Consideration of Funding Proposals - Addendum XIV Funding Proposal Package for SAP015
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Meeting of the Board 18 – 21 August 2020 GCF/B.26/02/Add.14 Virtual meeting Provisional agenda item 28 July 2020 Consideration of funding proposals - Addendum XIV Funding proposal package for SAP015 Summary This addendum contains the following six parts: a) A funding proposal titled "Promoting zero-deforestation cocoa production for reducing emissions in Côte d’Ivoire (PROMIRE)"; b) No-objection letter issued by the national designated authority(ies) or focal point(s); c) Secretariat’s assessment; d) Independent Technical Advisory Panel’s assessment; e) Response from the accredited entity to the independent Technical Advisory Panel's assessment; and f) Gender documentation. GCF/B.26/02/Add.14 Page b Table of Contents Funding proposal submitted by the accredited entity 3 No-objection letter issued by the national designated authority(ies) or focal point(s) 43 Secretariat’s assessment 44 Independent Technical Advisory Panel’s assessment 59 Response from the accredited entity to the independent Technical Advisory Panel's 72 assessment Gender documentation 74 Promoting zero-deforestation cocoa production for reducing Project/Programme title: emissions in Côte d’Ivoire (PROMIRE) Country(ies): Côte d’Ivoire Climate Change Office (Bureau des Changements Climatiques, National Designated BCC), Minister of Environment and Sustainable Development, Authority(ies): Tiangoua KONE Accredited Entity: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Date of first submission: 2019/11/08 Date of current submission/ [2020/03/31] [V.005] version number This code is assigned to each project upon first submission of a Concept Note or Funding Proposal and remains the same throughout the proposal If available, indicate GCF code: review process. If you have submitted this project/programme previously please indicate the GCF code here. Contents Section A PROJECT / PROGRAMME SUMMARY This section highlights some of the project’s or programme’s information for ease of access and concise explanation of the funding proposal. Section B PROJECT / PROGRAMME DETAILS This section focuses on describing the context of the project/programme, providing details of the project/programme including components, outputs and activities, and implementation arrangements. Section C FINANCING INFORMATION This section explains the financial instrument(s) and amount of funding requested from the GCF as well as co-financing leveraged for the project/programme. It also includes justification for requesting GCF funding and exit strategy. Section D LOGIC FRAMEWORK, AND MONITORING, REPORTING AND EVALUATION This section includes the logic framework for the project/programme in accordance with the GCF Results Management Framework and Performance Measurement Framework, and gives an overview of the monitoring, reporting and evaluation arrangements for the proposed project/programme. Section E EXPECTED PERFORMANCE AGAINST INVESTMENT CRITERIA This section provides an overview of the expected alignment of the projects/programme with the GCF investment criteria: impact potential, paradigm shift, sustainable development, needs of recipients, country ownership, and efficiency and effectiveness. Section F ANNEXES This section provides a list of mandatory documents that should be submitted with the funding proposal as well as optional documents and references as deemed necessary to supplement the information provided in the funding proposal. Note to accredited entities on the use of the SAP funding proposal template The Simplified Approval Process Pilot Scheme (SAP) supports projects and programmes with a GCF contribution of up to USD 10 million with minimal to no environmental and social risks. Projects and programmes are eligible for SAP if they are ready for scaling up and have the potential for transformation, promoting a paradigm shift to low-emission and climate-resilient development. This template is for the SAP funding proposals and is different from the funding proposal template under the standard project and programme cycle. Distinctive features of the SAP funding proposal template are: - Simpler documents: key documents have been simplified, and presented in a single, up-front list; - Fewer pages: A shorter form with significantly fewer pages. The total length of funding proposals should not exceed 20 pages, annexes can be used to provide details as necessary; - Easier form-filling: fewer questions and clearer guidance allows more concise and succinct responses for each sub-section, avoiding duplication of information. Accredited entities can either directly incorporate information into this proposal, or provide summary information in the proposal with cross-reference to other funding proposal documents such as project appraisal document, pre-feasibility studies, term sheet, legal due diligence report, etc. Submitted SAP Pilot Scheme funding proposals will be disclosed simultaneously with submission to the Board, subject to the redaction of any information which may not be disclosed pursuant to the GCF Information Disclosure Policy. Please submit the completed form to: [email protected] Please use the following name convention for the file name: “SAP-FP-[Accredited Entity Short Name]-[yymmdd]” A. PROJECT/PROGRAMME SUMMARY A.1. Has this FP been submitted as a SAP CN before? Yes ☒ No ☐ A.2. Is the Environmental and Social Safeguards Category C Yes ☒ No ☐ or I-3? Indicate whether this FP refers to a combination of several projects A.4. Public ☒ Public sector Not applicable (programme) or one A.3. Project or programme or private A.5. RFP project. sector ☐ Private sector ☒ Project ☐ Programme Check the applicable GCF result area(s) that the proposed project/programme targets. Indicate for each checked result area(s) the estimated percentage of GCF budget devoted to it. The summed up percentage should be equal to 100%. Mitigation: Reduced emissions from: ☐ Energy access and power generation: Enter number % ☐ Low emission transport: Enter number % ☐ Buildings, cities and industries and appliances: Enter number % A.6. Result area(s) ☒ Forestry and land use: 100 % Adaptation: Increased resilience of: ☐ Most vulnerable people and communities: Enter number % ☐ Health and well-being, and food and water security: Enter number % ☐ Infrastructure and built environment: Enter number % ☐ Ecosystem and ecosystem services: Enter number % A.a.1 Total GCF A.a.1 Total investment (GCF Amount: 11,754,000 USD funding Amount: 10,000,000 USD + co-finance) requested A.b. Type of financial Mark all that apply. instrument requested for ☒ Grant ☐ Loan2 ☐ Equity ☐ Guarantees ☐ Others: the GCF funding Indicate the number of years the project/programme is expected to be implemented. (i.e. From the effective date of the Funded Activity Agreement to the Completion Date) A.7. Implementation period 5 years (60 months) 7/11/2019 A.8. Total project/ 20 years A.9. Expected date of internal programme lifespan approval Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the Republic of Côte A.10. Executing Entity d’Ivoire, represented by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development information (MINEDD) A.11. Scalability and potential for transformation (Eligibility for SAP, max. 100 words) 1 This fields will be automatically calculated in the OSS system 2 Senior loans and subordinated loans This project’s activities will build on the results and lessons of the REDD+ pilot project in La Mé (budget of € 2.5 m from AFD), which supported the activities of the La Mé Cooperative of Organic Cocoa Producers (Coopérative des Producteurs de Cocoa Biologique de la Mé) from 2017 to 2019. This pilot project developed effective and sustainable models for organic, fair trade cocoa production based on a zero deforestation production approach, which benefits small producer members of the cooperative. The proposed Green Climate Fund (GCF) project will generate a paradigm shift through the scaling up of these innovative agroforestry models, zero deforestation agriculture and organic cocoa production. The project is aimed at reducing GHG emissions while also providing adaptation co-benefits. The adoption of these low-carbon emission agricultural practices by communities will lead to increased value added per hectare, increased diversification of livelihoods and independence from public funds, particularly by better connecting smallholder farmers to financial institutions. Low-carbon emission agricultural practices will be implemented on 3,650 ha of land. 7,550 individuals (30% of whom are female), and three cooperatives (one per region), stand to benefit directly; 600,000 smallholder farmers stand to benefit indirectly. Furthermore, support to the operationalization of the REDD+ mechanism in the target area will also enable subsequent replication of activities and good practices in other regions to achieve national coverage as recommended by the REDD+ National Strategy, validated in November 2017 (REDD+ NS) and the National Investment Framework (NIF). A.12. Project/Programme rationale, objectives and approach (max. 300 words) Côte d'Ivoire currently has one of the world’s fastest rates of deforestation and forest degradation, with only 2.77 million hectares of remaining forest and almost no pristine forest outside the national parks. According to the Forest Reference Emission Level for Côte d’Ivoire (FREL), national forest cover was at 7.8 million hectares in 1990, 5.09 million in 2000 and 3.4 million in 2015.3 Current estimates indicate that 250,000 hectares of forest were lost every year between 1990