Public Disclosure Authorized Review Date of WB Date of EIB Estimated No Actual Note Conversion Selection by Bank Submission/ No Evaluation & No No Contract Contarct Contract Amount Disbursed Physical Payment to Name of Assignment/Contract Procurement Ref. # Cost/Actual Invitation Bid Opening Objection + Start Completion Contractor # to mil. USD Method Post / Readiness Objection Recomm. Objection Objection Award Siganture Days (RSD) Amount progress% vendor % (mil. EUR) PSC Post Receipt Receipt Execution Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Days Interval Type-Category Plan vs./ 1 4/22/2016 2:46 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Emergency Works Component Public Disclosure Authorized Works Urgent maintenance and remedy of damages on P the state road IB 27, Section: Arandjelovac 4 RRSP/EW-I27AK/2014-04 EW 2.973 3.850 LIB Prior 29-Aug-14 8 6-Sep-14 3 9-Sep-14 21 30-Sep-14 10 10-Oct-14 7 17-Oct-14 7 24-Oct-14 2 26-Oct-14 0 26-Oct-14 365 26-Oct-15 Srbijaautoput (Orasac) - Krcevac, L=8.713km 429,800,425.60 287,718,794.11 66.94 d.o.o. R 16-Dec-14 365 16-Dec-15 A 3.603 14-Aug-14 10-Sep-14 12-Sep-14 3-Oct-14 17-Oct-14 14-Nov-14 5-Nov-14 14-Nov-14 21-Nov-14 16-Dec-14 16-Dec-14 Urgent maintenance and remedy of damages on Consortium P the state road IB 27, Section: Lazarevac 4 - RRSP/EW-I27LA/2014-03 EW 5.381 6.968 LIB Prior 29-Aug-14 8 6-Sep-14 3 9-Sep-14 21 30-Sep-14 10 10-Oct-14 7 17-Oct-14 7 24-Oct-14 2 26-Oct-14 0 26-Oct-14 365 26-Oct-15 Strabag d.o.o. Public Disclosure Authorized Arandjelovac 1, L=17.607km & Vojvodinaput- 747,088,813.48 206,631,767.36 27.66 Pancevo & R 26-Dec-14 552 30-Jun-16 Strabag AG A 6.260 14-Aug-14 6-Sep-14 9-Sep-14 30-Sep-14 5-Nov-14 14-Nov-14 6-Nov-14 14-Nov-14 21-Nov-14 26-Dec-14 26-Dec-14 Urgent maintenance and remedy of damages on P the state road IB 27, Section: Zavlaka 2 - Pricevici, RRSP/EW-I27ZP/2014-06 EW 8.918 11.549 LIB Prior 29-Aug-14 10 8-Sep-14 2 10-Sep-14 21 1-Oct-14 10 11-Oct-14 7 18-Oct-14 7 25-Oct-14 2 27-Oct-14 0 27-Oct-14 365 27-Oct-15 AD Putevi L = 27.018 km 1,047,840,009.97 120,281,682.63 11.48 Uzice R 31-Dec-14 547 30-Jun-16 A 8.772 29-Aug-14 10-Sep-14 12-Sep-14 3-Oct-14 7-Nov-14 14-Nov-14 7-Nov-14 14-Nov-14 21-Nov-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 Urgent maintenance and remedy of damages on P the state road IB 27, Section: Section: Krst - RRSP/EW-I27KZ/2014-02 EW 6.253 8.098 LIB Prior 29-Aug-14 10 8-Sep-14 2 10-Sep-14 21 1-Oct-14 10 11-Oct-14 7 18-Oct-14 7 25-Oct-14 2 27-Oct-14 0 27-Oct-14 365 27-Oct-15 Ratko Mitrovic - Zavlaka 2, L=20.279km 729,524,382.82 164,198,430.21 22.51 Niskogradnja Public Disclosure Authorized R 31-Dec-14 547 30-Jun-16 d.o.o. A 6.107 22-Jul-14 6-Sep-14 9-Sep-14 30-Sep-14 7-Nov-14 14-Nov-14 7-Nov-14 14-Nov-14 1-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 31-Dec-14 Urgent Maintenance and Remedy of Damages on the State Road IB 26 Beograd – Sabac – Mali P Zvornik, Section: Banja Koviljaca – Mali Zvornik RRSP/EW-I26I28/2014-09 EW 10.502 13.600 LIB Prior 12-Sep-14 3 15-Sep-14 2 17-Sep-14 21 8-Oct-14 10 18-Oct-14 7 25-Oct-14 7 1-Nov-14 2 3-Nov-14 0 3-Nov-14 365 3-Nov-15 AD Putevi L=14.150 and on the state road IB 28, Section: Mali 1,219,235,001.12 0.00 0.00 Uzice Zvornik – Ljubovija 1, L=13.526km R 13-Mar-15 475 30-Jun-16 A 10.126 26-Sep-14 29-Sep-14 9-Oct-14 31-Oct-14 19-Nov-14 20-Jan-15 29-Dec-14 20-Jan-15 28-Jan-15 13-Mar-15 13-Mar-15 Urgent maintenance and remedy of damages on the state road IB 28, Section: Mali Zvornik - P RRSP/EW-I28MZG/2014-08 EW 11.492 14.882 LIB Prior 12-Sep-14 3 15-Sep-14 2 17-Sep-14 21 8-Oct-14 10 18-Oct-14 7 25-Oct-14 7 1-Nov-14 2 3-Nov-14 0 3-Nov-14 365 3-Nov-15 Gracanica, from km 4+540 to km 28+160, Ratko Mitrovic - 1,333,872,973.80 355,892,581.46 26.68 L=23.620km Niskogradnja R 6-Mar-15 482 30-Jun-16 d.o.o. A 11.078 26-Sep-14 29-Sep-14 9-Oct-14 31-Oct-14 17-Nov-14 20-Jan-15 29-Dec-14 20-Jan-15 28-Jan-15 6-Mar-15 6-Mar-15 Component 1: Road Rehabilitation and Safety Investments Works Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P RRSP/RRW-IB39VS/2016- W-1 5.818 7.534 ICB Prior 1-Jun-15 7 8-Jun-15 7 15-Jun-15 42 27-Jul-15 14 10-Aug-15 14 24-Aug-15 7 31-Aug-15 28 28-Sep-15 0 28-Sep-15 456 27-Dec-16 IB 39, Section: Vlasotince-Svodje, L=12.510 km R 6.304 Post 15-Dec-16 NA 7 22-Dec-16 42 2-Feb-17 14 16-Feb-17 NA 14 2-Mar-17 28 30-Mar-17 0 30-Mar-17 456 29-Jun-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P IB 21, Section: Irig 2 - Ruma 1 (motorway), RRSP/RRW-IB21IR/2016- W-1 5.546 7.182 ICB Prior 1-Jul-15 7 8-Jul-15 7 15-Jul-15 42 26-Aug-15 14 9-Sep-15 14 23-Sep-15 7 30-Sep-15 28 28-Oct-15 0 28-Oct-15 456 26-Jan-17 L=15.245 km R 6.010 Post 25-Dec-16 NA 7 1-Jan-17 42 12-Feb-17 14 26-Feb-17 NA 14 12-Mar-17 28 9-Apr-17 0 9-Apr-17 456 9-Jul-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P IB 23, Section: Uzice 3-Kratovska stena, L=37.028 RRSP/RRW-IB23UKS/2016- W-1 11.500 14.893 ICB Prior 1-Jan-15 7 8-Jan-15 7 15-Jan-15 42 26-Feb-15 14 12-Mar-15 14 26-Mar-15 7 2-Apr-15 28 30-Apr-15 0 30-Apr-15 548 28-Oct-16 km R 12.461 1-May-16 7 8-May-16 7 15-May-16 42 26-Jun-16 14 10-Jul-16 14 24-Jul-16 7 31-Jul-16 28 28-Aug-16 0 28-Aug-16 548 26-Feb-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P IB 25, Section: Topola 2-Kragujevac 5, L=29.500 RRSP/RRW-IB25TK/2016- W-1 8.673 11.232 ICB Prior 1-Jul-15 7 8-Jul-15 7 15-Jul-15 42 26-Aug-15 14 9-Sep-15 14 23-Sep-15 7 30-Sep-15 28 28-Oct-15 0 28-Oct-15 548 27-Apr-17 km R 9.398 Post 27-Mar-17 NA 7 3-Apr-17 42 15-May-17 14 29-May-17 NA 14 12-Jun-17 28 10-Jul-17 0 10-Jul-17 548 8-Jan-19 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P RRSP/RRW-IB21PI/2016- W-1 10.270 13.300 ICB Prior 1-Sep-15 7 8-Sep-15 7 15-Sep-15 42 27-Oct-15 14 10-Nov-15 14 24-Nov-15 7 1-Dec-15 28 29-Dec-15 0 29-Dec-15 548 28-Jun-17 IB 21, Section: Pozega-Ivanjica, L=40.342 km R Post 20-May-17 NA 7 27-May-17 42 8-Jul-17 14 22-Jul-17 NA 14 5-Aug-17 28 2-Sep-17 0 2-Sep-17 548 3-Mar-19 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P IB 35, Section: Kladovo-Brza Palanka, L=23.565 RRSP/RRW-IB35KBP/2016- W-1 9.000 11.655 ICB Prior 1-Jul-15 7 8-Jul-15 7 15-Jul-15 42 26-Aug-15 7 2-Sep-15 7 9-Sep-15 7 16-Sep-15 28 14-Oct-15 0 14-Oct-15 548 13-Apr-17 km R 9.752 Post 25-Dec-16 NA 7 1-Jan-17 42 12-Feb-17 14 26-Feb-17 NA 14 12-Mar-17 28 9-Apr-17 0 9-Apr-17 548 8-Oct-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state P roads IB 23 and 28, Sections: Bela Zemlja- RRSP/RRW-IB29BZK/2016- W-1 6.071 7.862 ICB Post 1-Aug-15 NA 7 8-Aug-15 42 19-Sep-15 7 26-Sep-15 NA 7 3-Oct-15 28 31-Oct-15 0 31-Oct-15 426 29-Dec-16 Knezevici and Uzice-Bela Zemlja, L=15.171 km R 6.579 1-Feb-17 NA 7 8-Feb-17 42 22-Mar-17 14 5-Apr-17 NA 14 19-Apr-17 28 17-May-17 0 17-May-17 426 16-Jul-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P IB 29, Section: Prijepolje-Sjenica 3 (Medare), RRSP/RRW-IB29PS/2016- W-1 5.415 7.012 ICB Post 1-Jun-15 NA 7 8-Jun-15 42 20-Jul-15 14 3-Aug-15 NA 14 17-Aug-15 28 14-Sep-15 0 14-Sep-15 365 13-Sep-16 L=11.300 km R 5.868 1-Feb-17 NA 7 8-Feb-17 42 22-Mar-17 14 5-Apr-17 NA 14 19-Apr-17 28 17-May-17 0 17-May-17 365 17-May-18 A Highway E-75 (M-22), Belgrade-Novi Sad, P Pavement rehabilitation from km 108+000 to km RRSP/RRW-E75BNS/2015- W-1 2.692 3.486 NCB Prior 1-Oct-14 7 8-Oct-14 7 15-Oct-14 42 26-Nov-14 7 3-Dec-14 7 10-Dec-14 7 17-Dec-14 28 14-Jan-15 0 14-Jan-15 365 14-Jan-16 117+000, L=5.500 km R 2.917 1-May-16 7 8-May-16 7 15-May-16 42 26-Jun-16 7 3-Jul-16 7 10-Jul-16 7 17-Jul-16 28 14-Aug-16 0 14-Aug-16 183 12-Feb-17 A Roundabout at the connection of Novi Pazar P RRSP/RRW-IB26NPRnb/2015- W-1 0.300 0.389 NCB Prior 1-Oct-14 7 8-Oct-14 7 15-Oct-14 42 26-Nov-14 14 10-Dec-14 14 24-Dec-14 7 31-Dec-14 28 28-Jan-15 0 28-Jan-15 365 28-Jan-16 bypass and the state road IB 26 (М-8) R 0.325 Post 15-Apr-17 NA 7 22-Apr-17 42 3-Jun-17 14 17-Jun-17 NA 14 1-Jul-17 28 29-Jul-17 0 29-Jul-17 122 27-Nov-17 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P IB 39, Section: Leskovac 5 (Bratmilovci)-Nomanica, RRSP/RRW-IB39LN/2016- W-1 2.014 2.608 NCB Post 1-Nov-15 NA 7 8-Nov-15 42 20-Dec-15 7 27-Dec-15 NA 14 10-Jan-16 28 7-Feb-16 0 7-Feb-16 243 7-Oct-16 L=5.480 km R 2.182 1-May-17 NA 7 8-May-17 42 19-Jun-17 14 3-Jul-17 NA 14 17-Jul-17 28 14-Aug-17 0 14-Aug-17 243 14-Apr-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P RRSP/RRW-IB29SS/2016- W-1 2.168 2.808 NCB Post 1-Nov-15 NA 7 8-Nov-15 42 20-Dec-15 7 27-Dec-15 NA 14 10-Jan-16 28 7-Feb-16 0 7-Feb-16 365 6-Feb-17 IB 29, Section: Stavalj-Susica, L=8.900 km R 2.349 15-Apr-17 NA 7 22-Apr-17 42 3-Jun-17 14 17-Jun-17 NA 14 1-Jul-17 28 29-Jul-17 0 29-Jul-17 365 29-Jul-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road P RRSP/RRW-IB29SD/2016- W-1 9.086 11.766 ICB Prior 1-Feb-16 7 8-Feb-16 7 15-Feb-16 42 28-Mar-16 14 11-Apr-16 14 25-Apr-16 7 2-May-16 28 30-May-16 0 30-May-16 548 28-Nov-17 IB 29, Section: Susica - Dojevice, L=26.700 km R 9.846 Post 15-Apr-17 NA 7 22-Apr-17 42 3-Jun-17 14 17-Jun-17 NA 14 1-Jul-17 28 29-Jul-17 0 29-Jul-17 548 27-Jan-19 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road IB 35, Sections: Merosina 2 (Rozina)-Prokuplje P RRSP/RRW-IB35MPBR/2016- W-1 9.900 12.821 ICB Prior 1-Nov-15 7 8-Nov-15 7 15-Nov-15 42 27-Dec-15 14 10-Jan-16 14 24-Jan-16 7 31-Jan-16 28 28-Feb-16 0 28-Feb-16 456 29-May-17 (Orljane), L=11.800 km and Beloljin-Rudare, L=16.600 km R 10.728 Post 15-Jun-17 NA 7 22-Jun-17 42 3-Aug-17 14 17-Aug-17 NA 14 31-Aug-17 28 28-Sep-17 0 28-Sep-17 456 28-Dec-18 A Pavement rehabilitation upgrading on the state road IB 21, Sections: Valjevo 5 (bypass)-Kaona, P RRSP/RRW-IB21VKKK/2016- W-1 7.966 10.316
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