Low Ash Primary School May 2017 Newsletter

 Low Ash Primary School, Wrose Road, Wrose, Shipley, West BD18 1AA  Tel: 01274 582927 – Fax: 01274 586503  E Mail: office@lowash..sch.uk – Web Site: www.lowash.bradford.sch.uk

Sports News Staffing Update

‘Congratulations’ to the Low Ash Under 11 Sadly, Miss Cooper, our Year 1 Netball Team, who won the North Bradford area teacher, has decided to take competition. early retirement and will be leaving us in July. What a Our Under 11 Tag Rugby Team will be competing servant to Low Ash Miss in the Bradford Finals in June – we wish them Cooper has been, with over 25 well. years service teaching at Low Ash – an incredible achievement! Our first every Low Ash Gym Competition took place a few weeks ago and was a great success. Her contribution to the school, its successes and Well done to the winners - Sapphire-Leigh the education of so many children from the Eversley, Hannah Ejaz, Emily Keenan and Green community is a real credit to her and will be sorely House children. Thank you to Miss Broadbent for missed. We will need to give her a really good send organising the event. off when the time comes.

Local Community News I’m sure many children and parents will join me in saying ‘Thank you Miss Cooper, enjoy your well- Low Ash will be supporting the earned retirement!’ Wrose Carnival again this year, which will be on Saturday 1st It will be hard to replace someone of Miss July. We will be offering some Cooper’s calibre, but we are currently advertising of the school’s facilities on the for a new teacher to start in September – more day of the Carnival, so look out details to follow in the next newsletter. for further details coming up soon. Spelling Superstars

Parking Relief! Congratulations to Many thanks to Paul Loat, the our Key Stage 1 landlord/manager of the Bold Spelling Team, who Privateer, who has said parents won the ‘Shipley can use his car park in the Spelling Showdown’ morning and in the afternoon to park. A bit of a competition against walk still but good for getting fitter! several Shipley and Schools Thanks too to Nigel Cawthorne (Windhill and recently. Well done too to our Key Stage 2 spellers Wrose Ward Officer) for the kind use of Highcroft who didn’t win but represented the school equally Youth Centre car park every day. as well.

Health and Safety School Outdoor Learning Garden

Sunny Days With the completion of the story circle, raised beds and rustic outdoor cooking circle, this new It’s that time of year when we remind parents and area is really coming together. We have had some carers about the dangers that come when the sun wonderful donations from parent/carers too – begins to shine for longer and the days are getting including bark chippings, used tyres, plants and hotter. even an unwanted sandpit, which we hope will form part of our archaeological dig area! Thank Please ensure your child is you. protected against the sun throughout the summer term, particularly when the weather is hot.

Sun cream can be applied before school or at school by your child. Various sun hats are available to buy from the School Office too. Please let Mrs Woollin (Key Stage 2 Leader and 5W Food Allergies teacher) know if you have anything else that might be useful for the outdoor learning area. A polite reminder that products containing nuts or traces of nuts should not be included in lunch Important Dates Coming Up boxes due to the number of children who suffer th from nut allergies and may be sitting in close Friday 19 May @ Creative Carousel ‘Open proximity in the dining hall – thank you. 1.45pm Afternoon’ for KS1 Parents Wednesday 24th May Evening performance of

‘Joseph’ by Choir Governors Friday 26th May School Closes for Spring Bank Holidays Following the resignation of Nick Briggs our Thursday 8th June School Re-opens after previous Chair of Governors, I am pleased to Spring Bank Holidays inform you that Mrs Emma Lister is now our new W/C 12th June Year 1 Phonics Screening Chair of Governors. As Mrs Lister was our Vice Check Chair, Mr Kasim Mitchla will now take on that role. Wednesday 14th June Parents’ meeting for new @ 6pm Reception Children Both Mrs Lister and Mr Mitchla, who have children Wednesday 14th June Class Photographs in school, have been Governors for a while and Monday 19th June to Year 4 Residential at Nell know the school really well. Wednesday 21st June Bank, Wednesday 21st June Parents’ meeting for new Easter Basket Raffle @ 6pm Nursery Children Monday 26th June to Year 6 Residential at Peat th Thank you for contributing to Friday 30 June Rigg, Pickering th the Easter Raffle. You raised an Monday 10 July to Year 5 Residential at YHA, Wednesday 12th July Whitby excellent £167 which will go towards school funds for the Thank you for your continued support - it is really children. appreciated.

Terry Woollin (Headteacher)