Socio-Economic Data of Sumadija and Pomoravlje
SSOOCCIIOO--EECCOONNOOMMIICC DDAATTAA OOFF SSUUMMAADDIIJJAA AANNDD PPOOMMOORRAAVVLLJJEE The basic geographic and historical data Geography and topography Region of Sumadija and Pomoravlje is located in the central part of the Republic of Serbia, in between big rivers the Sava and the Danube in the north, the Great Morava in the east, the Western Morava in the west. Sumadija and Pomoravlje consist of following areas: Temnic, Levac, Gruza, Belica, Lepenica, Jasenica, Takovo, Kacer, Kosmaj, Belgrade and Smederevo Danube Region. The total area of the region is 5001km2, which makes 5.6% of the total area of the Republic of Serbia. On this territory, according to the last official census, conducted 2011th live 507 844 people, and the average population density of 101 inhabitants per km2. Proportion of population Sumadije and Pomoravlje in the total population of the Republic of Serbia is 7%. Region of Sumadija and Pomoravlje consists of two districts: Sumadija and Pomoravlje. Sumadija District includes the City of Kragujevac and six municipalities: Arandjelovac, Batocina, Lapovo, Knic, Raca and Topola. Total area of Sumadija District is 2.387 km2, of which 835 km2 covers the City of Kragujevac that is also the largest settlement in the Region. Population of Sumadija District is 298.778 inhabitants with average density of 125 Inhabitants/km2. Pomoravlje district make the city Jagodina and five municipalities Despotovac Paracin, Rekovac, Svilajnac and Ćuprija. With a total area of 2617km2 and 214536 inhabitants, Pomoravlje district has an average population density of 82 inhabitants per km2. The City of Kragujevac is the largest Viewing area of municipalities of Sumadia and city in the territory of Sumadije and Pomoravlje region ( km2) Pomoravlje, and reresent the 900 835 800 administrative, economic, cultural, 700 623 542 educational and health center of the 600 470 413 500 376 356 366 entire region Sumadije and Pomoravlje 400 326 287 300 216 and central Serbia.
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