L.A. to Reform City Planning – One Way Or Another

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L.A. to Reform City Planning – One Way Or Another WWW.BEVERLYPRESS.COM INSIDE • Mayor Garcetti discusses vision Cloudy with for L.A. p. 3 temps in the mid 70s Volume 26 No. 15 Serving the West Hollywood, Hancock Park and Wilshire Communities April 14, 2016 Amphitheatre update may L.A. to reform city planning include new hiking trail n Ryu considers using $200,000 for foot path By Edwin FolvEn –n one way or another beneficial as part of our Hollywood City Council proposes Sign action plan,” said Estevan to update General and Los Angeles City Councilman Montemayor, director of communi- David Ryu, 4th District, is consider- cation for Ryu. “We haven’t made Community Plans ing allocating $200,000 to create a any commitments. We are review- By GrEGory CornFiEld hiking trail that would lead from the ing it internally and are deciding John Anson Ford Amphitheatre on whether we want to move forward.” The Los Angeles City Council Cahuenga Boulevard to a viewing Montemayor said there is no on Wednesday introduced city spot in the Hollywood Hills below timeline for a decision on the trail planning reform measures to the Hollywood Sign. project. The allocation would likely help the city grapple with The Ford Amphitheatre is cur- come from the councilman’s discre- increasing population, higher rently undergoing an overhaul that tionary funding. rents, homelessness and political is expected to be completed this Leticia Buckley, a director of pressure from independent summer. The trail would be part of communications and marketing for groups upset by the scale of future renovations and would pro- the Los Angeles County Arts development allowed in the city. vide access to view the Hollywood Commission said the trail project In their proposal, the city Sign without vehicles traveling on aligns with the goal of making the council members are calling for residential streets in the Hollywood 1,200-seat amphitheater accessible the city to update all 35 commu- Hills. throughout the year, as opposed to nity plans and will include fund- “This is a project that could be See Ford page 20 ing for the effort in the upcoming photo by Gregory Cornfield budget process. The motion by The Los Angeles City Council introduced a motion to update the city’s plan- Councilmen David Ryu, 4th ning policies to accommodate increasing population and development. District, Mitch O’Farrell, 13th District and four other council dential neighborhoods and to updated in no more than 10 members also calls for a new ensure that the city can effective- years. The mayor will include citywide General Plan and rec- ly deliver on its land-use respon- $1.5 million in new funding for ommendations on ways to sibilities,” Ryu said. “[This] the effort as part of his upcoming increase oversight of the envi- motion is a step in the right 2016-17 budget. He also laid out ronmental review process. The direction to rebuilding trust in a plan for ongoing funding for General Plan has not been fully the city’s planning process.” the program to ensure updates updated in more than 20 years. Mayor Eric Garcetti pledged are completed – start to finish – “Angelenos deserve a trans- to nearly triple the Planning within 36 months. Updated plans parent and fair process when Department’s community plan evaluating impacts on their resi- staff to better ensure all plans are See planning page 20 photo courtesy of the Los Angeles County Arts Commission nL.A. and WeHo take aim at discrimination The Ford Amphitheatre, which is undergoing a two-year renovation, is Cities put pressure on expected to reopen in July. Plans for a hiking trail from the theater to a North Carolina despite viewing site below the Hollywood Sign are under consideration. governor’s amendment By GrEGory CornFiEld Los Angeles and West Theft solved after owner Hollywood will continue to put pressure on North Carolina to repeal a “blatantly discriminatory” sees bicycle on Craigslist state law despite the state’s gover- By Edwin FolvEn nor amending it on Tuesday. launched an investigation. They Dave Garcia, director of policy at were contacted the following day the Los Angeles LGBT Center, said Investigators quickly solved a by the owner, who said he saw the amendment does not change the photo courtesy of West Hollywood burglary and bike theft that the Serotta bicycle listed on center’s opposition. The West Hollywood City Council last week approved a resolution occurred last weekend with the Craigslist for $250. help of a resident who saw his “I think the whole executive denouncing a North Carolina’s law restricting cities from approving laws Det. Joe Alves, with the Los stolen bicycle for sale on Angeles Police Department’s order is a weak face-saving mea- that protect LGBT rights. sure that doesn’t go far enough,” Craigslist. Wilshire Division, said investiga- Garcia said. “If [Gov. Pat McCrory] employee rights to sue for discrim- refrain from conducting business A suspect burglarized a garage tors posed as buyers and contact- was serious about eliminating dis- ination, overrules antidiscrimina- with North Carolina, including par- at a residence in the 1700 block ed the person selling the bike. crimination, he would repeal the tion laws approved at the municipal ticipation in any conventions or of Orange Grove Avenue at They made arrangements to pur- law.” level, and restricts the use of public other business that requires city approximately 7:40 a.m. on April chase the Serotta, and on April The Los Angeles City Council facilities – such as a restroom, lock- resources, until the law is repealed. 9. The resident called police and 11, arrested an 18-year-old sus- will consider a resolution tomorrow er room, changing room, or shower “HB 2 does not reflect the values reported the theft of three bicy- pect. Alves declined to identify denouncing North Carolina’s room – to the gender indicated on a of the city of Los Angeles,” the res- cles, including a custom Serotta the teen. He said the suspect had Public Facilities Privacy and person’s birth certificate. olution reads. bicycle valued at $2,000. no prior criminal record. Security Act (HB2), which restricts If approved, Los Angeles will See NC page 20 Officers made a report and See theft page 21 2 April 14, 2016 Park Labrea News/Beverly Press The organization supports children 14 ‘Fifty Shades in the child welfare system. A of Oy Vey’ reception begins at 6 p.m.; dinner, inger and songwriter Shelley C a l e n d a r awards and entertainment start at 7 p.m. Tickets are $375. 9876 Fisher returns in “The Hebrew Saturday, April 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 Wilshire Blvd. (323)904-4400, Hillbilly: Fifty Shades of Oy Vey” on p.m. at West Hollywood Park. The S www.extraordinaryfamilies.org. Thursday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m. at the Kids Fair will feature face painting, Santa Monica Playhouse. The autobi- arts and crafts, train rides and enter- ographical one-woman show follows tainment. Local schools, public safety Fisher’s childhood growing up Jewish Homeless Issues and social services organizations will est Hollywood Councilwoman in the South. Tickets are $35. 1211 offer information. 647 N. San Vicente Lindsey Horvath will lead a dis- Fourth St. (310)394-9779 ext. 1, Blvd. (323)848-6403, or email cussion on homelessness on www.hebrewhillbilly.com. W [email protected]. Wednesday, April 20 at 7 p.m. in the West Hollywood Park Auditorium. Panelists include Jim Latta, human ser- 15 Conversational Teen Court vices administrator for the city of Hebrew Boutique Benefit Beverly Hills; David Giugni, social ser- earn conversational Hebrew in oin designer Amy Ming for a vices manager for West Hollywood; “As Easy as Echad, Shtaaim, “Jewels, Friends and Charity” on Capt. Holly Perez, of the West LShalosh (1-2-3)” on Friday, April 15 JSaturday, April 16 from noon to 6 Hollywood Sheriffs Station; and starting at 1:15 p.m. at The Watermark p.m. at the Amy Ming Jewelry Stephanie Cohen, senior field deputy for at Beverly Hills. The class is for peo- Boutique. The event benefits the Teen Assemblyman Richard Bloom. The ple seeking to brush up, teach or learn Court program which gives high West Hollywood and Beverly Hills new words or phrases in Hebrew. The school students who have committed Democratic Club present the free pro- class meets every other Friday. 220 N. a first time, non-violent offense an gram. Topics include the effect of home- Clark Dr. (310)860-9234. opportunity to have their cases heard lessness on cities, social services, the in a court of their peers. 5652 W. role of law enforcement and partner- Opera Concert Third St. (800)894-7201. ships with state and local government. he Eli and Edythe Broad Stage in 647 N. San Vicente Blvd. (323)874- Santa Monica present soprano 0728. TAnna Netrebko and tenor Yusif 17 ‘Who’s Afraid of Eyvazov in concert on Friday, April Virginia Woolf?’ 15 at 7:30 p.m. Boemi conducts the free screening of the classic 21 Shakespeare orchestra in a program of arias and film “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Forum duets from Italian operas. The con- AWoolf?” is on Sunday, April 17 at 3 o commemorate the 400th certs will mark Netrebko’s first p.m. in the West Hollywood City anniversary of William Southern California appearance since Council Chambers, hosted by the TShakespeare’s death, two leading 2006. Tickets start at $175. 1310 11th Museum of Contemporary Art scholars will discuss how The Bard’s St., Santa Monica. (310)434-3200, (MOCA) and WeHo Arts. The film is works should be printed and per- www.thebroadstage.com.
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