 NA rose 1 3/8 and 5/8 in that order Hess, up MONTGOMERY WARD 1 1/4, recently acqu1red 28 percent of MOTOROLA 104 5/8 NA Amerada shares NAT BISCUIT 49 NA Southern Callfornla Ed1son fell 1 1/2 In NAT CASH REGISTER 122 NA heavy turnover, whl1e BrunswIck, Benguet, NORTHWEST AIR 71 NA An 18th century cartoon depIcts a taxpayer's confUSion LFC Flnanclal and TwentLeth Centu~y-Fox, OLIN MATH 30 1/4 NA belIeved to be a takeover target, were ac­ OTIS EL 47 3/4 NA By JERRY KLEIN PAC G &. EL WTlttf'n EspeCially lor Central Presli lila 7 hiS N ewspllper tlve and fractlonally lower 37 NA THERE LL be no Citizens revolt come Apnl 15 when your m Marcor was unchanged Ln heavy tradlng, but PAC T &. T 21 3/4 NA come tax report falls due But If It s any comfort to you you can Sears and J C Penney, other leadIng depart­ PAN AMERICAN 23 1/4 + 1/2 recall that exactly 175 years ago there WAS a nasty taxpayers PENN NY CENT uprlsmg that our history books called the Whiskey Rebellion ment stores, lost more than a ROlnt each de­ 54 + 1 In that sprmg of 1794 the federal government first tned to sp1te lncreased March sgles PEPSICO 48 5/8 NC enforce a natIOnal revenue law on the young country Gram Llng-Temco and General Host ranged about PILLSBURY 45 1/2 NC farmers m the southwestern Pennsylvania responded by tarring POLAROID and feathermg tax collectors burmng federal bUildings robbmg 1 to 2 lower among the conglomerates Loewls 112 1/.8 - 5/8 the mall and attackmg government officers Theatres, another such f1rm, Jumped 2 PROCTER &. GAMBLE 85 5/8 NC The protesters formed an anti tax army numbermg 7 000 which Constructl0n issues were m1xed, although RCA 43 3/4 + 1/4 mcluded even members of the Pennsylvama Militia WhEn the RAYTHEON NA unrest spread mto nelghbormg ,------­ the Commerce Department reported record Virginia President Washmgton quested $1000 monthly based constructl0n spending ln February Steels ordered thousands of troops on her husband s $35 000 annual moved 1n Slmilar fashl0n despIte recent from four states to quell the mcome An alert revenuer round DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES rebellion-and the argument of out that the merchant was re news of stepped-up demand and Increased force was effectual portmg only a $15 000 mcome productIon STOCKS CLOSE CHANGE The mcome tax that s on all An Oklahoma man actually Chrysler dIpped 1 1/4 In Its group, whIle 30 INDUSTRIALS 927 30 Off 3 62 I of our mmds these days Isn t declared an mcome 20 tim e s 20 RAILS 241 52 Off 0 30 new PreSident Lmcoln havmg larger than he actually made other such lssues traded ln small fractions ilmposed one m 1862 But mter He also listed four fictitIOUs de I '5 UTILITIES 129 06 Off 0 3S and In both directIons Chemicals a~d ralls estmgly when another attempt pen dents and over the years I also were narrowly Irregular 65 STOCKS 321 78 Off 0 92 was made to collect an mcome thereby received a healthy total U S Smelting, sald to be the target of levy Just 75 years ago-in 1894 In ~efunds on money he d never NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE INDEXES - the Supreme Court rejected earned' ~ a tender offer, climbed 6 3/8 Western CLOSE CHANGE the move as unconstitutIOnal Most. appropnate are these UnIon moved up 2 3/4 The flrm recently re­ • • • words of a Kentucky accountant INDUSTRIALS ported a sharp increase in earnings for the 59 II Off 0 10 PRESIDENT WILSON got who remembers Lmcoln s Get­ TRANSPORTATION the ConstitutIOn amended In tysburg Address at thiS time of two months ended Feh 28 NA UTILITY Up 0 13 1916 and we ve been matching year Westinghouse and Honeywell, meantime, 44 10 WitS With the Bureau of Infern Our creditors Will little note FINANCE lost about a pOlnt each in the mostly easier 72 21 Off 0 03 al Revenue ever since The nor long remember what we pay ALL STOCK INDEX NA AmeTlcan Bar ASSOCiatIOn has here, but the Bureau of Inter electronics Xerox gave up a like amount Said that no oountry has more nal Revenue can never forget Prices also declined on the American \\ lllmg law abiding taxpapers what we report here It IS rath Stock Exchange in relatively light trading Litter 1S a h~alth menace It may thm the Untted States Still er for us to be dedicated to the provide the breeding grounds for dJLs- the mcome tax agents have to great task before us-that from The Amex Ir~r dipped five cents to $30 25 stay on their toes to pull off these vanqUished dollars we Volume slipped to 3,576,180 shares from ease-carrying lnsects and roden':s Set such Vlctones as these take Increased devotIOn to the 4,202,800 shares yesterday Of the 1,011 a good examp Le and remlnd otrers that it's I A PhIladelphia merchant was few remamlng and that we everyone's re'lponsibilitj to KEEP KWAJA- caught when hiS disgruntled here highly resolve that next issues traded, 483 declined and 329 ad­ I Wife l..,ked too much alimony year WIll not fmd us m a high

L-vanced______-L ______LEIN Ctl~t\N ~ In ______her divorce------~--~~~~------I actIOn she re er-mcome bracket' Page 6 HOURGLASS ~ Thursday, Aprl 1969 ~-r-r======-=~--~======~======~~--~~ ~-~------Village Police Chief CR~WORD - ByE"gmeS~ New Backyard Canopy; HOB.JZONTAL " Dtrec:tecl S. 'l'hIck 21 Heathen Jobs Greatly Improved ; ~f 5s1 er : ffkmcton : E=on A Do-It-Yourself ,~,90H 12 Pub river 6 Perfume 26 Letter ~: ""-~ » specialty 56 Food 7 Entrance 28 Cavern F' 13 Lease 117 Heir 8 Past 30 Card U Nimble 118 Bitter 9 Stir game 111 Weight vetch 10 Hebrew 31 EquIp 16 Serum VEBTiCAL priest 32 ScotU8h 18 Being 1 De&tlnlea 11 Japanese river 19 CIasslty 2 Unaccom coin 33 FrIend 20 Ooze panted 17 Roman date (Fr ) 22 Native 36 Mend metal Answer to yesterday a puzzle 37 Encll&h 23 Gratlty dramat18t 27 Attach 40 Ore de- 29 Serfa poBltB 31 Old saying 42 Dwelling M Unfastens 43 Seeder 3Ii Send back 44 Whet- Purdue Prof V J Meyers and hIS family enloy a pICnIC snack 37 Hawaiian atones In the shade of the buckle-shell roof he built w,th,n one day food 45 Sunbul'Dll 38 Chow -- " Arabian By JAMES N MILLER 39 Son In-law seaport Centra! Press As,oc!(,t1on Correspondent of Moham- 48 Machine LAFAYETTE Ind -If your house has a big yard or an estate med part your dad or husband may be mterested m a do It yourself roof 41 Rush 49 Madrid developed here at Purdue University It s a new kmd of canopy 45 Sodium cheer that can be completed m a smgle day carbonate 50 -- There are four mtrlgumg potentials for Immediate famIly use 47 Startling Farrow sound A.eraae 'lme of ...1.,10. J3 ..I •• 'e. 51 Joined as a pICniC shelter carport or patIO cover or the ready roof can be fastened directly to bUlldmg foundations to enclose a sWlmmmg pool 2- ~ 5 & 8 ~ 10 11 I ~4 ~7 Buckle bhell IS the name given to the revolutIOnary roof It uses a new bUlldmg pnnclple ~alled the hyperbolic-parabolOid 12- 11 14- ThiS IS stronger and cheaper than conventional beam and rafter ~ ~ roofs Fewer supports are needed and more headroom lS avail IS' 160 17 able because rafters are elimmated ~ Such a roof denves ItS strength from mutually supporting 16 ., arches that cross at right an ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ gles One arch curves up the terlal However thiS kmd of 20 2.1 2.2- 2.~ 2.4- 2'" 2.& other down a pnnclple bor foam IS soft and the professor s Immediate problem was could Father and son-old and new-Argyle poloce chIefs Adolph ~ ~ rowed from nature The tent caterpillar s nest for example some practical way be found and Peter Jaggl saw the lob come out of the Dark Ages 2"1 2a 2' ~ ~ gams strength by bemg curved to stiffen the foam? ~ ~ ~ m two directIOns By RAY BARTH ~I ?>2. ~~ !l4 Central Press Assoclatwn Correspondent Here s how the buckle shell PROF MEYERS discovered ARGYLE WIS -Once upon a tome the pOlice chIef m a small ~ ~ ~ IS made accordmg to Prof V that If a thm layer of remforc ?S' 3& ~7 town (almost any small town) was more than a one man police J Meyers one of ItS developers mg material such as fibrous force ~ ~ ~ ~ To a flat sheE't of plastic foam glass was applied over a light ?19 40 41 4? 44 In Argyle a village of 700 Police Chief Adolph Jaggl was also 3& 42- (foamed polystyrene) one to cover of epoxy resm to a core the garbage pickup man community hall Jamtor keeper of the ~ ~ two mches thick add a thm made of plaslic foam then an 4!i 41 Village park and custodian of the sewers 4t. stlffemng layer of epoxy Im­ extremely rigId yet slill light I sometimes changed clothes four times a day he recalled ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ pregnated fIbrous glass Then weight shell could be formed JaggJ provided hiS own work clothes hiS own car hiS siren 4& 4" 50 51 1St buckle It-by pushmg m from How could It be shaped eas and even hiS Sidearms He was I----,---:-:----=c::-c:------,-­ ~ the edges at varIOus pOlnts­ Ily? In small scale tests usm,g paid $325 a month and $125 car gl left With each new man the 5~ :{'~ -... 55 and the result IS a roof Ideal thm pieces of plaslic foam cut allowance Village board got a better un ~ for family cookouts from 2x2 mch squares and push mg m on corners Prof Meyers Times have changed derstandmg of why policemen Sb ~Sl 5& . . . qUit ~ MEYERS goes on to ex found that a flat plate of thlS The new police chief Jaggl s In a small town Jaggl ob plain Such a roof Is light and size could be buckled qUIckly son Peter 23 gets $500 a month served the police expect to see adds very little dead weight to mto an almost endless variety of OBnTOQl1U'S for a 48 hour week He has no the I r policeman all day long a structure It elimmates the mterestmg shapes garbage or sewer dutoes HIS and want hIm on the Job all BSBCJOEBB VPBFB OBVPBCJGESB need for and expense of the Here ~ good news for enthus­ car clothmg and eqUipment are night One man Just can t do It usual supports or forms that Iastic do It yourselfers If the furnished by the village .. DSOE JDCMCM ha\e to be put up to bUIld a Purdue research IS earned Just The astomshmg thmg IS that PETER JAGGIS contract conventIOnal full size roof and a few steps further It could once upon a time was not Yeater.laJ'. Crypt.oqalp - LOVERS SURELY LOVE BUR· be that Wlthm a few months spells out an eight hour day REYS then have to be taken down 1880 or 1910 or even 1932 but SIX days a week He still has no Furthermore by ItS very nature you Wlll be able to bUild your 1965 full tome assistant and the 48 a buckle shell roof I~ msulated self possIbly for less than $300 The past four yea r shave hours sometimes stretch mto 58 and waterproofed roof a wonderful lightweight but worked a revolutIOn on police but at least he has It m wntmg Early m hiS research Prof tough weatherproof and well departments m other small Another factor m the small Meyers deCided to try out plas msulated roof carport or plcmc towns besides Argyle town police revolutIOn was the tIC foam as hiS major roof rna shelter All wlthm one day The Job IS bemg upgraded by natIOnWide cry for law and or tight fisted Village boards ev der erywhere The shock wave from the cities made an audIble boom m CONTRACT BRIDGE THERE are a number of rea the smallest hamlet sons for It Prosperity pensIOn Argyle has had no protest By B Jay Becker plans and full employment m marchers no nots no cnme m pi'lvate mdustry mad e police the streets -but readmg about (Top lIconl-Holdor in Mallon' Individual Champlon.hip Play) Jobs less and less attractive them has conditIOned local tax­ SOuth dealer ambitious grand (ilam and West Jaggl qUIt m 1965 after nme payers to accept a higher police North-South vulnerable leads a heart. Offhand It might years as chief because at 50 budget Without the squawks NORTH look best to fmesse the queen he decIded It was time to fmd that used to be heard because, If you don t, It seems a Job that offered a retirement Father and son agree that Ar • Ql072 llkely you 11 eventually lose a pensIOn He became a Wlscon gyle pOlice pay and workmg .AQU spade tnck to go down one sm cIvIl service employee conditIons are 100 per cent bet .Ql08 ,.Q3 Theoretically there Is an even The tow n had four police ter than m the dark ages only chance that West has the kmg chiefs m three years after Jag four years ago WEST EAST • J863 .KU of hearts If you disregard the .Jl091 .K832 psychological factor of whether / .62 .753 West would lead a heart hold­ """" Ing the kmg ; / .,8U .962 SOUTH However, a 50% chance of .A5 makmg a contract IS not good .6 enough when there IS another / .AKJ94 method of play that offers a .AKJ107 greater chance of success And In the present case there Is a The bidding dlfferent Ime of play that de­ South West East pends only on the trumps being 2. Pass Pass diVIded 3-2-wluch mathematic­ 3,. Pass Pass ally occurs m 68% of deals 'NT Pass Pass when five cards of the SUIt are ANOTHER RIDE' NO TANKS- A mud splattered Prince Philip mlssmg pulls himself out of a Bnti;h 50 ton Chief tam tank at the 7. Opening lead-Jack of hearts Your 'best shot IS to WIn the Gallows Hill tank tramlng ground m Bovmgton Camp Eng openmg lead with the ace and land The Duke drove the tank and fired ItS 120mm gun Whenever declarer has a choice of dlfferent methods of ruff a heart !ugh Then play a dunng hiS one day VISit to the Queen S Royal Insh Hussars play, any of which may succeed trump to the eight and ruff an­ other heart high Next lead the RegJffient of which he IS colonel m chief (Cnblephoto) or fa11~ependmg on how the mlssmg cards are diVIded-he nme of trumps to the ten and Is best advised to follow the ruff dummy s last heart percentage play By this time you are out (If This business of stringing trumps, but this Is no hardship along with probabilities may of smce dummy still has the queen course f&1l in & particular hand, to draw the (ln1y outstanding but It IS the nght polICY to fol­ trump You lead a club to the low If you want to come out queen, cash the queen of trumps ahead over a long penod of on wluch you discard a spade time and WIn the last flve tncks with For example conSider thIS the ace of spades and A-K-J-10 hand where you're playmg an of clubs \

, l~. fRIENDLY SNOOPER-Lldlya SakeviCh (left) and Valentma Kostlkova two of 10 female RUSSian oceanographers aboard the 3000 ton Soviet trawler Professor Deryugm ~tand U 5 TALKS BEGIN II~ , ,} P i.l t r aboard the veK'le1 at San Pedro Calif They are part of Nl}wn s envoy hands ape, 3.1 ~

the male-female crew which m co operatIOn WIth Amencan vlan preSident Gen JU'ln '; L.l T'j:., ACV ON TEST RUN - The Army s new Armed Air Cushion Ve­ hicle ra~es through performance tests at speeds up to 70 MPH s<"entlsts WIll snoop along the PacifiC coastline Investlgat high lpvel meetmg.. vI , , l' With the air cushion 8upport the vehu:le can travel With ease over pohtJCc dlf~e"prce' mg fIsh lofe particularly the hake a cod family mpmbrr land .. ater muck or marsh Thursday, Apr~l 3, 1969 Page 7 ~======~~====~------r------.. --=-======t~---:-:------i- I ,"lith )qt M·l

I ! In the days of Ballmg vessels, shIps could be Idenbfied by their Jibs A SpanISh ship mIght I I Ihave a small Jib, or none at all ILarge French shIps often had i two JIbs, English, usually only one Later, the phrase "cut of I l his Jib" was appbed to men, re­ I fernng to the first ImpreBSlon I one has about another

------...;;;..-~---~.--..:--~-I "WELL, DID YOU OR DID y'OU NOT YE:LL \MASHED POTATOES DOWN '?" -- -, BIG GEORGE! p e a I' n • u t s

"Well, I see you ilXeci the toaster" LITTLE PEOPLE'S PUZZLE

B ,e eI

M o o s e


w• I o~ PUBLISHED BY GLOBAL ASSOCIATES AT THE FOR SALE CLASSIFIED WANTED - Contlnued DIRECTION OF THE COMMANDING OFFICER, Allled-Kmght KG-50 AM/FM, and FM Jump chair or walker for bouncing baby KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL 15- stereo tuner Knlght KG-400 78 watt Please call 82885 fmught At CONTRACT DAAG-43-67-C-000I stereo amplifier wlth frequency rp­ The HourGlass is pub11shed dally Mon­ sponse of 30 to 16,000 cps for tuner, Wlll pay $150 for teakwood carv~d t~ble day tr..rough Saturday phono, tape, and aux Both units ln In good condltion Call 82128 durlng RiCHARDSON Materlal for publlcatlon on the walnut cabinets wlth all attachments working hours, or 82681 after 4 30 pm AROUND TOWN page must be submltted ln "nll operate three ,( 3) pairs of speak­ wrltlng to the HourGlass 72 hours ers lndlvldually or all at once Both prlor to deslredpubllcatlon date ~ ') 0 lV ,-,urt_s 35 unltS for $90 Call 82539 after 5 pm Three lawn cha,rs (Rlchardson Theater) Materlal for the AD apd SPORTS pages '1 [IE Il(lSTO~ STRANGLER" Money (near 442-B houslng area) WIth must be 1n the HourGlass Offlce In Sllent Glant alr pump, 15 gallon Several pair of sun • prescrlptlon­ wrltlng 24 hours prlor to deslred aquarlum, fllter, florescent llght, g.iasse:o Henry h'"da pub11cat1on date llramd Color-WS 7 30 wrought lron stand, 2 small tank nets, Wallet (Island Bus) Telephoned notlces and ads wlll not one nylon net, 17 In dla Package Recommvnded for ADl~T audlences Several sets of keys ONLY be accepted All copy and photographs deal, $60 Call 83641 after 4 pm FINAL NOTICE become the property of the HourGlass Palr of child's shoes (brown & whlte) lr Repub1lcat'on of materlal contalned Ten gallon aquarlum wlth reflector, houslng area) here1n 1S not authorlzed wLthout prlor two fllters, two vlbrator pumps, tublng Several sets of keys IVEY HALL approv~l of tne CommandIng Offlcer, large can of flSh food, thermometer, Several pairs of sun & prescrlption­ Kwajaleln Mlsslle Range extra charcoal, glass wool, and one glasses If you have not recleved your Hour­ small flSh net Also for sale a gold­ Three lawn chalrs Glass by 6 15 pm please call 83539 flSh bowl and small aquarlum (10x6x7) George verparu, RO~I ~chnelder & The above ltems may be claLmed by th~ between tre hours of 6 15 and 6 45 pm WhlCh Includes a vlbrator pump, tubing, VInce Edwalds owners at Securlty in the Termlnal Bldg In ~nd a copy wlll be dellvered to you fllter, extra charcoal, glass wool, T­ EDITOR Larry Corsl t rHF v ICIGRS ' valve, flSh food and airstone, call STAFF Marcla Chrlvla War Drill'18. Black & Wlllte-·W~ 83534 ask for Chrls Glnger Storme PERSONALS AT 6 30 &8 35 Anyone havlng clalIDs agalnst SFC Robert LuC';) Blodel Ocean gOlng racllllS "l.OOP fully A Dlnse, RA55531981 please contact Rudy BaldWIn equlpped for long-ranged crulslng I Major Jerry L Klntlgh, SENSEA, by FEATURE presently crulslng this area phone at 81425/81426 or ln person at OCEAN VIEW WRITER Bob P~llllPS LOA 32 ft -- LWL 255ft -- draft , Buildlng 1051 (SENSEA Bldg) CIRCULATION 55ft -- beam 75ft Net tonnage MANAGER Phl1 Pokoy 6 48 tons Stalnless Steel rlgglng, "THl- ullD COUPLF" Qacron_~alls, 12 hp Unlversal tWln ANNOUNCEMENTS J-E'atures aUXlll~' englne, Knud Relmers deslgn Jack Lenmon & halter MattlMu Prlce $9500 Inspect at MaJuro harbc WATER CONDITION -- ORANGE Comedy Color 7 30 E or wrl te to Z Frellands, "Iris II" 12 30 IB c/o MaJuro Postmaster, Majuro 96960 AT GLOBAL ASSOCIATES HOUSING AND MESSING CHARGES DUE House Weatherby deluxe model Mark XXII 22 rentals, telephone rentalb and BQ bll­ cal automatlc rlfle Llke new, check­ letlng and messlng charges are due and OFFICIAL BULLETIN ered stock, excellent wood SlX power payable Payment may h~ made ln person scope, rlfle sllng and case Included at the Central Bllletllg 0IIlce If YOKWE YUK DATE Dlrry Can be used here on KwaJ at the plstol more convenlent, a check payable to OFFICER PHONE range Call 84391 after 4 pm or see Global Assoclates may be placed In an 3Apr69 MAJ R Thompson, Jr 84555 at Reef 327 envelope and addressed to the Central 4Apr69 CPT L Rader 84691 Bllletlng Offlce for dell very V1a the ''l--1URDER AHOY" 5Apr69 CW3 J Keellng 82461 Englne powered raclng car, electrlc Guard Mall Stars 6Apr69 CPT G Flsher 84533 baseball game, Alpha-l balllstlc mlS­ Malgret Rutherford and Arthur StrmgPl 7Apr69 MAJ F Johnson 82208 slle, panty glrdle (small-see Penney's DUPLICATE BBIDGE 8Apr69 CPT G Burke 83524 catalog No R145-2416), ladles medlum Brldge seSSlons are held every Wednes COJredy Blal..k & WhIte ATC 9Apr69 lLT P Struve 82433 heel black shoes, Slze 6'1/2 B, boys day at 6 45 pm at tbe Yokwe Yuk Club 7 &9 Durlng hours of 11 30-12 30, Monday rust long pants, Slze 7 Call 83696 01 All brldge players welcomed Need a through Frlday, phone 81419 for Duty see at 422-C brldge partner call Theresa Taylor 8248~ Offlcer Duty Offlcer IS Kwajaleln M1ss11e Treat your baby to the best -- a car­ 3~gr up now to play ~n a Shuffleboarc TRADEWINDS Range Commandlng Offlcer's representa­ r1age that converts lnto a stroller on League to be played at the CrossPOads tlve durlng other than normal duty suspenslon sprlngs and 4 rubber spoke Those ~ntere8ted are asked to contact hours wheels allows baby to rlde In comfort Joe Johnson at the CPOssPOads no later Cdrroll Baker as because It cushlons the bumps The than Ap~l 4, 1969 MECK ISLAND MJVIES blue watch plaId materlal 1S weather "BAI)J."C1W" Thurs [OWN TAMER reslstant, cool, and alry In excel­ tJl JJILi Color-WS 8 FT' SEA FIGHI'FR A Rables Inoculatlon Program wlll be lent condltlon, $25 Call 82308 :,a MJNt Y 1Jber game of Colllns cuttlng board for laYlng out thelr best of three serles 378-342 sewlng patterns, $1, electrlc drlll 1 Ed and Joy Ledbetter wlth steel brushes for polishlng shells :2 Kelly Dowden - Barbara Bowers $20, 8 oz water glasses, matched set 13 Joe Wlndes - Jewel~ Munlce of 8, $1, games of Summlt & Battle-Cry, SCHEDULE FOR UPCOMII~G SP:;:;CIAL EVEN'I'S $1 50 each, Ilfe vests, $4 each, boys hpr~~ 13 - Open Palrs Tour~ament shlrts & shorts Slze 16 Marshal~ese Aprll 20 - IndIvldual Tournament Engllsh dlctlonary, $1 See at Tr 540 Aprll 27 - MJ/xed Palrs Tom r rune'l"t or call 82104 anytlme May 25 - Team of 4 Tournament June 1, 8 & 15 - Knockout ~eam vf Four In additlon regular games wlll be WANTED 1 held every Wednesday nlght si~rtlng Used refrigerator can be In Kwaj con­ tlme IS 7 pm for all games JI the Ban­ d1t10n as long as operational Call yan Room of the Yokwe Yuk r 1clb Cdll Emory 81436 between 0730 and 1630 pm , 1Theresa Taylor, 82432, for r lore 1nforma tlon Would llke to buy, borrow, or rent a slurp gun Call 84664 EMON LODGE #179 F&AM wll~ held a speclal meeting Tclesday, Aprll 8, at 7 30 pm All Master Masons are ~ordlal­ - wlll pay top dollar for elther 4-man or 6-man lnflatable Ilfe raft ln good ly Inv1ted condltlon Call Al Starcher, days Weeklv MOVie Schedule 77462 or evenlngs 84142 THE SCUBA CLUB Sunday dlVe .nll go to Legan The boat wlll leave at 8 30 am RICHARDSON IVEY HALL TRADEWINDS Large power boat, tWln englnes, good Please board by 8 am The divemasters 'Ion MURDER condltlon Please call Ed Schlele at vIll be KeIth Coble and Gladyce Coble BOSTON INVASION AHOY 99542 Guests are ~lcome. but must dlve wlth SnANGLER a club member Llfe vests are mandatory Tues VICTORS HAB.LOW MURDER for all dlvers AHOY The Junlor Class of KwaJ Hlgh lS In de~­ Wed HARLOW ODiI TAMIKO per ate need of costumes for the annual SATURDAY DINING AND DA'iCING Junlor Class Communlty Play. If you AT THE YOK~ YUK CLUB !hur i30STOt-. have anythlng that you think could pos­ HARLOW slbly have been used during the perlod The Buffet menu ~na~udeB an asserted STRANGLER reZ~sh tray, bro~led New York stea~ or !,FYl ODD IJVA'iION BOSTON of the 18805, such as long dresses, lon~ petticoats, women's hats, old-fashloned deep fr~ed breaded shrtmp J french fp'~e j -+--=C~OU~f~L~E:"'-__---1I-.!~~::-:-:--_+--_-,-:- ____---J~_ -::::--_+---:=S:=TRAN::==::G:-:L:=E;,:.:R,- men's suits, vests, wlde tles, top hats potatoes, asparagus w~th HoZ7,anda~se sat TAMIKO 1-1l.RDER VICTORS derby hats, spats, please call Pam at Sauae, tossed greep salad w~th dres8~ng>:1 ----t~~~~~------t-~~~------t---~~~----~--~AH~O~Y~----4_~~------84386 or Di at 84684 Anything you hot d~nner roUs and a beverage ' Sun U"VASION TAMIKO ODD would be willing to lend, will be re­ The BUffet Wt U be served betl.een the' ..l COUPLE turned hour8 of 8 30 - 10 30 pm danCing 1---- R ~n om to rrrz-dnic;ht 7hf _cuWRhN'S MATINEE FOR lAJ:URDAY AND SUNDAY J.T THE IVEY HALL WILL BE ' Mus~c Wtll be prov~ded by the Naut~(Jal L 'TlwT DARN C\T" AI 1 p.n NobodY loves a ~tterb~gl Hawa~~ans l-______J.;:;:::.::.:..;:.:;;:.:;:~ __-=- ...... ______i"______~-----.---'-~---______.M