October 2010 The Annunciator

Find us on the web at www.school.Annunciationcrestwood.com

Grammar School Sweethearts Some of us look for love in with seven grandchildren grade, and Joseph joined all the wrong places. Others ranging from grammar the class the following search the world for love and school to college age. year. Joseph’s twin sister, find it on foreign shores. Still Mary Ann, became Originally settling in Crest- others find love in the next Wendy’s best friend. One wood to raise their family, town, or on the train, or on a day, Joseph, who was a Nancy and Peter moved to Inside this issue... college campus. And then student at Stepinac, Vero Beach, FL in 1983 there are those who find love needed a date for the jun- Letters from the Pas- 222 where they still live. tor and Principal at home! There are many, ior prom. Mary Ann sug- many marriages that have gested to her brother that Hudson River Swim 555 taken place at Annunciation he invite Wendy, who was Wendy DeRuvo ‘56 and between graduates of our a junior at Good Counsel. 555 Joseph Campanella ‘56 had Alumni Authors school. Below you will learn Wendy, who really wanted their first date on May 9, more about these Annuncia- a new gown, said yes! And Upcoming Reunions 666 1959. Wendy had moved to tion sweethearts. Annunciation in the fifth (continued on page 3) Animal Blessings 777 Nancy Clark ‘50 and Pe- ter Garst ‘48 started dating Deceased Alumni 101010 TThehe Earliest Alumni Couple after an Annunciation dance Mass for high school students on James Murtha ‘49 says it in the Milestones 111111 June 22, 1951. Peter was a most beautiful way when describing student at Iona Prep and what attracted him to Jean Synder Reunion Reviews 121212 N a n c y also Class of ‘49. “I loved her for went to years, and the feeling was mutual. 113313 G o o d Class Notes We were struck with each other.” Counsel. Sports Stories 151515 A f t e r From Annunciation, Jim went to a t te nd - Stepinac, then Iona College for a Annunciation Elementary School ing St. couple of years before being drafted J o s e p h into the Army. Jean went to Ursu- Jean at graduation 465 Westchester Avenue College line and Mt. St. Vincent’s. Jim was Crestwood, NY 10707 ( P e t e r ) a successful salesman for Royal Typewriter in lower and St. , and Jean worked at St. V i n - Peter and Nancy Garst Vincent’s Hospital. The Annunciator Editorial Board: c e n t ’ s They began dating in high Richard Burke ‘48 Hospital School of Nursing school and were married on August Judith Horncastle DiMenna ‘57 (Nancy), and a two year stint in 12, 1957. They are parents to five the Army for Peter, they were Chris Grealy Brown Daly ‘62 children: Mary Beth lives in Massa- married on June 21, 1958. chusetts, Jimmy in Arizona, Amy in Mary Theresa Gill McCombe ‘75 Peter and Nancy have five North Carolina, John in New Jersey John Sullivan ‘82 children, three boys and two and Megan in New York., and Marie Villani-York ‘93 girls, including one set of grandparents to twelve. Jean and Jim were residents of New City, NY Melissa Brennan ‘95 twins. Their children live in Florida, New Jersey and Con- for 50 years before moving to Caroline Sohr ‘08 necticut and have blessed them Jim at graduation North Carolina three years ago. October 2010 Page 2

Letters to the Editor Thank you for this recent newslet- enjoy reading through it and recognize Wednesday we pack and send nearly 70 ter. I loved reading every bit of it, and many of the names—some from my boxes and are always looking for addi- I did see some people that I recognized brother/sister’s class and others from tional names to send support care even though I only spent two years at the “kids” I played with as a young- packages to. Thank you. Annunciation. ster. The article regarding the care Martha Hoffman Skinner, Florida packages was beautifully done. If you Crestwood was a unique place to receive addresses of anyone serving in You can email the Editor at live, and I see many young people have either Iraq or Afghanistan, please for- mtmccombe@annunciationcrestwood. come back to live there again. I know ward their information to me. Every com! when we sold my Dad’s house back in the late 90’s it was to a young man who had grown up in Crestwood. Maryellen Falihee Clark, New York Delia Conlon, Brianna Tirelli I want to thank you and congratu- and Brett Sim- late you on the work you did on both mons staff the the reunion and The Annunciator. I feel bake sale table both were overwhelming successes. outside church. No one ever addressed our military The bake sale is service, and we are all proud of what raising funds we did. I have been in touch with peo- for the 8th ple I care about but have not been in Grade gradua- touch with for fifty years. tion events. James Murphy, New York As always, a great newsletter. I so Letter from the Pastor Letter from the Principal Dear Alumni of Annunciation, Dear Alumni and Friends of Annunciation School,

Autumn has arrived in Crestwood, and both the par- Annunciation School is financially stable, academically ish and school have been very active. In the parish, bap- excellent, and strong in its Catholic identity. This school tisms and weddings have been celebrated every weekend year, we updated our math series and will be focusing on since the beginning of September. It’s extremely gratify- data analysis and professional development to strengthen ing to have so many sacramental celebrations here. In the months ahead you will be hearing much about our math program. We have also added more literature to Catholic Schools in the news. Be assured that our school our reading program to help our students gain a lifelong remains strong and active. It is one of the finest in the love of reading. Archdiocese of New York. By the way, 2011 marks the 80th Anniversary of our As the Archdiocese releases its Pathways to Excellence parish. It is amazing to think of all the blessings that Al- plan for Catholic Education, we remain confident that our mighty God has given to us over these past years. community will continue to grow and remain an integral I hope that all of you are healthy and be assured of my part of the beautiful neighborhood of Crestwood. We are prayers for you and your loved ones. grateful for your prayers and support. Sincerely, Best Regards,

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Annunciation Sweethearts (continued from page 1) from that day on through high school Deedee and Bob have two daugh- mother to their four children, Christina, and college they dated. ters, Jessica (33) who lives in Fairfield, Michael, Karen and Dan. They now CT and Samantha (31) who lives in also have three grandsons and two They were married on June 27, 1964 Fairhaven, MA. They are also proud granddaughters. Judy and Frank enjoy and moved grandparents to one grandson. After RVing now after 40 years of tenting. to Chicago living in Westport, CT for twenty years, They’ve traveled from Maine to Florida where Jo- Bob and Deedee relocated to Weston, and hope one day to travel west and on seph was CT, where they currently reside. to Alaska. a t t e n d i n g m e d i c a l s c h o o l . Barbara Vitolo ‘66 and Joseph Judy Casey ‘65 and Frank Vitolo Subsequent Scheideler ‘64 had ‘62 started dating in January, m e d i c a l known each other 1970. They, along with a few past training in for years. Their graduates of Annunciation School, be- psychiatry sisters were best longed to the Young Adult Players, a took the friends. It was at a club that raised money for the church couple to cast party of one of with performances in the school gym. New York Wendy and Joseph the Annunciation Between this club and weekly meetings City, White Campanella Young Adult club’s at Ye Ol' Pub in Bronxville with a large Plains, Glen plays that the sparks Barbara and Joe group including Charlie and Denis Scheideler Falls and finally to Stony Brook, NY. ignited. Barbara was Brennan, 17 and Joe was one Joseph and Wendy have three chil- Joe and week shy of his 20th birthday. They dren. Dominic is 45, Timothy is 40 and Mary Ann had their first date on Joe’s birthday. Carrie is 30. They also have four grand- S c h e i - children. Sadly, Joseph passed away in deler, Pat Married in 1972, Barbara and Joe 1988. Wendy continues to live in Stony and Bar- have three children and two grandchil- Brook with Timothy and his family. bara Vi- dren. Joe is a middle school principal, tolo, Jack and Barbara is a special education

D i r r , teacher. They reside in Canton, CT, a Dorothy Bond ‘62 and Robert Zan- J o h n small town in the northwestern part of netti ‘61 started dating in high school. C l a r k , Judy and Frank Vitolo the state. Bob went to Stepinac and Deedee to M a u r e e n

Ma ri a Stratford, Larry Nugent and many oth- R e - ers, all past graduates, they were drawn Nancy Kirk ‘67 and Len Weireter g i n a . together. ‘68 started dating in the spring of 1974, B o b and married on July 8, 1978. They moved One day, Frank asked Denis Bren- “met” through mutual friends that they on to nan and Judy to join him on a skiing shared when Len was at Manhattan t h e day trip where they had lots of laughs. College and Nancy was at Mount Saint Cardi- On May 6, 1972, Judy and Frank were Vincent. Says Nancy, “One of my n a l married and Denis sang at the wedding. closest friends came back to the dorm Farley Frank’s sister, Barbara ‘66, Maureen one day and said she met someone who M i l i - Stratford ‘65 and Jack Dirr ‘63 were all lived in Crestwood and knew me. I Bob and Deedee Zannetti t a r y part of the wedding party. said I didn’t think I knew anyone from Academy in Rhinebeck, NY and then Crestwood who was at Manhattan, but went to while Frank, who is a graduate of Iona then she told me his name. I explained Deedee when to Mt. St. Vincent. They Prep and Fairfield University, has been because we were in different years of dated throughout college, and right after in the field of construction in New school, though I knew him, it was really graduation, were married on June 6, York City since 1968. Judy went to more that I knew his family, not him 1970. Our Lady of Victory Academy and specifically. Many of our siblings Seton College and has been a full-time (continued on page 4) October 2010 Page 4

Annunciation Sweethearts (continued from page 3) matched up in years at Annunciation, ham. The Kerrigans live in Brewster, from Mercy but we did not. For the next nearly two and both Sue and Bob are teachers at College. years, we ran Brewster High School. with the same They were crowd of friends married on June and eventually Sheryl Weireter ‘71 and William 16, 1985 with a started to date.” McCafferty ‘49 were married on Sep- large number of Their wedding tember 3, 1983. Having lived on oppo- Annunciation was a family site ends of Crestwood with no knowl- graduates in affair, as all of edge of each other, they met commut- their wedding Diane and John Vezza Len and Nancy’s ing to NYC on the train and have lived party including siblings, save her in Bronxville, Jeanine, Barbara Doyle Bhadai ‘77, Suz- Nancy and Len youngest brother NY ever anne Doyle Rueda ‘83, Adrienne Vezza Weireter Neil, were in the since. At pre- Vettorino ‘81, Nancy Byrne Sullinger wedding party. sent Sheryl is ‘76, Paul Vezza ‘70, Jeffrey Paccione They have three children: Megan was associated ‘74, and William Kelly ‘74. Settling in married to Adam Alden in 2006 and with an ex- Crestwood, Diane and John have two lives in Boston, MA; Brian lives in Nor- ecutive search children. Katie is 21, and Matthew is folk; and Erin lives in the Washington, firm in Man- 24. Diane is a stay-at-home mom who DC area. Len, who attended State Uni- hattan, and does a variety of volunteer work, and versity of New York at Buffalo School Bill is the runs a small catering business from of Medicine and completed a surgical Dean of the Sheryl and Bill home, while John manages a family residency in Buffalo and a Trauma/ Institute of McCafferty business in retail and real estate. Critical Care Fellowship at University of R e l i g i o u s

Maryland’s Shock Trauma Center, is Studies at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Dun- now the Arthur and Marie Kirk Family woodie, after retiring from the banking Katie Angelilli and Danny Sulli- Professor of Surgery at Eastern Virginia industry. van, both Class of 1978, had been friends since Medical School, where he is also the Other Annunciation grads who Medical Director for the Level One 7th grade. were in their wedding include best H o w e v e r , Trauma Center. After staying home man, Robert Bethencourt ‘49 with children for many years, doing all they didn’t (deceased) and maid of honor, Moira start dating the volunteer jobs that every parent Weireter Kaley ‘76, as well as brides- does, Nancy started working in retail until the week maid Alicia Barry Parrish ‘71 and ush- b e f o r e sales. They live in Norfolk, VA. ers Leonard Weireter, Jr., MD ‘68 and Danny’s Iona Katie and Danny Sullivan Robert Weireter ‘73. Prep senior Sue Valla ‘74 first met Bob Kerri- prom when he invited Katie. She in gan ‘71 through her brother, Rob, also turn took him to her senior prom at Class of ‘71. They've been married for Diane Doyle ‘75 and John Vezza Maria Regina. As luck would have it, ‘74 knew each other from grammar 23 years and have three sons, Michael they had already each independently school. It wasn’t until John’s freshman (21), Tom decided to attend Fairfield University year at Fordham University and Diane’s (20) and where they spent the next four years. N e i l senior year at Our Lady of Victory (15). Sue is Academy that she caught his eye again. Danny and Katie were wed on June a graduate John Gormley ‘74, a friend of John’s, 11, 1988 and are the parents of three of Ursuline and Jeanine Smith Rufo ‘75, a friend of children. Matt is 21, Allie is 17 and and Syra- Diane’s, arranged for John and Diane Maggie is 13. The Sullivans live in cuse, while to meet at the Beechmont on North Crestwood where Katie is a stay-at- Bob gradu- Avenue. They continued dating home mom and Danny is a principal at ated from through college where John attended Americon Contruction Inc. Iona Prep The Kerrigan Family Fordham and Diane first attended (continued on page 8) and Ford- Marywood College before graduating Page 5 The Annunciator

Student Swims the Hudson

Eighth Grade student, Raine us who swam O’Sullivan, swam from Tarrytown to together across Nyack on September 12. A competi- the Hudson.” tive swimmer from age 6, Raine swims Raine is no for the Empire Swim Team based out stranger to of Hackley School in Tarrytown during swimming in the school year and for Lake Isle Coun- chilly weather. try Club in the summer. She is also a The swim took 2-1/2 hours to com- d e d i c a t e d plete, and Raine was one of 300 people “Plunger”, par- who made the attempt on a rather brisk ticipating in the day when the high temperature reached annual “Plunge to Benefit the Cystic only 64 degrees. Fibrosis Foundation,” which she does as a way of supporting her Annunciation The swim was a benefit for the Leu- classmate, Annie McMahon, who has kemia and Lymphoma Society, and CF. Raine has, on three occasions, Raine raised $375 to benefit the organi- plunged into the icy Atlantic Ocean off zation. the coast of Rockaway in February. “My Granddad died of cancer so I Raine’s swim was the subject of an wanted to do something to help people essay that she used in English class. fight cancer in the future,” said Raine. However, she says that her favorite sub- “My friends on the swim team men- Raine O’Sullivan ‘11 exits the Hudson ject is science. Raine also hopes to swim tioned this event to me, and I wanted River in Nyack. competitively in high school. to do it with them. There were three of Photo by Ken Shelton Photography

Alumni Authors Create and Educate

If you browse the aisles of your that business owners can start using our problem-solving ability. We were neighborhood bookstore or shop right away, Lynn thrilled when Self-Counsel Press offered online for the latest reading material, and her husband, to publish our book and are happy to you might possibly come across books Philip Spry, co- have helped thousands of business own- written by Annunciation graduates. authored the book ers all over the country.” Whether the genre of interest is fiction, based on their ex- Virginia Warnecke O’Connor ‘61 au- non-fiction, self-help, health or any perience as small- thored Girlfriends Are Pennies from Heaven. other subject, you can find something business owners This book is a collection of short essays by an Annunciation author. who turned their on the relationships own computer retail store around in Lynn Cirigliano Spry ‘88 recently co- between women. 2006. authored a book entitled 19 Ways to Google’s book review Survive: Small-Business Strategies for a Lynn is a graduate of The Ursuline says, “The author dem- Tough Economy, which shows small- School and received a BS in Electrical onstrates that the business owners how to avoid falling Engineering at Cornell University. Her power women have victim to downturns in the economy. favorite subjects were always math and when they chose to Offering a practical guide that demon- science. “The book wasn’t written be- (continued on page 6) strates hands-on techniques and ideas cause of our writing ability, but rather October 2010 Page 6

Alumni Authors Upcoming Reunions (continued from page 5) Class of 1961 50 years April 30, 2011 Contact Maurice Powers accept and support one another is [email protected] invincible”. Class of 1971 40 years Call Dan Sweeney at 914-588-5196 Cathleen Corbett Shamieh ‘75 is A reunion is being planned for Classes ending in ‘1 and ‘6. The reunion is tenta- the co-author of the second edition tively set for the evening of April 16, 2011. If you are a member of any of these (2009) of Electronics classes (1966, 1976, 1981, 1986, 1991, 1996, 2001) please let your friends know, and For Dummies. An ask them to contact Mary Theresa McCombe at [email protected] for more in- engineer by trade, formation. Cathleen graduated from Maria Regina and Manhattan Col- lege where she stud- public view of thyroid disease from a was the author of a column for The New ied electrical engi- stigmatized, overlooked condition into Yorker magazine entitled Cop’s Diary un- neering. She then continued on to one that is now read- der a pen name. Blue Blood debuted at #9 ily discussed in MIT where she received her master’s on the Bestseller list. women’s magazines, The book also was the cover of the The in EE. health programs, and New York Times Book Review and re- by celebrities. In her Cathleen has worked for ceived the NYC Book Award 2004 from Datascope Corporation, Bellcore and work as a patient ad- vocate, Mary has The New York Society Library. Ed was Intel. She is currently an independ- been featured in the the keynote speaker at Annunciation’s ent marketing writer focused on the media hundreds of graduation of the Class of 2004. high-tech industry. What prompted times, including ABC her to write a book? “The fun of World News Tonight, Marianne Henshaw Fleming ‘63 spent combining technology (my educa- CBS Radio, WebMD, The Wall Street her junior year at the University of Dur- tional background) and writing (my Journal, The New York Times, Ladies' Home ham in England where she returned after current focus). I love to write about Journal, Time Magazine, Woman's World, graduating from Manhattanville College complex things in ‘layman's’ terms, and First for Women, among many others. to complete a master’s degree in Theol- enabling people without a technical ogy. She became qualified and taught Re- background to understand technol- Since 1997, Mary has written a num- ligious Education in Catholic and state ber of best-selling books on thyroid dis- ogy,” says Cathleen. schools for 27 years. In England, children ease, hormones and weight loss, includ- must study religion no matter what ing the New York Times bestseller, Quills Mary Shomon ‘75 is a patient advo- school they attend in order to understand cate, author, health coach and educa- award semi-finalist, and Amazon.com the beliefs and practices of others. The tor who hadn’t taken a science class Top 10 Health book, The Thyroid Diet: in college, and had no idea what the Manage Your Metabolism for Lasting Weight six major world religions are taught as thyroid did or where it was when she Loss. well as religious atti- was first diagnosed with Hashimoto’s tudes towards moral hypothyroidism back in 1995. But Edward Conlon ‘79 authored Blue issues like war, abor- Mary transformed her diagnosis into Blood, a story of his tion, poverty and the a world-wide advocacy mission to life as a police offi- environment. educate and empower others who, cer and detective Marianne has co- like her, were struggling to feel and and his family his- authored seven live well with thyroid and hormonal tory of law en- books including one imbalances. Adopting as her rallying forcement. Ed, a cry, “We’re patients…NOT lab val- entitled Thinking ues,” Mary has, as Elle magazine put graduate of Regis about God and Moral- it, “rattled the cages of the thyroid High School and ity for secondary school students. mandarins,” and transformed the Harvard University, Page 7 The Annunciator

Animal Blessings Fr. Sal Riccardi C.P. blessed the animals of Annunciation Parish on Monday, October 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi. St. Francis is the pa- tron saint of animals and the environment and founder of the Franciscan Order. The majority of people brought their dogs where, because of a light rain, they were greeted in the lower church. Once all the owners and animals had assembled, Fr. Sal spoke to the owners about the comfort that animals give to us and the love that we show them and that they, in return, show us. Af- ter his comments, he blessed the animals. Over 50 people and their pets attended. Upon leaving the blessing, Laura Sinatra, President of the Parish Council handed attendees a St. Francis of Assisi prayer card . Fr. Sal speaks to Annunciation’s pet owners

Left: Annunciation students Victoria LaPietra, Maggie Sullivan, Bridget Carsky and Diana Leva, all Class of 2011, hold tight to their pets, Lucy and Mickey, for the blessing.

Ed Pagano ‘75 waits with his Rhodesian Ridgeback, Kyra, for the blessing.

Annunciation Small World Story You can find us on the Web Marcia Shupe '54 lives in Cary, NC. So imagine her surprise when she was at the desk of the local community center and she at ran into Margaret Von Gonten '61. When Richard Shupe '60 went to visit his sister, he made it a point to say hello to Marga- www.AnnunciationCrestwood.com ret as well, given that they were only a year apart in school. October 2010 Page 8

Annunciation Sweethearts (continued from page 4)

Jeanine McDermott ‘77 and Kevin Still residing in Crestwood, Mary While there were some indirect family O’Brien ‘76 grew up across the street Lou and Ed have three children, Ed- contacts and some almost encounters, from one another. They started dating ward (17), Thomas (14) and Caroline we never had the chance to see each in the summer of 1978 when Jeanine (10). Mary Lou works at Iona Prep as other over the years.” had just finished her freshmen year at the Director of Alumni Relations and “Forty years later, in 2002, we found Ursuline and Kevin his sophomore year Annual Giving, while Ed runs his own ourselves at our 40th Annunciation re- at Iona. They dated throughout high company, We’ll Drive Limousine Ser- union. Some nice talk and laughs school and continued to see each other vice. about school memories with our class- when they were home on college vaca- mates that weekend and it was a time tions. for both of us to catch up. Over the June Cirigliano ‘91 started dating They were married on April 15, 1989 next year, several of us kept in touch, Robert Melnyk ‘86 when she was 21 at Annunciation. Many Annunciation and so Karen and I got to see each and he was 26. They had known each graduates were in the wedding party in- other again and started dating. We fi- other for a few years prior to dating cluding Tim O'Brien ‘80, Andy O'Brien nally found that magic that had its having worked at the same golf club. ‘82, Michael O'Brien ‘86, Brian McDer- roots so many years ago. Karen says They had a great connection and were mott ‘82, Steve LaSala ‘76, Colleen that I was like Moses; wandering for 40 always laughing and enjoying their time McDermott ‘74, Patrice McDermott ‘80, years.” together. and Mary Jane Meagher Reda ‘77. After M a r r i ed “After another four years, we got the wedding they lived in Larchmont, on October married in 2007, celebrating with our then Briarcliff Manor and eventually 19, 2002, immediate family and a few friends. came to live in Wilton, CT. they have We picked April 1st (April Fools Day) Jeanine and Kevin have four chil- two children as a joke dren: Luke, born in January 1993 and and another and an who died in 1998, Mairead (13), Aislinn on the way. easy anni- (10) and Fiona (7). Jeanine is a stay-at- Ryan is al- v e r s a r y home mom, and Kevin is an attorney most 4 years date re- for an investment firm. Three of their old, and June and Robert Melnyk m i n d e r . four children were baptized at Annun- Owen is Our five ciation. The family enjoys coming back nineteen months. They expect their c h i l d r e n to Crestwood every year on Halloween third son in January. and five to trick-or-treat and say happy birthday grandchil- to Jeanine’s father! Robert, who graduated from Ford- dren are ham Prep and Iona College and is a our shared

former U.S. Marine, is now the Head of joy.” Mary Lou LaSala ‘79 had known Operations for a hedge fund. June Karen and Bob Wasp Ed Pagano ‘75 for many years because went to Ursuline and Iona College for “ W e Ed was in both her undergraduate and graduate are now both retired from full-time Mary Lou’s degrees She worked in marketing be- work but now have interesting part- sister, An- fore becoming a stay-at-home mom. time businesses. This past month, we drea’s, class traveled through Italy and Germany at Annuncia- including a fun Octoberfest party. Karen Opperman Wasp ‘62 and tion. A Travel is part of our newfound life.” Robert Wasp ‘62 have a nice story to chance meet- tell. Here are Bob’s words describing ing in Larch- “It is funny now as we look back at their relationship. “We recall those mont during Mary Lou and Ed Pagano school memorabilia like silly rhymes young teen attractions during our final Mary Lou’s about the two of us in those autograph year in grade school that somehow, in junior year in college started a relation- books or our graduation picture on the the fall of 1962, led to a real date at a ship that led to their marriage on Sep- church steps that show me placed just high school dance in the Bronx. Nei- tember 9, 1989. behind Karen. Sometimes I wonder ther one of us remembers much about that date. We lost contact at that time. (continued on page 9) Page 9 The Annunciator

Annunciation Sweethearts (continued from page 8)

Most Recent Alumni Couple what would be if I had called Karen- back after our one date, but we both do Cathryn Melnyk ‘92 asked Brian Duffy ’91 to the St. Vincent's dances believe this was just our destiny, and we both her freshman and sophomore years at Ursuline. They dated for a few feel blessed to be where we are today.” months and remained friends throughout high school, even though Brian did not invite her to his senior prom at Fordham Prep - a mistake he regrets to this day. We were not able to interview all Annunciation Sweethearts and Brian enrolled at Catholic University and thank those who agreed to be inter- Cathryn entered Fairfield University. viewed for their time! They remained close friends and stayed in touch during college. Brian made the rounds, transferring home to Iona, and later Concordia, while Cathryn transferred to Man- Upcoming Articles in hattanville College, and they saw each other The Annunciator more often, and even worked part-time for a few months together at a market research firm Here are some of the topics that we in Tarrytown while going to school. will be covering in future editions of Entering the 21st century, they both had share houses in the Hamptons and The Annunciator. Cathryn would spend weekends out at the Duffy's in Montauk. Cathryn was a good friend of the Duffy's for years. Brian’s father, John, had coached Cathryn Alumni Entrepreneurs—Do you own in basketball at Annunciation from 5th to 8th grade. your own business? Have you decided When the summer of 2001 ended, the attacks of September 11th brought that being your own boss is best? We’d them closer together. Brian's brother, Chris ‘92, had perished and was a class- like to write about your business. mate and great friend of Cathryn’s at Annunciation. Says Brian, “Cathryn was always checking on me to make sure I was ok and was a great friend in the months that followed. She lost her Dad at a young age and knew how to ap- Volunteers—So many of us volunteer proach me and was an incredible supporter and friend in a time of tragedy.” our time. We’d like to hear about the They began dating in the spring of 2003. Both moved to Manhattan in 2005 living just three blocks away from each other (just as they had in Crestwood!) organizations or causes that have ex- In August of 2007, Brian and Cathryn got engaged on the beach in Montauk cited you into making a large volunteer across from Gosman's dock. Brian tells the story. “I got her good. Everyone commitment. knew about it except her. I told her our friend who was also Chris's best friend,

Bill McNamara ‘92, was coming over on his boat from the North Fork with his wife Kim. We needed to pick them up ,and she should get dressed up, since we Traveling the World—Does this were going to dinner with them. We stood on the beach, ‘waiting for Bill’. Just alumni newsletter reach you in a for- then, my brother, Kevin, and my sisters. Kara and Caitlin, came through eign country? If you live outside the the channel with a giant sign that read ‘CATHRYN, WILL YOU MARRY United States, we’d like to hear about ME?’” where you live and what brought you “After saying ‘yes’, she asked me if we were still going out to dinner! No, instead, both of our entire families were waiting at my house, and we had a nice to live there. barbeque. A true family-style celebration.” Brian and Cathryn were married on October 25th, 2008 at Annunciation. Father Tierney was the If you’d like to be part of any of these celebrant and the reception was held at Westchester stories, please contact the editor at Country Club in Rye where over 100 Crestwoodians [email protected] helped celebrate. Many fellow Annunciation alumni, both family and friends, were in the wedding party. Your stories are what make this Cathryn and Brian moved back to Crestwood in newsletter fun and interesting. We 2008 and on October 6, 2010, they welcomed their look forward to hearing from you! first child, a son, Jack Christopher. October 2010 Page 10

Happy Faces from the Past Deceased Alumni Mass To Be Held Saturday, November 6th

All alumni are invited to attend the Annual Deceased Alumni Mass on Saturday, November 6, at 5:00 p.m. The names of all deceased alumni will be read aloud at the Mass. In addition, the children and families of An- nunciation School promise to pray for these individuals on a daily basis throughout the month of November. We hope that you will consider joining us for Mass and re- member your deceased former classmates.

Deaths Please pray for the repose of the souls of the fol- lowing alumni: William F. Wilkinson ‘56, brother of Isabel, ‘52, Alice ‘60, Thomas ‘62 and Julia ‘66 This photo of the happy children from the Class of 1960 (watched over by the statue of Mary in the window) was We also pray for the souls of the following family taken in their early years at Annunciation. of alumni: Front Row: Tim Arnstein, Rich Cataldo, Richard Niesz and unknown Robert Fordham, father of Patricia ‘64, Kathleen ‘66, 2nd row: Patty Vitolo, Bixie Kane, Carolyn Mangone, Linda Pivowar, Teresa ‘70, Robert ‘72 and unknown Rita Newbrand, mother of long-time Annunciation teacher, Mary Ellen DiSenso Happy Faces from the Past—Part 2 William Warneke, father of Virginia ‘61, William ‘69, Barbara, and Betty Helen O’Connor, mother of Thomas ‘57, Dennis ‘65 and Theresa ‘61 James Lilly, father of Kevin ‘76, Brian ‘78, Michael ‘80, Sean ‘82, Patrick, ‘86, Brendan ‘90 and the late James ‘77 Michael Cavallo, father of Michael ‘80 and Dina ‘82 and grandfather of Michael ‘08, Vincent ‘13, Edward ‘14, Elizabeth ‘16, and Santina ‘18 Miriam Walsh, mother of Jane, James ‘67, and Kathleen ‘72

Fr. Francis Genslinger, Msgr. Vincent Brosnan and Fr. Raymond Mary Levine, mother of Kaitlyn ‘06, Colleen ‘09, and Hyland pose for a photo in 1966 Robert ‘11 Page 11 The Annunciator

Milestones Milestone Spotlight Births Kieran Alexander Daly, son of Katie and Brendan Daly Lisa Sershen & John Fernandez ‘92 was born on March 17, 2010. The Daly family lives in Bronxville, NY.

Brian McSherry ‘84 and his wife, Jennifer Hwang, are pleased to announce the birth of their second daughter, Ava Rose, on April 25, 2010. She joins her sister Emma. Ava was baptized at Annunciation Church. Brian and his wife are both attorneys and residents of Manhattan, NY.

Owen Martin Brown, son of Kerry and Michael Brown ‘91, was born on April 30, 2010 Owen is also the grand- son of Chris Grealy Brown Daly ‘62. Michael works as a litigation associate for Cooley Manion Jones LLP. Owen joins older brother Colin. The family lives in Milton, MA.

John DeTone ‘94 and his wife, Kacy, announce the birth of their first child, John Robert, on May 14, 2010. John is Photo by Chris Fig Productions a ceramic tile mechanic and Kacy is a stay-at-home mom. The family lives in Edgemont, NY. Lisa Sershen ‘92 married John Fernandez on September 17, 2010 at Annunciation Church. Msgr. Dennis Keane officiated. Brian ‘91 and Cathryn Melnyk Duffy ‘92 announce the They celebrated their reception at The W New York in Man- birth of their first child, Jack Christopher Duffy, on Octo- hattan. Lisa’s sister, Keri ‘91, was the maid of honor, and her ber 6, 2010. Jack, who was originally due on 10/10/10, little sister, Krisztina ‘16, was the flower girl. Bridesmaids made an early appearance at Mt. Sinai Hospital, weighing included Christine Neumayer, Diana Papa and Victoria Fer- in at 8 lbs., 15 oz. Here’s hoping that Jack will be the nandez. Lisa is the web systems manager for WESTMED starting center on the 2018-2019 Annunciation rookies Medical Group, and John is a chef for the Andaz 5th Avenue basketball team. Hotel. The happy couple honeymooned in Puerto Rico and now make their home in New Rochelle, NY. Marriages Marissa Ann Larca ‘97 and her groom, Edward Thomas Veronika Sikorski and Drew Youngren ‘92, son of Conrad and Pena, were wed on June 13, 2010 at Annunciation Linda Oppermann Youngren ‘61, were married on July 10, Church. The Maid of Honor was Angelica Pancrudo ’97 2010 at St. Anne’s Church in Warsaw, Poland. Drew’s brother, and the Best Man was Anthony Pena, cousin of the Craig ‘90 was the groom’s witness. Drew teaches mathematics groom. The wedding reception was held at The Villa Bar- at Bard HS/Early College in NYC and Veronika is the COO of one Hilltop Manor in Mahopac, NY. The happy couple ELM Suspension Systems, Inc. The couple lives in Manhattan. spent their honeymoon in the Dominican Republic. Ma- rissa presently holds the position of Personal Banker/ Banking Officer with M&T Bank. Edward currently holds Laura DeDona ‘84 is marrying Stephen Hollatz at Annuncia- the position of Store Manager with the retail supermarket tion Church on October 30. Laura lives in West Hollywood, chain of Stop & Shop. The newlyweds are now residing in CA where she has her own PR consulting business for televi- Colonial Heights, NY. sion.

October 2010 Page 12

Reunions,Reunions, Reunions, Reunions!

Class of 1964 Convenes for a Weekend of Fun by Barbara Begnal Scovotti ‘64

The Annunciation School Class of our 8th grade memo- 1964 had their 46th year reunion this ries. Cleese's and Schultze summer on the last weekend of Field were a distant second and July. An unusual number of years to third. celebrate, but we had so much fun All of us are continuing getting together to plan the reun- to stay connected, so if anyone ion for the last four years that noth- wants to be in touch, please ing ever was accomplished! Our email Barbara Begnal Scovotti members have turned or will turn 60 at [email protected]. Our years old this year. memories are irreplaceable. No gray hair, wrinkles, beer bellies or muffin tops were in evidence at the reunion. And we all looked ex- actly as we had at our graduation in 1964! Our graduation photo was there as evidence, along with auto- graph books and other photos and memorabilia. (Who was Whitey, and The women (above) and men why was everyone in love with him?) (left) of the Class of 1964 smile About thirty people attended the for the camera. Friday night event at The American Photos courtesy Paul Guarneri Bistro at Crestwood station, the site of the old Plaza Lounge. Some spouses even attended as well, and were very good sports to endure all the "remember when". The Annun- ciation trivia game met with a rousing Class of 1985 Celebrates 25 years response. Saturday night dinner was at Ciao in Eastchester, where we became very sentimental and promised to stay in touch forever. Hugs and kisses abounded. We had an abso- lutely fabulous, hilarious time the whole weekend! People attended from as far away as the Chicago area, the Carolinas, Vermont, Texas, New Jersey, Con- necticut and Cooperstown, NY. Our laughter and tears echoed throughout the Crestwood area. Sadly, we lost two of our dear friends, Jimmy Santore and Mike Duffield way too young! Regis Duncanson was not in attendance, but was in the forefront of everyone's heart and Class members pose for a picture at their 25th reunion held at Burke’s Restau- thoughts. His mother's white Ply- rant & Bar on Bronx River Road in Yonkers, NY in June. Members traveled from mouth Valiant was the highlight of near and far to attend. Page 13 The Annunciator Class Notes 1954 Virginia Tech. Daughter Erin, 23, gradu- mer neighbors and friends from Crest- ated from Virginia Tech in 2008 and is wood and can be reached at Walter Lotz lives in Summerfield, FL employed by Marriott Hotels as an event [email protected]. and Slingerlands, NY just outside of planner. Son John Jr., 26, Radford Uni- Albany. He loves to golf and still en- versity ‘06 and Virginia Commonwealth joys helping people learn how to be a University ‘09, recently became engaged 1973 responsible social drinker and drive at the Cliffs of Moher on a family trip to within the limits of the law. After Richard Sweeney is running for Ireland. John and Ashley (of Canandai- spending twelve years as a volunteer Yonkers City Court Judge in Novem- gua, NY) plan a July, 2011 wedding. fireman and on the rescue squad, he ber. If you are a Yonkers resident or answered so many calls involving The O’Toole family, parish members know any Yonkers residents, tell them deaths due to drunk drivers that he from 1963-1977, resided at 1 St. Elea- to vote Sweeney! has developed a passion for exposing nora’s Lane. Being in such close prox- new technologies to parents and imity to Schultze Field, the O’Toole adults. More on this to come in our children spent many hours playing ball, 1975 “Entrepreneurs” article in the next either with Hillcrest Lakers or shagging Catherine Tahmin is a clinical psy- newsletter! balls for Mr. Byrnes who often brought chologist with a full-time private prac- sons Timmy and Tommy to the field for tice that she loves. She lives in . Herbie, the Good Humor rural outskirts of Petaluma, CA where 1955 man, would often stop outside she has two hens that lay eggs, Pheobe Richard Colesanti and his wife, Bar- “O’Tooleville” and ring his bells know- and Godzilla, and a wiley fox terrier bara, are traveling to Italy for the first ing that the kids would run outside who can’t seem to stay out of trouble. two weeks of October. Rich tracked clutching a dollar bill, “ten double sticks, She has written poetry since Mrs. down some relatives on his paternal one for each kid now and one for after Seiler’s 8th grade class and is just now grandfather’s side. They plan to visit dinner”. Yes, they were a dime each trying to get some poems published. the small town where they live. back in the day! There are also fond Catherine gardens, cycles and has re- memories of riding bikes to Crestwood cently taken up running. She is also

Station to get a Cherry Coke at Clisis plugging away on a book that she 1961 Lucheonette, and trick-or-treating, espe- hopes to have published one day on cially at the house of the Talking Pump- the topic of addiction. See Reunion News on page 6 kins!

Stacey’s mom, Audrey, resides in Or- 1978 1962 mond Beach, FL. Brother Brian ‘68, resides in Fairfield, CT with wife, Dar- Anne Fitzgerald Kiernan is living in Jerry Tracy who lives with his wife, lene, and son, Tyler, a sophomore at Allentown, PA working for Air Prod- Mary, in Columbus, OH joined his Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL, the ucts and Chemicals, Inc. as a patent brothers, Tim, Terry '72 and Kerry alma mater of his dad, Uncle Kevin and attorney. She has been married to '75 for a round of golf on September Uncle Jim. Brian’s twin, Kevin ‘68, died Brian Kiernan for 23 years. They have 19 at a memorial golf outing for St. suddenly last summer in Long Beach, four children: Caitlin graduated in Charles Prep in memory of Jerry's son, CA and is greatly missed by his entire May, 2010 from Villanova with a Civil Gerard, who passed away last family. Brother Jim ‘76 resides in Or- Engineering degree and has a job year. Though they didn't win, the mond Beach, FL with wife, Patricia, and (YAY!!); Brian, Jr. is in his second year brothers had a great time together. children Lauren (12) and Mason (11). at West Point (Go Army, Beat Navy!

Sister Caren (Missy) ‘69 resides in New My husband loves that: he was ROTC 1971 Smyrna Beach, FL with husband, Dick, Navy.), Siobhan and Bridget are in and tends to the cattle and horses on See Reunion News on page 6 high school. The Kiernans are thank- their seventy-five acre ranch. Caren’s ful to God for all the good that He Stacey O’Toole Vellines currently daughter, Christy, and her husband, has bestowed on them. resides in Norfolk, VA with her hus- Justin, reside in Thomasville, NC with It is hard to believe it has been 32 band of thirty years, John. Their their four-year-old daughter, Marin. The years since my class graduated. It daughter Lindsay, 19, is a freshman at O’Tooles would love to hear from for- would be fun to have another class October 2010 Page 14

Class Notes (continued)continued)continued)continued) Thanksgiving Weekend Alumni Reunion reunion...it has been a long, long time Calling All Classes since the last one. That is a not too subtle hint to my classmates living in Please Report to the Gym! Crestwood to organize something.

You are invited to be part of Annunciation's Annual Co-Ed Alumni Basketball 1986 games. This fun evening takes place in the Annunciation School gym on Friday, Terrence Finneran moved to Miami, November 26, at 6:00 p.m. FL in January 2010. He is now a litiga- tor at White & Case LLP in down- Admission: $10 per person/$30 family max. town Miami. His wife, Allison, an (includes snacks, sandwiches and beverages) immigration attorney at the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Project, and he Three basketball games are planned: happily reside in Key Biscayne. All 1st game High School Aged Alumni Knights are welcome to visit! 2nd game College Aged Alumni 3rd game "Oldies but Goodies" 1988 Please RSVP to [email protected] for the basketball evening. Please re- Michael Finneran recently purchased spond by Monday, November 22 so that we can be sure to have enough food. a house in Fairfield, CT with his wife, Julie. Michael and Julie have two chil- dren, Liam age 3 1/2 and Nora who is NY. She is currently attending Bank pated in excursions to Siena, Perugia 18 months old, and are expecting a Street College of Education to pursue and Venice. She enjoyed the many third child in the spring. Michael is a a MS in Child Life and is working as a learning experiences she had on the trip Financial Advisor and Vice President Child Life Assistant at New York and enjoyed the beauty of the cities, of Wealth Management for Morgan Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Hospital museums and churches she visited. Stanley Smith Barney in Westport, and as a dance teacher. CT. He also serves as the Complex After her return from Italy, Meghan had

Business Development Officer 24 hours to regroup and then embarked for MSSB's offices in Westport, Fair- 2005 on a trip to Lourdes, France. As one of field, New Haven, and Madison, four Holy Child girls chosen to repre- Brendan O’Grady helped coach Iona CT. Michael makes sure to visit his sent her school, she joined other area Prep’s Crew Team to a National Crew mother and brother, Tim, who still high school seniors and worked a youth Title. At the SRAA Nationals in Sara- reside in Annunciation parish. He pilgrimage. She worked tirelessly, help- toga Springs, NY on May 29, the Gaels enjoys hearing the stories from his ing the people who flocked to Lourdes finished first in the Men’s Junior 4+ wonderful nieces who attend Annun- in search of a miracle. Her day included final race. Brendan, who rowed for ciation about how great the school is daily Mass, nightly reflection and par- Iona Prep when he was a student there, doing. Fortunately for them, they ticipation in Rosary processions. is an assistant coach. don't quite understand what the Meghan returned with life changing BENCH was and why their Uncle experiences of her faith and looks for- Michael spent so much time on it. 2007 ward to doing it again. Meghan Barry had a busy summer in 2001 2010. She was selected as one of 12 Holy Child students to participate in an Don’t delay….Send in your Upon graduating from Cornell Uni- Italian Cultural Studies Program. She class note today! versity, Laura Romeo completed a studied Italian and jewelry making in year of service with the Americorps Florence, Italy for 3-1/2 weeks in July. Email [email protected] program, City Year NY, in Brooklyn, In addition to her classes, she partici- Page 15 The Annunciator

Fiorito Receives AllAll----AmericanAmerican Honors Alumni, Please Re-

Dan Fiorito ‘04 was named a was second highest on the team, while port to the Gym! D3Baseball.com All-American honor- his 60 hits tied him for 6th on the able mention for Spring 2010. Dan, school’s all time single season list. His The annual co-ed alumni basket- who missed 41 RBIs tied him for 9th on the school’s ball games will take place in the An- his freshman all time list. nunciation School gym on Friday, year due to A highlight of this season was a November 26. There are three injury, played grand slam home run which came in the for the Man- games: one for high schoolers, one seventh inning of the Valiant’s game hattanville for the college kids and one for the against FDU-Florham. That home run, Valiants in his fifth of the season, clinched the “oldies but goodies.” the outfield, Freedom Conference Championship for as a pitcher Please consider joining us for the Valiants. and as a des- this fun evening which continues to ignated hit- Dan Fiorito at bat for This is the first All-American recog- grow each year. ter. Manhattanville College nition for a Manhattanville College base- ball player. In addition, Dan was named For more information, please Dan ended the season with impres- to the All-Freedom Conference team. sive statistics. His .420 batting average see page 14. Running in his Brother’s Footsteps for Charity Our January 2010 issue covered a that you have a spot with nine weeks It isn’t easy balancing the academ- story about Steven Quinn ‘97 who ran remaining. However, with the experi- ics, the extra-curricular activities the New York City Marathon to benefit ence that Rudy had as a runner in both (intramural softball and basketball) Ronald McDonald House. Now his grammar school and high school, it and the training. It’s a credit to his brother, Rudy ‘03, is continuing the should not be a problem. determination that Rudy, who is an family tradition, running this year’s Accounting-Finance double major in Rudy ran cross country and track at ING NYC Marathon on Sunday, No- the Carroll School of Management, is Annunciation. As a 7th grader, and vember 7, 2010, to benefit the same taking a full load of classes, beginning again in 8th grade, he won the CYO charity. his post-college job search, and is School Boys' Race in the fall season. able to train six days a week with Although Rudy, a senior at Boston Rudy also ran long runs (10-20 miles) on weekends. College, had submitted a lottery appli- cross country It goes without saying that the life of cation in February for a place in the while attending a college senior could contain lots of marathon, his name was not pulled. Regis High recreation on the weekends, but Enter the Ronald McDonald House School, where Rudy has to keep that part of his so- who, along with other charities, is allo- he was 1st cial life toned down so that he is able cated a certain number of runner posi- team All-NYC to do the more grueling weekend tions. Each runner then commits to as a freshman runs. raising money to benefit the charity. and 2nd Team Steven had run to benefit RMD and All-NYC as a To donate to Rudy’s cause, go to now Rudy has a chance to do the same. sophomore. the Ronald McDonald House website Rudy Quinn will be The discipline www.rmdh.org, click on the Learning that he had a spot on running the ING NYC has carried “Fundraising Events” tab and find RMH’s team, just prior to leaving for MarathonMarathonMarathon over, and Rudy the “ING NYC Marathon”. Then his senior year at Boston College, Rudy has not missed a day of training since type in “Rudy Quinn” to find a run- has had to ramp up his training. The learning that he had received a runner’s ner, and you will be directed to standard 18 week training program no spot. Rudy’s donation page. longer applies when you only find out